2.94 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { VError } from "verror";
3 * Possible FaastError names. See {@link FaastError}. To test for errors
4 * matching these names, use the static method
5 * {@link FaastError}.hasCauseWithName().
6 * @public
7 */
8export declare enum FaastErrorNames {
9 /** Generic error. See {@link FaastError}. */
10 EGENERIC = "VError",
11 /** The arguments passed to the cloud function could not be serialized without losing information. */
12 ESERIALIZE = "FaastSerializationError",
13 /** The remote cloud function timed out. */
14 ETIMEOUT = "FaastTimeoutError",
15 /** The remote cloud function exceeded memory limits. */
16 EMEMORY = "FaastOutOfMemoryError",
17 /** The function invocation was cancelled by user request. */
18 ECANCEL = "FaastCancelError",
19 /** The exception was thrown by user's remote code, not by faast.js or the cloud provider. */
20 EEXCEPTION = "UserException",
21 /** Could not create the remote cloud function or supporting infrastructure. */
22 ECREATE = "FaastCreateFunctionError",
23 /** The remote cloud function failed to execute because of limited concurrency. */
24 ECONCURRENCY = "FaastConcurrencyError"
27 * FaastError is a subclass of VError (https://github.com/joyent/node-verror).
28 * that is thrown by faast.js APIs and cloud function invocations.
29 * @remarks
30 * `FaastError` is a subclass of
31 * {@link https://github.com/joyent/node-verror | VError}, which provides an API
32 * for nested error handling. The main API is the same as the standard Error
33 * class, namely the err.message, err.name, and err.stack properties.
34 *
35 * Several static methods on {@link FaastError} are inherited from VError:
36 *
37 * FaastError.fullStack(err) - property provides a more detailed stack trace
38 * that include stack traces of causes in the causal chain.
39 *
40 * FaastError.info(err) - returns an object with fields `functionName`, `args`,
41 * and `logUrl`. The `logUrl` property is a URL pointing to the logs for a
42 * specific invocation that caused the error.`logUrl` will be surrounded by
43 * whitespace on both sides to ease parsing as a URL by IDEs.
44 *
45 * FaastError.hasCauseWithName(err, cause) - returns true if the FaastError or
46 * any of its causes includes an error with the given name, otherwise false. All
47 * of the available names are in the enum {@link FaastErrorNames}. For example,
48 * to detect if a FaastError was caused by a cloud function timeout:
49 *
50 * ```typescript
51 * FaastError.hasCauseWithName(err, FaastErrorNames.ETIMEOUT)
52 * ```
53 *
54 * FaastError.findCauseByName(err, cause) - like FaastError.hasCauseWithName()
55 * except it returns the Error in the causal chain with the given name instead
56 * of a boolean, otherwise null.
57 *
58 * @public
59 */
60export declare class FaastError extends VError {
62export declare function synthesizeFaastError({ errObj, logUrl, functionName, args }: {
63 errObj: any;
64 logUrl?: string;
65 functionName?: string;
66 args?: any[];
67}): FaastError;