1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | const path = require('node:path');
4 | const {isDeepStrictEqual} = require('node:util');
5 | const espurify = require('espurify');
6 | const util = require('../util');
7 |
8 | const avaVariableDeclaratorInitAst = {
9 | type: 'CallExpression',
10 | callee: {
11 | type: 'Identifier',
12 | name: 'require',
13 | },
14 | arguments: [
15 | {
16 | type: 'Literal',
17 | value: 'ava',
18 | },
19 | ],
20 | };
21 |
22 | function report(context, node) {
23 | context.report({
24 | node,
25 | message: 'AVA should be imported as `test`.',
26 | });
27 | }
28 |
29 | const create = context => {
30 | const extension = path.extname(context.getFilename());
31 | const isTypeScript = extension === '.ts' || extension === '.tsx';
32 |
33 | return {
34 | 'ImportDeclaration[importKind!="type"]'(node) {
35 | if (node.source.value === 'ava') {
36 | const {name} = node.specifiers[0].local;
37 | if (name !== 'test' && (!isTypeScript || name !== 'anyTest')) {
38 | report(context, node);
39 | }
40 | }
41 | },
42 | VariableDeclarator(node) {
43 | if (node.init && isDeepStrictEqual(espurify(node.init), avaVariableDeclaratorInitAst)) {
44 | const {name} = node.id;
45 | if (name !== 'test' && (!isTypeScript || name !== 'anyTest')) {
46 | report(context, node);
47 | }
48 | }
49 | },
50 | };
51 | };
52 |
53 | module.exports = {
54 | create,
55 | meta: {
56 | type: 'suggestion',
57 | docs: {
58 | description: 'Ensure that AVA is imported with `test` as the variable name.',
59 | url: util.getDocsUrl(__filename),
60 | },
61 | schema: [],
62 | },
63 | };