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1# Welcome to the most strict eslint config ever
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6## Philosophy
7- contains all rules
8- almost all rules enabled
9- this config is highly opinionated
11## Where to use
12- anywhere
13- for tests better to add `env:"node"` and disable `newline-per-chained-call` rule
15## What is disabled
16- `no-eq-null` - duplicates `eqeqeq:smart`
17- `no-restricted-imports`, `no-restricted-modules` - dependant on project requirements
18- `id-match` - not found any particular use of this rule, `camelCase` is enough
19- `jsx-quotes` - I don't use jsx so I don't care
20- `no-plusplus` - why not `++`? It's nice to use when you know what you are doing
21- `no-restricted-syntax` - duplicates `no-with` and disabled functional expressions
22- `no-ternary` - why not? but not nested ternary please
23- `require-jsdoc`- nice thing, but hard to follow
24- `spaced-comment` - nice for meaningful comments, bad for quick code commenting
25- `wrap-regex` - no need
27## What is tweaked
28- `indent` - 2 spaces rulezzz!
29- `eqeqeq` - `smart` mode enabled
30- `dot-location` - `property` mode enabled
31- `no-implicit-coercion` - boolean implicit coercion enabled
32- `func-style` - `declaration` only please
33- `no-use-before-define` - usage of `function` before declarations are allowed
34- `no-mixed-requires`- `grouping` and `allowCall` checks enabled
35- `linebreak-style` - unix only
36- `one-var` - `never` use one `var|let|const` per block
37- `padded-blocks` - `never` add useless padding
38- `quote-props` - quote properties only `as-needed` and `keywords`
40## Contribution
41- what I really appreciate is configs for IDEs
42- to change any rule you should have strong arguments and not only opinion