1 | # eslint-config-prettier [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis]
2 |
3 | Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with [Prettier].
4 |
5 | This lets you use you favorite shareable config without letting its stylistic
6 | choices get in the way when using Prettier.
7 |
8 | Note that this config _only_ turns rules _off,_ so it only makes sense using
9 | it together with some other config.
10 |
11 | ## Contents
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | - [Installation](#installation)
18 | - [CLI helper tool](#cli-helper-tool)
19 | - [Example configuration](#example-configuration)
20 | - [Special rules](#special-rules)
21 | - [arrow-body-style and prefer-arrow-callback](#arrow-body-style-and-prefer-arrow-callback)
22 | - [curly](#curly)
23 | - [lines-around-comment](#lines-around-comment)
24 | - [max-len](#max-len)
25 | - [no-confusing-arrow](#no-confusing-arrow)
26 | - [no-mixed-operators](#no-mixed-operators)
27 | - [no-tabs](#no-tabs)
28 | - [no-unexpected-multiline](#no-unexpected-multiline)
29 | - [quotes](#quotes)
30 | - [Enforce backticks](#enforce-backticks)
31 | - [Forbid unnecessary backticks](#forbid-unnecessary-backticks)
32 | - [Example _double_ quote configuration](#example-_double_-quote-configuration)
33 | - [Example _single_ quote configuration](#example-_single_-quote-configuration)
34 | - [vue/html-self-closing](#vuehtml-self-closing)
35 | - [Other rules worth mentioning](#other-rules-worth-mentioning)
36 | - [no-sequences](#no-sequences)
37 | - [Contributing](#contributing)
38 | - [License](#license)
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 | ## Installation
43 |
44 | Tip: First, you might be interested in installing [eslint-plugin-prettier].
45 | Follow the instructions over there. This is optional, though.
46 |
47 | Install eslint-config-prettier:
48 |
49 | ```
50 | npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
51 | ```
52 |
53 | Then, add eslint-config-prettier to the "extends" array in your `.eslintrc.*`
54 | file. Make sure to put it **last,** so it gets the chance to override other
55 | configs.
56 |
57 | ```json
58 | {
59 | "extends": [
60 | "some-other-config-you-use",
61 | "prettier"
62 | ]
63 | }
64 | ```
65 |
66 | A few ESLint plugins are supported as well:
67 |
68 | - [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]
69 | - [eslint-plugin-babel]
70 | - [eslint-plugin-flowtype]
71 | - [eslint-plugin-react]
72 | - [eslint-plugin-standard]
73 | - [eslint-plugin-unicorn]
74 | - [eslint-plugin-vue]
75 |
76 | Add extra exclusions for the plugins you use like so:
77 |
78 | ```json
79 | {
80 | "extends": [
81 | "some-other-config-you-use",
82 | "prettier",
83 | "prettier/@typescript-eslint",
84 | "prettier/babel",
85 | "prettier/flowtype",
86 | "prettier/react",
87 | "prettier/standard",
88 | "prettier/unicorn",
89 | "prettier/vue"
90 | ]
91 | }
92 | ```
93 |
94 | If you extend a config which uses a plugin, it is recommended to add
95 | `"prettier/that-plugin"` (if available). For example, [eslint-config-airbnb]
96 | enables [eslint-plugin-react] rules, so `"prettier/react"` is needed:
97 |
98 | ```json
99 | {
100 | "extends": [
101 | "airbnb",
102 | "prettier",
103 | "prettier/react"
104 | ]
105 | }
106 | ```
107 |
108 | If you’re unsure which plugins are used, you can usually find them in your
109 | `package.json`.
110 |
111 | ## CLI helper tool
112 |
113 | eslint-config-prettier also ships with a little CLI tool to help you check if
114 | your configuration contains any rules that are unnecessary or conflict with
115 | Prettier.
116 |
117 | First, add a script for it to package.json:
118 |
119 | ```json
120 | {
121 | "scripts": {
122 | "eslint-check": "eslint --print-config . | eslint-config-prettier-check"
123 | }
124 | }
125 | ```
126 |
127 | Then run `npm run eslint-check`.
