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7 |
8 | <div align="center">
9 | <a href="https://github.com/webpack/webpack">
10 | <img width="200" height="200"
11 | src="https://webpack.js.org/assets/icon-square-big.svg">
12 | </a>
13 | <h1>File Loader</h1>
14 | <p>Instructs webpack to emit the required object as file and to return its public URL</p>
15 | </div>
16 |
17 | <h2 align="center">Install</h2>
18 |
19 | ```bash
20 | npm install --save-dev file-loader
21 | ```
22 |
23 | <h2 align="center"><a href="https://webpack.js.org/concepts/loaders">Usage</a></h2>
24 |
25 | By default the filename of the resulting file is the MD5 hash of the file's contents with the original extension of the required resource.
26 |
27 | ```js
28 | import img from './file.png'
29 | ```
30 |
31 | **webpack.config.js**
32 | ```js
33 | module.exports = {
34 | module: {
35 | rules: [
36 | {
37 | test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
38 | use: [
39 | {
40 | loader: 'file-loader',
41 | options: {}
42 | }
43 | ]
44 | }
45 | ]
46 | }
47 | }
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Emits `file.png` as file in the output directory and returns the public URL
51 |
52 | ```
53 | "/public/path/0dcbbaa7013869e351f.png"
54 | ```
55 |
56 | <h2 align="center">Options</h2>
57 |
58 | |Name|Type|Default|Description|
59 | |:--:|:--:|:-----:|:----------|
60 | |**`name`**|`{String}`|`[hash].[ext]`|Configure a custom filename template for your file|
61 | |**`context`**|`{String}`|`this.options.context`|Configure a custom file context, defaults to `webpack.config.js` [context](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/entry-context/#context)|
62 | |**`publicPath`**|`{String\|Function}`|[`__webpack_public_path__ `](https://webpack.js.org/api/module-variables/#__webpack_public_path__-webpack-specific-)|Configure a custom `public` path for your files|
63 | |**`outputPath`**|`{String\|Function}`|`'undefined'`|Configure a custom `output` path for your files|
64 | |**`useRelativePath`**|`{Boolean}`|`false`|Should be `true` if you wish to generate a `context` relative URL for each file|
65 | |**`emitFile`**|`{Boolean}`|`true`|By default a file is emitted, however this can be disabled if required (e.g. for server side packages)|
66 |
67 | ### `name`
68 |
69 | You can configure a custom filename template for your file using the query parameter `name`. For instance, to copy a file from your `context` directory into the output directory retaining the full directory structure, you might use
70 |
71 | **webpack.config.js**
72 | ```js
73 | {
74 | loader: 'file-loader',
75 | options: {
76 | name: '[path][name].[ext]'
77 | }
78 | }
79 | ```
80 |
81 | #### `placeholders`
82 |
83 | |Name|Type|Default|Description|
84 | |:--:|:--:|:-----:|:----------|
85 | |**`[ext]`**|`{String}`|`file.extname`|The extension of the resource|
86 | |**`[name]`**|`{String}`|`file.basename`|The basename of the resource|
87 | |**`[path]`**|`{String}`|`file.dirname`|The path of the resource relative to the `context`|
88 | |**`[hash]`**|`{String}`|`md5`|The hash of the content, hashes below for more info|
89 | |**`[N]`**|`{Number}`|``|The `n-th` match obtained from matching the current file name against the query param `regExp`|
90 |
91 | #### `hashes`
92 |
93 | `[<hashType>:hash:<digestType>:<length>]` optionally you can configure
94 |
95 | |Name|Type|Default|Description|
96 | |:--:|:--:|:-----:|:----------|
97 | |**`hashType`**|`{String}`|`md5`|`sha1`, `md5`, `sha256`, `sha512`|
98 | |**`digestType`**|`{String}`|`base64`|`hex`, `base26`, `base32`, `base36`, `base49`, `base52`, `base58`, `base62`, `base64`|
99 | |**`length`**|`{Number}`|`8`|The length in chars|
100 |
101 | By default, the path and name you specify will output the file in that same directory and will also use that same URL path to access the file.
