1 | 'use strict'
2 |
3 | const FindMyWay = require('find-my-way')
4 | const Context = require('./context')
5 | const handleRequest = require('./handleRequest')
6 | const { onRequestAbortHookRunner, lifecycleHooks, preParsingHookRunner, onTimeoutHookRunner, onRequestHookRunner } = require('./hooks')
7 | const { supportedMethods } = require('./httpMethods')
8 | const { normalizeSchema } = require('./schemas')
9 | const { parseHeadOnSendHandlers } = require('./headRoute')
10 | const {
11 | FSTDEP007,
12 | FSTDEP008,
13 | FSTDEP014
14 | } = require('./warnings')
15 |
16 | const {
17 | compileSchemasForValidation,
18 | compileSchemasForSerialization
19 | } = require('./validation')
20 |
21 | const {
37 | } = require('./errors')
38 |
39 | const {
40 | kRoutePrefix,
41 | kLogLevel,
42 | kLogSerializers,
43 | kHooks,
44 | kSchemaController,
45 | kOptions,
46 | kReplySerializerDefault,
47 | kReplyIsError,
48 | kRequestPayloadStream,
49 | kDisableRequestLogging,
50 | kSchemaErrorFormatter,
51 | kErrorHandler,
52 | kHasBeenDecorated,
53 | kRequestAcceptVersion,
54 | kRouteByFastify,
55 | kRouteContext
56 | } = require('./symbols.js')
57 | const { buildErrorHandler } = require('./error-handler')
58 | const { createChildLogger } = require('./logger')
59 | const { getGenReqId } = require('./reqIdGenFactory.js')
60 |
61 | function buildRouting (options) {
62 | const router = FindMyWay(options.config)
63 |
64 | let avvio
65 | let fourOhFour
66 | let logger
67 | let hasLogger
68 | let setupResponseListeners
69 | let throwIfAlreadyStarted
70 | let disableRequestLogging
71 | let ignoreTrailingSlash
72 | let ignoreDuplicateSlashes
73 | let return503OnClosing
74 | let globalExposeHeadRoutes
75 | let validateHTTPVersion
76 | let keepAliveConnections
77 |
78 | let closing = false
79 |
80 | return {
81 | |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 | setup (options, fastifyArgs) {
86 | avvio = fastifyArgs.avvio
87 | fourOhFour = fastifyArgs.fourOhFour
88 | logger = fastifyArgs.logger
89 | hasLogger = fastifyArgs.hasLogger
90 | setupResponseListeners = fastifyArgs.setupResponseListeners
91 | throwIfAlreadyStarted = fastifyArgs.throwIfAlreadyStarted
92 | validateHTTPVersion = fastifyArgs.validateHTTPVersion
93 |
94 | globalExposeHeadRoutes = options.exposeHeadRoutes
95 | disableRequestLogging = options.disableRequestLogging
96 | ignoreTrailingSlash = options.ignoreTrailingSlash
97 | ignoreDuplicateSlashes = options.ignoreDuplicateSlashes
98 | return503OnClosing = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, 'return503OnClosing') ? options.return503OnClosing : true
99 | keepAliveConnections = fastifyArgs.keepAliveConnections
100 | },
101 | routing: router.lookup.bind(router),
102 | route,
103 | hasRoute,
104 | prepareRoute,
105 | getDefaultRoute: function () {
106 | FSTDEP014()
107 | return router.defaultRoute
108 | },
109 | setDefaultRoute: function (defaultRoute) {
110 | FSTDEP014()
111 | if (typeof defaultRoute !== 'function') {
113 | }
114 |
115 | router.defaultRoute = defaultRoute
116 | },
117 | routeHandler,
118 | closeRoutes: () => { closing = true },
119 | printRoutes: router.prettyPrint.bind(router),
120 | addConstraintStrategy,
121 | hasConstraintStrategy,
122 | isAsyncConstraint,
123 | findRoute
124 | }
125 |
126 | function addConstraintStrategy (strategy) {
127 | throwIfAlreadyStarted('Cannot add constraint strategy!')
