10.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { EventEmitter, UnavailabilityError } from '@unimodules/core';
2import { Platform } from 'react-native';
3import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
4import ExponentFileSystem from './ExponentFileSystem';
5import { EncodingType, FileSystemSessionType, FileSystemUploadType, } from './FileSystem.types';
6if (!ExponentFileSystem) {
7 console.warn("No native ExponentFileSystem module found, are you sure the expo-file-system's module is linked properly?");
9// Prevent webpack from pruning this.
10const _unused = new EventEmitter(ExponentFileSystem); // eslint-disable-line
11export { EncodingType, FileSystemSessionType, FileSystemUploadType, };
12function normalizeEndingSlash(p) {
13 if (p != null) {
14 return p.replace(/\/*$/, '') + '/';
15 }
16 return null;
18export const documentDirectory = normalizeEndingSlash(ExponentFileSystem.documentDirectory);
19export const cacheDirectory = normalizeEndingSlash(ExponentFileSystem.cacheDirectory);
20export const { bundledAssets, bundleDirectory } = ExponentFileSystem;
21export async function getInfoAsync(fileUri, options = {}) {
22 if (!ExponentFileSystem.getInfoAsync) {
23 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getInfoAsync');
24 }
25 return await ExponentFileSystem.getInfoAsync(fileUri, options);
27export async function readAsStringAsync(fileUri, options) {
28 if (!ExponentFileSystem.readAsStringAsync) {
29 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'readAsStringAsync');
30 }
31 return await ExponentFileSystem.readAsStringAsync(fileUri, options || {});
33export async function getContentUriAsync(fileUri) {
34 if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
35 if (!ExponentFileSystem.getContentUriAsync) {
36 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getContentUriAsync');
37 }
38 return await ExponentFileSystem.getContentUriAsync(fileUri);
39 }
40 else {
41 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
42 resolve(fileUri);
43 });
44 }
46export async function writeAsStringAsync(fileUri, contents, options = {}) {
47 if (!ExponentFileSystem.writeAsStringAsync) {
48 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'writeAsStringAsync');
49 }
50 return await ExponentFileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(fileUri, contents, options);
52export async function deleteAsync(fileUri, options = {}) {
53 if (!ExponentFileSystem.deleteAsync) {
54 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'deleteAsync');
55 }
56 return await ExponentFileSystem.deleteAsync(fileUri, options);
58export async function deleteLegacyDocumentDirectoryAndroid() {
59 if (Platform.OS !== 'android' || documentDirectory == null) {
60 return;
61 }
62 const legacyDocumentDirectory = `${documentDirectory}ExperienceData/`;
63 return await deleteAsync(legacyDocumentDirectory, { idempotent: true });
65export async function moveAsync(options) {
66 if (!ExponentFileSystem.moveAsync) {
67 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'moveAsync');
68 }
69 return await ExponentFileSystem.moveAsync(options);
71export async function copyAsync(options) {
72 if (!ExponentFileSystem.copyAsync) {
73 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'copyAsync');
74 }
75 return await ExponentFileSystem.copyAsync(options);
77export async function makeDirectoryAsync(fileUri, options = {}) {
78 if (!ExponentFileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync) {
79 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'makeDirectoryAsync');
80 }
81 return await ExponentFileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync(fileUri, options);
83export async function readDirectoryAsync(fileUri) {
84 if (!ExponentFileSystem.readDirectoryAsync) {
85 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'readDirectoryAsync');
86 }
87 return await ExponentFileSystem.readDirectoryAsync(fileUri, {});
89export async function getFreeDiskStorageAsync() {
90 if (!ExponentFileSystem.getFreeDiskStorageAsync) {
91 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getFreeDiskStorageAsync');
92 }
93 return await ExponentFileSystem.getFreeDiskStorageAsync();
95export async function getTotalDiskCapacityAsync() {
96 if (!ExponentFileSystem.getTotalDiskCapacityAsync) {
97 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getTotalDiskCapacityAsync');
98 }
99 return await ExponentFileSystem.getTotalDiskCapacityAsync();
101export async function downloadAsync(uri, fileUri, options = {}) {
102 if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadAsync) {
103 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadAsync');
104 }
105 return await ExponentFileSystem.downloadAsync(uri, fileUri, {
106 sessionType: FileSystemSessionType.BACKGROUND,
107 ...options,
108 });
110export async function uploadAsync(url, fileUri, options = {}) {
111 if (!ExponentFileSystem.uploadAsync) {
112 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'uploadAsync');
113 }
114 return await ExponentFileSystem.uploadAsync(url, fileUri, {
115 sessionType: FileSystemSessionType.BACKGROUND,
116 uploadType: FileSystemUploadType.BINARY_CONTENT,
117 ...options,
118 httpMethod: (options.httpMethod || 'POST').toUpperCase(),
