3.67 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"Print.types.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../src/Print.types.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":["// @needsAudit\nexport type PrintOptions = {\n /**\n * URI of a PDF file to print. Remote, local (ex. selected via `DocumentPicker`) or base64 data URI\n * starting with `data:application/pdf;base64,`. This only supports PDF, not other types of\n * document (e.g. images). **Available on Android and iOS only.**\n */\n uri?: string;\n /**\n * HTML string to print. **Available on Android and iOS only.**\n */\n html?: string;\n /**\n * Width of the single page in pixels. Defaults to `612` which is a width of US Letter paper\n * format with 72 PPI. **Available only with `html` option.**\n */\n width?: number;\n /**\n * Height of the single page in pixels. Defaults to `792` which is a height of US Letter paper\n * format with 72 PPI. **Available only with `html` option.**\n */\n height?: number;\n /**\n * URL of the printer to use. Returned from `selectPrinterAsync`. **Available on iOS only.**\n */\n printerUrl?: string;\n /**\n * **Available on iOS only.** Alternative to default option that uses [UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uimarkuptextprintformatter)\n * instead of WebView, but it doesn't display images.\n */\n useMarkupFormatter?: boolean;\n /**\n * @deprecated\n * **Available on iOS only.** This argument is deprecated, use `useMarkupFormatter` instead.\n * Might be removed in the future releases.\n */\n markupFormatterIOS?: string;\n /**\n * **Available on iOS only.** The orientation of the printed content, `Print.Orientation.portrait`\n * or `Print.Orientation.landscape`.\n */\n orientation?: OrientationType['portrait'] | OrientationType['landscape'];\n};\n\n// @needsAudit\nexport type Printer = {\n /**\n * Name of the printer.\n */\n name: string;\n /**\n * URL of the printer.\n */\n url: string;\n};\n\n// @needsAudit\n/**\n * The possible values of orientation for the printed content.\n */\nexport interface OrientationType {\n portrait: string;\n landscape: string;\n}\n\n// @docsMissing\nexport type FilePrintOptions = {\n /**\n * HTML string to print into PDF file.\n */\n html?: string;\n /**\n * **Available on iOS only.** Alternative to default option that uses [UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uimarkuptextprintformatter)\n * instead of WebView, but it doesn't display images.\n */\n useMarkupFormatter?: boolean;\n /**\n * Width of the single page in pixels. Defaults to `612` which is a width of US Letter paper\n * format with 72 PPI.\n */\n width?: number;\n /**\n * Height of the single page in pixels. Defaults to `792` which is a height of US Letter paper\n * format with 72 PPI.\n */\n height?: number;\n /**\n * Padding for the printed document.\n */\n padding?: FilePrintPadding;\n /**\n * Whether to include base64 encoded string of the file in the returned object.\n */\n base64?: boolean;\n};\n\n// @needsAudit\nexport type FilePrintPadding = {\n top: number;\n right: number;\n bottom: number;\n left: number;\n};\n\n// @needsAudit\nexport type FilePrintResult = {\n /**\n * A URI to the printed PDF file.\n */\n uri: string;\n /**\n * Number of pages that were needed to render given content.\n */\n numberOfPages: number;\n /**\n * Base64 encoded string containing the data of the PDF file. **Available only if `base64`\n * option is truthy**. It doesn't include data URI prefix `data:application/pdf;base64,`.\n */\n base64?: string;\n};\n"]}
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