9.53 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare const figureSet: {
2 readonly tick: string;
3 readonly info: string;
4 readonly warning: string;
5 readonly cross: string;
6 readonly square: string;
7 readonly squareSmall: string;
8 readonly squareSmallFilled: string;
9 readonly squareDarkShade: string;
10 readonly squareMediumShade: string;
11 readonly squareLightShade: string;
12 readonly squareTop: string;
13 readonly squareBottom: string;
14 readonly squareLeft: string;
15 readonly squareRight: string;
16 readonly squareCenter: string;
17 readonly circle: string;
18 readonly circleFilled: string;
19 readonly circleDotted: string;
20 readonly circleDouble: string;
21 readonly circleCircle: string;
22 readonly circleCross: string;
23 readonly circlePipe: string;
24 readonly circleQuestionMark: string;
25 readonly radioOn: string;
26 readonly radioOff: string;
27 readonly checkboxOn: string;
28 readonly checkboxOff: string;
29 readonly checkboxCircleOn: string;
30 readonly checkboxCircleOff: string;
31 readonly questionMarkPrefix: string;
32 readonly bullet: string;
33 readonly dot: string;
34 readonly ellipsis: string;
35 readonly pointer: string;
36 readonly pointerSmall: string;
37 readonly triangleUp: string;
38 readonly triangleUpSmall: string;
39 readonly triangleUpOutline: string;
40 readonly triangleDown: string;
41 readonly triangleDownSmall: string;
42 readonly triangleLeft: string;
43 readonly triangleLeftSmall: string;
44 readonly triangleRight: string;
45 readonly triangleRightSmall: string;
46 readonly lozenge: string;
47 readonly lozengeOutline: string;
48 readonly home: string;
49 readonly hamburger: string;
50 readonly smiley: string;
51 readonly mustache: string;
52 readonly heart: string;
53 readonly star: string;
54 readonly play: string;
55 readonly musicNote: string;
56 readonly musicNoteBeamed: string;
57 readonly nodejs: string;
58 readonly arrowUp: string;
59 readonly arrowDown: string;
60 readonly arrowLeft: string;
61 readonly arrowRight: string;
62 readonly arrowLeftRight: string;
63 readonly arrowUpDown: string;
64 readonly almostEqual: string;
65 readonly notEqual: string;
66 readonly lessOrEqual: string;
67 readonly greaterOrEqual: string;
68 readonly identical: string;
69 readonly infinity: string;
70 readonly subscriptZero: string;
71 readonly subscriptOne: string;
72 readonly subscriptTwo: string;
73 readonly subscriptThree: string;
74 readonly subscriptFour: string;
75 readonly subscriptFive: string;
76 readonly subscriptSix: string;
77 readonly subscriptSeven: string;
78 readonly subscriptEight: string;
79 readonly subscriptNine: string;
80 readonly oneHalf: string;
81 readonly oneThird: string;
82 readonly oneQuarter: string;
83 readonly oneFifth: string;
84 readonly oneSixth: string;
85 readonly oneSeventh: string;
86 readonly oneEighth: string;
87 readonly oneNinth: string;
88 readonly oneTenth: string;
89 readonly twoThirds: string;
90 readonly twoFifths: string;
91 readonly threeQuarters: string;
92 readonly threeFifths: string;
93 readonly threeEighths: string;
94 readonly fourFifths: string;
95 readonly fiveSixths: string;
96 readonly fiveEighths: string;
97 readonly sevenEighth: string;
98 readonly line: string;
99 readonly lineBold: string;
100 readonly lineDouble: string;
101 readonly lineDashed0: string;
102 readonly lineDashed1: string;
103 readonly lineDashed2: string;
104 readonly lineDashed3: string;
105 readonly lineDashed4: string;
106 readonly lineDashed5: string;
107 readonly lineDashed6: string;
108 readonly lineDashed7: string;
109 readonly lineDashed8: string;
110 readonly lineDashed9: string;
111 readonly lineDashed10: string;
112 readonly lineDashed11: string;
113 readonly lineDashed12: string;
114 readonly lineDashed13: string;
115 readonly lineDashed14: string;
116 readonly lineDashed15: string;
117 readonly lineVertical: string;
118 readonly lineVerticalBold: string;
119 readonly lineVerticalDouble: string;
120 readonly lineVerticalDashed0: string;
121 readonly lineVerticalDashed1: string;
122 readonly lineVerticalDashed2: string;
123 readonly lineVerticalDashed3: string;
124 readonly lineVerticalDashed4: string;
125 readonly lineVerticalDashed5: string;
126 readonly lineVerticalDashed6: string;
127 readonly lineVerticalDashed7: string;
128 readonly lineVerticalDashed8: string;
129 readonly lineVerticalDashed9: string;
130 readonly lineVerticalDashed10: string;
131 readonly lineVerticalDashed11: string;
132 readonly lineDownLeft: string;
133 readonly lineDownLeftArc: string;
134 readonly lineDownBoldLeftBold: string;
135 readonly lineDownBoldLeft: string;
136 readonly lineDownLeftBold: string;
137 readonly lineDownDoubleLeftDouble: string;
138 readonly lineDownDoubleLeft: string;
139 readonly lineDownLeftDouble: string;
140 readonly lineDownRight: string;
141 readonly lineDownRightArc: string;
142 readonly lineDownBoldRightBold: string;
143 readonly lineDownBoldRight: string;
144 readonly lineDownRightBold: string;
145 readonly lineDownDoubleRightDouble: string;
146 readonly lineDownDoubleRight: string;
147 readonly lineDownRightDouble: string;
148 readonly lineUpLeft: string;
149 readonly lineUpLeftArc: string;
150 readonly lineUpBoldLeftBold: string;
151 readonly lineUpBoldLeft: string;
152 readonly lineUpLeftBold: string;
153 readonly lineUpDoubleLeftDouble: string;
154 readonly lineUpDoubleLeft: string;
