1 | "use strict"
2 |
3 | const path = require("path")
4 | const extract = require("./extract")
5 | const utils = require("./utils")
6 | const splatSet = utils.splatSet
7 | const getSettings = require("./settings").getSettings
8 |
9 | const PREPARE_RULE_NAME = "__eslint-plugin-html-prepare"
11 | "__eslint-plugin-html-verify-function-is-patched"
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | const needles = [
24 | path.join("lib", "linter", "linter.js"),
25 | path.join("lib", "linter.js"),
26 | ]
27 |
28 | iterateESLintModules(patch)
29 |
30 | function getLinterFromModule(moduleExports) {
31 | return moduleExports.Linter
32 | ? moduleExports.Linter
33 | : moduleExports
34 | }
35 |
36 | function getModuleFromRequire() {
37 | return getLinterFromModule(require("eslint/lib/linter"))
38 | }
39 |
40 | function getModuleFromCache(key) {
41 | if (!needles.some((needle) => key.endsWith(needle))) return
42 |
43 | const module = require.cache[key]
44 | if (!module || !module.exports) return
45 |
46 | const Linter = getLinterFromModule(module.exports)
47 | if (
48 | typeof Linter === "function" &&
49 | typeof Linter.prototype.verify === "function"
50 | ) {
51 | return Linter
52 | }
53 | }
54 |
55 | function iterateESLintModules(fn) {
56 | if (!require.cache || Object.keys(require.cache).length === 0) {
57 |
58 | fn(getModuleFromRequire())
59 | return
60 | }
61 |
62 | let found = false
63 |
64 | for (const key in require.cache) {
65 | const Linter = getModuleFromCache(key)
66 | if (Linter) {
67 | fn(Linter)
68 | found = true
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | if (!found) {
73 | let eslintPath, eslintVersion
74 | try {
75 | eslintPath = require.resolve("eslint")
76 | } catch (e) {
77 | eslintPath = "(not found)"
78 | }
79 | try {
80 | eslintVersion = require("eslint/package.json").version
81 | } catch (e) {
82 | eslintVersion = "n/a"
83 | }
84 |
85 | const parentPaths = (module) =>
86 | module ? [module.filename].concat(parentPaths(module.parent)) : []
87 |
88 | throw new Error(
89 | `eslint-plugin-html error: It seems that eslint is not loaded.
90 | If you think this is a bug, please file a report at https://github.com/BenoitZugmeyer/eslint-plugin-html/issues
91 |
92 | In the report, please include *all* those informations:
93 |
94 | * ESLint version: ${eslintVersion}
95 | * ESLint path: ${eslintPath}
96 | * Plugin version: ${require("../package.json").version}
97 | * Plugin inclusion paths: ${parentPaths(module).join(", ")}
98 | * NodeJS version: ${process.version}
99 | * CLI arguments: ${JSON.stringify(process.argv)}
100 | * Content of your lock file (package-lock.json or yarn.lock) or the output of \`npm list\`
101 | * How did you run ESLint (via the command line? an editor plugin?)
102 | * The following stack trace:
103 | ${new Error().stack.slice(10)}
104 |
105 |
106 | `
107 | )
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | function getMode(pluginSettings, filenameOrOptions) {
112 | const filename =
113 | typeof filenameOrOptions === "object"
114 | ? filenameOrOptions.filename
115 | : filenameOrOptions
116 | const extension = path.extname(filename || "")
117 |
118 | if (pluginSettings.htmlExtensions.indexOf(extension) >= 0) {
119 | return "html"
120 | }
121 | if (pluginSettings.xmlExtensions.indexOf(extension) >= 0) {
122 | return "xml"
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | function patch(Linter) {
127 | const verifyMethodName = Linter.prototype._verifyWithoutProcessors
128 | ? "_verifyWithoutProcessors"
129 | : "verify"
130 | const verify = Linter.prototype[verifyMethodName]
131 |
132 |
133 | if (Linter[LINTER_ISPATCHED_PROPERTY_NAME] === true) {
134 | return
135 | }
137 | Linter.prototype[verifyMethodName] = function (
138 | textOrSourceCode,
139 | config,
140 | filenameOrOptions,
141 | saveState
142 | ) {
143 | if (typeof config.extractConfig === "function") {
144 | return verify.call(this, textOrSourceCode, config, filenameOrOptions)
145 | }
146 |
147 | const pluginSettings = getSettings(config.settings || {})
148 | const mode = getMode(pluginSettings, filenameOrOptions)
149 |
150 | if (!mode || typeof textOrSourceCode !== "string") {
151 | return verify.call(
152 | this,
153 | textOrSourceCode,
154 | config,
155 | filenameOrOptions,
156 | saveState
157 | )
158 | }
159 | const extractResult = extract(
160 | textOrSourceCode,
161 | pluginSettings.indent,
162 | mode === "xml",
163 | pluginSettings.isJavaScriptMIMEType