128 | return router.addConstraintStrategy(strategy)
129 | }
130 |
131 | function hasConstraintStrategy (strategyName) {
132 | return router.hasConstraintStrategy(strategyName)
133 | }
134 |
135 | function isAsyncConstraint () {
136 | return router.constrainer.asyncStrategiesInUse.size > 0
137 | }
138 |
139 |
140 | function prepareRoute ({ method, url, options, handler, isFastify }) {
141 | if (typeof url !== 'string') {
142 | throw new FST_ERR_INVALID_URL(typeof url)
143 | }
144 |
145 | if (!handler && typeof options === 'function') {
146 | handler = options
147 | options = {}
148 | } else if (handler && typeof handler === 'function') {
149 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(options) !== '[object Object]') {
150 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_OPTIONS_NOT_OBJ(method, url)
151 | } else if (options.handler) {
152 | if (typeof options.handler === 'function') {
153 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_DUPLICATED_HANDLER(method, url)
154 | } else {
155 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_HANDLER_NOT_FN(method, url)
156 | }
157 | }
158 | }
159 |
160 | options = Object.assign({}, options, {
161 | method,
162 | url,
163 | path: url,
164 | handler: handler || (options && options.handler)
165 | })
166 |
167 | return route.call(this, { options, isFastify })
168 | }
169 |
170 | function hasRoute ({ options }) {
171 | const normalizedMethod = options.method?.toUpperCase() ?? ''
172 | return findRoute({
173 | ...options,
174 | method: normalizedMethod
175 | }) !== null
176 | }
177 |
178 | function findRoute (options) {
179 | const route = router.find(
180 | options.method,
181 | options.url || '',
182 | options.constraints
183 | )
184 | if (route) {
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 | return {
189 | handler: route.handler,
190 | params: route.params,
191 | searchParams: route.searchParams
192 | }
193 | } else {
194 | return null
195 | }
196 | }
197 |
198 | |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 | function route ({ options, isFastify }) {
203 |
204 | const opts = { ...options }
205 |
206 | const { exposeHeadRoute } = opts
207 | const hasRouteExposeHeadRouteFlag = exposeHeadRoute != null
208 | const shouldExposeHead = hasRouteExposeHeadRouteFlag ? exposeHeadRoute : globalExposeHeadRoutes
209 |
210 | const isGetRoute = opts.method === 'GET' ||
211 | (Array.isArray(opts.method) && opts.method.includes('GET'))
212 | const isHeadRoute = opts.method === 'HEAD' ||
213 | (Array.isArray(opts.method) && opts.method.includes('HEAD'))
214 |
215 |
216 | const headOpts = shouldExposeHead && isGetRoute ? { ...options } : null
217 |
218 | throwIfAlreadyStarted('Cannot add route!')
219 |
220 | const path = opts.url || opts.path || ''
221 |
222 | if (Array.isArray(opts.method)) {
223 |
224 | for (var i = 0; i < opts.method.length; ++i) {
225 | opts.method[i] = normalizeAndValidateMethod(opts.method[i])
226 | validateSchemaBodyOption(opts.method[i], path, opts.schema)
227 | }
228 | } else {
229 | opts.method = normalizeAndValidateMethod(opts.method)
230 | validateSchemaBodyOption(opts.method, path, opts.schema)
231 | }
232 |
233 | if (!opts.handler) {
234 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_MISSING_HANDLER(opts.method, path)
235 | }
236 |
237 | if (opts.errorHandler !== undefined && typeof opts.errorHandler !== 'function') {
238 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_HANDLER_NOT_FN(opts.method, path)
239 | }
240 |
241 | validateBodyLimitOption(opts.bodyLimit)
242 |
243 | const prefix = this[kRoutePrefix]
244 |
245 | if (path === '/' && prefix.length > 0 && opts.method !== 'HEAD') {
246 | switch (opts.prefixTrailingSlash) {
247 | case 'slash':
248 | addNewRoute.call(this, { path, isFastify })
249 | break
250 | case 'no-slash':
251 | addNewRoute.call(this, { path: '', isFastify })
252 | break
253 | case 'both':
254 | default:
