1 | import type { AddressLike, NameResolver } from "../address/index.js";
2 | import type { BigNumberish, EventEmitterable } from "../utils/index.js";
3 | import type { Signature } from "../crypto/index.js";
4 | import type { AccessList, AccessListish, BlobLike, KzgLibrary, TransactionLike } from "../transaction/index.js";
5 | import type { ContractRunner } from "./contracts.js";
6 | import type { Network } from "./network.js";
7 | /**
8 | * A **BlockTag** specifies a specific block.
9 | *
10 | * **numeric value** - specifies the block height, where
11 | * the genesis block is block 0; many operations accept a negative
12 | * value which indicates the block number should be deducted from
13 | * the most recent block. A numeric value may be a ``number``, ``bigint``,
14 | * or a decimal of hex string.
15 | *
16 | * **blockhash** - specifies a specific block by its blockhash; this allows
17 | * potentially orphaned blocks to be specifed, without ambiguity, but many
18 | * backends do not support this for some operations.
19 | */
20 | export type BlockTag = BigNumberish | string;
21 | import { BlockParams, LogParams, TransactionReceiptParams, TransactionResponseParams } from "./formatting.js";
22 | /**
23 | * A **FeeData** wraps all the fee-related values associated with
24 | * the network.
25 | */
26 | export declare class FeeData {
27 | /**
28 | * The gas price for legacy networks.
29 | */
30 | readonly gasPrice: null | bigint;
31 | /**
32 | * The maximum fee to pay per gas.
33 | *
34 | * The base fee per gas is defined by the network and based on
35 | * congestion, increasing the cost during times of heavy load
36 | * and lowering when less busy.
37 | *
38 | * The actual fee per gas will be the base fee for the block
39 | * and the priority fee, up to the max fee per gas.
40 | *
41 | * This will be ``null`` on legacy networks (i.e. [pre-EIP-1559](link-eip-1559))
42 | */
43 | readonly maxFeePerGas: null | bigint;
44 | /**
45 | * The additional amout to pay per gas to encourage a validator
46 | * to include the transaction.
47 | *
48 | * The purpose of this is to compensate the validator for the
49 | * adjusted risk for including a given transaction.
50 | *
51 | * This will be ``null`` on legacy networks (i.e. [pre-EIP-1559](link-eip-1559))
52 | */
53 | readonly maxPriorityFeePerGas: null | bigint;
54 | /**
55 | * Creates a new FeeData for %%gasPrice%%, %%maxFeePerGas%% and
56 | * %%maxPriorityFeePerGas%%.
57 | */
58 | constructor(gasPrice?: null | bigint, maxFeePerGas?: null | bigint, maxPriorityFeePerGas?: null | bigint);
59 | /**
60 | * Returns a JSON-friendly value.
61 | */
62 | toJSON(): any;
63 | }
64 | /**
65 | * A **TransactionRequest** is a transactions with potentially various
66 | * properties not defined, or with less strict types for its values.
67 | *
68 | * This is used to pass to various operations, which will internally
69 | * coerce any types and populate any necessary values.
70 | */
71 | export interface TransactionRequest {
72 | /**
73 | * The transaction type.
74 | */
75 | type?: null | number;
76 | /**
77 | * The target of the transaction.
78 | */
79 | to?: null | AddressLike;
80 | /**
81 | * The sender of the transaction.
82 | */
83 | from?: null | AddressLike;
84 | /**
85 | * The nonce of the transaction, used to prevent replay attacks.
86 | */
87 | nonce?: null | number;
88 | /**
89 | * The maximum amount of gas to allow this transaction to consume.
90 | */
91 | gasLimit?: null | BigNumberish;
92 | /**
93 | * The gas price to use for legacy transactions or transactions on
94 | * legacy networks.
95 | *
96 | * Most of the time the ``max*FeePerGas`` is preferred.
97 | */
98 | gasPrice?: null | BigNumberish;
99 | /**
100 | * The [[link-eip-1559]] maximum priority fee to pay per gas.
101 | */
102 | maxPriorityFeePerGas?: null | BigNumberish;
103 | /**
104 | * The [[link-eip-1559]] maximum total fee to pay per gas. The actual
105 | * value used is protocol enforced to be the block's base fee.
106 | */
107 | maxFeePerGas?: null | BigNumberish;
108 | /**
109 | * The transaction data.
110 | */
111 | data?: null | string;
112 | /**
113 | * The transaction value (in wei).
114 | */
115 | value?: null | BigNumberish;
116 | /**
117 | * The chain ID for the network this transaction is valid on.
118 | */
119 | chainId?: null | BigNumberish;
120 | /**
121 | * The [[link-eip-2930]] access list. Storage slots included in the access
122 | * list are //warmed// by pre-loading them, so their initial cost to
123 | * fetch is guaranteed, but then each additional access is cheaper.
124 | */
125 | accessList?: null | AccessListish;
126 | /**
127 | * A custom object, which can be passed along for network-specific
128 | * values.
129 | */
130 | customData?: any;
131 | /**
132 | * When using ``call`` or ``estimateGas``, this allows a specific
133 | * block to be queried. Many backends do not support this and when
134 | * unsupported errors are silently squelched and ``"latest"`` is used.
