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1# Contributing
3**Working on your first Pull Request?** You can learn how from this *free* series
4[How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](https://egghead.io/series/how-to-contribute-to-an-open-source-project-on-github)
6## Steps
81. File an issue and discuss your proposed solution first
92. Fork and clone the repo
103. `$ npm install` to install dependencies
114. `$ npm run validate` to validate you've got it working
125. Create a branch for your PR
136. `$ npm run test -- --watch` to watch the file system as you make changes to things
147. Make your changes. Make sure to add yourself to the `.all-contributorsrc`! [More info](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors)
158. Run `npm run validate` to make sure things look good.
169. Commit your changes following [our standards](https://github.com/stevemao/conventional-changelog-angular/blob/master/convention.md) (optionally use `$ npm run commit` to craft a commit message and commit. If you're having trouble committing, try adding `--no-verify` to your `git commit` command and ask for help in the pull request :-)
1710. Push your branch to your fork
1811. Make a pull request to `master` on this repository
1912. Get merged
2013. Celebrate 🎉
22## Committing and Pushing changes
24As stated earlier, please follow [this convention](https://github.com/stevemao/conventional-changelog-angular/blob/master/convention.md) for your commit messages.
26Once you are ready to commit the changes, please use the below commands
281. `git add <files to be comitted>`
292. `$ npm run commit`
31... and follow the instruction of the interactive prompt.
33### Opt into run tests while committing
35`npm run commit` will not execute any `tests`, prior `commit`ing, however you can **opt into it**.
37In order to execute `tests` automatically before `commit`, create a file `.opt-in` in the root of the project with `pre-commit` as the content.
39Excute the following command in the root of the project to create the above stated file.
41`$ echo pre-commit > .opt-in`