1.03 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// ATTENTION: PKG_VERSION and PKG_NAME are modified
2// during the build process. DON'T CHANGE!
3"use strict";
4/** Fable compiler version */
5exports.PKG_VERSION = "0.7.42";
6/** "fable-compiler" | "fable-compiler-netcore" */
7exports.PKG_NAME = "fable-compiler-netcore";
8/** "fableconfig.json" */
9exports.FABLE_CONFIG_FILE = "fableconfig.json";
10/** [".fsproj", ".fsx"] */
11exports.FSHARP_PROJECT_EXTENSIONS = [".fsproj", ".fsx"];
12/** [".fsproj", ".fsx", ".fs"] */
13exports.FSHARP_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [".fsproj", ".fsx", ".fs"];
14/** Set of options compatible with Fable's .NET process */
15exports.FABLE_BIN_OPTIONS = new Set([
16 "projFile", "outDir", "refs", "symbols", "plugins", "module", "rollup",
17 "watch", "dll", "includeJs", "clamp", "extra", "declaration", "noTypedArrays"
19/** Accepted JS modules an the alias for Rollup */
20exports.JS_MODULES = {
21 amd: "amd",
22 commonjs: "cjs",
23 systemjs: null,
24 umd: "umd",
25 es2105: "es",
26 es6: "es",
27 iife: "iife" // Accepted by Rollup