1 | import type {SignalConstants} from 'node:os';
2 | import type {Readable} from 'node:stream';
3 | import type {Unless} from '../utils.js';
4 | import type {Message} from '../ipc.js';
5 | import type {StdinOptionCommon, StdoutStderrOptionCommon, StdioOptionsProperty} from '../stdio/type.js';
6 | import type {VerboseOption} from '../verbose.js';
7 | import type {FdGenericOption} from './specific.js';
8 | import type {EncodingOption} from './encoding-option.js';
9 |
10 | export type CommonOptions<IsSync extends boolean = boolean> = {
11 | /**
12 | Prefer locally installed binaries when looking for a binary to execute.
13 |
14 | @default `true` with `$`, `false` otherwise
15 | */
16 | readonly preferLocal?: boolean;
17 |
18 | /**
19 | Preferred path to find locally installed binaries, when using the `preferLocal` option.
20 |
21 | @default `cwd` option
22 | */
23 | readonly localDir?: string | URL;
24 |
25 | /**
26 | If `true`, runs with Node.js. The first argument must be a Node.js file.
27 |
28 | The subprocess inherits the current Node.js [CLI flags](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#options) and version. This can be overridden using the `nodeOptions` and `nodePath` options.
29 |
30 | @default `true` with `execaNode()`, `false` otherwise
31 | */
32 | readonly node?: boolean;
33 |
34 | /**
35 | List of [CLI flags](https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_options) passed to the Node.js executable.
36 |
37 | Requires the `node` option to be `true`.
38 |
39 | @default [`process.execArgv`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_execargv) (current Node.js CLI flags)
40 | */
41 | readonly nodeOptions?: readonly string[];
42 |
43 | /**
44 | Path to the Node.js executable.
45 |
46 | Requires the `node` option to be `true`.
47 |
48 | @default [`process.execPath`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_execpath) (current Node.js executable)
49 | */
50 | readonly nodePath?: string | URL;
51 |
52 | /**
53 | If `true`, runs the command inside of a [shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_(computing)).
54 |
55 | Uses [`/bin/sh`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell) on UNIX and [`cmd.exe`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cmd.exe) on Windows. A different shell can be specified as a string. The shell should understand the `-c` switch on UNIX or `/d /s /c` on Windows.
56 |
57 | We recommend against using this option.
58 |
59 | @default false
60 | */
61 | readonly shell?: boolean | string | URL;
62 |
63 | /**
64 | Current [working directory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_directory) of the subprocess.
65 |
66 | This is also used to resolve the `nodePath` option when it is a relative path.
67 |
68 | @default process.cwd()
69 | */
70 | readonly cwd?: string | URL;
71 |
72 | /**
73 | [Environment variables](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable).
74 |
75 | Unless the `extendEnv` option is `false`, the subprocess also uses the current process' environment variables ([`process.env`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#processenv)).
76 |
77 | @default [process.env](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#processenv)
78 | */
79 | readonly env?: Readonly<Partial<Record<string, string>>>;
80 |
81 | /**
82 | If `true`, the subprocess uses both the `env` option and the current process' environment variables ([`process.env`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#processenv)).
83 | If `false`, only the `env` option is used, not `process.env`.
84 |
85 | @default true
86 | */
87 | readonly extendEnv?: boolean;
88 |
89 | /**
90 | Write some input to the subprocess' [`stdin`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_input_(stdin)).
91 |
92 | See also the `inputFile` and `stdin` options.
93 | */
94 | readonly input?: string | Uint8Array | Readable;
95 |
96 | /**
97 | Use a file as input to the subprocess' [`stdin`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_input_(stdin)).
98 |
99 | See also the `input` and `stdin` options.
100 | */
101 | readonly inputFile?: string | URL;
102 |
103 | /**
104 | How to setup the subprocess' [standard input](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_input_(stdin)). This can be `'pipe'`, `'overlapped'`, `'ignore`, `'inherit'`, a file descriptor integer, a Node.js `Readable` stream, a web `ReadableStream`, a `{ file: 'path' }` object, a file URL, an `Iterable`, an `AsyncIterable`, an `Uint8Array`, a generator function, a `Duplex` or a web `TransformStream`.
