8.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function() {
2 module.exports = function($) {
3 var M, _, getPlugin, gulp, gulpIf, normalizePath, using, wrapList;
4 ({_} = $);
5 ({getPlugin, normalizePath, wrapList} = $.fn);
6 gulp = require('gulp');
7 gulpIf = require('gulp-if');
8 using = require('gulp-using');
9 M = (function() {
10 class M {
11 /*
12 compileCoffee_(source, target, option)
13 compileCss_(source, target, option)
14 compileJs_(source, target, option)
15 compileMd_(source, target, option)
16 compilePug_(source, target, option)
17 compileStyl_(source, target, option)
18 compileTs_(source, target, option)
19 compileYaml_(source, target, option)
20 execute_(arg...)
21 */
22 async compileCoffee_(source, target, option) {
23 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
24 var base, coffee, include, sourcemaps, uglify;
25 coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
26 include = require('gulp-include');
27 uglify = getPlugin('uglify');
28 base = option.base;
29 sourcemaps = option.map;
30 return gulp.src(source, {base, sourcemaps}).pipe(using()).pipe(include()).pipe(coffee(option)).pipe(gulpIf(option.minify, uglify())).pipe(gulp.dest(target, {sourcemaps})).on('end', function() {
31 return resolve();
32 });
33 });
34 return this;
35 }
37 async compileCss_(source, target, option) {
38 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
39 var base, cleanCss, sourcemaps;
40 cleanCss = require('gulp-clean-css');
41 base = option.base;
42 sourcemaps = option.map;
43 return gulp.src(source, {base, sourcemaps}).pipe(using()).pipe(gulpIf(option.minify, cleanCss())).pipe(gulp.dest(target, {sourcemaps})).on('end', function() {
44 return resolve();
45 });
46 });
47 return this;
48 }
50 async compileJs_(source, target, option) {
51 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
52 var base, sourcemaps, uglify;
53 uglify = getPlugin('uglify');
54 base = option.base;
55 sourcemaps = option.map;
56 return gulp.src(source, {base, sourcemaps}).pipe(using()).pipe(gulpIf(option.minify, uglify())).pipe(gulp.dest(target, {sourcemaps})).on('end', function() {
57 return resolve();
58 });
59 });
60 return this;
61 }
63 async compileMd_(source, target, option) {
64 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
65 var base, htmlmin, markdown, rename;
66 htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin');
67 markdown = require('gulp-markdown');
68 rename = require('gulp-rename');
69 if (option.sanitize == null) {
70 option.sanitize = true;
71 }
72 base = option.base;
73 return gulp.src(source, {base}).pipe(using()).pipe(markdown(option)).pipe(rename({
74 extname: '.html'
75 })).pipe(gulpIf(option.minify, htmlmin({
76 collapseWhitespace: true
77 }))).pipe(gulp.dest(target)).on('end', function() {
78 return resolve();
79 });
80 });
81 return this;
82 }
84 async compilePug_(source, target, option) {
85 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
86 var base, pug;
87 pug = require('gulp-pug');
88 if (option.pretty == null) {
89 option.pretty = !option.minify;
90 }
91 base = option.base;
92 return gulp.src(source, {base}).pipe(using()).pipe(pug(option)).pipe(gulp.dest(target)).on('end', function() {
93 return resolve();
94 });
95 });
96 return this;
97 }
99 async compileStyl_(source, target, option) {
100 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
101 var base, sourcemaps, stylus;
102 stylus = require('gulp-stylus');
103 if (option.compress == null) {
104 option.compress = option.minify;
105 }
106 base = option.base;
107 sourcemaps = option.map;
108 return gulp.src(source, {base, sourcemaps}).pipe(using()).pipe(stylus(option)).pipe(gulp.dest(target, {sourcemaps})).on('end', function() {
109 return resolve();
110 });
111 });
112 return this;
113 }
115 async compileTs_(source, target, option) {
116 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
117 var base, isMinify, sourcemaps, ts, uglify;
118 ts = require('gulp-typescript');
119 uglify = getPlugin('uglify');
120 base = option.base;
121 isMinify = option.minify;
122 sourcemaps = option.map;
124 // have to delete these unknown options
125 delete option.map;
126 delete option.minify;
127 return gulp.src(source, {base, sourcemaps}).pipe(using()).pipe(ts(option)).pipe(gulpIf(isMinify, uglify())).pipe(gulp.dest(target, {sourcemaps})).on('end', function() {
128 return resolve();
129 });
130 });
131 return this;
132 }
134 async compileYaml_(source, target, option) {
135 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
136 var base, yaml;
137 yaml = require('gulp-yaml');
138 if (option.safe == null) {
139 option.safe = true;
140 }
141 base = option.base;
142 return gulp.src(source, {base}).pipe(using()).pipe(yaml(option)).pipe(gulp.dest(target)).on('end', function() {
143 return resolve();
144 });
145 });
146 return this;
147 }
149 async execute_(...arg) {
150 var dirname, extname, i, len, listSource, method, msg, option, source, target, type;
151 [source, target, option] = (function() {
152 switch (arg.length) {
153 case 1:
154 return [arg[0], null, {}];
155 case 2:
156 return (function() {
157 var type;
158 type = $.type(arg[1]);
159 if (type === 'object') {
160 return [arg[0], null, arg[1]];
161 }
162 if (type === 'string') {
163 return [arg[0], arg[1], {}];
164 }
165 throw new Error(`invalid type '${type}'`);
166 })();
167 case 3:
168 return arg;
169 default:
170 throw new Error('invalid argument length');
171 }
172 })();
173 option = _.extend({
174 map: false,
175 minify: true
176 }, option);
178 // message
179 msg = `compiled ${wrapList(source)}`;
180 if (target) {
181 msg += ` to ${wrapList(target)}`;
182 }
184 // base
185 type = $.type(source);
186 if (type === 'string' && ~source.search(/\/\*/)) {
187 option.base || (option.base = normalizePath(source).replace(/\/\*.*/, ''));
188 }
190 // each & compile
191 listSource = (await $.source_(source));
192 for (i = 0, len = listSource.length; i < len; i++) {
193 source = listSource[i];
194 ({extname, dirname} = $.getName(source));
195 method = this.mapMethod[extname];
196 method || (function() {
197 throw new Error(`invalid extname '${extname}'`);
198 })();
199 target || (target = dirname);
200 target = normalizePath(target);
201 await this[method](source, target, option);
202 }
203 $.info('compile', msg);
204 return this;
205 }
207 };
209 /*
210 mapMethod
211 */
212 M.prototype.mapMethod = {
213 '.coffee': 'compileCoffee_',
214 '.css': 'compileCss_',
215 '.js': 'compileJs_',
216 '.md': 'compileMd_',
217 '.pug': 'compilePug_',
218 '.styl': 'compileStyl_',
219 '.ts': 'compileTs_',
220 '.yaml': 'compileYaml_',
221 '.yml': 'compileYaml_'
222 };
224 return M;
226 }).call(this);
228 // return
229 return $.compile_ = async function(...arg) {
230 var m;
231 m = new M();
232 await m.execute_(...arg);
233 return $; // return
234 };
235 };