1 | <div align="center">
2 | <img src="media/logo.svg" width="150" height="150">
3 | <h1>eslint-plugin-html</h1>
4 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-html"><img alt="NPM version" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/eslint-plugin-html.svg"></a>
5 | <a href="https://travis-ci.org/BenoitZugmeyer/eslint-plugin-html"><img alt="Build Status" src="https://travis-ci.org/BenoitZugmeyer/eslint-plugin-html.svg?branch=master"></a>
6 | <p>A <a href="http://eslint.org">ESLint</a> plugin to lint and fix inline scripts contained in HTML files.</p>
7 | </div>
8 |
9 | * [Usage](#usage)
10 | * [Multiple scripts tags in a HTML file](#multiple-scripts-tags-in-a-html-file)
11 | * [XML Support](#xml-support)
12 | * [Settings](#settings)
13 | * [`html/html-extensions`](#htmlhtml-extensions)
14 | * [`html/xml-extensions`](#htmlxml-extensions)
15 | * [`html/indent`](#htmlindent)
16 | * [`html/report-bad-indent`](#htmlreport-bad-indent)
17 | * [`html/javascript-mime-types`](#htmljavascript-mime-types)
18 | * [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
19 | * [No file linted when running `eslint` on a directory](#no-file-linted-when-running-eslint-on-a-directory)
20 | * [Linting templates (or PHP)](#linting-templates-or-php)
21 | * [Linting Vue files](#linting-vue-files)
22 | * [Migration from older versions](#migration-from-older-versions)
23 | * [Credits](#credits)
24 |
25 | ## Usage
26 |
27 | Simply install via `npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-html` and add the plugin to your ESLint
28 | configuration. See
29 | [ESLint documentation](http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#configuring-plugins).
30 |
31 | Example:
32 |
33 | ```javascript
34 | {
35 | "plugins": [
36 | "html"
37 | ]
38 | }
39 | ```
40 |
41 | ## Multiple scripts tags in a HTML file
42 |
43 | When linting a HTML with multiple script tags, this plugin tries to emulate the browser behavior by
44 | sharing the global scope between scripts by default. This behavior doesn't apply to "module"
45 | scripts (ie: `<script type="module">` and most transpiled code), where [each script tag gets its own
46 | top-level scope](http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_modules.html#_modules).
47 |
48 | ESLint has already [an
49 | option](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options) to tell the parser
50 | if the script are modules. `eslint-plugin-html` will use this option as well to know if the scopes
51 | should be shared (the default) or not. To change this, just set it in your ESLint configuration:
52 |
53 | ```
54 | {
55 | "parserOptions": {
56 | "sourceType": "module"
57 | }
58 | }
59 | ```
60 |
61 | To illustrate this behavior, consider this HTML extract:
62 |
63 | ```html
64 | <script>
65 | var foo = 1;
66 | </script>
67 |
68 | <script>
69 | alert(foo);
70 | </script>
71 | ```
72 |
73 | This is perfectly valid by default, and the ESLint rules `no-unused-vars` and `no-undef` shouldn't
74 | complain. But if those scripts are considerated as ES modules, `no-unused-vars` should report an
75 | error in the first script, and `no-undef` should report an error in the second script.
76 |
77 | ### History
78 |
79 | In `eslint-plugin-html` v1 and v2, script code were concatenated and linted in a single pass, so
80 | the scope were always shared. This caused [some issues](MIGRATION_TO_V3.md), so in v3 all scripts
81 | were linted separately, and scopes were never shared. In v4, the plugin still lint scripts
82 | separately, but makes sure global variables are declared and used correctly in the non-module case.
83 |
84 | ## XML support
85 |
86 | This plugin parses HTML and XML markup slightly differently, mainly when considering `CDATA`
87 | sections:
88 |
89 | - in XML, any data inside a `CDATA` section will be considered as raw text (not XML) and the `CDATA`
90 | delimiter will be droped ;
91 | - in HTML, there is no such thing for `<script>` tags: the `CDATA` delimiter is considered as normal
92 | text and thus, part of the script.
93 |
94 | ## Settings
95 |
96 | > Note: all settings can be written either as `"html/key": value` or in a nested object `"html": { "key": value }`
97 |
98 | ### `html/html-extensions`
99 |
100 | By default, this plugin will only consider files ending with those extensions as HTML: `.erb`,
101 | `.handlebars`, `.hbs`, `.htm`, `.html`, `.mustache`, `.nunjucks`, `.php`, `.tag`, `.twig`, `.we`.
