1 | # fetch-mock
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3 | Features include:
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5 | - mocks most of the fetch API spec, even advanced behaviours such as streaming and aborting
6 | - declarative matching for most aspects of a http request, including url, headers, body and query parameters
7 | - shorthands for the most commonly used features, such as matching a http method or matching one fetch only
8 | - support for delaying responses, or using your own async functions to define custom race conditions
9 | - can be used as a spy to observe real network requests
10 | - can be extended with your own reusable custom matchers that can be used both for matching fetch-calls and inspecting the results
11 | - isomorphic, and supports either a global fetch instance or a locally required instance
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13 | ## Requirements
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15 | @fetch-mock requires either of the following to run:
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17 | - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) 18+ for full feature operation
18 | - Any modern browser that supports the `fetch` API
19 | - [node-fetch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-fetch) when testing in earlier versions of Node.js (this is untested, but should mostly work)
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21 | ## Documentation and Usage
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23 | See the [project website](https://www.wheresrhys.co.uk/fetch-mock/)
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25 | ## License
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27 | fetch-mock is licensed under the [MIT](https://github.com/wheresrhys/fetch-mock/blob/master/LICENSE) license.
28 | Copyright © 2024, Rhys Evans