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2 | <img
3 | src="https://github.com/fastify/graphics/raw/HEAD/fastify-landscape-outlined.svg"
4 | width="650"
5 | height="auto"
6 | />
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19 |
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33 |
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35 |
36 | <br />
37 |
38 | An efficient server implies a lower cost of the infrastructure, a better
39 | responsiveness under load and happy users. How can you efficiently handle the
40 | resources of your server, knowing that you are serving the highest number of
41 | requests as possible, without sacrificing security validations and handy
42 | development?
43 |
44 | Enter Fastify. Fastify is a web framework highly focused on providing the best
45 | developer experience with the least overhead and a powerful plugin architecture.
46 | It is inspired by Hapi and Express and as far as we know, it is one of the
47 | fastest web frameworks in town.
48 |
49 | The `main` branch refers to the Fastify `v4` release. Check out the
50 | [`v3.x` branch](https://github.com/fastify/fastify/tree/3.x) for `v3`.
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 | ### Table of Contents
55 |
56 | - [Quick start](#quick-start)
57 | - [Install](#install)
58 | - [Example](#example)
59 | - [Fastify v1.x and v2.x](#fastify-v1x-and-v2x)
60 | - [Core features](#core-features)
61 | - [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
62 | - [Documentation](#documentation)
63 | - [Ecosystem](#ecosystem)
64 | - [Support](#support)
65 | - [Team](#team)
66 | - [Hosted by](#hosted-by)
67 | - [License](#license)
68 |
69 |
70 | ### Quick start
71 |
72 | Create a folder and make it your current working directory:
73 |
74 | ```sh
75 | mkdir my-app
76 | cd my-app
77 | ```
78 |
79 | Generate a fastify project with `npm init`:
80 |
81 | ```sh
82 | npm init fastify
83 | ```
84 |
85 | Install dependencies:
86 |
87 | ```sh
88 | npm i
89 | ```
90 |
91 | To start the app in dev mode:
92 |
93 | ```sh
94 | npm run dev
95 | ```
96 |
97 | For production mode:
98 |
99 | ```sh
100 | npm start
101 | ```
102 |
103 | Under the hood `npm init` downloads and runs [Fastify
104 | Create](https://github.com/fastify/create-fastify), which in turn uses the
105 | generate functionality of [Fastify CLI](https://github.com/fastify/fastify-cli).
106 |
107 |
108 | ### Install
109 |
110 | To install Fastify in an existing project as a dependency:
111 |
112 | Install with npm:
113 | ```sh
114 | npm i fastify
115 | ```
116 | Install with yarn:
117 | ```sh
118 | yarn add fastify
119 | ```
120 |
121 | ### Example
122 |
123 | ```js
124 | // Require the framework and instantiate it
125 |
126 | // ESM
127 | import Fastify from 'fastify'
128 |
129 | const fastify = Fastify({
130 | logger: true
131 | })
132 | // CommonJs
133 | const fastify = require('fastify')({
134 | logger: true
135 | })
136 |
137 | // Declare a route
138 | fastify.get('/', (request, reply) => {
139 | reply.send({ hello: 'world' })
140 | })
141 |
142 | // Run the server!
143 | fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, (err, address) => {
144 | if (err) throw err
145 | // Server is now listening on ${address}
146 | })
147 | ```
148 |
149 | with async-await:
150 |
151 | ```js
152 | // ESM
153 | import Fastify from 'fastify'
154 |
155 | const fastify = Fastify({
156 | logger: true
157 | })
158 | // CommonJs
159 | const fastify = require('fastify')({
160 | logger: true
161 | })
162 |
163 | fastify.get('/', async (request, reply) => {
164 | reply.type('application/json').code(200)
165 | return { hello: 'world' }
166 | })
167 |
168 | fastify.listen({ port: 3000 }, (err, address) => {
169 | if (err) throw err
170 | // Server is now listening on ${address}
171 | })
172 | ```
173 |
174 | Do you want to know more? Head to the <a
175 | href="./docs/Guides/Getting-Started.md"><code><b>Getting Started</b></code></a>.
176 |
177 | > ## Note
178 | > `.listen` binds to the local host, `localhost`, interface by default
179 | > (`` or `::1`, depending on the operating system configuration). If
180 | > you are running Fastify in a container (Docker,
181 | > [GCP](https://cloud.google.com/), etc.), you may need to bind to ``. Be
182 | > careful when deciding to listen on all interfaces; it comes with inherent
183 | > [security
184 | > risks](https://web.archive.org/web/20170711105010/https://snyk.io/blog/mongodb-hack-and-secure-defaults/).
