1 | # esm
2 |
3 | The brilliantly simple, babel-less, bundle-less ECMAScript module loader.
4 |
5 | > `esm` is the world’s most advanced ECMAScript module loader.
6 | This fast, production ready, zero dependency loader is all you need to support
7 | ECMAScript modules in Node 6+. See the release [post](https://medium.com/web-on-the-edge/tomorrows-es-modules-today-c53d29ac448c)
8 | and [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcZ-FzfDq8A#t=5) for details!
9 |
10 | Install
11 | ---
12 |
13 | * __New projects__
14 |
15 | Run `npm init esm` or `yarn create esm`.
16 |
17 | :bulb: Use the `-y` flag to answer “yes” to all prompts.
18 |
19 | * __Existing projects__
20 |
21 | Run `npm i esm` or `yarn add esm`.
22 |
23 | Getting started
24 | ---
25 |
26 | There are two ways to enable `esm`.
27 |
28 | 1. Enable `esm` for packages:
29 |
30 | Use `esm` to load the main ES module and export it as CommonJS.
31 |
32 | __index.js__
33 | ```js
34 | // Set options as a parameter, environment variable, or rc file.
35 | require = require("esm")(module/*, options*/)
36 | module.exports = require("./main.js")
37 | ```
38 | __main.js__
39 | ```js
40 | // ESM syntax is supported.
41 | export {}
42 | ```
43 | :bulb: These files are automagically created with `npm init esm` or `yarn create esm`.
44 |
45 | 2. Enable `esm` for local runs:
46 |
47 | ```shell
48 | node -r esm main.js
49 | ```
50 | :bulb: Omit the filename to enable `esm` in the REPL.
51 |
52 | Features
53 | ---
54 |
55 | :clap: By default, :100: percent CJS interoperability is enabled so you can get stuff done.<br>
56 | :lock: `.mjs` files are limited to basic functionality without support for `esm` options.
57 |
58 | Out of the box `esm` just works, no configuration necessary, and supports:
59 |
60 | * Passing all applicable [test262](https://github.com/tc39/test262) compliance tests
61 | * [`import`](https://ponyfoo.com/articles/es6-modules-in-depth#import)/[`export`](https://ponyfoo.com/articles/es6-modules-in-depth#export)
62 | * [`import.meta`](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-meta)
63 | * [Dynamic `import`](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-dynamic-import)
64 | * [Live bindings](https://ponyfoo.com/articles/es6-modules-in-depth#bindings-not-values)
65 | * [File URI scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme)
66 | * Node `stdin`, [`--eval`](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_e_eval_script), [`--print`](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_p_print_script) flags
67 | * Node [`--check`](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_c_check) flag _(Node 10+)_
68 |
69 | Options
70 | ---
71 |
72 | Specify options with one of the following:
73 |
74 | * `"esm"` field in `package.json`
75 | * CJS/ESM in an `.esmrc.js`, `.esmrc.cjs`, or `.esmrc.mjs` file
76 | * [JSON6](https://github.com/d3x0r/json6) in an `.esmrc` or `.esmrc.json` file
77 | * JSON6 or file path in the `ESM_OPTIONS` environment variable
78 | * `ESM_DISABLE_CACHE` environment variable
79 |
80 | <table><tr><td colspan=2><code>{</code><tr><td valign=top><code>"cjs":true</code><td><p>A boolean or object for toggling CJS features in ESM.<details><summary>Features</summary><table><tr><td colspan=2><code>{</code><tr><td valign=top><code>"cache":true</code><td><p>A boolean for storing ES modules in <code>require.cache</code>.<tr><td valign=top><code>"esModule":true</code><td><p>A boolean for <code>__esModule</code> interoperability.<tr><td valign=top><code>"extensions":true</code><td><p>A boolean for respecting <code>require.extensions</code> in ESM.<tr><td valign=top><code>"mutableNamespace":true</code><td><p>A boolean for mutable <a href=https://ponyfoo.com/articles/es6-modules-in-depth#import-all-the-things>namespace objects</a>.<tr><td valign=top><code>"namedExports":true</code><td><p>A boolean for <a href=https://ponyfoo.com/articles/es6-modules-in-depth#importing-named-exports>importing named exports</a> of CJS modules.<tr><td valign=top><code>"paths":true</code><td><p>A boolean for following CJS <a href=https://github.com/nodejs/node-eps/blob/master/002-es-modules.md#432-removal-of-non-local-dependencies>path rules</a> in ESM.