135 | */
136 | blockTag?: BlockTag;
137 | /**
138 | * When using ``call``, this enables CCIP-read, which permits the
139 | * provider to be redirected to web-based content during execution,
140 | * which is then further validated by the contract.
141 | *
142 | * There are potential security implications allowing CCIP-read, as
143 | * it could be used to expose the IP address or user activity during
144 | * the fetch to unexpected parties.
145 | */
146 | enableCcipRead?: boolean;
147 | /**
148 | * The blob versioned hashes (see [[link-eip-4844]]).
149 | */
150 | blobVersionedHashes?: null | Array<string>;
151 | /**
152 | * The maximum fee per blob gas (see [[link-eip-4844]]).
153 | */
154 | maxFeePerBlobGas?: null | BigNumberish;
155 | /**
156 | * Any blobs to include in the transaction (see [[link-eip-4844]]).
157 | */
158 | blobs?: null | Array<BlobLike>;
159 | /**
160 | * An external library for computing the KZG commitments and
161 | * proofs necessary for EIP-4844 transactions (see [[link-eip-4844]]).
162 | *
163 | * This is generally ``null``, unless you are creating BLOb
164 | * transactions.
165 | */
166 | kzg?: null | KzgLibrary;
167 | }
168 | /**
169 | * A **PreparedTransactionRequest** is identical to a [[TransactionRequest]]
170 | * except all the property types are strictly enforced.
171 | */
172 | export interface PreparedTransactionRequest {
173 | /**
174 | * The transaction type.
175 | */
176 | type?: number;
177 | /**
178 | * The target of the transaction.
179 | */
180 | to?: AddressLike;
181 | /**
182 | * The sender of the transaction.
183 | */
184 | from?: AddressLike;
185 | /**
186 | * The nonce of the transaction, used to prevent replay attacks.
187 | */
188 | nonce?: number;
189 | /**
190 | * The maximum amount of gas to allow this transaction to consime.
191 | */
192 | gasLimit?: bigint;
193 | /**
194 | * The gas price to use for legacy transactions or transactions on
195 | * legacy networks.
196 | *
197 | * Most of the time the ``max*FeePerGas`` is preferred.
198 | */
199 | gasPrice?: bigint;
200 | /**
201 | * The [[link-eip-1559]] maximum priority fee to pay per gas.
202 | */
203 | maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint;
204 | /**
205 | * The [[link-eip-1559]] maximum total fee to pay per gas. The actual
206 | * value used is protocol enforced to be the block's base fee.
207 | */
208 | maxFeePerGas?: bigint;
209 | /**
210 | * The transaction data.
211 | */
212 | data?: string;
213 | /**
214 | * The transaction value (in wei).
215 | */
216 | value?: bigint;
217 | /**
218 | * The chain ID for the network this transaction is valid on.
219 | */
220 | chainId?: bigint;
221 | /**
222 | * The [[link-eip-2930]] access list. Storage slots included in the access
223 | * list are //warmed// by pre-loading them, so their initial cost to
224 | * fetch is guaranteed, but then each additional access is cheaper.
225 | */
226 | accessList?: AccessList;
227 | /**
228 | * A custom object, which can be passed along for network-specific
229 | * values.
230 | */
231 | customData?: any;
232 | /**
233 | * When using ``call`` or ``estimateGas``, this allows a specific
234 | * block to be queried. Many backends do not support this and when
235 | * unsupported errors are silently squelched and ``"latest"`` is used.
236 | */
237 | blockTag?: BlockTag;
238 | /**
239 | * When using ``call``, this enables CCIP-read, which permits the
240 | * provider to be redirected to web-based content during execution,
241 | * which is then further validated by the contract.
242 | *
243 | * There are potential security implications allowing CCIP-read, as
244 | * it could be used to expose the IP address or user activity during
245 | * the fetch to unexpected parties.
246 | */
247 | enableCcipRead?: boolean;
248 | }
249 | /**
250 | * Returns a copy of %%req%% with all properties coerced to their strict
251 | * types.
252 | */
253 | export declare function copyRequest(req: TransactionRequest): PreparedTransactionRequest;
254 | /**
255 | * An Interface to indicate a [[Block]] has been included in the
256 | * blockchain. This asserts a Type Guard that necessary properties
257 | * are non-null.
258 | *
259 | * Before a block is included, it is a //pending// block.
260 | */
261 | export interface MinedBlock extends Block {
262 | /**
263 | * The block number also known as the block height.
264 | */
265 | readonly number: number;
266 | /**
267 | * The block hash.
268 | */
269 | readonly hash: string;
270 | /**
271 | * The block timestamp, in seconds from epoch.
272 | */
273 | readonly timestamp: number;
274 | /**
275 | * The block date, created from the [[timestamp]].
276 | */
277 | readonly date: Date;
278 | /**
279 | * The miner of the block, also known as the ``author`` or
280 | * block ``producer``.
281 | */
282 | readonly miner: string;
283 | }
284 | /**
285 | * A **Block** represents the data associated with a full block on
286 | * Ethereum.
287 | */
288 | export declare class Block implements BlockParams, Iterable<string> {
289 | #private;
290 | /**
291 | * The provider connected to the block used to fetch additional details
292 | * if necessary.