185 | > See [the documentation](./docs/Reference/Server.md#listen) for more
186 | > information.
187 |
188 | ### Core features
189 |
190 | - **Highly performant:** as far as we know, Fastify is one of the fastest web
191 | frameworks in town, depending on the code complexity we can serve up to 76+
192 | thousand requests per second.
193 | - **Extensible:** Fastify is fully extensible via its hooks, plugins and
194 | decorators.
195 | - **Schema based:** even if it is not mandatory we recommend to use [JSON
196 | Schema](https://json-schema.org/) to validate your routes and serialize your
197 | outputs, internally Fastify compiles the schema in a highly performant
198 | function.
199 | - **Logging:** logs are extremely important but are costly; we chose the best
200 | logger to almost remove this cost, [Pino](https://github.com/pinojs/pino)!
201 | - **Developer friendly:** the framework is built to be very expressive and help
202 | the developer in their daily use, without sacrificing performance and
203 | security.
204 |
205 | ### Benchmarks
206 |
207 | __Machine:__ EX41S-SSD, Intel Core i7, 4Ghz, 64GB RAM, 4C/8T, SSD.
208 |
209 | __Method:__: `autocannon -c 100 -d 40 -p 10 localhost:3000` * 2, taking the
210 | second average
211 |
212 | | Framework | Version | Router? | Requests/sec |
213 | | :----------------- | :------------------------- | :----------: | ------------: |
214 | | Express | 4.17.3 | ✓ | 14,200 |
215 | | hapi | 20.2.1 | ✓ | 42,284 |
216 | | Restify | 8.6.1 | ✓ | 50,363 |
217 | | Koa | 2.13.0 | ✗ | 54,272 |
218 | | **Fastify** | **4.0.0** | **✓** | **77,193** |
219 | | - | | | |
220 | | `http.Server` | 16.14.2 | ✗ | 74,513 |
221 |
222 | Benchmarks taken using https://github.com/fastify/benchmarks. This is a
223 | synthetic, "hello world" benchmark that aims to evaluate the framework overhead.
224 | The overhead that each framework has on your application depends on your
225 | application, you should __always__ benchmark if performance matters to you.
226 |
227 | ## Documentation
228 | * [__`Getting Started`__](./docs/Guides/Getting-Started.md)
229 | * [__`Guides`__](./docs/Guides/Index.md)
230 | * [__`Server`__](./docs/Reference/Server.md)
231 | * [__`Routes`__](./docs/Reference/Routes.md)
232 | * [__`Encapsulation`__](./docs/Reference/Encapsulation.md)
233 | * [__`Logging`__](./docs/Reference/Logging.md)
234 | * [__`Middleware`__](./docs/Reference/Middleware.md)
235 | * [__`Hooks`__](./docs/Reference/Hooks.md)
236 | * [__`Decorators`__](./docs/Reference/Decorators.md)
237 | * [__`Validation and Serialization`__](./docs/Reference/Validation-and-Serialization.md)
238 | * [__`Fluent Schema`__](./docs/Guides/Fluent-Schema.md)
239 | * [__`Lifecycle`__](./docs/Reference/Lifecycle.md)
240 | * [__`Reply`__](./docs/Reference/Reply.md)
241 | * [__`Request`__](./docs/Reference/Request.md)
242 | * [__`Errors`__](./docs/Reference/Errors.md)
243 | * [__`Content Type Parser`__](./docs/Reference/ContentTypeParser.md)
244 | * [__`Plugins`__](./docs/Reference/Plugins.md)
245 | * [__`Testing`__](./docs/Guides/Testing.md)
246 | * [__`Benchmarking`__](./docs/Guides/Benchmarking.md)
247 | * [__`How to write a good plugin`__](./docs/Guides/Write-Plugin.md)
248 | * [__`Plugins Guide`__](./docs/Guides/Plugins-Guide.md)
249 | * [__`HTTP2`__](./docs/Reference/HTTP2.md)
250 | * [__`Long Term Support`__](./docs/Reference/LTS.md)
251 | * [__`TypeScript and types support`__](./docs/Reference/TypeScript.md)
252 | * [__`Serverless`__](./docs/Guides/Serverless.md)
253 | * [__`Recommendations`__](./docs/Guides/Recommendations.md)
254 |
255 | 中文文档[地址](https://github.com/fastify/docs-chinese/blob/HEAD/README.md)
256 |
257 | ## Ecosystem
258 |
259 | - [Core](./docs/Guides/Ecosystem.md#core) - Core plugins maintained by the
260 | _Fastify_ [team](#team).
