1 | # eslint-import-resolver-typescript
2 |
3 | [![GitHub Actions](https://github.com/import-js/eslint-import-resolver-typescript/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/import-js/eslint-import-resolver-typescript/actions/workflows/ci.yml)
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13 |
14 | This plugin adds [`TypeScript`][] support to [`eslint-plugin-import`][] (Or maybe you want to try [`eslint-plugin-i`][] for faster speed)
15 |
16 | This means you can:
17 |
18 | - `import`/`require` files with extension `.cts`/`.mts`/`.ts`/`.tsx`/`.d.cts`/`.d.mts`/`.d.ts`
19 | - Use [`paths`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/module-resolution.html#path-mapping) defined in `tsconfig.json`
20 | - Prefer resolving `@types/*` definitions over plain `.js`/`.jsx`
21 | - Multiple tsconfigs support just like normal
22 | - `imports/exports` fields support in `package.json`
23 |
24 | ## TOC <!-- omit in toc -->
25 |
26 | - [Notice](#notice)
27 | - [Installation](#installation)
28 | - [Configuration](#configuration)
29 | - [Options from `enhanced-resolve`](#options-from-enhanced-resolve)
30 | - [`conditionNames`](#conditionnames)
31 | - [`extensions`](#extensions)
32 | - [`extensionAlias`](#extensionalias)
33 | - [`mainFields`](#mainfields)
34 | - [Other options](#other-options)
35 | - [Default options](#default-options)
36 | - [Contributing](#contributing)
37 | - [Sponsors](#sponsors)
38 | - [Backers](#backers)
39 | - [Changelog](#changelog)
40 | - [License](#license)
41 |
42 | ## Notice
43 |
44 | After version 2.0.0, `.d.ts` will take higher priority then normal `.js`/`.jsx` files on resolving `node_modules` packages in favor of `@types/*` definitions or its own definition.
45 |
46 | If you're facing some problems on rules `import/default` or `import/named` from [`eslint-plugin-import`][], do not post any issue here, because they are just working exactly as [expected](https://github.com/import-js/eslint-import-resolver-typescript/issues/31#issuecomment-539751607) on our sides, take [import-js/eslint-plugin-import#1525](https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/issues/1525) as reference or post a new issue to [`eslint-plugin-import`][] instead.
47 |
48 | ## Installation
49 |
50 | ```sh
51 | # npm
52 | npm i -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript
53 |
54 | # pnpm
55 | pnpm i -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript
56 |
57 | # yarn
58 | yarn add -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript
59 | ```
60 |
61 | ## Configuration
62 |
63 | Add the following to your `.eslintrc` config:
64 |
65 | ```jsonc
66 | {
67 | "plugins": ["import"],
68 | "rules": {
69 | // turn on errors for missing imports
70 | "import/no-unresolved": "error"
71 | },
72 | "settings": {
73 | "import/parsers": {
74 | "@typescript-eslint/parser": [".ts", ".tsx"]
75 | },
76 | "import/resolver": {
77 | "typescript": {
78 | "alwaysTryTypes": true, // always try to resolve types under `<root>@types` directory even it doesn't contain any source code, like `@types/unist`
79 |
80 | // Choose from one of the "project" configs below or omit to use <root>/tsconfig.json by default
81 |
82 | // use <root>/path/to/folder/tsconfig.json
83 | "project": "path/to/folder",
84 |
85 | // Multiple tsconfigs (Useful for monorepos)
86 |
87 | // use a glob pattern
88 | "project": "packages/*/tsconfig.json",
89 |
90 | // use an array
91 | "project": [
92 | "packages/module-a/tsconfig.json",
93 | "packages/module-b/tsconfig.json"
94 | ],
95 |
96 | // use an array of glob patterns
97 | "project": [
98 | "packages/*/tsconfig.json",
99 | "other-packages/*/tsconfig.json"
100 | ]
101 | }
102 | }
103 | }
104 | }
105 | ```
106 |
107 | ## Options from [`enhanced-resolve`][]
108 |
109 | ### `conditionNames`
110 |
111 | Default:
112 |