105 |
106 | This can be an array of values such as `['inherit', 'pipe']` or `[fileUrl, 'pipe']`.
107 |
108 | @default `'inherit'` with `$`, `'pipe'` otherwise
109 | */
110 | readonly stdin?: StdinOptionCommon<IsSync>;
111 |
112 | /**
113 | How to setup the subprocess' [standard output](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_input_(stdin)). This can be `'pipe'`, `'overlapped'`, `'ignore`, `'inherit'`, a file descriptor integer, a Node.js `Writable` stream, a web `WritableStream`, a `{ file: 'path' }` object, a file URL, a generator function, a `Duplex` or a web `TransformStream`.
114 |
115 | This can be an array of values such as `['inherit', 'pipe']` or `[fileUrl, 'pipe']`.
116 |
117 | @default 'pipe'
118 | */
119 | readonly stdout?: StdoutStderrOptionCommon<IsSync>;
120 |
121 | /**
122 | How to setup the subprocess' [standard error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_input_(stdin)). This can be `'pipe'`, `'overlapped'`, `'ignore`, `'inherit'`, a file descriptor integer, a Node.js `Writable` stream, a web `WritableStream`, a `{ file: 'path' }` object, a file URL, a generator function, a `Duplex` or a web `TransformStream`.
123 |
124 | This can be an array of values such as `['inherit', 'pipe']` or `[fileUrl, 'pipe']`.
125 |
126 | @default 'pipe'
127 | */
128 | readonly stderr?: StdoutStderrOptionCommon<IsSync>;
129 |
130 | /**
131 | Like the `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr` options but for all [file descriptors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_descriptor) at once. For example, `{stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe']}` is the same as `{stdin: 'ignore', stdout: 'pipe', stderr: 'pipe'}`.
132 |
133 | A single string can be used as a shortcut.
134 |
135 | The array can have more than 3 items, to create additional file descriptors beyond `stdin`/`stdout`/`stderr`.
136 |
137 | @default 'pipe'
138 | */
139 | readonly stdio?: StdioOptionsProperty<IsSync>;
140 |
141 | /**
142 | Add a `subprocess.all` stream and a `result.all` property. They contain the combined/interleaved output of the subprocess' `stdout` and `stderr`.
143 |
144 | @default false
145 | */
146 | readonly all?: boolean;
147 |
148 | /**
149 | If the subprocess outputs text, specifies its character encoding, either [`'utf8'`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8) or [`'utf16le'`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16).
150 |
151 | If it outputs binary data instead, this should be either:
152 | - `'buffer'`: returns the binary output as an `Uint8Array`.
153 | - [`'hex'`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal), [`'base64'`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64), [`'base64url'`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#URL_applications), [`'latin1'`](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffers-and-character-encodings) or [`'ascii'`](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffers-and-character-encodings): encodes the binary output as a string.
154 |
155 | The output is available with `result.stdout`, `result.stderr` and `result.stdio`.
156 |
157 | @default 'utf8'
158 | */
159 | readonly encoding?: EncodingOption;
160 |
161 | /**
162 | Set `result.stdout`, `result.stderr`, `result.all` and `result.stdio` as arrays of strings, splitting the subprocess' output into lines.
163 |
164 | This cannot be used if the `encoding` option is binary.
165 |
166 | By default, this applies to both `stdout` and `stderr`, but different values can also be passed.
167 |
168 | @default false
169 | */
170 | readonly lines?: FdGenericOption<boolean>;
171 |
172 | /**
173 | Strip the final [newline character](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline) from the output.
174 |
175 | If the `lines` option is true, this applies to each output line instead.
176 |
177 | By default, this applies to both `stdout` and `stderr`, but different values can also be passed.
