1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | const {visitIf} = require('enhance-visitors');
4 | const MicroSpellingCorrecter = require('micro-spelling-correcter');
5 | const util = require('../util');
6 | const createAvaRule = require('../create-ava-rule');
7 |
8 | const properties = new Set([
9 | ...util.executionMethods,
10 | 'context',
11 | 'title',
12 | 'skip',
13 | ]);
14 |
15 | const correcter = new MicroSpellingCorrecter([...properties]);
16 |
17 | const isCallExpression = node =>
18 | node.parent.type === 'CallExpression'
19 | && node.parent.callee === node;
20 |
21 | const getMemberNodes = node => {
22 | if (node.object.type === 'MemberExpression') {
23 | return [...getMemberNodes(node.object), node.property];
24 | }
25 |
26 | return [node.property];
27 | };
28 |
29 | const create = context => {
30 | const ava = createAvaRule();
31 |
32 | return ava.merge({
33 | CallExpression: visitIf([
34 | ava.isInTestFile,
35 | ava.isInTestNode,
36 | ])(node => {
37 | if (node.callee.type !== 'MemberExpression'
38 | && node.callee.name === 't') {
39 | context.report({
40 | node,
41 | message: '`t` is not a function.',
42 | });
43 | }
44 | }),
45 | MemberExpression: visitIf([
46 | ava.isInTestFile,
47 | ava.isInTestNode,
48 | ])(node => {
49 | if (node.parent.type === 'MemberExpression'
50 | || util.getNameOfRootNodeObject(node) !== 't') {
51 | return;
52 | }
53 |
54 | const members = getMemberNodes(node);
55 |
56 | const skipPositions = [];
57 | let hadCall = false;
58 | for (const [i, member] of members.entries()) {
59 | const {name} = member;
60 |
61 | let corrected = correcter.correct(name);
62 |
63 | if (i !== 0 && (corrected === 'context' || corrected === 'title')) {
64 | corrected = undefined;
65 | }
66 |
67 | if (corrected !== name) {
68 | if (corrected === undefined) {
69 | if (isCallExpression(node)) {
70 | context.report({
71 | node,
72 | message: `Unknown assertion method \`.${name}\`.`,
73 | });
74 | } else {
75 | context.report({
76 | node,
77 | message: `Unknown member \`.${name}\`. Use \`.context.${name}\` instead.`,
78 | });
79 | }
80 | } else {
81 | context.report({
82 | node,
83 | message: `Misspelled \`.${corrected}\` as \`.${name}\`.`,
84 | fix: fixer => fixer.replaceText(member, corrected),
85 | });
86 | }
87 |
88 | return;
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (name === 'context' || name === 'title') {
92 | if (members.length === 1 && isCallExpression(node)) {
93 | context.report({
94 | node,
95 | message: `Unknown assertion method \`.${name}\`.`,
96 | });
97 | }
98 |
99 | return;
100 | }
101 |
102 | if (name === 'skip') {
103 | skipPositions.push(i);
104 | } else {
105 | if (hadCall) {
106 | context.report({
107 | node,
108 | message: 'Can\'t chain assertion methods.',
109 | });
110 | }
111 |
112 | hadCall = true;
113 | }
114 | }
115 |
116 | if (!hadCall) {
117 | context.report({
118 | node,
119 | message: 'Missing assertion method.',
120 | });
121 | }
122 |
123 | if (skipPositions.length > 1) {
124 | context.report({
125 | node,
126 | message: 'Too many chained uses of `.skip`.',
127 | fix(fixer) {
128 | const chain = ['t', ...members.map(member => member.name).filter(name => name !== 'skip'), 'skip'];
129 | return fixer.replaceText(node, chain.join('.'));
130 | },
131 | });
132 | }
133 |
134 | if (skipPositions.length === 1 && skipPositions[0] !== members.length - 1) {
135 | context.report({
136 | node,
137 | message: '`.skip` modifier should be the last in chain.',
138 | fix(fixer) {
139 | const chain = ['t', ...members.map(member => member.name).filter(name => name !== 'skip'), 'skip'];
140 | return fixer.replaceText(node, chain.join('.'));
141 | },
142 | });
143 | }
144 | }),
145 | });
146 | };
147 |
148 | module.exports = {
149 | create,
150 | meta: {
151 | type: 'problem',
152 | docs: {
153 | description: 'Disallow the incorrect use of `t`.',
154 | url: util.getDocsUrl(__filename),
155 | },
156 | fixable: 'code',
157 | schema: [],
158 | },
159 | };