293 | */
294 | readonly provider: Provider;
295 | /**
296 | * The block number, sometimes called the block height. This is a
297 | * sequential number that is one higher than the parent block.
298 | */
299 | readonly number: number;
300 | /**
301 | * The block hash.
302 | *
303 | * This hash includes all properties, so can be safely used to identify
304 | * an exact set of block properties.
305 | */
306 | readonly hash: null | string;
307 | /**
308 | * The timestamp for this block, which is the number of seconds since
309 | * epoch that this block was included.
310 | */
311 | readonly timestamp: number;
312 | /**
313 | * The block hash of the parent block.
314 | */
315 | readonly parentHash: string;
316 | /**
317 | * The hash tree root of the parent beacon block for the given
318 | * execution block. See [[link-eip-4788]].
319 | */
320 | parentBeaconBlockRoot: null | string;
321 | /**
322 | * The nonce.
323 | *
324 | * On legacy networks, this is the random number inserted which
325 | * permitted the difficulty target to be reached.
326 | */
327 | readonly nonce: string;
328 | /**
329 | * The difficulty target.
330 | *
331 | * On legacy networks, this is the proof-of-work target required
332 | * for a block to meet the protocol rules to be included.
333 | *
334 | * On modern networks, this is a random number arrived at using
335 | * randao. @TODO: Find links?
336 | */
337 | readonly difficulty: bigint;
338 | /**
339 | * The total gas limit for this block.
340 | */
341 | readonly gasLimit: bigint;
342 | /**
343 | * The total gas used in this block.
344 | */
345 | readonly gasUsed: bigint;
346 | /**
347 | * The root hash for the global state after applying changes
348 | * in this block.
349 | */
350 | readonly stateRoot: null | string;
351 | /**
352 | * The hash of the transaction receipts trie.
353 | */
354 | readonly receiptsRoot: null | string;
355 | /**
356 | * The total amount of blob gas consumed by the transactions
357 | * within the block. See [[link-eip-4844]].
358 | */
359 | readonly blobGasUsed: null | bigint;
360 | /**
361 | * The running total of blob gas consumed in excess of the
362 | * target, prior to the block. See [[link-eip-4844]].
363 | */
364 | readonly excessBlobGas: null | bigint;
365 | /**
366 | * The miner coinbase address, wihch receives any subsidies for
367 | * including this block.
368 | */
369 | readonly miner: string;
370 | /**
371 | * The latest RANDAO mix of the post beacon state of
372 | * the previous block.
373 | */
374 | readonly prevRandao: null | string;
375 | /**
376 | * Any extra data the validator wished to include.
377 | */
378 | readonly extraData: string;
379 | /**
380 | * The base fee per gas that all transactions in this block were
381 | * charged.
382 | *
383 | * This adjusts after each block, depending on how congested the network
384 | * is.
385 | */
386 | readonly baseFeePerGas: null | bigint;
387 | /**
388 | * Create a new **Block** object.
389 | *
390 | * This should generally not be necessary as the unless implementing a
391 | * low-level library.
392 | */
393 | constructor(block: BlockParams, provider: Provider);
394 | /**
395 | * Returns the list of transaction hashes, in the order
396 | * they were executed within the block.
397 | */
398 | get transactions(): ReadonlyArray<string>;
399 | /**
400 | * Returns the complete transactions, in the order they
401 | * were executed within the block.
402 | *
403 | * This is only available for blocks which prefetched
404 | * transactions, by passing ``true`` to %%prefetchTxs%%
405 | * into [[Provider-getBlock]].
406 | */
407 | get prefetchedTransactions(): Array<TransactionResponse>;
408 | /**
409 | * Returns a JSON-friendly value.
410 | */
411 | toJSON(): any;
412 | [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<string>;
413 | /**
414 | * The number of transactions in this block.
415 | */
416 | get length(): number;
417 | /**
418 | * The [[link-js-date]] this block was included at.
419 | */
420 | get date(): null | Date;
421 | /**
422 | * Get the transaction at %%indexe%% within this block.
423 | */
424 | getTransaction(indexOrHash: number | string): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
425 | /**
426 | * If a **Block** was fetched with a request to include the transactions
427 | * this will allow synchronous access to those transactions.
428 | *
429 | * If the transactions were not prefetched, this will throw.
430 | */
431 | getPrefetchedTransaction(indexOrHash: number | string): TransactionResponse;
432 | /**
433 | * Returns true if this block been mined. This provides a type guard
434 | * for all properties on a [[MinedBlock]].
435 | */
436 | isMined(): this is MinedBlock;
437 | /**
438 | * Returns true if this block is an [[link-eip-2930]] block.
439 | */
440 | isLondon(): this is (Block & {
441 | baseFeePerGas: bigint;
442 | });
443 | /**
444 | * @_ignore:
445 | */
446 | orphanedEvent(): OrphanFilter;
447 | }
448 | /**
449 | * A **Log** in Ethereum represents an event that has been included in a
450 | * transaction using the ``LOG*`` opcodes, which are most commonly used by
451 | * Solidity's emit for announcing events.
452 | */
453 | export declare class Log implements LogParams {
454 | /**
455 | * The provider connected to the log used to fetch additional details
456 | * if necessary.