178 |
179 | @default true
180 | */
181 | readonly stripFinalNewline?: FdGenericOption<boolean>;
182 |
183 | /**
184 | Largest amount of data allowed on `stdout`, `stderr` and `stdio`.
185 |
186 | By default, this applies to both `stdout` and `stderr`, but different values can also be passed.
187 |
188 | When reached, `error.isMaxBuffer` becomes `true`.
189 |
190 | @default 100_000_000
191 | */
192 | readonly maxBuffer?: FdGenericOption<number>;
193 |
194 | /**
195 | When `buffer` is `false`, the `result.stdout`, `result.stderr`, `result.all` and `result.stdio` properties are not set.
196 |
197 | By default, this applies to both `stdout` and `stderr`, but different values can also be passed.
198 |
199 | @default true
200 | */
201 | readonly buffer?: FdGenericOption<boolean>;
202 |
203 | /**
204 | Enables exchanging messages with the subprocess using `subprocess.sendMessage(message)`, `subprocess.getOneMessage()` and `subprocess.getEachMessage()`.
205 |
206 | The subprocess must be a Node.js file.
207 |
208 | @default `true` if the `node`, `ipcInput` or `gracefulCancel` option is set, `false` otherwise
209 | */
210 | readonly ipc?: Unless<IsSync, boolean>;
211 |
212 | /**
213 | Specify the kind of serialization used for sending messages between subprocesses when using the `ipc` option.
214 |
215 | @default 'advanced'
216 | */
217 | readonly serialization?: Unless<IsSync, 'json' | 'advanced'>;
218 |
219 | /**
220 | Sends an IPC message when the subprocess starts.
221 |
222 | The subprocess must be a Node.js file. The value's type depends on the `serialization` option.
223 | */
224 | readonly ipcInput?: Unless<IsSync, Message>;
225 |
226 | /**
227 | If `verbose` is `'short'`, prints the command on [`stderr`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_error_(stderr)): its file, arguments, duration and (if it failed) error message.
228 |
229 | If `verbose` is `'full'` or a function, the command's [`stdout`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_output_(stdout)), `stderr` and IPC messages are also printed.
230 |
231 | A function can be passed to customize logging.
232 |
233 | By default, this applies to both `stdout` and `stderr`, but different values can also be passed.
234 |
235 | @default 'none'
236 | */
237 | readonly verbose?: VerboseOption;
238 |
239 | /**
240 | Setting this to `false` resolves the result's promise with the error instead of rejecting it.
241 |
242 | @default true
243 | */
244 | readonly reject?: boolean;
245 |
246 | /**
247 | If `timeout` is greater than `0`, the subprocess will be terminated if it runs for longer than that amount of milliseconds.
248 |
249 | On timeout, `error.timedOut` becomes `true`.
250 |
251 | @default 0
252 | */
253 | readonly timeout?: number;
254 |
255 | /**
256 | When the `cancelSignal` is [aborted](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController/abort), terminate the subprocess using a `SIGTERM` signal.
257 |
258 | When aborted, `error.isCanceled` becomes `true`.
259 |
260 | @example
261 | ```
262 | import {execaNode} from 'execa';
263 |
264 | const controller = new AbortController();
265 | const cancelSignal = controller.signal;
266 |
267 | setTimeout(() => {
268 | controller.abort();
269 | }, 5000);
270 |
271 | try {
272 | await execaNode({cancelSignal})`build.js`;
273 | } catch (error) {
274 | if (error.isCanceled) {
275 | console.error('Canceled by cancelSignal.');
276 | }
277 |
278 | throw error;
279 | }
280 | ```
281 | */
282 | readonly cancelSignal?: Unless<IsSync, AbortSignal>;
283 |
284 | /**
285 | When the `cancelSignal` option is [aborted](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController/abort), do not send any `SIGTERM`. Instead, abort the [`AbortSignal`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortSignal) returned by `getCancelSignal()`. The subprocess should use it to terminate gracefully.
286 |
287 | The subprocess must be a Node.js file.