113 | ```jsonc
114 | [
115 | "types",
116 | "import",
117 |
118 | // APF: https://angular.io/guide/angular-package-format
119 | "esm2020",
120 | "es2020",
121 | "es2015",
122 |
123 | "require",
124 | "node",
125 | "node-addons",
126 | "browser",
127 | "default"
128 | ]
129 | ```
130 |
131 | ### `extensions`
132 |
133 | Default:
134 |
135 | ```jsonc
136 | [
137 | // `.mts`, `.cts`, `.d.mts`, `.d.cts`, `.mjs`, `.cjs` are not included because `.cjs` and `.mjs` must be used explicitly
138 | ".ts",
139 | ".tsx",
140 | ".d.ts",
141 | ".js",
142 | ".jsx",
143 | ".json",
144 | ".node"
145 | ]
146 | ```
147 |
148 | ### `extensionAlias`
149 |
150 | Default:
151 |
152 | ```jsonc
153 | {
154 | ".js": [
155 | ".ts",
156 | // `.tsx` can also be compiled as `.js`
157 | ".tsx",
158 | ".d.ts",
159 | ".js"
160 | ],
161 | ".jsx": [".tsx", ".d.ts", ".jsx"],
162 | ".cjs": [".cts", ".d.cts", ".cjs"],
163 | ".mjs": [".mts", ".d.mts", ".mjs"]
164 | }
165 | ```
166 |
167 | ### `mainFields`
168 |
169 | Default:
170 |
171 | ```jsonc
172 | [
173 | "types",
174 | "typings",
175 |
176 | // APF: https://angular.io/guide/angular-package-format
177 | "fesm2020",
178 | "fesm2015",
179 | "esm2020",
180 | "es2020",
181 |
182 | "module",
183 | "jsnext:main",
184 |
185 | "main"
186 | ]
187 | ```
188 |
189 | ### Other options
190 |
191 | You can pass through other options of [`enhanced-resolve`][] directly
192 |
193 | ### Default options
194 |
195 | You can reuse `defaultConditionNames`, `defaultExtensions`, `defaultExtensionAlias` and `defaultMainFields` by `require/import` them directly
196 |
197 | ## Contributing
198 |
199 | - Make sure your change is covered by a test import.
200 | - Make sure that `yarn test` passes without a failure.
201 | - Make sure that `yarn lint` passes without conflicts.
202 | - Make sure your code changes match our [type-coverage](https://github.com/plantain-00/type-coverage) settings: `yarn type-coverage`.
203 |
204 | We have [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/import-js/eslint-import-resolver-typescript/actions) which will run the above commands on your PRs.
205 |
206 | If either fails, we won't be able to merge your PR until it's fixed.
207 |
208 | ## Sponsors
209 |
210 | | 1stG | RxTS | UnTS |
211 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
212 | | [![1stG Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://opencollective.com/1stG/organizations.svg)](https://opencollective.com/1stG) | [![RxTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://opencollective.com/rxts/organizations.svg)](https://opencollective.com/rxts) | [![UnTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://opencollective.com/unts/organizations.svg)](https://opencollective.com/unts) |
213 |
214 | ## Backers
215 |
216 | | 1stG | RxTS | UnTS |
217 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
218 | | [![1stG Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://opencollective.com/1stG/individuals.svg)](https://opencollective.com/1stG) | [![RxTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://opencollective.com/rxts/individuals.svg)](https://opencollective.com/rxts) | [![UnTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](https://opencollective.com/unts/individuals.svg)](https://opencollective.com/unts) |
219 |
220 | ## Changelog
221 |
222 | Detailed changes for each release are documented in [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md).
223 |
224 | ## License
225 |
226 | [ISC][]
227 |
228 | [`eslint-plugin-i`]: https://github.com/un-es/eslint-plugin-i
229 | [`eslint-plugin-import`]: https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import
230 | [`enhanced-resolve`]: https://github.com/webpack/enhanced-resolve
231 | [`typescript`]: https://www.typescriptlang.org
232 | [isc]: https://opensource.org/licenses/ISC