128 |
129 | If you use [multiple configuration files] or [overrides], you may need to run
130 | the above script several times with different `--print-config` arguments, such
131 | as:
132 |
133 | ```
134 | eslint --print-config test/index.js | eslint-config-prettier-check
135 | ```
136 |
137 | Exit codes:
138 |
139 | - 0: No problems found.
140 | - 1: Unexpected error.
141 | - 2: Conflicting rules found.
142 |
143 | ## Example configuration
144 |
145 | ```json
146 | {
147 | "extends": [
148 | "standard",
149 | "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended",
150 | "plugin:flowtype/recommended",
151 | "plugin:react/recommended",
152 | "plugin:unicorn/recommended",
153 | "plugin:vue/recommended",
154 | "prettier",
155 | "prettier/@typescript-eslint",
156 | "prettier/babel",
157 | "prettier/flowtype",
158 | "prettier/react",
159 | "prettier/standard",
160 | "prettier/unicorn",
161 | "prettier/vue"
162 | ],
163 | "plugins": [
164 | "@typescript-eslint",
165 | "babel",
166 | "flowtype",
167 | "prettier",
168 | "react",
169 | "standard",
170 | "unicorn",
171 | "vue"
172 | ],
173 | "parserOptions": {
174 | "sourceType": "module",
175 | "ecmaFeatures": {
176 | "jsx": true
177 | }
178 | },
179 | "env": {
180 | "es6": true,
181 | "node": true
182 | },
183 | "rules": {
184 | "prettier/prettier": "error"
185 | }
186 | }
187 | ```
188 |
189 | ## Special rules
190 |
191 | There a few rules that eslint-config-prettier disables that actually can be
192 | enabled in some cases.
193 |
194 | - Some require certain options. The CLI helper tool validates this.
195 | - Some require special attention when writing code. The CLI helper tool warns
196 | you if any of those rules are enabled, but can’t tell if anything is
197 | problematic.
198 | - Some can cause problems if using [eslint-plugin-prettier] and `--fix`.
199 |
200 | For maximum ease of use, the special rules are disabled by default. If you want
201 | them, you need to explicitly specify them in your ESLint config.
202 |
203 | ### [arrow-body-style] and [prefer-arrow-callback]
204 |
205 | **These rules might cause problems if using [eslint-plugin-prettier] and `--fix`.**
206 |
207 | If you use any of these rules together with the `prettier/prettier` rule from
208 | [eslint-plugin-prettier], you can in some cases end up with invalid code due to
209 | a bug in ESLint’s autofix.
210 |
211 | These rules are safe to use if:
212 |
213 | - You don’t use [eslint-plugin-prettier]. In other words, you run `eslint --fix`
214 | and `prettier --write` as separate steps.
215 | - You _do_ use [eslint-plugin-prettier], but don’t use `--fix`. (But then,
216 | what’s the point?)
217 |
218 | You _can_ still use these rules together with [eslint-plugin-prettier] if you
219 | want, because the bug does not occur _all the time._ But if you do, you need to
220 | keep in mind that you might end up with invalid code, where you manually have to
221 | insert a missing closing parenthesis to get going again.
222 |
223 | If you’re fixing large of amounts of previously unformatted code, consider
224 | temporarily disabling the `prettier/prettier` rule and running `eslint --fix`
225 | and `prettier --write` separately.
226 |
227 | See these issues for more information:
228 |
229 | - [eslint-config-prettier#31]
230 | - [eslint-config-prettier#71]
231 | - [eslint-plugin-prettier#65]
232 |
233 | When the autofix bug in ESLint has been fixed, the special case for these rules
234 | can be removed.
235 |
236 | ### [curly]
237 |
238 | **This rule requires certain options.**
239 |
240 | If a block (for example after `if`, `else`, `for` or `while`) contains only one
241 | statement, JavaScript allows omitting the curly braces around that statement.
242 | This rule enforces if or when those optional curly braces should be omitted.
