758 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import Constants from 'expo-constants'; // eslint-disable-line @babel/no-unused-expressions
2import {
3// React Native's internal InitializeCore module sets up `window` but runs only when its React
4// renderer is loaded. We can cause this by loading one of its dependents.
5findNodeHandle, } from 'react-native';
6import { shouldThrowAnErrorOutsideOfExpo } from './validatorState';
7findNodeHandle; // eslint-disable-line @babel/no-unused-expressions
8if (shouldThrowAnErrorOutsideOfExpo() && (!Constants || !Constants.expoVersion)) {
9 throw new Error(`Expo native runtime is not available: something went wrong and we aren't sure what it was. Please post more information and get support at https://forums.expo.io.`);
11//# sourceMappingURL=validate.fx.js.map
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