102 | You can set your own list of HTML extensions by using this setting. Example:
103 |
104 | ```javascript
105 | {
106 | "plugins": [ "html" ],
107 | "settings": {
108 | "html/html-extensions": [".html", ".we"], // consider .html and .we files as HTML
109 | }
110 | }
111 | ```
112 |
113 | ### `html/xml-extensions`
114 |
115 | By default, this plugin will only consider files ending with those extensions as XML: `.xhtml`,
116 | `.xml`. You can set your own list of XML extensions by using this setting. Example:
117 |
118 | ```javascript
119 | {
120 | "plugins": [ "html" ],
121 | "settings": {
122 | "html/xml-extensions": [".html"], // consider .html files as XML
123 | }
124 | }
125 | ```
126 |
127 | ### `html/indent`
128 |
129 | By default, the code between `<script>` tags is dedented according to the first non-empty line. The
130 | setting `html/indent` allows to ensure that every script tags follow an uniform indentation. Like
131 | the `indent` rule, you can pass a number of spaces, or `"tab"` to indent with one tab. Prefix this
132 | value with a `+` to be relative to the `<script>` tag indentation. Example:
133 |
134 | ```javascript
135 | {
136 | "plugins": [ "html" ],
137 | "settings": {
138 | "html/indent": "0", // code should start at the beginning of the line (no initial indentation).
139 | "html/indent": "+2", // indentation is the <script> indentation plus two spaces.
140 | "html/indent": "tab", // indentation is one tab at the beginning of the line.
141 | }
142 | }
143 | ```
144 |
145 | ### `html/report-bad-indent`
146 |
147 | By default, this plugin won't warn if it encounters a problematic indentation (ex: a line is under
148 | indented). If you want to make sure the indentation is correct, use the `html/report-bad-indent` in
149 | conjunction with the `indent` rule. Pass `"warn"` or `1` to display warnings, `"error"` or `2` to
150 | display errors. Example:
151 |
152 | ```javascript
153 | {
154 | "plugins": [ "html" ],
155 | "settings": {
156 | "html/report-bad-indent": "error",
157 | }
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | ### `html/javascript-mime-types`
162 |
163 | By default, the code between `<script>` tags is considered as JavaScript code only if there is no
164 | `type` attribute or if its value matches the pattern
165 | `(application|text)/(x-)?(javascript|babel|ecmascript-6)` or `module` (case insensitive). You can
166 | customize the types that should be considered as JavaScript by providing one or multiple MIME types.
167 | If a MIME type starts with a `/`, it will be considered as a regular expression. Example:
168 |
169 | ```javascript
170 | {
171 | "plugins": [ "html" ],
172 | "settings": {
173 | "html/javascript-mime-types": ["text/javascript", "text/jsx"], // also use script tags with a "text/jsx" type attribute
174 | "html/javascript-mime-types": "/^text\\/(javascript|jsx)$/", // same thing
175 | }
176 | }
177 | ```
178 |
179 | ## Troubleshooting
180 |
181 | ### No file linted when running `eslint` on a directory
182 |
183 | By default, when executing the `eslint` command on a directory, only `.js` files will be linted. You
184 | will have to specify extra extensions with the `--ext` option. Example: `eslint --ext .html,.js src`
185 | will lint both `.html` and `.js` files in the `src` directory. See [ESLint
186 | documentation](http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface#ext).
187 |
188 |
189 | ### Linting templates (or PHP)
190 |
191 | `eslint-plugin-html` won't evaluate or remove your template markup. If you have template markup in
192 | your script tags, the resulting script may not be valid JavaScript, so `ESLint` will fail to parse
193 | it.
194 |
195 | For PHP, you can use [`eslint-plugin-php-markup`](https://github.com/tengattack/eslint-plugin-php-markup) to
196 | lint php files, it use a same way to process php markup like `eslint-plugin-html`.
197 |
198 | Or another possible hacky workaround to make sure the code is valid JavaScript is to put your template
199 | markup inside a comment. When the template is rendered, the generated JS code must start with a new
200 | line, so it will be written below the comment. PHP example:
201 |
202 | ```html
203 | <script>
204 | var mydata;
205 | // <?= "\n mydata = " . json_encode($var) . ";" ?>
206 | console.log(mydata);
207 | </script>
208 | ```
209 |
210 | ### Linting VUE files
211 |
212 | Initially, [`eslint-plugin-vue`](https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue) was using
213 | `eslint-plugin-html` to lint code inside script tags. Since v3, `eslint-plugin-vue` is using its
214 | own parser, so it is _incompatible_ with `eslint-plugin-html`. You should use `eslint-plugin-vue`
215 | exclusively and remove `eslint-plugin-html` from your dependencies if you still have it.
216 |
217 | ## Migration from older versions
218 |
219 | ### To v4
220 |
221 | `eslint-plugin-html` v4 requires at least ESLint v4.7. This is because a lot of internal changes
222 | occured in ESLint v4.7, including a [new API to support autofixing in
223 | preprocessors](https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/working-with-plugins#processors-in-plugins).
224 | If you are still using an older version of ESLint, please consider upgrading, or keep using
225 | `eslint-plugin-html` v3.
226 |
227 | The big feature (and breaking change) in `eslint-plugin-html` v4 is the ability to chose how [scopes
228 | are shared between script tags in the same HTML file](#multiple-scripts-tags-in-a-html-file).
229 |
230 | ### To v3
231 |
232 | If you are considering upgrading to v3, please read [this guide](MIGRATION_TO_V3.md).
233 |
234 | ## Credits
235 |
236 | A big thank you to [@Bkucera](https://github.com/Bkucera) for the logo image!