243 |
244 | If you use the `"multi-line"` or `"multi-or-nest"` option, the rule can conflict
245 | with Prettier.
246 |
247 | For example, the `"multi-line"` option allows this line:
248 |
249 | ```js
250 | if (cart.items && cart.items[0] && cart.items[0].quantity === 0) updateCart(cart);
251 | ```
252 |
253 | However, Prettier might consider the line too long and turn it into the
254 | following, which the `"multi-line"` option does _not_ allow:
255 |
256 | ```js
257 | if (cart.items && cart.items[0] && cart.items[0].quantity === 0)
258 | updateCart(cart);
259 | ```
260 |
261 | If you like this rule, it can be used just fine with Prettier as long as you
262 | don’t use the `"multi-line"` or `"multi-or-nest"` option.
263 |
264 | Example ESLint configuration:
265 |
266 | ```json
267 | {
268 | "rules": {
269 | "curly": ["error", "all"]
270 | }
271 | }
272 | ```
273 |
274 | ### [lines-around-comment]
275 |
276 | **This rule can be used with certain options.**
277 |
278 | This rule requires empty lines before and/or after comments. Prettier preserves
279 | blank lines, with two exceptions:
280 |
281 | - Several blank lines in a row are collapsed into a single blank line. This is
282 | fine.
283 | - Blank lines at the beginning and end of blocks, objects and arrays are always
284 | removed. This may lead to conflicts.
285 |
286 | By default, ESLint requires a blank line above the comment is this case:
287 |
288 | ```js
289 | if (result) {
290 |
291 | /* comment */
292 | return result;
293 | }
294 | ```
295 |
296 | However, Prettier removes the blank line:
297 |
298 | ```js
299 | if (result) {
300 | /* comment */
301 | return result;
302 | }
303 | ```
304 |
305 | If you like this rule, it can be used just fine with Prettier as long as you add
306 | some extra configuration to allow comments at the start and end of blocks,
307 | objects and arrays.
308 |
309 | Example ESLint configuration:
310 |
311 | ```json
312 | {
313 | "rules": {
314 | "lines-around-comment": [
315 | "error",
316 | {
317 | "beforeBlockComment": true,
318 | "afterBlockComment": true,
319 | "beforeLineComment": true,
320 | "afterLineComment": true,
321 | "allowBlockStart": true,
322 | "allowBlockEnd": true,
323 | "allowObjectStart": true,
324 | "allowObjectEnd": true,
325 | "allowArrayStart": true,
326 | "allowArrayEnd": true
327 | }
328 | ]
329 | }
330 | }
331 | ```
332 |
333 | ### [max-len]
334 |
335 | **This rule requires special attention when writing code.**
336 |
337 | Usually, Prettier takes care of following a maximum line length automatically.
338 | However, there are cases where Prettier can’t do anything, such as for long
339 | strings, regular expressions and comments. Those need to be split up by a human.
340 |
341 | If you’d like to enforce an even stricter maximum line length policy than
342 | Prettier can provide automatically, you can enable this rule. Just remember to
343 | keep `max-len`’s options and Prettier’s `printWidth` option in sync.
344 |
345 | Keep in mind that you might have to refactor code slightly if Prettier formats
346 | lines in a way that the `max-len` rule does not approve of.
347 |
348 | Example ESLint configuration:
349 |
350 | ```json
351 | {
352 | "rules": {
353 | "max-len": ["error", {"code": 80, "ignoreUrls": true}]
354 | }
355 | }
356 | ```
357 |
358 | ### [no-confusing-arrow]
359 |
360 | **This rule requires certain options.**
361 |
362 | For example, the rule could warn about this line:
363 |
364 | ```js
365 | var x = a => 1 ? 2 : 3;
366 | ```
367 |
368 | By default, ESLint suggests switching to an explicit return:
369 |
370 | ```js
371 | var x = a => { return 1 ? 2 : 3; };
372 | ```
373 |
374 | That causes no problems with Prettier.