102 |
103 | ### `context`
104 |
105 | **webpack.config.js**
106 | ```js
107 | {
108 | loader: 'file-loader',
109 | options: {
110 | name: '[path][name].[ext]',
111 | context: ''
112 | }
113 | }
114 | ```
115 |
116 | You can specify custom `output` and `public` paths by using `outputPath`, `publicPath` and `useRelativePath`
117 |
118 | ### `publicPath`
119 |
120 | **webpack.config.js**
121 | ```js
122 | {
123 | loader: 'file-loader',
124 | options: {
125 | name: '[path][name].[ext]',
126 | publicPath: 'assets'
127 | }
128 | }
129 | ```
130 |
131 | ### `outputPath`
132 |
133 | **webpack.config.js**
134 | ```js
135 | {
136 | loader: 'file-loader',
137 | options: {
138 | name: '[path][name].[ext]',
139 | outputPath: 'images'
140 | }
141 | }
142 | ```
143 |
144 | ### `useRelativePath`
145 |
146 | `useRelativePath` should be `true` if you wish to generate a relative URL to the for each file context.
147 |
148 | ```js
149 | {
150 | loader: 'file-loader',
151 | options: {
152 | useRelativePath: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
153 | }
154 | }
155 | ```
156 |
157 | ### `emitFile`
158 |
159 | By default a file is emitted, however this can be disabled if required (e.g. for server side packages).
160 |
161 | ```js
162 | import img from './file.png'
163 | ```
164 |
165 | ```js
166 | {
167 | loader: 'file-loader',
168 | options: {
169 | emitFile: false
170 | }
171 | }
172 | ```
173 |
174 | > ⚠️ Returns the public URL but does **not** emit a file
175 |
176 | ```
177 | `${publicPath}/0dcbbaa701328e351f.png`
178 | ```
179 |
180 | <h2 align="center">Examples</h2>
181 |
182 |
183 | ```js
184 | import png from 'image.png'
185 | ```
186 |
187 | **webpack.config.js**
188 | ```js
189 | {
190 | loader: 'file-loader',
191 | options: {
192 | name: 'dirname/[hash].[ext]'
193 | }
194 | }
195 | ```
196 |
197 | ```
198 | dirname/0dcbbaa701328ae351f.png
199 | ```
200 |
201 | **webpack.config.js**
202 | ```js
203 | {
204 | loader: 'file-loader',
205 | options: {
206 | name: '[sha512:hash:base64:7].[ext]'
207 | }
208 | }
209 | ```
210 |
211 | ```
212 | gdyb21L.png
213 | ```
214 |
215 | ```js
216 | import png from 'path/to/file.png'
217 | ```
218 |
219 | **webpack.config.js**
220 | ```js
221 | {
222 | loader: 'file-loader',
223 | options: {
224 | name: '[path][name].[ext]?[hash]'
225 | }
226 | }
227 | ```
228 |
229 | ```
230 | path/to/file.png?e43b20c069c4a01867c31e98cbce33c9
231 | ```
232 |
233 | <h2 align="center">Maintainers</h2>
234 |
235 | <table>
236 | <tbody>
237 | <tr>
238 | <td align="center">
239 | <a href="https://github.com/bebraw">
240 | <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/bebraw.png?v=3&s=150">
241 | </br>
242 | Juho Vepsäläinen
243 | </a>
244 | </td>
245 | <td align="center">
246 | <a href="https://github.com/d3viant0ne">
247 | <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/d3viant0ne.png?v=3&s=150">
248 | </br>
249 | Joshua Wiens
250 | </a>
251 | </td>
252 | <td align="center">
253 | <a href="https://github.com/michael-ciniawsky">
254 | <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/michael-ciniawsky.png?v=3&s=150">
255 | </br>
256 | Michael Ciniawsky
257 | </a>
258 | </td>
259 | <td align="center">
260 | <a href="https://github.com/evilebottnawi">
261 | <img width="150" height="150" src="https://github.com/evilebottnawi.png?v=3&s=150">
262 | </br>
263 | Alexander Krasnoyarov
264 | </a>
265 | </td>
266 | </tr>
267 | <tbody>
268 | </table>
269 |
270 |
271 | [npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/file-loader.svg
272 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.com/package/file-loader
273 |
274 | [node]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/file-loader.svg
275 | [node-url]: https://nodejs.org
276 |
277 | [deps]: https://david-dm.org/webpack-contrib/file-loader.svg
278 | [deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/webpack-contrib/file-loader
279 |
280 | [tests]: http://img.shields.io/travis/webpack-contrib/file-loader.svg
281 | [tests-url]: https://travis-ci.org/webpack-contrib/file-loader
282 |
283 | [cover]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/webpack-contrib/file-loader.svg
284 | [cover-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/webpack-contrib/file-loader
285 |
286 | [chat]: https://badges.gitter.im/webpack/webpack.svg
287 | [chat-url]: https://gitter.im/webpack/webpack