288 |
289 | When aborted, `error.isGracefullyCanceled` becomes `true`.
290 |
291 | @default false
292 | */
293 | readonly gracefulCancel?: Unless<IsSync, boolean>;
294 |
295 | /**
296 | If the subprocess is terminated but does not exit, forcefully exit it by sending [`SIGKILL`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_(IPC)#SIGKILL).
297 |
298 | When this happens, `error.isForcefullyTerminated` becomes `true`.
299 |
300 | @default 5000
301 | */
302 | readonly forceKillAfterDelay?: Unless<IsSync, number | boolean>;
303 |
304 | /**
305 | Default [signal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_(IPC)) used to terminate the subprocess.
306 |
307 | This can be either a name (like `'SIGTERM'`) or a number (like `9`).
308 |
309 | @default 'SIGTERM'
310 | */
311 | readonly killSignal?: keyof SignalConstants | number;
312 |
313 | /**
314 | Run the subprocess independently from the current process.
315 |
316 | @default false
317 | */
318 | readonly detached?: Unless<IsSync, boolean>;
319 |
320 | /**
321 | Kill the subprocess when the current process exits.
322 |
323 | @default true
324 | */
325 | readonly cleanup?: Unless<IsSync, boolean>;
326 |
327 | /**
328 | Sets the [user identifier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_identifier) of the subprocess.
329 |
330 | @default current user identifier
331 | */
332 | readonly uid?: number;
333 |
334 | /**
335 | Sets the [group identifier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_identifier) of the subprocess.
336 |
337 | @default current group identifier
338 | */
339 | readonly gid?: number;
340 |
341 | /**
342 | Value of [`argv[0]`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#processargv0) sent to the subprocess.
343 |
344 | @default file being executed
345 | */
346 | readonly argv0?: string;
347 |
348 | /**
349 | On Windows, do not create a new console window.
350 |
351 | @default true
352 | */
353 | readonly windowsHide?: boolean;
354 |
355 | /**
356 | If `false`, escapes the command arguments on Windows.
357 |
358 | @default `true` if the `shell` option is `true`, `false` otherwise
359 | */
360 | readonly windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean;
361 | };
362 |
363 | /**
364 | Subprocess options.
365 |
366 | Some options are related to the subprocess output: `verbose`, `lines`, `stripFinalNewline`, `buffer`, `maxBuffer`. By default, those options apply to all file descriptors (`stdout`, `stderr`, etc.). A plain object can be passed instead to apply them to only `stdout`, `stderr`, `all` (both stdout and stderr), `ipc`, `fd3`, etc.
367 |
368 | @example
369 |
370 | ```
371 | // Same value for stdout and stderr
372 | await execa({verbose: 'full'})`npm run build`;
373 |
374 | // Different values for stdout and stderr
375 | await execa({verbose: {stdout: 'none', stderr: 'full'}})`npm run build`;
376 | ```
377 | */
378 | export type Options = CommonOptions<false>;
379 |
380 | /**
381 | Subprocess options, with synchronous methods.
382 |
383 | Some options are related to the subprocess output: `verbose`, `lines`, `stripFinalNewline`, `buffer`, `maxBuffer`. By default, those options apply to all file descriptors (`stdout`, `stderr`, etc.). A plain object can be passed instead to apply them to only `stdout`, `stderr`, `all` (both stdout and stderr), `ipc`, `fd3`, etc.
384 |
385 | @example
386 |
387 | ```
388 | // Same value for stdout and stderr
389 | execaSync({verbose: 'full'})`npm run build`;
390 |
391 | // Different values for stdout and stderr
392 | execaSync({verbose: {stdout: 'none', stderr: 'full'}})`npm run build`;
393 | ```
394 | */
395 | export type SyncOptions = CommonOptions<true>;
396 |
397 | export type StricterOptions<
398 | WideOptions extends CommonOptions,
399 | StrictOptions extends CommonOptions,
400 | > = WideOptions extends StrictOptions ? WideOptions : StrictOptions;