375 |
376 | With `{allowParens: true}`, adding parentheses is also considered a valid way to
377 | avoid the arrow confusion:
378 |
379 | ```js
380 | var x = a => (1 ? 2 : 3);
381 | ```
382 |
383 | While Prettier keeps thoses parentheses, it removes them if the line is long
384 | enough to introduce a line break:
385 |
386 | ```js
387 | EnterpriseCalculator.prototype.calculateImportantNumbers = inputNumber =>
388 | 1 ? 2 : 3;
389 | ```
390 |
391 | If you like this rule, it can be used just fine with Prettier as long as the
392 | `allowParens` option is off.
393 |
394 | Example ESLint configuration:
395 |
396 | ```json
397 | {
398 | "rules": {
399 | "no-confusing-arrow": "error"
400 | }
401 | }
402 | ```
403 |
404 | ### [no-mixed-operators]
405 |
406 | **This rule requires special attention when writing code.**
407 |
408 | This rule forbids mixing certain operators, such as `&&` and `||`.
409 |
410 | For example, the rule could warn about this line:
411 |
412 | ```js
413 | var foo = a + b * c;
414 | ```
415 |
416 | The rule suggests adding parentheses, like this:
417 |
418 | ```js
419 | var foo = a + (b * c);
420 | ```
421 |
422 | However, Prettier removes many “unnecessary” parentheses, turning it back to:
423 |
424 | ```js
425 | var foo = a + b * c;
426 | ```
427 |
428 | If you want to use this rule with Prettier, you need to split the expression
429 | into another variable:
430 |
431 | ```js
432 | var bar = b * c;
433 | var foo = a + bar;
434 | ```
435 |
436 | Keep in mind that Prettier prints _some_ “unnecessary” parentheses, though:
437 |
438 | ```js
439 | var foo = (a && b) || c;
440 | ```
441 |
442 | Example ESLint configuration:
443 |
444 | ```json
445 | {
446 | "rules": {
447 | "no-mixed-operators": "error"
448 | }
449 | }
450 | ```
451 |
452 | ### [no-tabs]
453 |
454 | **This rule requires certain Prettier options.**
455 |
456 | This rule disallows the use of tab characters at all. It can be used just fine
457 | with Prettier as long as you don’t configure Prettier to indent using tabs.
458 |
459 | Example ESLint configuration:
460 |
461 | ```json
462 | {
463 | "rules": {
464 | "no-tabs": "error"
465 | }
466 | }
467 | ```
468 |
469 | Example Prettier configuration (this is the default, so adding this is not
470 | required):
471 |
472 | ```json
473 | {
474 | "useTabs": false
475 | }
476 | ```
477 |
478 | **Note:** Since [ESlint 5.7.0] this rule can be configured to work regardless of
479 | your Prettier configuration:
480 |
481 | ```json
482 | {
483 | "rules": {
484 | "no-tabs": ["error", {"allowIndentationTabs": true}]
485 | }
486 | }
487 | ```
488 |
489 | A future version of eslint-config-prettier might check for that automatically.
490 |
491 | ### [no-unexpected-multiline]
492 |
493 | **This rule requires special attention when writing code.**
494 |
495 | This rule disallows confusing multiline expressions where a newline looks like
496 | it is ending a statement, but is not.
497 |
498 | For example, the rule could warn about this:
499 |
500 | ```js
501 | var hello = "world"
502 | [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber)
503 | ```
504 |
505 | Prettier usually formats this in a way that makes it obvious that a semicolon
506 | was missing:
507 |
508 | ```js
509 | var hello = "world"[(1, 2, 3)].forEach(addNumber);
510 | ```
511 |
512 | However, there are cases where Prettier breaks things into several lines such
513 | that the `no-unexpected-multiline` conflicts.
514 |
515 | ```js
516 | const value = text.trim().split("\n")[position].toLowerCase();
517 | ```
518 |
519 | Prettier breaks it up into several lines, though, causing a conflict:
520 |
521 | ```js
522 | const value = text
523 | .trim()
524 | .split("\n")
525 | [position].toLowerCase();
526 | ```
527 |
528 | If you like this rule, it can usually be used with Prettier without problems,
529 | but occasionally you might need to either temporarily disable the rule or
530 | refactor your code.