164 | )
165 |
166 | const messages = []
167 |
168 | if (pluginSettings.reportBadIndent) {
169 | messages.push(
170 | ...extractResult.badIndentationLines.map((line) => ({
171 | message: "Bad line indentation.",
172 | line,
173 | column: 1,
174 | ruleId: "(html plugin)",
175 | severity: pluginSettings.reportBadIndent,
176 | }))
177 | )
178 | }
179 |
180 |
181 | const sourceCodes = new WeakMap()
182 | const verifyCodePart = (codePart, { prepare, ignoreRules } = {}) => {
183 | this.defineRule(PREPARE_RULE_NAME, (context) => {
184 | sourceCodes.set(codePart, context.getSourceCode())
185 | return {
186 | Program() {
187 | if (prepare) {
188 | prepare(context)
189 | }
190 | },
191 | }
192 | })
193 |
194 | const localMessages = verify.call(
195 | this,
196 | sourceCodes.get(codePart) || String(codePart),
197 | Object.assign({}, config, {
198 | rules: Object.assign(
199 | { [PREPARE_RULE_NAME]: "error" },
200 | !ignoreRules && config.rules
201 | ),
202 | }),
203 | ignoreRules && typeof filenameOrOptions === "object"
204 | ? Object.assign({}, filenameOrOptions, {
205 | reportUnusedDisableDirectives: false,
206 | })
207 | : filenameOrOptions,
208 | saveState
209 | )
210 |
211 | messages.push(
212 | ...remapMessages(localMessages, extractResult.hasBOM, codePart)
213 | )
214 | }
215 |
216 | const parserOptions = config.parserOptions || {}
217 | if (parserOptions.sourceType === "module") {
218 | for (const codePart of extractResult.code) {
219 | verifyCodePart(codePart)
220 | }
221 | } else {
222 | verifyWithSharedScopes(extractResult.code, verifyCodePart, parserOptions)
223 | }
224 |
225 | messages.sort((ma, mb) => ma.line - mb.line || ma.column - mb.column)
226 |
227 | return messages
228 | }
229 | }
230 |
231 | function verifyWithSharedScopes(codeParts, verifyCodePart, parserOptions) {
232 |
233 | const firstPassValues = []
234 |
235 | for (const codePart of codeParts) {
236 | verifyCodePart(codePart, {
237 | prepare(context) {
238 | const globalScope = context.getScope()
239 |
240 | let scopeForDeclaredGlobals
241 | if (
242 | parserOptions.ecmaFeatures &&
243 | parserOptions.ecmaFeatures.globalReturn
244 | ) {
245 | scopeForDeclaredGlobals = globalScope.childScopes[0]
246 | } else {
247 | scopeForDeclaredGlobals = globalScope
248 | }
249 |
250 | firstPassValues.push({
251 | codePart,
252 | exportedGlobals: globalScope.through.map(
253 | (node) => node.identifier.name
254 | ),
255 | declaredGlobals: scopeForDeclaredGlobals.variables.map(
256 | (variable) => variable.name
257 | ),
258 | })
259 | },
260 | ignoreRules: true,
261 | })
262 | }
263 |
264 |
265 | for (let i = 0; i < firstPassValues.length; i += 1) {
266 | verifyCodePart(firstPassValues[i].codePart, {
267 | prepare(context) {
268 | const exportedGlobals = splatSet(
269 | firstPassValues
270 | .slice(i + 1)
271 | .map((nextValues) => nextValues.exportedGlobals)
272 | )
273 | for (const name of exportedGlobals) context.markVariableAsUsed(name)
274 |
275 | const declaredGlobals = splatSet(
276 | firstPassValues
277 | .slice(0, i)
278 | .map((previousValues) => previousValues.declaredGlobals)
279 | )
280 | const scope = context.getScope()
281 | scope.through = scope.through.filter((variable) => {
282 | return !declaredGlobals.has(variable.identifier.name)
283 | })
284 | },
285 | })
286 | }
287 | }
288 |
289 | function remapMessages(messages, hasBOM, codePart) {
290 | const newMessages = []
291 | const bomOffset = hasBOM ? -1 : 0
292 |
293 | for (const message of messages) {
294 | const location = codePart.originalLocation({
295 | line: message.line,
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 | column: message.column || 1,
300 | })
301 |
302 |
303 | if (location) {
304 | Object.assign(message, location)
305 | message.source = codePart.getOriginalLine(location.line)
306 |
307 |
308 | if (message.fix && message.fix.range) {
309 | message.fix.range = [
310 | codePart.originalIndex(message.fix.range[0]) + bomOffset,
311 |
312 |
313 | codePart.originalIndex(message.fix.range[1] - 1) + 1 + bomOffset,
314 | ]
315 | }
316 |
317 |
318 | if (message.endLine && message.endColumn) {
319 | const endLocation = codePart.originalLocation({
320 | line: message.endLine,
321 | column: message.endColumn,
322 | })
323 | if (endLocation) {
324 | message.endLine = endLocation.line
325 | message.endColumn = endLocation.column
326 | }
327 | }
328 |
329 | newMessages.push(message)
330 | }
331 | }
332 |
333 | return newMessages
334 | }