3.04 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "fabric",
3 "description": "Object model for HTML5 canvas, and SVG-to-canvas parser. Backed by jsdom and node-canvas.",
4 "homepage": "http://fabricjs.com/",
5 "version": "2.4.1",
6 "author": "Juriy Zaytsev <kangax@gmail.com>",
7 "contributors": [
8 {
9 "name": "Andrea Bogazzi",
10 "email": "andreabogazzi79@gmail.com"
11 }
12 ],
13 "keywords": [
14 "canvas",
15 "graphic",
16 "graphics",
17 "SVG",
18 "node-canvas",
19 "parser",
20 "HTML5",
21 "object model"
22 ],
23 "browser": {
24 "canvas": false,
25 "fs": false,
26 "jsdom": false,
27 "jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/utils": false,
28 "jsdom/lib/jsdom/utils": false,
29 "http": false,
30 "https": false,
31 "xmldom": false,
32 "url": false
33 },
34 "repository": {
35 "type": "git",
36 "url": "https://github.com/fabricjs/fabric.js"
37 },
38 "bugs": {
39 "url": "https://github.com/fabricjs/fabric.js/issues"
40 },
41 "license": "MIT",
42 "scripts": {
43 "build": "node build.js modules=ALL requirejs exclude=gestures,accessors",
44 "build:fast": "node build.js modules=ALL requirejs fast exclude=gestures,accessors",
45 "build:watch": "onchange 'src/**/**' 'HEADER.js' 'lib/**/**' -- npm run build_export",
46 "build_with_gestures": "node build.js modules=ALL exclude=accessors",
47 "build_export": "npm run build:fast && npm run export_dist_to_site",
48 "test:single": "./node_modules/qunit/bin/qunit test/node_test_setup.js test/lib",
49 "test": "istanbul cover ./node_modules/qunit/bin/qunit test/node_test_setup.js test/lib test/unit",
50 "test:visual": "./node_modules/qunit/bin/qunit test/node_test_setup.js test/lib test/visual",
51 "test:visual:single": "./node_modules/qunit/bin/qunit test/node_test_setup.js test/lib",
52 "test:all": "npm run test && npm run test:visual",
53 "lint": "eslint --config .eslintrc.json src",
54 "lint_tests": "eslint test/unit --config .eslintrc_tests && eslint test/visual --config .eslintrc_tests",
55 "export_dist_to_site": "cp dist/fabric.js ../fabricjs.com/lib/fabric.js && cp package.json ../fabricjs.com/lib/package.json && cp -r src HEADER.js lib ../fabricjs.com/build/files/",
56 "export_tests_to_site": "cp test/unit/*.js ../fabricjs.com/test/unit && cp -r test/visual/* ../fabricjs.com/test/visual && cp -r test/fixtures/* ../fabricjs.com/test/fixtures && cp -r test/lib/* ../fabricjs.com/test/lib",
57 "all": "npm run build && npm run test && npm run test:visual && npm run lint && npm run lint_tests && npm run export_dist_to_site && npm run export_tests_to_site",
58 "testem": "testem .",
59 "testem:visual": "testem --file testem-visual.json",
60 "testem:ci": "testem ci"
61 },
62 "optionalDependencies": {
63 "canvas": "^1.6.12",
64 "jsdom": "^9.12.0",
65 "xmldom": "0.1.x"
66 },
67 "devDependencies": {
68 "eslint": "4.18.x",
69 "istanbul": "0.4.x",
70 "onchange": "^3.x.x",
71 "qunit": "^2.6.1",
72 "testem": "^1.18.4",
73 "uglify-js": "3.3.x",
74 "pixelmatch": "^4.0.2",
75 "chalk": "^2.4.1"
76 },
77 "engines": {
78 "node": ">=4.0.0"
79 },
80 "main": "./dist/fabric.js"