261 | - [Community](./docs/Guides/Ecosystem.md#community) - Community supported
262 | plugins.
263 | - [Live Examples](https://github.com/fastify/example) - Multirepo with a broad
264 | set of real working examples.
265 | - [Discord](https://discord.gg/D3FZYPy) - Join our discord server and chat with
266 | the maintainers.
267 |
268 | ## Support
269 | Please visit [Fastify help](https://github.com/fastify/help) to view prior
270 | support issues and to ask new support questions.
271 |
272 | ## Contributing
273 |
274 | Whether reporting bugs, discussing improvements and new ideas or writing code,
275 | we welcome contributions from anyone and everyone. Please read the [CONTRIBUTING](./CONTRIBUTING.md)
276 | guidelines before submitting pull requests.
277 |
278 | ## Team
279 |
280 | _Fastify_ is the result of the work of a great community. Team members are
281 | listed in alphabetical order.
282 |
283 | **Lead Maintainers:**
284 | * [__Matteo Collina__](https://github.com/mcollina),
285 | <https://twitter.com/matteocollina>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~matteo.collina>
286 | * [__Tomas Della Vedova__](https://github.com/delvedor),
287 | <https://twitter.com/delvedor>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~delvedor>
288 | * [__Manuel Spigolon__](https://github.com/eomm),
289 | <https://twitter.com/manueomm>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~eomm>
290 | * [__James Sumners__](https://github.com/jsumners),
291 | <https://twitter.com/jsumners79>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~jsumners>
292 |
293 | ### Fastify Core team
294 | * [__Tommaso Allevi__](https://github.com/allevo),
295 | <https://twitter.com/allevitommaso>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~allevo>
296 | * [__Harry Brundage__](https://github.com/airhorns/),
297 | <https://twitter.com/harrybrundage>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~airhorns>
298 | * [__David Mark Clements__](https://github.com/davidmarkclements),
299 | <https://twitter.com/davidmarkclem>,
300 | <https://www.npmjs.com/~davidmarkclements>
301 | * [__Matteo Collina__](https://github.com/mcollina),
302 | <https://twitter.com/matteocollina>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~matteo.collina>
303 | * [__Tomas Della Vedova__](https://github.com/delvedor),
304 | <https://twitter.com/delvedor>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~delvedor>
305 | * [__Dustin Deus__](https://github.com/StarpTech),
306 | <https://twitter.com/dustindeus>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~starptech>
307 | * [__Ayoub El Khattabi__](https://github.com/AyoubElk),
308 | <https://twitter.com/ayoubelkh>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~ayoubelk>
309 | * [__Denis Fäcke__](https://github.com/SerayaEryn),
310 | <https://twitter.com/serayaeryn>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~serayaeryn>
311 | * [__Carlos Fuentes__](https://github.com/metcoder95),
312 | <https://twitter.com/metcoder95>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~metcoder95>
313 | * [__Rafael Gonzaga__](https://github.com/rafaelgss),
314 | <https://twitter.com/_rafaelgss>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~rafaelgss>
315 | * [__Vincent Le Goff__](https://github.com/zekth)
316 | * [__Luciano Mammino__](https://github.com/lmammino),
317 | <https://twitter.com/loige>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~lmammino>
318 | * [__Luis Orbaiceta__](https://github.com/luisorbaiceta),
319 | <https://twitter.com/luisorbai>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~luisorbaiceta>
320 | * [__Maksim Sinik__](https://github.com/fox1t),
321 | <https://twitter.com/maksimsinik>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~fox1t>
322 | * [__Manuel Spigolon__](https://github.com/eomm),
323 | <https://twitter.com/manueomm>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~eomm>
324 | * [__James Sumners__](https://github.com/jsumners),
325 | <https://twitter.com/jsumners79>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~jsumners>
326 | * [__Aras Abbasi__](https://github.com/uzlopak),
327 | <https://www.npmjs.com/~uzlopak>
328 | * [__Gürgün Dayıoğlu__](https://github.com/gurgunday),
329 | <https://www.npmjs.com/~gurgunday>
330 |
331 | ### Fastify Plugins team
332 | * [__Matteo Collina__](https://github.com/mcollina),
