1.06 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export = FaviconsWebpackPlugin;
2declare class FaviconsWebpackPlugin {
3 /**
4 * @param {import('./options').FaviconWebpackPlugionOptions | string} args
5 */
6 constructor(args: string | import("./options").FaviconWebpackPlugionOptions);
7 /** @type {import('./options').FaviconWebpackPlugionInternalOptions} */
8 options: import('./options').FaviconWebpackPlugionInternalOptions;
9 apply(compiler: any): void;
10 /**
11 * The light mode will only add a favicon
12 * this is very fast but also very limited
13 * it is the default mode for development
14 */
15 generateFaviconsLight(compiler: any, compilation: any): Promise<any>;
16 /**
17 * The webapp mode will add a variety of icons
18 * this is not as fast as the light mode but
19 * supports all common browsers and devices
20 */
21 generateFaviconsWebapp(compiler: any, compilation: any): Promise<any>;
22 /**
23 * Returns wether the plugin should generate a light version or a full webapp
24 */
25 getCurrentCompilationMode(compiler: any): "light" | "webapp";