457 | */
458 | readonly provider: Provider;
459 | /**
460 | * The transaction hash of the transaction this log occurred in. Use the
461 | * [[Log-getTransaction]] to get the [[TransactionResponse]].
462 | */
463 | readonly transactionHash: string;
464 | /**
465 | * The block hash of the block this log occurred in. Use the
466 | * [[Log-getBlock]] to get the [[Block]].
467 | */
468 | readonly blockHash: string;
469 | /**
470 | * The block number of the block this log occurred in. It is preferred
471 | * to use the [[Block-hash]] when fetching the related [[Block]],
472 | * since in the case of an orphaned block, the block at that height may
473 | * have changed.
474 | */
475 | readonly blockNumber: number;
476 | /**
477 | * If the **Log** represents a block that was removed due to an orphaned
478 | * block, this will be true.
479 | *
480 | * This can only happen within an orphan event listener.
481 | */
482 | readonly removed: boolean;
483 | /**
484 | * The address of the contract that emitted this log.
485 | */
486 | readonly address: string;
487 | /**
488 | * The data included in this log when it was emitted.
489 | */
490 | readonly data: string;
491 | /**
492 | * The indexed topics included in this log when it was emitted.
493 | *
494 | * All topics are included in the bloom filters, so they can be
495 | * efficiently filtered using the [[Provider-getLogs]] method.
496 | */
497 | readonly topics: ReadonlyArray<string>;
498 | /**
499 | * The index within the block this log occurred at. This is generally
500 | * not useful to developers, but can be used with the various roots
501 | * to proof inclusion within a block.
502 | */
503 | readonly index: number;
504 | /**
505 | * The index within the transaction of this log.
506 | */
507 | readonly transactionIndex: number;
508 | /**
509 | * @_ignore:
510 | */
511 | constructor(log: LogParams, provider: Provider);
512 | /**
513 | * Returns a JSON-compatible object.
514 | */
515 | toJSON(): any;
516 | /**
517 | * Returns the block that this log occurred in.
518 | */
519 | getBlock(): Promise<Block>;
520 | /**
521 | * Returns the transaction that this log occurred in.
522 | */
523 | getTransaction(): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
524 | /**
525 | * Returns the transaction receipt fot the transaction that this
526 | * log occurred in.
527 | */
528 | getTransactionReceipt(): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
529 | /**
530 | * @_ignore:
531 | */
532 | removedEvent(): OrphanFilter;
533 | }
534 | /**
535 | * A **TransactionReceipt** includes additional information about a
536 | * transaction that is only available after it has been mined.
537 | */
538 | export declare class TransactionReceipt implements TransactionReceiptParams, Iterable<Log> {
539 | #private;
540 | /**
541 | * The provider connected to the log used to fetch additional details
542 | * if necessary.
543 | */
544 | readonly provider: Provider;
545 | /**
546 | * The address the transaction was sent to.
547 | */
548 | readonly to: null | string;
549 | /**
550 | * The sender of the transaction.
551 | */
552 | readonly from: string;
553 | /**
554 | * The address of the contract if the transaction was directly
555 | * responsible for deploying one.
556 | *
557 | * This is non-null **only** if the ``to`` is empty and the ``data``
558 | * was successfully executed as initcode.
559 | */
560 | readonly contractAddress: null | string;
561 | /**
562 | * The transaction hash.
563 | */
564 | readonly hash: string;
565 | /**
566 | * The index of this transaction within the block transactions.
567 | */
568 | readonly index: number;
569 | /**
570 | * The block hash of the [[Block]] this transaction was included in.
571 | */
572 | readonly blockHash: string;
573 | /**
574 | * The block number of the [[Block]] this transaction was included in.
575 | */
576 | readonly blockNumber: number;
577 | /**
578 | * The bloom filter bytes that represent all logs that occurred within
579 | * this transaction. This is generally not useful for most developers,
580 | * but can be used to validate the included logs.
581 | */
582 | readonly logsBloom: string;
583 | /**
584 | * The actual amount of gas used by this transaction.
585 | *
586 | * When creating a transaction, the amount of gas that will be used can
587 | * only be approximated, but the sender must pay the gas fee for the
588 | * entire gas limit. After the transaction, the difference is refunded.
589 | */
590 | readonly gasUsed: bigint;
591 | /**
592 | * The gas used for BLObs. See [[link-eip-4844]].
593 | */
594 | readonly blobGasUsed: null | bigint;
595 | /**
596 | * The amount of gas used by all transactions within the block for this
597 | * and all transactions with a lower ``index``.
598 | *
599 | * This is generally not useful for developers but can be used to
600 | * validate certain aspects of execution.
601 | */
602 | readonly cumulativeGasUsed: bigint;
603 | /**
604 | * The actual gas price used during execution.
605 | *
606 | * Due to the complexity of [[link-eip-1559]] this value can only
607 | * be caluclated after the transaction has been mined, snce the base
608 | * fee is protocol-enforced.
609 | */
610 | readonly gasPrice: bigint;
611 | /**
612 | * The price paid per BLOB in gas. See [[link-eip-4844]].
613 | */
614 | readonly blobGasPrice: null | bigint;
615 | /**
616 | * The [[link-eip-2718]] transaction type.