255 | addNewRoute.call(this, { path: '', isFastify })
256 |
257 | if (ignoreTrailingSlash !== true && (ignoreDuplicateSlashes !== true || !prefix.endsWith('/'))) {
258 | addNewRoute.call(this, { path, prefixing: true, isFastify })
259 | }
260 | }
261 | } else if (path[0] === '/' && prefix.endsWith('/')) {
262 |
263 | addNewRoute.call(this, { path: path.slice(1), isFastify })
264 | } else {
265 | addNewRoute.call(this, { path, isFastify })
266 | }
267 |
268 |
269 | return this
270 |
271 | function addNewRoute ({ path, prefixing = false, isFastify = false }) {
272 | const url = prefix + path
273 |
274 | opts.url = url
275 | opts.path = url
276 | opts.routePath = path
277 | opts.prefix = prefix
278 | opts.logLevel = opts.logLevel || this[kLogLevel]
279 |
280 | if (this[kLogSerializers] || opts.logSerializers) {
281 | opts.logSerializers = Object.assign(Object.create(this[kLogSerializers]), opts.logSerializers)
282 | }
283 |
284 | if (opts.attachValidation == null) {
285 | opts.attachValidation = false
286 | }
287 |
288 | if (prefixing === false) {
289 |
290 | for (const hook of this[kHooks].onRoute) {
291 | hook.call(this, opts)
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
295 | for (const hook of lifecycleHooks) {
296 | if (opts && hook in opts) {
297 | if (Array.isArray(opts[hook])) {
298 | for (const func of opts[hook]) {
299 | if (typeof func !== 'function') {
300 | throw new FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_HANDLER(hook, Object.prototype.toString.call(func))
301 | }
302 |
303 | if (hook === 'onSend' || hook === 'preSerialization' || hook === 'onError' || hook === 'preParsing') {
304 | if (func.constructor.name === 'AsyncFunction' && func.length === 4) {
306 | }
307 | } else if (hook === 'onRequestAbort') {
308 | if (func.constructor.name === 'AsyncFunction' && func.length !== 1) {
310 | }
311 | } else {
312 | if (func.constructor.name === 'AsyncFunction' && func.length === 3) {
314 | }
315 | }
316 | }
317 | } else if (opts[hook] !== undefined && typeof opts[hook] !== 'function') {
318 | throw new FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_HANDLER(hook, Object.prototype.toString.call(opts[hook]))
319 | }
320 | }
321 | }
322 |
323 | const constraints = opts.constraints || {}
324 | const config = {
325 | ...opts.config,
326 | url,
327 | method: opts.method
328 | }
329 |
330 | const context = new Context({
331 | schema: opts.schema,
332 | handler: opts.handler.bind(this),
333 | config,
334 | errorHandler: opts.errorHandler,
335 | childLoggerFactory: opts.childLoggerFactory,
336 | bodyLimit: opts.bodyLimit,
337 | logLevel: opts.logLevel,
338 | logSerializers: opts.logSerializers,
339 | attachValidation: opts.attachValidation,
340 | schemaErrorFormatter: opts.schemaErrorFormatter,
341 | replySerializer: this[kReplySerializerDefault],
342 | validatorCompiler: opts.validatorCompiler,
343 | serializerCompiler: opts.serializerCompiler,
344 | exposeHeadRoute: shouldExposeHead,
345 | prefixTrailingSlash: (opts.prefixTrailingSlash || 'both'),
346 | server: this,
347 | isFastify
348 | })
349 |
350 | if (opts.version) {
351 | FSTDEP008()
352 | constraints.version = opts.version
353 | }
354 |
355 | const headHandler = router.findRoute('HEAD', opts.url, constraints)
356 | const hasHEADHandler = headHandler !== null
357 |
358 |
359 | if (isHeadRoute && hasHEADHandler && !context[kRouteByFastify] && headHandler.store[kRouteByFastify]) {
360 | router.off('HEAD', opts.url, constraints)
361 | }
362 |
363 | try {
364 | router.on(opts.method, opts.url, { constraints }, routeHandler, context)
365 | } catch (error) {
366 |
367 |
368 | if (!context[kRouteByFastify]) {
369 | const isDuplicatedRoute = error.message.includes(`Method '${opts.method}' already declared for route '${opts.url}'`)
370 | if (isDuplicatedRoute) {
371 | throw new FST_ERR_DUPLICATED_ROUTE(opts.method, opts.url)
372 | }
373 |
374 | throw error
375 | }
376 | }
377 |
378 | this.after((notHandledErr, done) => {