<tr><td valign=top><code>"vars":true</code><td><p>A boolean for <code>__dirname</code>, <code>__filename</code>, and <code>require</code> in ESM.<tr><td valign=top><code>"dedefault":false</code><td><p>A boolean for requiring ES modules without the dangling <code>require().default</code>.<tr><td valign=top><code>"topLevelReturn":false</code><td><p>A boolean for top-level <code>return</code> support.<tr><td colspan=2><code>}</code></table></details><tr><td valign=top><code>"mainFields":["main"]</code><td><p>An array of fields checked when importing a package.<tr><td valign=top><code>"mode":"auto"</code><td><p>A string mode:<ul><li><code>"auto"</code> detect files with <code>import</code>, <code>import.meta</code>, <code>export</code>,<br><a href=https://github.com/tc39/proposal-modules-pragma><code>"use module"</code></a>, or <code>.mjs</code> as ESM.<li><code>"all"</code> files besides those with <code>"use script"</code> or <code>.cjs</code> are treated as ESM.<li><code>"strict"</code> to treat <strong>only</strong> <code>.mjs</code> files as ESM.</ul><tr><td valign=top><code>"await":false</code><td><p>A boolean for <a href=https://github.com/tc39/proposal-top-level-await>top-level <code>await</code></a> in modules without ESM exports. <em>(Node 10+)</em><tr><td valign=top><code>"force":false</code><td><p>A boolean to apply these options to all module loads.<tr><td valign=top><code>"wasm":false</code><td><p>A boolean for <a href=https://nodejs.org/api/globals.html#globals_webassembly>WebAssembly</a> module support. <em>(Node 8+)</em><tr><td colspan=2><code>}</code></table>
81 |
82 | DevOpts
83 | ---
84 |
85 | <table><tr><td colspan=2><code>{</code><tr><td valign=top><code>"cache":true</code><td><p>A boolean for toggling cache creation or a cache directory path.<tr><td valign=top><code>"sourceMap":false</code><td><p>A boolean for including inline source maps.<tr><td colspan=2><code>}</code></table>
86 |
87 | Tips
88 | ---
89 |
90 | ### Bundling
91 |
92 | * For bundlers like [`browserify`](http://browserify.org/)+[`esmify`](https://github.com/mattdesl/esmify),
93 | [`parcel-bundler`](https://parceljs.org/), and [`webpack`](https://webpack.js.org/)
94 | add a `"module"` field to `package.json` pointing to the main ES module.
95 | ```json
96 | "main": "index.js",
97 | "module": "main.js"
98 | ```
99 |
100 | :bulb: This is automagically done with `npm init esm` or `yarn create esm`.
101 |
102 | ### Extensions
103 |
104 | * Enable `esm` for [`wallaby.js`](https://wallabyjs.com/) following their
105 | [integration example](https://wallabyjs.com/docs/integration/node.html#es-modules).
106 |
107 | ### Loading
108 |
109 | * Load `esm` before loaders/monitors like
110 | [`@babel/register`](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/next/babel-register.html),
111 | [`newrelic`](https://github.com/newrelic/node-newrelic),
112 | [`sqreen`](https://docs.sqreen.io/sqreen-for-nodejs/getting-started-2/), and
113 | [`ts-node`](https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node#programmatic).
114 |
115 | * Load `esm` for [`jasmine`](https://jasmine.github.io/) using the
116 | [`"helpers"`](https://jasmine.github.io/setup/nodejs.html#configuration)
117 | field in `jasmine.json`:
118 | ```json
119 | "helpers": [
120 | "node_modules/esm"
121 | ]
122 | ```
123 |
124 | * Load `esm` with “node-args" options of:<br>
125 | - [`pm2`](https://pm2.io/doc/en/runtime/reference/pm2-cli/#pm2-flags): `--node-args="-r esm"`
126 |
127 | * Load `esm` with “require” options of
128 | [`ava`](https://github.com/avajs/ava/blob/master/docs/recipes/es-modules.md),
129 | [`mocha`](https://mochajs.org/#-require-module-r-module),
130 | [`nodemon`](https://nodemon.io/),
131 | [`nyc`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc#require-additional-modules),
132 | [`qunit`](https://github.com/qunitjs/qunit/releases/tag/2.6.0),
133 | [`tape`](https://github.com/substack/tape#preloading-modules), and
134 | [`webpack`](https://webpack.js.org/api/cli/#config-options).
135 |
136 | :bulb: Builtin `require` cannot sideload `.mjs` files. However, `.js` files
137 | can be sideloaded or `.mjs` files may be loaded with dynamic `import`.
138 |
\ | No newline at end of file |