617 | */
618 | readonly type: number;
619 | /**
620 | * The status of this transaction, indicating success (i.e. ``1``) or
621 | * a revert (i.e. ``0``).
622 | *
623 | * This is available in post-byzantium blocks, but some backends may
624 | * backfill this value.
625 | */
626 | readonly status: null | number;
627 | /**
628 | * The root hash of this transaction.
629 | *
630 | * This is no present and was only included in pre-byzantium blocks, but
631 | * could be used to validate certain parts of the receipt.
632 | */
633 | readonly root: null | string;
634 | /**
635 | * @_ignore:
636 | */
637 | constructor(tx: TransactionReceiptParams, provider: Provider);
638 | /**
639 | * The logs for this transaction.
640 | */
641 | get logs(): ReadonlyArray<Log>;
642 | /**
643 | * Returns a JSON-compatible representation.
644 | */
645 | toJSON(): any;
646 | /**
647 | * @_ignore:
648 | */
649 | get length(): number;
650 | [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Log>;
651 | /**
652 | * The total fee for this transaction, in wei.
653 | */
654 | get fee(): bigint;
655 | /**
656 | * Resolves to the block this transaction occurred in.
657 | */
658 | getBlock(): Promise<Block>;
659 | /**
660 | * Resolves to the transaction this transaction occurred in.
661 | */
662 | getTransaction(): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
663 | /**
664 | * Resolves to the return value of the execution of this transaction.
665 | *
666 | * Support for this feature is limited, as it requires an archive node
667 | * with the ``debug_`` or ``trace_`` API enabled.
668 | */
669 | getResult(): Promise<string>;
670 | /**
671 | * Resolves to the number of confirmations this transaction has.
672 | */
673 | confirmations(): Promise<number>;
674 | /**
675 | * @_ignore:
676 | */
677 | removedEvent(): OrphanFilter;
678 | /**
679 | * @_ignore:
680 | */
681 | reorderedEvent(other?: TransactionResponse): OrphanFilter;
682 | }
683 | /**
684 | * A **MinedTransactionResponse** is an interface representing a
685 | * transaction which has been mined and allows for a type guard for its
686 | * property values being defined.
687 | */
688 | export interface MinedTransactionResponse extends TransactionResponse {
689 | /**
690 | * The block number this transaction occurred in.
691 | */
692 | blockNumber: number;
693 | /**
694 | * The block hash this transaction occurred in.
695 | */
696 | blockHash: string;
697 | /**
698 | * The date this transaction occurred on.
699 | */
700 | date: Date;
701 | }
702 | /**
703 | * A **TransactionResponse** includes all properties about a transaction
704 | * that was sent to the network, which may or may not be included in a
705 | * block.
706 | *
707 | * The [[TransactionResponse-isMined]] can be used to check if the
708 | * transaction has been mined as well as type guard that the otherwise
709 | * possibly ``null`` properties are defined.
710 | */
711 | export declare class TransactionResponse implements TransactionLike<string>, TransactionResponseParams {
712 | #private;
713 | /**
714 | * The provider this is connected to, which will influence how its
715 | * methods will resolve its async inspection methods.
716 | */
717 | readonly provider: Provider;
718 | /**
719 | * The block number of the block that this transaction was included in.
720 | *
721 | * This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
722 | */
723 | readonly blockNumber: null | number;
724 | /**
725 | * The blockHash of the block that this transaction was included in.
726 | *
727 | * This is ``null`` for pending transactions.
728 | */
729 | readonly blockHash: null | string;
730 | /**
731 | * The index within the block that this transaction resides at.
732 | */
733 | readonly index: number;
734 | /**
735 | * The transaction hash.
736 | */
737 | readonly hash: string;
738 | /**
739 | * The [[link-eip-2718]] transaction envelope type. This is
740 | * ``0`` for legacy transactions types.
741 | */
742 | readonly type: number;
743 | /**
744 | * The receiver of this transaction.
745 | *
746 | * If ``null``, then the transaction is an initcode transaction.
747 | * This means the result of executing the [[data]] will be deployed
748 | * as a new contract on chain (assuming it does not revert) and the
749 | * address may be computed using [[getCreateAddress]].
750 | */
751 | readonly to: null | string;
752 | /**
753 | * The sender of this transaction. It is implicitly computed
754 | * from the transaction pre-image hash (as the digest) and the
755 | * [[signature]] using ecrecover.
756 | */
757 | readonly from: string;
758 | /**
759 | * The nonce, which is used to prevent replay attacks and offer
760 | * a method to ensure transactions from a given sender are explicitly
761 | * ordered.
762 | *
763 | * When sending a transaction, this must be equal to the number of
764 | * transactions ever sent by [[from]].
765 | */
766 | readonly nonce: number;
767 | /**
768 | * The maximum units of gas this transaction can consume. If execution
769 | * exceeds this, the entries transaction is reverted and the sender
770 | * is charged for the full amount, despite not state changes being made.
771 | */
772 | readonly gasLimit: bigint;
773 | /**
774 | * The gas price can have various values, depending on the network.
775 | *
776 | * In modern networks, for transactions that are included this is
777 | * the //effective gas price// (the fee per gas that was actually
778 | * charged), while for transactions that have not been included yet
779 | * is the [[maxFeePerGas]].