379 |
380 | context.errorHandler = opts.errorHandler ? buildErrorHandler(this[kErrorHandler], opts.errorHandler) : this[kErrorHandler]
381 | context._parserOptions.limit = opts.bodyLimit || null
382 | context.logLevel = opts.logLevel
383 | context.logSerializers = opts.logSerializers
384 | context.attachValidation = opts.attachValidation
385 | context[kReplySerializerDefault] = this[kReplySerializerDefault]
386 | context.schemaErrorFormatter = opts.schemaErrorFormatter || this[kSchemaErrorFormatter] || context.schemaErrorFormatter
387 |
388 |
389 | avvio.once('preReady', () => {
390 | for (const hook of lifecycleHooks) {
391 | const toSet = this[kHooks][hook]
392 | .concat(opts[hook] || [])
393 | .map(h => h.bind(this))
394 | context[hook] = toSet.length ? toSet : null
395 | }
396 |
397 |
398 | while (!context.Request[kHasBeenDecorated] && context.Request.parent) {
399 | context.Request = context.Request.parent
400 | }
401 | while (!context.Reply[kHasBeenDecorated] && context.Reply.parent) {
402 | context.Reply = context.Reply.parent
403 | }
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 | fourOhFour.setContext(this, context)
408 |
409 | if (opts.schema) {
410 | context.schema = normalizeSchema(context.schema, this.initialConfig)
411 |
412 | const schemaController = this[kSchemaController]
413 | if (!opts.validatorCompiler && (opts.schema.body || opts.schema.headers || opts.schema.querystring || opts.schema.params)) {
414 | schemaController.setupValidator(this[kOptions])
415 | }
416 | try {
417 | const isCustom = typeof opts?.validatorCompiler === 'function' || schemaController.isCustomValidatorCompiler
418 | compileSchemasForValidation(context, opts.validatorCompiler || schemaController.validatorCompiler, isCustom)
419 | } catch (error) {
420 | throw new FST_ERR_SCH_VALIDATION_BUILD(opts.method, url, error.message)
421 | }
422 |
423 | if (opts.schema.response && !opts.serializerCompiler) {
424 | schemaController.setupSerializer(this[kOptions])
425 | }
426 | try {
427 | compileSchemasForSerialization(context, opts.serializerCompiler || schemaController.serializerCompiler)
428 | } catch (error) {
429 | throw new FST_ERR_SCH_SERIALIZATION_BUILD(opts.method, url, error.message)
430 | }
431 | }
432 | })
433 |
434 | done(notHandledErr)
435 | })
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 | if (shouldExposeHead && isGetRoute && !isHeadRoute && !hasHEADHandler) {
441 | const onSendHandlers = parseHeadOnSendHandlers(headOpts.onSend)
442 | prepareRoute.call(this, { method: 'HEAD', url: path, options: { ...headOpts, onSend: onSendHandlers }, isFastify: true })
443 | } else if (hasHEADHandler && exposeHeadRoute) {
444 | FSTDEP007()
445 | }
446 | }
447 | }
448 |
449 |
450 | function routeHandler (req, res, params, context, query) {
451 | const id = getGenReqId(context.server, req)
452 |
453 | const loggerOpts = {
454 | level: context.logLevel
455 | }
456 |
457 | if (context.logSerializers) {
458 | loggerOpts.serializers = context.logSerializers
459 | }
460 | const childLogger = createChildLogger(context, logger, req, id, loggerOpts)
461 | childLogger[kDisableRequestLogging] = disableRequestLogging
462 |
463 |
464 | if (!validateHTTPVersion(req.httpVersion)) {
465 | childLogger.info({ res: { statusCode: 505 } }, 'request aborted - invalid HTTP version')
466 | const message = '{"error":"HTTP Version Not Supported","message":"HTTP Version Not Supported","statusCode":505}'
467 | const headers = {
468 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
469 | 'Content-Length': message.length
470 | }
471 | res.writeHead(505, headers)
472 | res.end(message)
473 | return
474 | }
475 |
476 | if (closing === true) {
477 |
478 | if (req.httpVersionMajor !== 2) {
479 | res.setHeader('Connection', 'close')
480 | }
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 | if (return503OnClosing) {
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 | const headers = {