155 readonly lineUpLeftDouble: string;
156 readonly lineUpRight: string;
157 readonly lineUpRightArc: string;
158 readonly lineUpBoldRightBold: string;
159 readonly lineUpBoldRight: string;
160 readonly lineUpRightBold: string;
161 readonly lineUpDoubleRightDouble: string;
162 readonly lineUpDoubleRight: string;
163 readonly lineUpRightDouble: string;
164 readonly lineUpDownLeft: string;
165 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBold: string;
166 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeft: string;
167 readonly lineUpDownLeftBold: string;
168 readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftBold: string;
169 readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftBold: string;
170 readonly lineUpDownBoldLeft: string;
171 readonly lineUpBoldDownLeft: string;
172 readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDouble: string;
173 readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeft: string;
174 readonly lineUpDownLeftDouble: string;
175 readonly lineUpDownRight: string;
176 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldRightBold: string;
177 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldRight: string;
178 readonly lineUpDownRightBold: string;
179 readonly lineUpBoldDownRightBold: string;
180 readonly lineUpDownBoldRightBold: string;
181 readonly lineUpDownBoldRight: string;
182 readonly lineUpBoldDownRight: string;
183 readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRightDouble: string;
184 readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleRight: string;
185 readonly lineUpDownRightDouble: string;
186 readonly lineDownLeftRight: string;
187 readonly lineDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
188 readonly lineDownLeftBoldRightBold: string;
189 readonly lineDownBoldLeftRight: string;
190 readonly lineDownBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
191 readonly lineDownBoldLeftRightBold: string;
192 readonly lineDownLeftRightBold: string;
193 readonly lineDownLeftBoldRight: string;
194 readonly lineDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
195 readonly lineDownDoubleLeftRight: string;
196 readonly lineDownLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
197 readonly lineUpLeftRight: string;
198 readonly lineUpBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
199 readonly lineUpLeftBoldRightBold: string;
200 readonly lineUpBoldLeftRight: string;
201 readonly lineUpBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
202 readonly lineUpBoldLeftRightBold: string;
203 readonly lineUpLeftRightBold: string;
204 readonly lineUpLeftBoldRight: string;
205 readonly lineUpDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
206 readonly lineUpDoubleLeftRight: string;
207 readonly lineUpLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
208 readonly lineUpDownLeftRight: string;
209 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
210 readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRightBold: string;
211 readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRightBold: string;
212 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRightBold: string;
213 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
214 readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftRight: string;
215 readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftRight: string;
216 readonly lineUpDownLeftBoldRight: string;
217 readonly lineUpDownLeftRightBold: string;
218 readonly lineUpBoldDownBoldLeftRight: string;
219 readonly lineUpDownLeftBoldRightBold: string;
220 readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftBoldRight: string;
221 readonly lineUpBoldDownLeftRightBold: string;
222 readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftBoldRight: string;
223 readonly lineUpDownBoldLeftRightBold: string;
224 readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
225 readonly lineUpDoubleDownDoubleLeftRight: string;
226 readonly lineUpDownLeftDoubleRightDouble: string;
227 readonly lineCross: string;
228 readonly lineBackslash: string;
229 readonly lineSlash: string;
232type FigureSet = typeof figureSet;
235Symbols to use when the terminal supports Unicode symbols.
237export const mainSymbols: FigureSet;
240Symbols to use when the terminal does not support Unicode symbols.
242export const fallbackSymbols: FigureSet;
245Symbols to use on any terminal.
247export default figureSet;
249export type Options = {
250 /**
251 Whether to replace symbols with fallbacks.
253 This can be set to `true` to always use fallback symbols, whether the terminal has poor Unicode support or not.
255 @default `true` if the terminal has poor Unicode support
256 */
257 readonly useFallback?: boolean;
261Returns the input with replaced fallback symbols if the terminal has poor Unicode support.
263@param string - String where the Unicode symbols will be replaced with fallback symbols depending on the terminal.
264@returns The input with replaced fallback Unicode symbols.
268import figures, {replaceSymbols} from 'figures';
270console.log(replaceSymbols('✔ check'));
271// On terminals with Unicode symbols: ✔ check
272// On other terminals: √ check
274console.log(replaceSymbols('✔ check', {useFallback: true}));
275// On terminals with Unicode symbols: √ check
276// On other terminals: √ check
279export function replaceSymbols(string: string, options?: Options): string;