1 | import type { Arbitrary } from '../check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary.js';
2 | /**
3 | * Type of the value produced by {@link letrec}
4 | * @remarks Since 3.0.0
5 | * @public
6 | */
7 | export type LetrecValue<T> = {
8 | [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]>;
9 | };
10 | /**
11 | * Strongly typed type for the `tie` function passed by {@link letrec} to the `builder` function we pass to it.
12 | * You may want also want to use its loosely typed version {@link LetrecLooselyTypedTie}.
13 | *
14 | * @remarks Since 3.0.0
15 | * @public
16 | */
17 | export interface LetrecTypedTie<T> {
18 | <K extends keyof T>(key: K): Arbitrary<T[K]>;
19 | (key: string): Arbitrary<unknown>;
20 | }
21 | /**
22 | * Strongly typed type for the `builder` function passed to {@link letrec}.
23 | * You may want also want to use its loosely typed version {@link LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder}.
24 | *
25 | * @remarks Since 3.0.0
26 | * @public
27 | */
28 | export type LetrecTypedBuilder<T> = (tie: LetrecTypedTie<T>) => LetrecValue<T>;
29 | /**
30 | * Loosely typed type for the `tie` function passed by {@link letrec} to the `builder` function we pass to it.
31 | * You may want also want to use its strongly typed version {@link LetrecTypedTie}.
32 | *
33 | * @remarks Since 3.0.0
34 | * @public
35 | */
36 | export type LetrecLooselyTypedTie = (key: string) => Arbitrary<unknown>;
37 | /**
38 | * Loosely typed type for the `builder` function passed to {@link letrec}.
39 | * You may want also want to use its strongly typed version {@link LetrecTypedBuilder}.
40 | *
41 | * @remarks Since 3.0.0
42 | * @public
43 | */
44 | export type LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder<T> = (tie: LetrecLooselyTypedTie) => LetrecValue<T>;
45 | /**
46 | * For mutually recursive types
47 | *
48 | * @example
49 | * ```typescript
50 | * type Leaf = number;
51 | * type Node = [Tree, Tree];
52 | * type Tree = Node | Leaf;
53 | * const { tree } = fc.letrec<{ tree: Tree, node: Node, leaf: Leaf }>(tie => ({
54 | * tree: fc.oneof({depthSize: 'small'}, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),
55 | * node: fc.tuple(tie('tree'), tie('tree')),
56 | * leaf: fc.nat()
57 | * }));
58 | * // tree is 50% of node, 50% of leaf
59 | * // the ratio goes in favor of leaves as we go deeper in the tree (thanks to depthSize)
60 | * ```
61 | *
62 | * @param builder - Arbitraries builder based on themselves (through `tie`)
63 | *
64 | * @remarks Since 1.16.0
65 | * @public
66 | */
67 | export declare function letrec<T>(builder: T extends Record<string, unknown> ? LetrecTypedBuilder<T> : never): LetrecValue<T>;
68 | /**
69 | * For mutually recursive types
70 | *
71 | * @example
72 | * ```typescript
73 | * const { tree } = fc.letrec(tie => ({
74 | * tree: fc.oneof({depthSize: 'small'}, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),
75 | * node: fc.tuple(tie('tree'), tie('tree')),
76 | * leaf: fc.nat()
77 | * }));
78 | * // tree is 50% of node, 50% of leaf
79 | * // the ratio goes in favor of leaves as we go deeper in the tree (thanks to depthSize)
80 | * ```
81 | *
82 | * @param builder - Arbitraries builder based on themselves (through `tie`)
83 | *
84 | * @remarks Since 1.16.0
85 | * @public
86 | */
87 | export declare function letrec<T>(builder: LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder<T>): LetrecValue<T>;