531 |
532 | ```js
533 | const value = text
534 | .trim()
535 | .split("\n")
536 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-unexpected-multiline
537 | [position].toLowerCase();
538 |
539 | // Or:
540 |
541 | const lines = text.trim().split("\n");
542 | const value = lines[position].toLowerCase();
543 | ```
544 |
545 | **Note:** If you _do_ enable this rule, you have to run ESLint and Prettier as
546 | two separate steps (and ESLint first) in order to get any value out of it.
547 | Otherwise Prettier might reformat your code in such a way that ESLint never gets
548 | a chance to report anything (as seen in the first example).
549 |
550 | Example configuration:
551 |
552 | ```json
553 | {
554 | "rules": {
555 | "no-unexpected-multiline": "error"
556 | }
557 | }
558 | ```
559 |
560 | ### [quotes]
561 |
562 | (The following applies to [babel/quotes] as well.)
563 |
564 | **This rule requires certain options and certain Prettier options.**
565 |
566 | Usually, you don’t need this rule at all. But there are two cases where it could
567 | be useful:
568 |
569 | - To enforce the use of backticks rather than single or double quotes for
570 | strings.
571 | - To forbid backticks where regular strings could have been used.
572 |
573 | #### Enforce backticks
574 |
575 | If you’d like all strings to use backticks (never quotes), enable the
576 | `"backtick"` option.
577 |
578 | Example ESLint configuration:
579 |
580 | ```json
581 | {
582 | "rules": {
583 | "quotes": ["error", "backtick"]
584 | }
585 | }
586 | ```
587 |
588 | #### Forbid unnecessary backticks
589 |
590 | In the following example, the first array item could have been written with
591 | quotes instead of backticks.
592 |
593 | ```js
594 | const strings = [
595 | `could have been a regular string`,
596 | `
597 | multiple
598 | lines
599 | `,
600 | `uses ${interpolation}`,
601 | String.raw`\tagged/`,
602 | ];
603 | ```
604 |
605 | If you’d like ESLint to enforce `` `could have been a regular string` `` being
606 | written as either `"could have been a regular string"` or `'could have been a
607 | regular string'`, you need to use some specific configuration. The `quotes` rule has two options, a string option and an object option.
608 |
609 | - The first (string) option needs to be set to `"single"` or `"double"` and be
610 | kept in sync with Prettier’s [singleQuote] option.
611 | - The second (object) option needs the following properties:
612 | - `"avoidEscape": true` to follow Prettier’s [string formatting rules].
613 | - `"allowTemplateLiterals": false` to disallow unnecessary backticks.
614 |
615 | ##### Example _double_ quote configuration
616 |
617 | ESLint:
618 |
619 | ```json
620 | {
621 | "rules": {
622 | "quotes": [
623 | "error",
624 | "double",
625 | { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": false }
626 | ]
627 | }
628 | }
629 | ```
630 |
631 | Prettier (this is the default, so adding this is not required):
632 |
633 | ```json
634 | {
635 | "singleQuote": false
636 | }
637 | ```
638 |
639 | ##### Example _single_ quote configuration
640 |
641 | ESLint:
642 |
643 | ```json
644 | {
645 | "rules": {
646 | "quotes": [
647 | "error",
648 | "single",
649 | { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": false }
650 | ]
651 | }
652 | }
653 | ```
654 |
655 | Prettier:
656 |
657 | ```json
658 | {
659 | "singleQuote": true
660 | }
661 | ```
662 |
663 | ### [vue/html-self-closing]
664 |
665 | **This rule requires certain options.**
666 |
667 | This rule enforces whether elements should be self-closing or not.
668 |
669 | Prettier generally preserves the way you wrote your elements:
670 |
671 | ```vue
672 | <div />
673 | <div></div>
674 | <MyComponent />
675 | <MyComponent></MyComponent>
676 | <svg><path d="" /></svg>
677 | <svg><path d=""></path></svg>
678 | ```
679 |
680 | But for known _void_ HTML elements, Prettier always uses the self-closing style.
