2.08 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { requireNativeViewManager } from '@unimodules/core';
2import * as React from 'react';
3import { View } from 'react-native';
4let _hasWarnedAboutTestDeviceID = false;
5export default class AdMobBanner extends React.Component {
6 constructor() {
7 super(...arguments);
8 this.state = { style: {} };
9 this._handleSizeChange = ({ nativeEvent }) => {
10 const { height, width } = nativeEvent;
11 this.setState({ style: { width, height } });
12 };
13 this._handleDidFailToReceiveAdWithError = ({ nativeEvent }) => this.props.onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError &&
14 this.props.onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError(nativeEvent.error);
15 }
16 render() {
17 const additionalRequestParams = {
18 ...this.props.additionalRequestParams,
19 };
20 if (!this.props.servePersonalizedAds) {
21 additionalRequestParams.npa = '1';
22 }
23 if (this.props.testDeviceID && !_hasWarnedAboutTestDeviceID) {
24 console.warn('The `testDeviceID` prop of AdMobBanner is deprecated. Test device IDs are now set globally. Use AdMob.setTestDeviceIDAsync instead.');
25 _hasWarnedAboutTestDeviceID = true;
26 }
27 return (React.createElement(View, { style: this.props.style },
28 React.createElement(ExpoBannerView, { style: this.state.style, adUnitID: this.props.adUnitID, bannerSize: this.props.bannerSize, onSizeChange: this._handleSizeChange, additionalRequestParams: additionalRequestParams, onAdViewDidReceiveAd: this.props.onAdViewDidReceiveAd, onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError: this._handleDidFailToReceiveAdWithError, onAdViewWillPresentScreen: this.props.onAdViewWillPresentScreen, onAdViewWillDismissScreen: this.props.onAdViewWillDismissScreen, onAdViewDidDismissScreen: this.props.onAdViewDidDismissScreen, onAdViewWillLeaveApplication: this.props.onAdViewWillLeaveApplication })));
29 }
31AdMobBanner.defaultProps = { bannerSize: 'smartBannerPortrait' };
32const ExpoBannerView = requireNativeViewManager('ExpoAdsAdMobBannerView');
33//# sourceMappingURL=AdMobBanner.js.map
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