5.28 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function() {
2 'use strict';
4 /**
5 * Extend an Object with another Object's properties.
6 *
7 * The source objects are specified as additional arguments.
8 *
9 * @param dst Object the object to extend.
10 *
11 * @return Object the final object.
12 */
13 var _extend = function(dst) {
14 var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
15 for (var i=0; i<sources.length; ++i) {
16 var src = sources[i];
17 for (var p in src) {
18 if (src.hasOwnProperty(p)) dst[p] = src[p];
19 }
20 }
21 return dst;
22 };
24 /**
25 * Based on the algorithm at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance.
26 */
27 var Levenshtein = {
28 /**
29 * Calculate levenshtein distance of the two strings.
30 *
31 * @param str1 String the first string.
32 * @param str2 String the second string.
33 * @return Integer the levenshtein distance (0 and above).
34 */
35 get: function(str1, str2) {
36 // base cases
37 if (str1 === str2) return 0;
38 if (str1.length === 0) return str2.length;
39 if (str2.length === 0) return str1.length;
41 // two rows
42 var prevRow = new Array(str2.length + 1),
43 curCol, nextCol, i, j, tmp;
45 // initialise previous row
46 for (i=0; i<prevRow.length; ++i) {
47 prevRow[i] = i;
48 }
50 // calculate current row distance from previous row
51 for (i=0; i<str1.length; ++i) {
52 nextCol = i + 1;
54 for (j=0; j<str2.length; ++j) {
55 curCol = nextCol;
57 // substution
58 nextCol = prevRow[j] + ( (str1.charAt(i) === str2.charAt(j)) ? 0 : 1 );
59 // insertion
60 tmp = curCol + 1;
61 if (nextCol > tmp) {
62 nextCol = tmp;
63 }
64 // deletion
65 tmp = prevRow[j + 1] + 1;
66 if (nextCol > tmp) {
67 nextCol = tmp;
68 }
70 // copy current col value into previous (in preparation for next iteration)
71 prevRow[j] = curCol;
72 }
74 // copy last col value into previous (in preparation for next iteration)
75 prevRow[j] = nextCol;
76 }
78 return nextCol;
79 },
81 /**
82 * Asynchronously calculate levenshtein distance of the two strings.
83 *
84 * @param str1 String the first string.
85 * @param str2 String the second string.
86 * @param cb Function callback function with signature: function(Error err, int distance)
87 * @param [options] Object additional options.
88 * @param [options.progress] Function progress callback with signature: function(percentComplete)
89 */
90 getAsync: function(str1, str2, cb, options) {
91 options = _extend({}, {
92 progress: null
93 }, options);
95 // base cases
96 if (str1 === str2) return cb(null, 0);
97 if (str1.length === 0) return cb(null, str2.length);
98 if (str2.length === 0) return cb(null, str1.length);
100 // two rows
101 var prevRow = new Array(str2.length + 1),
102 curCol, nextCol,
103 i, j, tmp,
104 startTime, currentTime;
106 // initialise previous row
107 for (i=0; i<prevRow.length; ++i) {
108 prevRow[i] = i;
109 }
111 nextCol = 1;
112 i = 0;
113 j = -1;
115 var __calculate = function() {
116 // reset timer
117 startTime = new Date().valueOf();
118 currentTime = startTime;
120 // keep going until one second has elapsed
121 while (currentTime - startTime < 1000) {
122 // reached end of current row?
123 if (str2.length <= (++j)) {
124 // copy current into previous (in preparation for next iteration)
125 prevRow[j] = nextCol;
127 // if already done all chars
128 if (str1.length <= (++i)) {
129 return cb(null, nextCol);
130 }
131 // else if we have more left to do
132 else {
133 nextCol = i + 1;
134 j = 0;
135 }
136 }
138 // calculation
139 curCol = nextCol;
141 // substution
142 nextCol = prevRow[j] + ( (str1.charAt(i) === str2.charAt(j)) ? 0 : 1 );
143 // insertion
144 tmp = curCol + 1;
145 if (nextCol > tmp) {
146 nextCol = tmp;
147 }
148 // deletion
149 tmp = prevRow[j + 1] + 1;
150 if (nextCol > tmp) {
151 nextCol = tmp;
152 }
154 // copy current into previous (in preparation for next iteration)
155 prevRow[j] = curCol;
157 // get current time
158 currentTime = new Date().valueOf();
159 }
161 // send a progress update?
162 if (null !== options.progress) {
163 try {
164 options.progress.call(null, (i * 100.0/ str1.length));
165 } catch (err) {
166 return cb('Progress callback: ' + err.toString());
167 }
168 }
170 // next iteration
171 setTimeout(__calculate(), 0);
172 };
174 __calculate();
175 }
177 };
179 if(typeof self !== "undefined"){
180 self.Levenshtein = Levenshtein;
181 }
182 else if (typeof define !== "undefined" && define !== null && define.amd) {
183 define(function() {
184 return Levenshtein;
185 });
186 } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module !== null) {
187 module.exports = Levenshtein;
188 } else {
189 if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null) {
190 window.Levenshtein = Levenshtein;
191 }
192 }