681 | For example, `<img>` is turned into `<img />`.
682 |
683 | If you like this rule, it can be used just fine with Prettier as long as you
684 | set `html.void` to `"any"`.
685 |
686 | Example ESLint configuration:
687 |
688 | ```json
689 | {
690 | "rules": {
691 | "vue/html-self-closing": [
692 | "error",
693 | {
694 | "html": {
695 | "void": "any"
696 | }
697 | }
698 | ]
699 | }
700 | }
701 | ```
702 |
703 | ## Other rules worth mentioning
704 |
705 | These rules don’t conflict with Prettier, but have some gotchas when used with
706 | Prettier.
707 |
708 | ### [no-sequences]
709 |
710 | This rule forbids using JavaScript’s confusing comma operator (sequence
711 | expressions). This piece of code is not doing what it looks like:
712 |
713 | ```js
714 | matrix[4, 7];
715 | ```
716 |
717 | Prettier adds parentheses to the above to make it clear that a sequence
718 | expression is used:
719 |
720 | ```js
721 | matrix[(4, 7)];
722 | ```
723 |
724 | However, the `no-sequences` rule allows comma operators if the expression
725 | sequence is explicitly wrapped in parentheses. Since Prettier automatically
726 | wraps them in parentheses, you might never see any warnings from ESLint about
727 | comma operators.
728 |
729 | Ending up with an accidental sequence expression can easily happen while
730 | refactoring. If you want ESLint to catch such mistakes, it is recommended to
731 | forbid sequence expressions entirely using [no-restricted-syntax] \([as
732 | mentioned in the `no-sequences` documentation][no-sequences-full]):
733 |
734 | ```json
735 | {
736 | "rules": {
737 | "no-restricted-syntax": ["error", "SequenceExpression"]
738 | }
739 | }
740 | ```
741 |
742 | If you still need to use the comma operator for some edge case, you can place an
743 | `// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax` comment on the line above the
744 | expression. `no-sequences` can safely be disabled if you use the
745 | `no-restricted-syntax` approach.
746 |
747 | You can also supply a custom message if you want:
748 |
749 | ```json
750 | {
751 | "rules": {
752 | "no-restricted-syntax": [
753 | "error",
754 | {
755 | "selector": "SequenceExpression",
756 | "message": "The comma operator is confusing and a common mistake. Don’t use it!"
757 | }
758 | ]
759 | }
760 | }
761 | ```
762 |
763 | ## Contributing
764 |
765 | eslint-config-prettier has been tested with:
766 |
767 | - ESLint 5.16.0
768 | - eslint-config-prettier 2.10.0 and older were tested with ESLint 4.x
769 | - eslint-config-prettier 2.1.1 and older were tested with ESLint 3.x
770 | - prettier 1.17.0
771 | - @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 1.7.0
772 | - eslint-plugin-babel 5.3.0
773 | - eslint-plugin-flowtype 3.6.1
774 | - eslint-plugin-react 7.12.4
775 | - eslint-plugin-standard 4.0.0
776 | - eslint-plugin-unicorn 8.0.2
777 | - eslint-plugin-vue 5.1.0
778 |
779 | Have new rules been added since those versions? Have we missed any rules? Is
780 | there a plugin you would like to see exclusions for? Open an issue or a pull
781 | request!
782 |
783 | If you’d like to add support for eslint-plugin-foobar, this is how you’d go
784 | about it:
785 |
786 | First, create `foobar.js`:
787 |
788 | ```js
789 | "use strict";
790 |
791 | module.exports = {
792 | rules: {
793 | "foobar/some-rule": "off"
794 | }
795 | };
796 | ```
797 |
798 | Then, create `test-lint/foobar.js`:
799 |
800 | ```js
801 | /* eslint-disable quotes */
802 | "use strict";
803 |
804 | // Prettier does not want spaces before the parentheses, but
805 | // `plugin:foobar/recommended` wants one.
