5.47 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { NativeModulesProxy, Platform } from 'expo-core';
2const { ExpoLocalization } = NativeModulesProxy;
3const isObject = obj => obj && obj.constructor && obj.constructor === Object;
4class LocaleStore {
5 constructor(locales) {
6 if (isObject(locales) === false || Object.keys(locales).length <= 1) {
7 throw new Error('Locales input must be an object and non-empty');
8 }
9 const copy = { ...locales };
10 const allGivenLocales = new Set(Object.keys(copy));
11 let currentLocaleName = [...allGivenLocales][0];
12 const defaultLocale = copy[currentLocaleName];
13 const defaultLocaleName = currentLocaleName;
14 const defaultLocalePhrases = new Set(Object.keys(defaultLocale));
15 let currentLocale = defaultLocale;
16 const setLocaleHelper = (newLocaleName, cb) => {
17 if (allGivenLocales.has(newLocaleName) === false) {
18 if (__DEV__) {
19 const s = `${newLocaleName} is not a valid locale, known locales are ${[
20 ...allGivenLocales,
21 ]}`;
22 console.error(s);
23 }
24 }
25 if (newLocaleName === currentLocaleName) {
26 if (__DEV__) {
27 console.warn('New Locale is the same as last, locale not changed');
28 }
29 return;
30 }
31 currentLocale = copy[newLocaleName];
32 currentLocaleName = newLocaleName;
33 cb && cb();
34 };
35 const localizationValueHelper = name => {
36 if (defaultLocalePhrases.has(name)) {
37 const result = currentLocale[name];
38 if (result !== undefined) {
39 return result !== undefined ? result : defaultLocale[name];
40 }
41 else {
42 const fallback = defaultLocale[name];
43 if (fallback === undefined) {
44 if (__DEV__) {
45 let s = `Fallback locale ${defaultLocaleName} is missing a string value for ${name}`;
46 console.error(s);
47 }
48 return '';
49 }
50 return fallback;
51 }
52 }
53 };
54 if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
55 let localizedValues = new Set();
56 for (const values of Object.values(copy)) {
57 Object.keys(values).forEach(s => localizedValues.add(s));
58 }
59 const proxy = {};
60 Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'setLocale', {
61 get() {
62 return setLocaleHelper;
63 },
64 });
65 const methods = new Set(['setLocale']);
66 for (const name of localizedValues.keys()) {
67 if (methods.has(name)) {
68 throw new Error(`Cannot use ${name} as a locale name`);
69 }
70 Object.defineProperty(proxy, name, {
71 get() {
72 return localizationValueHelper(name);
73 },
74 });
75 }
76 return proxy;
77 }
78 else if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
79 const handlers = { setLocale: setLocaleHelper };
80 const methods = new Set(Object.keys(handlers));
81 return new Proxy(this, {
82 set() {
83 if (__DEV__) {
84 console.warn('Setting anything directly on the localization store is a no op');
85 }
86 return false;
87 },
88 get(target, name) {
89 if (typeof name !== 'string') {
90 return target[name];
91 }
92 else {
93 if (defaultLocalePhrases.has(name)) {
94 return localizationValueHelper(name);
95 }
96 else if (methods.has(name)) {
97 return handlers[name];
98 }
99 else {
100 return target[name];
101 }
102 }
103 },
104 });
105 }
106 else {
107 throw new Error(`Unsupported platform at moment for localization: ${Platform.OS}`);
108 }
109 }
111function warnDeprecated(deprecated, replacement) {
112 console.warn(`Expo.DangerZone.Localization.${deprecated} is deprecated. Use \`Expo.Localization.${replacement}\` instead.`);
114export default {
115 ...ExpoLocalization,
116 getCurrentDeviceCountryAsync() {
117 warnDeprecated('getCurrentDeviceCountryAsync()', 'country');
118 return ExpoLocalization.country;
119 },
120 getCurrentLocaleAsync() {
121 warnDeprecated('getCurrentLocaleAsync()', 'locale');
122 return ExpoLocalization.locale.replace('-', '_');
123 },
124 getCurrentTimeZoneAsync() {
125 warnDeprecated('getCurrentTimeZoneAsync()', 'timezone');
126 return ExpoLocalization.timezone;
127 },
128 getPreferredLocalesAsync() {
129 warnDeprecated('getPreferredLocalesAsync()', 'locales');
130 return ExpoLocalization.locales;
131 },
132 getISOCurrencyCodesAsync() {
133 warnDeprecated('getISOCurrencyCodesAsync()', 'isoCurrencyCodes');
134 return ExpoLocalization.isoCurrencyCodes;
135 },
136 LocaleStore,
138//# sourceMappingURL=Localization.js.map
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