1 | # find-root
2 | recursively find the closest package.json
3 |
4 | [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/jden/find-root.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/jden/find-root)
5 |
6 | ## usage
7 | Say you want to check if the directory name of a project matches its
8 | module name in package.json:
9 |
10 | ```js
11 | var path = require('path')
12 | var findRoot = require('find-root')
13 |
14 | // from a starting directory, recursively search for the nearest
15 | // directory containing package.json
16 | var root = findRoot('/Users/jden/dev/find-root/tests')
17 | // => '/Users/jden/dev/find-root'
18 |
19 | var dirname = path.basename(root)
20 | console.log('is it the same?')
21 | console.log(dirname === require(path.join(root, 'package.json')).name)
22 | ```
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25 | ## api
26 |
27 | ### `findRoot: (startingPath : String) => String`
28 |
29 | Returns the path for the nearest directory to `startingPath` containing
30 | a `package.json` file, eg `/foo/module`.
31 |
32 | Throws an error if no `package.json` is found at any level in the
33 | `startingPath`.
34 |
35 |
36 | ## installation
37 |
38 | $ npm install find-root
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40 |
41 | ## running the tests
42 |
43 | From package root:
44 |
45 | $ npm install
46 | $ npm test
47 |
48 |
49 | ## contributors
50 |
51 | - jden <jason@denizac.org>
52 |
53 |
54 | ## license
55 | MIT. (c) MMXIII AgileMD http://agilemd.com