1 | import { CustomSanitizer, CustomValidator, ErrorMessage, FieldMessageFactory, Location, Middleware, Request, ValidationError } from './base';
2 | import { ContextRunner, ValidationChain } from './chain';
3 | import { MatchedDataOptions } from './matched-data';
4 | import { checkExact } from './middlewares/exact';
5 | import { OneOfOptions } from './middlewares/one-of';
6 | import { DefaultSchemaKeys, ExtensionSanitizerSchemaOptions, ExtensionValidatorSchemaOptions, ParamSchema, RunnableValidationChains } from './middlewares/schema';
7 | import { ErrorFormatter, Result } from './validation-result';
8 | type CustomValidatorsMap = Record<string, CustomValidator>;
9 | type CustomSanitizersMap = Record<string, CustomSanitizer>;
10 | type CustomOptions<E = ValidationError> = {
11 | errorFormatter?: ErrorFormatter<E>;
12 | };
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30 | export type ValidationChainWithExtensions<T extends string> = Middleware & {
31 | [K in keyof ValidationChain]: ValidationChain[K] extends (...args: infer A) => ValidationChain ? (...params: A) => ValidationChainWithExtensions<T> : ValidationChain[K];
32 | } & {
33 | [K in T]: () => ValidationChainWithExtensions<T>;
34 | };
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38 | export type ParamSchemaWithExtensions<V extends string, S extends string, T extends string = DefaultSchemaKeys> = {
39 | [K in keyof ParamSchema<T> | V | S]?: K extends V ? ExtensionValidatorSchemaOptions : K extends S ? ExtensionSanitizerSchemaOptions : K extends keyof ParamSchema<T> ? ParamSchema<T>[K] : never;
40 | };
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56 | export type CustomValidationChain<T extends ExpressValidator<any, any, any>> = T extends ExpressValidator<infer V, infer S, any> ? ValidationChainWithExtensions<Extract<keyof V | keyof S, string>> : never;
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61 | export type CustomSchema<T extends ExpressValidator<any, any, any>, K extends string = DefaultSchemaKeys> = T extends ExpressValidator<infer V, infer S, any> ? Record<string, ParamSchemaWithExtensions<Extract<keyof V, string>, Extract<keyof S, string>, K>> : never;
62 | export declare class ExpressValidator<V extends CustomValidatorsMap = {}, S extends CustomSanitizersMap = {}, E = ValidationError> {
63 | private readonly validators?;
64 | private readonly sanitizers?;
65 | private readonly options?;
66 | private readonly validatorEntries;
67 | private readonly sanitizerEntries;
68 | constructor(validators?: V | undefined, sanitizers?: S | undefined, options?: CustomOptions<E> | undefined);
69 | private createChain;
70 | buildCheckFunction(locations: Location[]): (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
71 | /**
72 | * Creates a middleware/validation chain for one or more fields that may be located in
73 | * any of the following:
74 | *
75 | * - `req.body`
76 | * - `req.cookies`
77 | * - `req.headers`
78 | * - `req.params`
79 | * - `req.query`
80 | *
81 | * @param fields a string or array of field names to validate/sanitize
82 | * @param message an error message to use when failed validations don't specify a custom message.
83 | * Defaults to `Invalid Value`.
84 | */
85 | readonly check: (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
86 | /**
87 | * Same as {@link ExpressValidator.check}, but only validates in `req.body`.
88 | */
89 | readonly body: (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
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93 | readonly cookie: (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
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97 | readonly header: (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
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101 | readonly param: (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
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105 | readonly query: (fields?: string | string[], message?: FieldMessageFactory | ErrorMessage) => CustomValidationChain<this>;
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113 | readonly checkExact: typeof checkExact;
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121 | readonly checkSchema: <T extends string = DefaultSchemaKeys>(schema: CustomSchema<this, T>, locations?: Location[]) => RunnableValidationChains<CustomValidationChain<this>>;
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133 | oneOf(chains: (CustomValidationChain<this> | CustomValidationChain<this>[])[], options?: OneOfOptions): Middleware & ContextRunner;
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143 | readonly validationResult: (req: Request) => Result<E>;
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151 | matchedData(req: Request, options?: Partial<MatchedDataOptions>): Record<string, any>;
152 | }
153 | export {};