780 | *
781 | * For legacy transactions, or transactions on legacy networks, this
782 | * is the fee that will be charged per unit of gas the transaction
783 | * consumes.
784 | */
785 | readonly gasPrice: bigint;
786 | /**
787 | * The maximum priority fee (per unit of gas) to allow a
788 | * validator to charge the sender. This is inclusive of the
789 | * [[maxFeeFeePerGas]].
790 | */
791 | readonly maxPriorityFeePerGas: null | bigint;
792 | /**
793 | * The maximum fee (per unit of gas) to allow this transaction
794 | * to charge the sender.
795 | */
796 | readonly maxFeePerGas: null | bigint;
797 | /**
798 | * The [[link-eip-4844]] max fee per BLOb gas.
799 | */
800 | readonly maxFeePerBlobGas: null | bigint;
801 | /**
802 | * The data.
803 | */
804 | readonly data: string;
805 | /**
806 | * The value, in wei. Use [[formatEther]] to format this value
807 | * as ether.
808 | */
809 | readonly value: bigint;
810 | /**
811 | * The chain ID.
812 | */
813 | readonly chainId: bigint;
814 | /**
815 | * The signature.
816 | */
817 | readonly signature: Signature;
818 | /**
819 | * The [[link-eip-2930]] access list for transaction types that
820 | * support it, otherwise ``null``.
821 | */
822 | readonly accessList: null | AccessList;
823 | /**
824 | * The [[link-eip-4844]] BLOb versioned hashes.
825 | */
826 | readonly blobVersionedHashes: null | Array<string>;
827 | /**
828 | * @_ignore:
829 | */
830 | constructor(tx: TransactionResponseParams, provider: Provider);
831 | /**
832 | * Returns a JSON-compatible representation of this transaction.
833 | */
834 | toJSON(): any;
835 | /**
836 | * Resolves to the Block that this transaction was included in.
837 | *
838 | * This will return null if the transaction has not been included yet.
839 | */
840 | getBlock(): Promise<null | Block>;
841 | /**
842 | * Resolves to this transaction being re-requested from the
843 | * provider. This can be used if you have an unmined transaction
844 | * and wish to get an up-to-date populated instance.
845 | */
846 | getTransaction(): Promise<null | TransactionResponse>;
847 | /**
848 | * Resolve to the number of confirmations this transaction has.
849 | */
850 | confirmations(): Promise<number>;
851 | /**
852 | * Resolves once this transaction has been mined and has
853 | * %%confirms%% blocks including it (default: ``1``) with an
854 | * optional %%timeout%%.
855 | *
856 | * This can resolve to ``null`` only if %%confirms%% is ``0``
857 | * and the transaction has not been mined, otherwise this will
858 | * wait until enough confirmations have completed.
859 | */
860 | wait(_confirms?: number, _timeout?: number): Promise<null | TransactionReceipt>;
861 | /**
862 | * Returns ``true`` if this transaction has been included.
863 | *
864 | * This is effective only as of the time the TransactionResponse
865 | * was instantiated. To get up-to-date information, use
866 | * [[getTransaction]].
867 | *
868 | * This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
869 | * non-null property values for properties that are null for
870 | * unmined transactions.
871 | */
872 | isMined(): this is MinedTransactionResponse;
873 | /**
874 | * Returns true if the transaction is a legacy (i.e. ``type == 0``)
875 | * transaction.
876 | *
877 | * This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
878 | * the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
879 | */
880 | isLegacy(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
881 | accessList: null;
882 | maxFeePerGas: null;
883 | maxPriorityFeePerGas: null;
884 | });
885 | /**
886 | * Returns true if the transaction is a Berlin (i.e. ``type == 1``)
887 | * transaction. See [[link-eip-2070]].
888 | *
889 | * This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
890 | * the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
891 | */
892 | isBerlin(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
893 | accessList: AccessList;
894 | maxFeePerGas: null;
895 | maxPriorityFeePerGas: null;
896 | });
897 | /**
898 | * Returns true if the transaction is a London (i.e. ``type == 2``)
899 | * transaction. See [[link-eip-1559]].
900 | *
901 | * This provides a Type Guard that this transaction will have
902 | * the ``null``-ness for hardfork-specific properties set correctly.
903 | */
904 | isLondon(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
905 | accessList: AccessList;
906 | maxFeePerGas: bigint;
907 | maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint;
908 | });
909 | /**
910 | * Returns true if hte transaction is a Cancun (i.e. ``type == 3``)
911 | * transaction. See [[link-eip-4844]].
912 | */
913 | isCancun(): this is (TransactionResponse & {
914 | accessList: AccessList;
915 | maxFeePerGas: bigint;
916 | maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint;
917 | maxFeePerBlobGas: bigint;
918 | blobVersionedHashes: Array<string>;
919 | });
920 | /**
921 | * Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
922 | * that evict this transaction.
923 | */
924 | removedEvent(): OrphanFilter;
925 | /**
926 | * Returns a filter which can be used to listen for orphan events
927 | * that re-order this event against %%other%%.