119 });
121export function createDownloadResumable(uri, fileUri, options, callback, resumeData) {
122 return new DownloadResumable(uri, fileUri, options, callback, resumeData);
124export class DownloadResumable {
125 constructor(url, fileUri, options = {}, callback, resumeData) {
126 this._uuid = uuidv4();
127 this._url = url;
128 this._fileUri = fileUri;
129 this._options = options;
130 this._resumeData = resumeData;
131 this._callback = callback;
132 this._subscription = null;
133 this._emitter = new EventEmitter(ExponentFileSystem);
134 }
135 async downloadAsync() {
136 if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync) {
137 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadResumableStartAsync');
138 }
139 this._addSubscription();
140 return await ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync(this._url, this._fileUri, this._uuid, this._options, this._resumeData);
141 }
142 async pauseAsync() {
143 if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumablePauseAsync) {
144 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadResumablePauseAsync');
145 }
146 const pauseResult = await ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumablePauseAsync(this._uuid);
147 this._removeSubscription();
148 if (pauseResult) {
149 this._resumeData = pauseResult.resumeData;
150 return this.savable();
151 }
152 else {
153 throw new Error('Unable to generate a savable pause state');
154 }
155 }
156 async resumeAsync() {
157 if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync) {
158 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadResumableStartAsync');
159 }
160 this._addSubscription();
161 return await ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync(this._url, this._fileUri, this._uuid, this._options, this._resumeData);
162 }
163 savable() {
164 return {
165 url: this._url,
166 fileUri: this._fileUri,
167 options: this._options,
168 resumeData: this._resumeData,
169 };
170 }
171 _addSubscription() {
172 if (this._subscription) {
173 return;
174 }
175 this._subscription = this._emitter.addListener('expo-file-system.downloadProgress', (event) => {
176 if (event.uuid === this._uuid) {
177 const callback = this._callback;
178 if (callback) {
179 callback(event.data);
180 }
181 }
182 });
183 }
184 _removeSubscription() {
185 if (!this._subscription) {
186 return;
187 }
188 this._emitter.removeSubscription(this._subscription);
189 this._subscription = null;
190 }
192const baseReadAsStringAsync = readAsStringAsync;
193const baseWriteAsStringAsync = writeAsStringAsync;
194const baseDeleteAsync = deleteAsync;
195const baseMoveAsync = moveAsync;
196const baseCopyAsync = copyAsync;
198 * Android only
199 */
200export var StorageAccessFramework;
201(function (StorageAccessFramework) {
202 function getUriForDirectoryInRoot(folderName) {
203 return `content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary:${folderName}/document/primary:${folderName}`;
204 }
205 StorageAccessFramework.getUriForDirectoryInRoot = getUriForDirectoryInRoot;
206 async function requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync(initialFileUrl = null) {
207 if (!ExponentFileSystem.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync) {
208 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'StorageAccessFramework.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync');
209 }
210 return await ExponentFileSystem.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync(initialFileUrl);
211 }
212 StorageAccessFramework.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync = requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync;
213 async function readDirectoryAsync(dirUri) {
214 if (!ExponentFileSystem.readSAFDirectoryAsync) {
215 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'StorageAccessFramework.readDirectoryAsync');
216 }
217 return await ExponentFileSystem.readSAFDirectoryAsync(dirUri, {});
218 }
219 StorageAccessFramework.readDirectoryAsync = readDirectoryAsync;
220 async function makeDirectoryAsync(parentUri, dirName) {
221 if (!ExponentFileSystem.makeSAFDirectoryAsync) {
222 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'StorageAccessFramework.makeDirectoryAsync');
223 }
224 return await ExponentFileSystem.makeSAFDirectoryAsync(parentUri, dirName);
225 }
226 StorageAccessFramework.makeDirectoryAsync = makeDirectoryAsync;
227 async function createFileAsync(parentUri, fileName, mimeType) {
228 if (!ExponentFileSystem.createSAFFileAsync) {
229 throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'StorageAccessFramework.createFileAsync');
230 }
231 return await ExponentFileSystem.createSAFFileAsync(parentUri, fileName, mimeType);
232 }
233 StorageAccessFramework.createFileAsync = createFileAsync;
234 StorageAccessFramework.writeAsStringAsync = baseWriteAsStringAsync;
235 StorageAccessFramework.readAsStringAsync = baseReadAsStringAsync;
236 StorageAccessFramework.deleteAsync = baseDeleteAsync;
237 StorageAccessFramework.moveAsync = baseMoveAsync;
238 StorageAccessFramework.copyAsync = baseCopyAsync;
239})(StorageAccessFramework || (StorageAccessFramework = {}));
240//# sourceMappingURL=FileSystem.js.map
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