1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | exports.__esModule = true;
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | exports.default = function visitModules(visitor, options) {
16 | const ignore = options && options.ignore;
17 | const amd = !!(options && options.amd);
18 | const commonjs = !!(options && options.commonjs);
19 |
20 | const esmodule = !!Object.assign({ esmodule: true }, options).esmodule;
21 |
22 | const ignoreRegExps = ignore == null ? [] : ignore.map((p) => new RegExp(p));
23 |
24 |
25 | function checkSourceValue(source, importer) {
26 | if (source == null) { return; }
27 |
28 |
29 | if (ignoreRegExps.some((re) => re.test(String(source.value)))) { return; }
30 |
31 |
32 | visitor(source, importer);
33 | }
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | function checkSource(node) {
38 | checkSourceValue(node.source, node);
39 | }
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | function checkImportCall(node) {
44 |
45 | let modulePath;
46 |
47 | if (node.type === 'ImportExpression') {
48 | modulePath = node.source;
49 | } else if (node.type === 'CallExpression') {
50 |
51 | if (node.callee.type !== 'Import') { return; }
52 | if (node.arguments.length !== 1) { return; }
53 |
54 | modulePath = node.arguments[0];
55 | } else {
56 | throw new TypeError('this should be unreachable');
57 | }
58 |
59 | if (modulePath.type !== 'Literal') { return; }
60 | if (typeof modulePath.value !== 'string') { return; }
61 |
62 | checkSourceValue(modulePath, node);
63 | }
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | function checkCommon(call) {
69 | if (call.callee.type !== 'Identifier') { return; }
70 | if (call.callee.name !== 'require') { return; }
71 | if (call.arguments.length !== 1) { return; }
72 |
73 | const modulePath = call.arguments[0];
74 | if (modulePath.type !== 'Literal') { return; }
75 | if (typeof modulePath.value !== 'string') { return; }
76 |
77 | checkSourceValue(modulePath, call);
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 | function checkAMD(call) {
82 | if (call.callee.type !== 'Identifier') { return; }
83 | if (call.callee.name !== 'require' && call.callee.name !== 'define') { return; }
84 | if (call.arguments.length !== 2) { return; }
85 |
86 | const modules = call.arguments[0];
87 | if (modules.type !== 'ArrayExpression') { return; }
88 |
89 | for (const element of modules.elements) {
90 | if (!element) { continue; }
91 | if (element.type !== 'Literal') { continue; }
92 | if (typeof element.value !== 'string') { continue; }
93 |
94 | if (
95 | element.value === 'require'
96 | || element.value === 'exports'
97 | ) {
98 | continue;
99 | }
100 |
101 | checkSourceValue(element, element);
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | const visitors = {};
106 | if (esmodule) {
107 | Object.assign(visitors, {
108 | ImportDeclaration: checkSource,
109 | ExportNamedDeclaration: checkSource,
110 | ExportAllDeclaration: checkSource,
111 | CallExpression: checkImportCall,
112 | ImportExpression: checkImportCall,
113 | });
114 | }
115 |
116 | if (commonjs || amd) {
117 | const currentCallExpression = visitors.CallExpression;
118 | visitors.CallExpression = function (call) {
119 | if (currentCallExpression) { currentCallExpression(call); }
120 | if (commonjs) { checkCommon(call); }
121 | if (amd) { checkAMD(call); }
122 | };
123 | }
124 |
125 | return visitors;
126 | };
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 | function makeOptionsSchema(additionalProperties) {
133 |
134 | const base = {
135 | type: 'object',
136 | properties: {
137 | commonjs: { type: 'boolean' },
138 | amd: { type: 'boolean' },
139 | esmodule: { type: 'boolean' },
140 | ignore: {
141 | type: 'array',
142 | minItems: 1,
143 | items: { type: 'string' },
144 | uniqueItems: true,
145 | },
146 | },
147 | additionalProperties: false,
148 | };
149 |
150 | if (additionalProperties) {
151 | for (const key in additionalProperties) {
152 |
153 | base.properties[key] = additionalProperties[key];
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | return base;
158 | }
159 | exports.makeOptionsSchema = makeOptionsSchema;
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 | exports.optionsSchema = makeOptionsSchema();