928 | */
929 | reorderedEvent(other?: TransactionResponse): OrphanFilter;
930 | /**
931 | * Returns a new TransactionResponse instance which has the ability to
932 | * detect (and throw an error) if the transaction is replaced, which
933 | * will begin scanning at %%startBlock%%.
934 | *
935 | * This should generally not be used by developers and is intended
936 | * primarily for internal use. Setting an incorrect %%startBlock%% can
937 | * have devastating performance consequences if used incorrectly.
938 | */
939 | replaceableTransaction(startBlock: number): TransactionResponse;
940 | }
941 | /**
942 | * An Orphan Filter allows detecting when an orphan block has
943 | * resulted in dropping a block or transaction or has resulted
944 | * in transactions changing order.
945 | *
946 | * Not currently fully supported.
947 | */
948 | export type OrphanFilter = {
949 | orphan: "drop-block";
950 | hash: string;
951 | number: number;
952 | } | {
953 | orphan: "drop-transaction";
954 | tx: {
955 | hash: string;
956 | blockHash: string;
957 | blockNumber: number;
958 | };
959 | other?: {
960 | hash: string;
961 | blockHash: string;
962 | blockNumber: number;
963 | };
964 | } | {
965 | orphan: "reorder-transaction";
966 | tx: {
967 | hash: string;
968 | blockHash: string;
969 | blockNumber: number;
970 | };
971 | other?: {
972 | hash: string;
973 | blockHash: string;
974 | blockNumber: number;
975 | };
976 | } | {
977 | orphan: "drop-log";
978 | log: {
979 | transactionHash: string;
980 | blockHash: string;
981 | blockNumber: number;
982 | address: string;
983 | data: string;
984 | topics: ReadonlyArray<string>;
985 | index: number;
986 | };
987 | };
988 | /**
989 | * A **TopicFilter** provides a struture to define bloom-filter
990 | * queries.
991 | *
992 | * Each field that is ``null`` matches **any** value, a field that is
993 | * a ``string`` must match exactly that value and ``array`` is
994 | * effectively an ``OR``-ed set, where any one of those values must
995 | * match.
996 | */
997 | export type TopicFilter = Array<null | string | Array<string>>;
998 | /**
999 | * An **EventFilter** allows efficiently filtering logs (also known as
1000 | * events) using bloom filters included within blocks.
1001 | */
1002 | export interface EventFilter {
1003 | address?: AddressLike | Array<AddressLike>;
1004 | topics?: TopicFilter;
1005 | }
1006 | /**
1007 | * A **Filter** allows searching a specific range of blocks for mathcing
1008 | * logs.
1009 | */
1010 | export interface Filter extends EventFilter {
1011 | /**
1012 | * The start block for the filter (inclusive).
1013 | */
1014 | fromBlock?: BlockTag;
1015 | /**
1016 | * The end block for the filter (inclusive).
1017 | */
1018 | toBlock?: BlockTag;
1019 | }
1020 | /**
1021 | * A **FilterByBlockHash** allows searching a specific block for mathcing
1022 | * logs.
1023 | */
1024 | export interface FilterByBlockHash extends EventFilter {
1025 | /**
1026 | * The blockhash of the specific block for the filter.
1027 | */
1028 | blockHash?: string;
1029 | }
1030 | /**
1031 | * A **ProviderEvent** provides the types of events that can be subscribed
1032 | * to on a [[Provider]].
1033 | *
1034 | * Each provider may include additional possible events it supports, but
1035 | * the most commonly supported are:
1036 | *
1037 | * **``"block"``** - calls the listener with the current block number on each
1038 | * new block.
1039 | *
1040 | * **``"error"``** - calls the listener on each async error that occurs during
1041 | * the event loop, with the error.
1042 | *
1043 | * **``"debug"``** - calls the listener on debug events, which can be used to
1044 | * troubleshoot network errors, provider problems, etc.
1045 | *
1046 | * **``transaction hash``** - calls the listener on each block after the
1047 | * transaction has been mined; generally ``.once`` is more appropriate for
1048 | * this event.
1049 | *
1050 | * **``Array``** - calls the listener on each log that matches the filter.
1051 | *
1052 | * [[EventFilter]] - calls the listener with each matching log
1053 | */
1054 | export type ProviderEvent = string | Array<string | Array<string>> | EventFilter | OrphanFilter;
1055 | /**
1056 | * A **Provider** is the primary method to interact with the read-only
1057 | * content on Ethereum.
1058 | *
1059 | * It allows access to details about accounts, blocks and transactions
1060 | * and the ability to query event logs and simulate contract execution.
1061 | *
1062 | * Account data includes the [balance](getBalance),
1063 | * [transaction count](getTransactionCount), [code](getCode) and
1064 | * [state trie storage](getStorage).
1065 | *
1066 | * Simulating execution can be used to [call](call),
1067 | * [estimate gas](estimateGas) and
1068 | * [get transaction results](getTransactionResult).
1069 | *
1070 | * The [[broadcastTransaction]] is the only method which allows updating
1071 | * the blockchain, but it is usually accessed by a [[Signer]], since a
1072 | * private key must be used to sign the transaction before it can be
1073 | * broadcast.
1074 | */
1075 | export interface Provider extends ContractRunner, EventEmitterable<ProviderEvent>, NameResolver {
1076 | /**
1077 | * The provider iteself.
