1.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/* eslint sort-keys: ["error", "asc"] */
2/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
4const options = require("./options.js");
6module.exports = {
7 env: {
8 mocha: true,
9 jest: true,
10 },
11 globals: {
12 cy: true,
13 Cypress: true,
14 assert: true,
15 },
16 rules: {
17 /* eslint-enable sort-keys */
18 // chai uses these as assertions
19 "@babel/no-unused-expressions": "off",
20 // In order to make mocks more condensed, single line blocks are allowed in tests
21 "brace-style": ["warn", "1tbs", { allowSingleLine: true }],
22 // Storybook stories export a default config object which gets used by their pipeline
23 "import/no-anonymous-default-export": "off",
24 // In test scenarios this kind of module pattern is more usual
25 "import/no-unassigned-import": "off",
26 // Long tests are not necessarily a problem, but there is a certain limit
27 "max-lines": "off",
28 // mocha blocks are nested all the way down
29 "max-nested-callbacks": "off",
30 // Can increase the readability of a test if simple mocking functions are in one line
31 "max-statements-per-line": ["warn", { max: 2 }],
32 // Allows empty catch blocks in try clauses
33 "no-empty": "off",
34 // If you want to test for thrown errors in a constructor function, it's common to ignore the result
35 // @see https://github.com/peerigon/clockodo/pull/1#discussion_r180795825
36 "no-new": "off",
38 "warn",
39 "double",
40 {
41 ...options["quotes"],
42 // Allow Jest inline snapshots
43 allowTemplateLiterals: true,
44 },
45 ],
46 },