333 | <https://twitter.com/matteocollina>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~matteo.collina>
334 | * [__Harry Brundage__](https://github.com/airhorns/),
335 | <https://twitter.com/harrybrundage>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~airhorns>
336 | * [__Tomas Della Vedova__](https://github.com/delvedor),
337 | <https://twitter.com/delvedor>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~delvedor>
338 | * [__Ayoub El Khattabi__](https://github.com/AyoubElk),
339 | <https://twitter.com/ayoubelkh>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~ayoubelk>
340 | * [__Carlos Fuentes__](https://github.com/metcoder95),
341 | <https://twitter.com/metcoder95>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~metcoder95>
342 | * [__Vincent Le Goff__](https://github.com/zekth)
343 | * [__Salman Mitha__](https://github.com/salmanm),
344 | <https://www.npmjs.com/~salmanm>
345 | * [__Maksim Sinik__](https://github.com/fox1t),
346 | <https://twitter.com/maksimsinik>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~fox1t>
347 | * [__Frazer Smith__](https://github.com/Fdawgs), <https://www.npmjs.com/~fdawgs>
348 | * [__Manuel Spigolon__](https://github.com/eomm),
349 | <https://twitter.com/manueomm>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~eomm>
350 | * [__Simone Busoli__](https://github.com/simoneb),
351 | <https://twitter.com/simonebu>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~simoneb>
352 | * [__Gürgün Dayıoğlu__](https://github.com/gurgunday),
353 | <https://www.npmjs.com/~gurgunday>
354 |
355 | ### Great Contributors
356 | Great contributors on a specific area in the Fastify ecosystem will be invited
357 | to join this group by Lead Maintainers.
358 |
359 | * [__dalisoft__](https://github.com/dalisoft), <https://twitter.com/dalisoft>,
360 | <https://www.npmjs.com/~dalisoft>
361 | * [__Luciano Mammino__](https://github.com/lmammino),
362 | <https://twitter.com/loige>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~lmammino>
363 | * [__Evan Shortiss__](https://github.com/evanshortiss),
364 | <https://twitter.com/evanshortiss>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~evanshortiss>
365 |
366 | **Past Collaborators**
367 | * [__Çağatay Çalı__](https://github.com/cagataycali),
368 | <https://twitter.com/cagataycali>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~cagataycali>
369 | * [__Trivikram Kamat__](https://github.com/trivikr),
370 | <https://twitter.com/trivikram>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~trivikr>
371 | * [__Cemre Mengu__](https://github.com/cemremengu),
372 | <https://twitter.com/cemremengu>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~cemremengu>
373 | * [__Nathan Woltman__](https://github.com/nwoltman),
374 | <https://twitter.com/NathanWoltman>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~nwoltman>
375 | * [__Ethan Arrowood__](https://github.com/Ethan-Arrowood/),
376 | <https://twitter.com/arrowoodtech>, <https://www.npmjs.com/~ethan_arrowood>
377 |
378 | ## Hosted by
379 |
380 | [<img
381 | src="https://github.com/openjs-foundation/artwork/blob/main/openjs_foundation/openjs_foundation-logo-horizontal-color.png?raw=true"
382 | width="250px;"/>](https://openjsf.org/projects)
383 |
384 | We are a [At-Large
385 | Project](https://github.com/openjs-foundation/cross-project-council/blob/HEAD/PROJECT_PROGRESSION.md#at-large-projects)
386 | in the [OpenJS Foundation](https://openjsf.org/).
387 |
388 | ## Sponsors
389 |
390 | Support this project by becoming a [SPONSOR](./SPONSORS.md)!
391 | Fastify has an [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/fastify)
392 | page where we accept and manage financial contributions.
393 |
394 | ## Acknowledgements
395 |
396 | This project is kindly sponsored by:
397 | - [NearForm](https://nearform.com)
398 | - [Platformatic](https://platformatic.dev)
399 |
400 | Past Sponsors:
401 | - [LetzDoIt](https://www.letzdoitapp.com/)
402 |
403 | This list includes all companies that support one or more of the team members
404 | in the maintenance of this project.
405 |
406 | ## License
407 |
408 | Licensed under [MIT](./LICENSE).
409 |
410 | For your convenience, here is a list of all the licenses of our production
411 | dependencies:
412 | - MIT
413 | - ISC
414 | - BSD-3-Clause
415 | - BSD-2-Clause