1078 | *
1079 | * This is part of the necessary API for executing a contract, as
1080 | * it provides a common property on any [[ContractRunner]] that
1081 | * can be used to access the read-only portion of the runner.
1082 | */
1083 | provider: this;
1084 | /**
1085 | * Shutdown any resources this provider is using. No additional
1086 | * calls should be made to this provider after calling this.
1087 | */
1088 | destroy(): void;
1089 | /**
1090 | * Get the current block number.
1091 | */
1092 | getBlockNumber(): Promise<number>;
1093 | /**
1094 | * Get the connected [[Network]].
1095 | */
1096 | getNetwork(): Promise<Network>;
1097 | /**
1098 | * Get the best guess at the recommended [[FeeData]].
1099 | */
1100 | getFeeData(): Promise<FeeData>;
1101 | /**
1102 | * Get the account balance (in wei) of %%address%%. If %%blockTag%%
1103 | * is specified and the node supports archive access for that
1104 | * %%blockTag%%, the balance is as of that [[BlockTag]].
1105 | *
1106 | * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be
1107 | * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on.
1108 | */
1109 | getBalance(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<bigint>;
1110 | /**
1111 | * Get the number of transactions ever sent for %%address%%, which
1112 | * is used as the ``nonce`` when sending a transaction. If
1113 | * %%blockTag%% is specified and the node supports archive access
1114 | * for that %%blockTag%%, the transaction count is as of that
1115 | * [[BlockTag]].
1116 | *
1117 | * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be
1118 | * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on.
1119 | */
1120 | getTransactionCount(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
1121 | /**
1122 | * Get the bytecode for %%address%%.
1123 | *
1124 | * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be
1125 | * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on.
1126 | */
1127 | getCode(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<string>;
1128 | /**
1129 | * Get the storage slot value for %%address%% at slot %%position%%.
1130 | *
1131 | * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be
1132 | * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on.
1133 | */
1134 | getStorage(address: AddressLike, position: BigNumberish, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<string>;
1135 | /**
1136 | * Estimates the amount of gas required to execute %%tx%%.
1137 | */
1138 | estimateGas(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<bigint>;
1139 | /**
1140 | * Simulate the execution of %%tx%%. If the call reverts, it will
1141 | * throw a [[CallExceptionError]] which includes the revert data.
1142 | */
1143 | call(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise<string>;
1144 | /**
1145 | * Broadcasts the %%signedTx%% to the network, adding it to the
1146 | * memory pool of any node for which the transaction meets the
1147 | * rebroadcast requirements.
1148 | */
1149 | broadcastTransaction(signedTx: string): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
1150 | /**
1151 | * Resolves to the block for %%blockHashOrBlockTag%%.
1152 | *
1153 | * If %%prefetchTxs%%, and the backend supports including transactions
1154 | * with block requests, all transactions will be included and the
1155 | * [[Block]] object will not need to make remote calls for getting
1156 | * transactions.
1157 | */
1158 | getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string, prefetchTxs?: boolean): Promise<null | Block>;
1159 | /**
1160 | * Resolves to the transaction for %%hash%%.
1161 | *
1162 | * If the transaction is unknown or on pruning nodes which
1163 | * discard old transactions this resolves to ``null``.
1164 | */
1165 | getTransaction(hash: string): Promise<null | TransactionResponse>;
1166 | /**
1167 | * Resolves to the transaction receipt for %%hash%%, if mined.
1168 | *
1169 | * If the transaction has not been mined, is unknown or on
1170 | * pruning nodes which discard old transactions this resolves to
1171 | * ``null``.
1172 | */
1173 | getTransactionReceipt(hash: string): Promise<null | TransactionReceipt>;
1174 | /**
1175 | * Resolves to the result returned by the executions of %%hash%%.
1176 | *
1177 | * This is only supported on nodes with archive access and with
1178 | * the necessary debug APIs enabled.
1179 | */
1180 | getTransactionResult(hash: string): Promise<null | string>;
1181 | /**
1182 | * Resolves to the list of Logs that match %%filter%%
1183 | */
1184 | getLogs(filter: Filter | FilterByBlockHash): Promise<Array<Log>>;
1185 | /**
1186 | * Resolves to the address configured for the %%ensName%% or
1187 | * ``null`` if unconfigured.
1188 | */
1189 | resolveName(ensName: string): Promise<null | string>;
1190 | /**
1191 | * Resolves to the ENS name associated for the %%address%% or
1192 | * ``null`` if the //primary name// is not configured.
1193 | *
1194 | * Users must perform additional steps to configure a //primary name//,
1195 | * which is not currently common.
1196 | */
1197 | lookupAddress(address: string): Promise<null | string>;
1198 | /**
1199 | * Waits until the transaction %%hash%% is mined and has %%confirms%%
1200 | * confirmations.
1201 | */
1202 | waitForTransaction(hash: string, confirms?: number, timeout?: number): Promise<null | TransactionReceipt>;
1203 | /**
1204 | * Resolves to the block at %%blockTag%% once it has been mined.
1205 | *
1206 | * This can be useful for waiting some number of blocks by using
1207 | * the ``currentBlockNumber + N``.
1208 | */
1209 | waitForBlock(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<Block>;
1210 | }
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