1 | # fastparse
2 |
3 | A very simple and stupid parser, based on a statemachine and regular expressions.
4 |
5 | It's not intended for complex languages. It's intended to easily write a simple parser for a simple language.
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8 |
9 | ## Usage
10 |
11 | Pass a description of statemachine to the constructor. The description must be in this form:
12 |
13 | ``` javascript
14 | new Parser(description)
15 |
16 | description is {
17 | // The key is the name of the state
18 | // The value is an object containing possible transitions
19 | "state-name": {
20 | // The key is a regular expression
21 | // If the regular expression matches the transition is executed
22 | // The value can be "true", a other state name or a function
23 |
24 | "a": true,
25 | // true will make the parser stay in the current state
26 |
27 | "b": "other-state-name",
28 | // a string will make the parser transit to a new state
29 |
30 | "[cde]": function(match, index, matchLength) {
31 | // "match" will be the matched string
32 | // "index" will be the position in the complete string
33 | // "matchLength" will be "match.length"
34 |
35 | // "this" will be the "context" passed to the "parse" method"
36 |
37 | // A new state name (string) can be returned
38 | return "other-state-name";
39 | },
40 |
41 | "([0-9]+)(\\.[0-9]+)?": function(match, first, second, index, matchLength) {
42 | // groups can be used in the regular expression
43 | // they will match to arguments "first", "second"
44 | },
45 |
46 | // the parser stops when it cannot match the string anymore
47 |
48 | // order of keys is the order in which regular expressions are matched
49 | // if the javascript runtime preserves the order of keys in an object
50 | // (this is not standardized, but it's a de-facto standard)
51 | }
52 | }
53 | ```
54 |
55 | The statemachine is compiled down to a single regular expression per state. So basically the parsing work is delegated to the (native) regular expression logic of the javascript runtime.
56 |
57 |
58 | ``` javascript
59 | Parser.prototype.parse(initialState: String, parsedString: String, context: Object)
60 | ```
61 |
62 | `initialState`: state where the parser starts to parse.
63 |
64 | `parsedString`: the string which should be parsed.
65 |
66 | `context`: an object which can be used to save state and results. Available as `this` in transition functions.
67 |
68 | returns `context`
69 |
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72 |
73 | ## Example
74 |
75 | ``` javascript
76 | var Parser = require("fastparse");
77 |
78 | // A simple parser that extracts @licence ... from comments in a JS file
79 | var parser = new Parser({
80 | // The "source" state
81 | "source": {
82 | // matches comment start
83 | "/\\*": "comment",
84 | "//": "linecomment",
85 |
86 | // this would be necessary for a complex language like JS
87 | // but omitted here for simplicity
88 | // "\"": "string1",
89 | // "\'": "string2",
90 | // "\/": "regexp"
91 |
92 | },
93 | // The "comment" state
94 | "comment": {
95 | "\\*/": "source",
96 | "@licen[cs]e\\s((?:[^*\n]|\\*+[^*/\n])*)": function(match, licenseText) {
97 | this.licences.push(licenseText.trim());
98 | }
99 | },
100 | // The "linecomment" state
101 | "linecomment": {
102 | "\n": "source",
103 | "@licen[cs]e\\s(.*)": function(match, licenseText) {
104 | this.licences.push(licenseText.trim());
105 | }
106 | }
107 | });
108 |
109 | var licences = parser.parse("source", sourceCode, { licences: [] }).licences;
110 |
111 | console.log(licences);
112 | ```
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116 | ## License
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118 | MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)