806 | console.log();
807 | ```
808 |
809 | `test-lint/foobar.js` must fail when used with eslint-plugin-foobar and
810 | eslint-plugin-prettier at the same time – until `"prettier/foobar"` is added to
811 | the "extends" property of an ESLint config. The file should be formatted
812 | according to Prettier, and that formatting should disagree with the plugin.
813 |
814 | Finally, you need to mention the plugin in several places:
815 |
816 | - Add `"foobar.js"` to the "files" field in `package.json`.
817 | - Add eslint-plugin-foobar to the "devDependencies" field in `package.json`.
818 | - Make sure that at least one rule from eslint-plugin-foobar gets used in
819 | `.eslintrc.base.js`.
820 | - Add it to the list of supported plugins, to the example config and to
821 | Contributing section in `README.md`.
822 |
823 | When you’re done, run `npm test` to verify that you got it all right. It runs
824 | several other npm scripts:
825 |
826 | - `"test:lint"` makes sure that the files in `test-lint/` pass ESLint when
827 | the exclusions from eslint-config-prettier are used. It also lints the code of
828 | eslint-config-prettier itself.
829 | - `"test:lint-verify-fail"` is run by a test in `test/lint-verify-fail.test.js`.
830 | - `"test:lint-rules"` is run by a test in `test/rules.test.js`.
831 | - `"test:jest"` runs unit tests that check a number of things:
832 | - That eslint-plugin-foobar is mentioned in all the places shown above.
833 | - That no unknown rules are turned off. This helps catching typos, for
834 | example.
835 | - That the CLI works.
836 | - `"test:cli-sanity"` and `"test:cli-sanity-warning"` are sanity checks for the
837 | CLI.
838 |
839 | ## License
840 |
841 | [MIT](LICENSE).
842 |
843 | [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]: https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint
844 | [ESlint 5.7.0]: https://eslint.org/blog/2018/10/eslint-v5.7.0-released
845 | [Prettier]: https://github.com/prettier/prettier
846 | [arrow-body-style]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/arrow-body-style
847 | [babel/quotes]: https://github.com/babel/eslint-plugin-babel#rules
848 | [curly]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/curly
849 | [eslint-config-airbnb]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-airbnb
850 | [eslint-config-prettier#31]: https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier/issues/31
851 | [eslint-config-prettier#71]: https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier/issues/71
852 | [eslint-plugin-babel]: https://github.com/babel/eslint-plugin-babel
853 | [eslint-plugin-flowtype]: https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-flowtype
854 | [eslint-plugin-prettier#65]: https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier/issues/65
855 | [eslint-plugin-prettier]: https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier
856 | [eslint-plugin-react]: https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react
857 | [eslint-plugin-standard]: https://github.com/xjamundx/eslint-plugin-standard
858 | [eslint-plugin-unicorn]: https://github.com/sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn
859 | [eslint-plugin-vue]: https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue
860 | [lines-around-comment]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/lines-around-comment
861 | [max-len]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/max-len
862 | [multiple configuration files]: https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#configuration-cascading-and-hierarchy
863 | [no-confusing-arrow]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-confusing-arrow
864 | [no-mixed-operators]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-mixed-operators
865 | [no-restricted-syntax]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-restricted-syntax
866 | [no-sequences-full]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-sequences#when-not-to-use-it
867 | [no-sequences]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-sequences
868 | [no-tabs]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-tabs
869 | [no-unexpected-multiline]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unexpected-multiline
870 | [overrides]: https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#configuration-based-on-glob-patterns
871 | [prefer-arrow-callback]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/prefer-arrow-callback
872 | [quotes]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/quotes
873 | [singleQuote]: https://prettier.io/docs/en/options.html#quotes
874 | [string formatting rules]: https://prettier.io/docs/en/rationale.html#strings
875 | [travis-badge]: https://travis-ci.org/prettier/eslint-config-prettier.svg?branch=master
876 | [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/prettier/eslint-config-prettier
877 | [vue/html-self-closing]: https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue/blob/master/docs/rules/html-self-closing.md