489 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
490 | 'Content-Length': '80'
491 | }
492 | res.writeHead(503, headers)
493 | res.end('{"error":"Service Unavailable","message":"Service Unavailable","statusCode":503}')
494 | childLogger.info({ res: { statusCode: 503 } }, 'request aborted - refusing to accept new requests as server is closing')
495 | return
496 | }
497 | }
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 | const connHeader = String.prototype.toLowerCase.call(req.headers.connection || '')
503 | if (connHeader === 'keep-alive') {
504 | if (keepAliveConnections.has(req.socket) === false) {
505 | keepAliveConnections.add(req.socket)
506 | req.socket.on('close', removeTrackedSocket.bind({ keepAliveConnections, socket: req.socket }))
507 | }
508 | }
509 |
510 |
511 | if (req.headers[kRequestAcceptVersion] !== undefined) {
512 | req.headers['accept-version'] = req.headers[kRequestAcceptVersion]
513 | req.headers[kRequestAcceptVersion] = undefined
514 | }
515 |
516 | const request = new context.Request(id, params, req, query, childLogger, context)
517 | const reply = new context.Reply(res, request, childLogger)
518 | if (disableRequestLogging === false) {
519 | childLogger.info({ req: request }, 'incoming request')
520 | }
521 |
522 | if (hasLogger === true || context.onResponse !== null) {
523 | setupResponseListeners(reply)
524 | }
525 |
526 | if (context.onRequest !== null) {
527 | onRequestHookRunner(
528 | context.onRequest,
529 | request,
530 | reply,
531 | runPreParsing
532 | )
533 | } else {
534 | runPreParsing(null, request, reply)
535 | }
536 |
537 | if (context.onRequestAbort !== null) {
538 | req.on('close', () => {
539 |
540 | if (req.aborted) {
541 | onRequestAbortHookRunner(
542 | context.onRequestAbort,
543 | request,
544 | handleOnRequestAbortHooksErrors.bind(null, reply)
545 | )
546 | }
547 | })
548 | }
549 |
550 | if (context.onTimeout !== null) {
551 | if (!request.raw.socket._meta) {
552 | request.raw.socket.on('timeout', handleTimeout)
553 | }
554 | request.raw.socket._meta = { context, request, reply }
555 | }
556 | }
557 | }
558 |
559 | function handleOnRequestAbortHooksErrors (reply, err) {
560 | if (err) {
561 | reply.log.error({ err }, 'onRequestAborted hook failed')
562 | }
563 | }
564 |
565 | function handleTimeout () {
566 | const { context, request, reply } = this._meta
567 | onTimeoutHookRunner(
568 | context.onTimeout,
569 | request,
570 | reply,
571 | noop
572 | )
573 | }
574 |
575 | function normalizeAndValidateMethod (method) {
576 | if (typeof method !== 'string') {
578 | }
579 | method = method.toUpperCase()
580 | if (supportedMethods.indexOf(method) === -1) {
581 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED(method)
582 | }
583 |
584 | return method
585 | }
586 |
587 | function validateSchemaBodyOption (method, path, schema) {
588 | if ((method === 'GET' || method === 'HEAD') && schema && schema.body) {
590 | }
591 | }
592 |
593 | function validateBodyLimitOption (bodyLimit) {
594 | if (bodyLimit === undefined) return
595 | if (!Number.isInteger(bodyLimit) || bodyLimit <= 0) {
596 | throw new FST_ERR_ROUTE_BODY_LIMIT_OPTION_NOT_INT(bodyLimit)
597 | }
598 | }
599 |
600 | function runPreParsing (err, request, reply) {
601 | if (reply.sent === true) return
602 | if (err != null) {
603 | reply[kReplyIsError] = true
604 | reply.send(err)
605 | return
606 | }
607 |
608 | request[kRequestPayloadStream] = request.raw
609 |
610 | if (request[kRouteContext].preParsing !== null) {
611 | preParsingHookRunner(request[kRouteContext].preParsing, request, reply, handleRequest)
612 | } else {
613 | handleRequest(null, request, reply)
614 | }
615 | }
616 |
617 |
618 |
619 |
620 |
621 |
622 | function removeTrackedSocket () {
623 | this.keepAliveConnections.delete(this.socket)
624 | }
625 |
626 | function noop () { }
627 |
628 | module.exports = { buildRouting, validateBodyLimitOption }