4.12 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function() {
2 module.exports = function($) {
3 var M, gulp, kleur, using;
4 gulp = require('gulp');
5 kleur = require('kleur');
6 using = require('gulp-using');
7 M = (function() {
8 class M {
9 async execute_(source) {
10 var extname, i, len, listSource, method;
11 listSource = (await $.source_(source));
12 for (i = 0, len = listSource.length; i < len; i++) {
13 source = listSource[i];
14 extname = $.getExtname(source);
15 method = this.mapMethod[extname];
16 method || (function() {
17 throw new Error(`invalid extname '${extname}'`);
18 })();
19 await this[method](source);
20 }
21 return this;
22 }
24 async lintCoffee_(source) {
25 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
26 var lint;
27 lint = require('gulp-coffeelint');
29 // does not know why
30 // have to put 'on()' before 'pipe()'
31 // strange
32 return gulp.src(source).on('end', function() {
33 return resolve();
34 }).pipe(using()).pipe(lint()).pipe(lint.reporter());
35 });
36 return this;
37 }
39 async lintMd_(source) {
40 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
41 var lint, option;
42 lint = require('markdownlint');
43 option = {
44 files: source
45 };
46 lint(option, function(err, result) {
47 var filename, item, list, listMsg, results;
48 if (err) {
49 throw err;
50 }
51 results = [];
52 for (filename in result) {
53 list = result[filename];
54 if ('array' !== $.type(list)) {
55 continue;
56 }
57 filename = $.info.renderPath(filename);
58 $.i(kleur.magenta(filename));
59 results.push((function() {
60 var i, len, results1;
61 results1 = [];
62 for (i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
63 item = list[i];
64 listMsg = [];
65 listMsg.push(kleur.gray(`#${item.lineNumber}`));
66 if (item.errorContext) {
67 listMsg.push(`< ${kleur.red(item.errorContext)} >`);
68 }
69 if (item.ruleDescription) {
70 listMsg.push(item.ruleDescription);
71 }
72 results1.push($.i(listMsg.join(' ')));
73 }
74 return results1;
75 })());
76 }
77 return results;
78 });
79 return resolve();
80 });
81 return this;
82 }
84 async lintStyl_(source) {
85 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
86 var lint;
87 lint = require('gulp-stylint');
89 // just like coffee
90 // also have to put 'on()' before 'pipe()'
91 return gulp.src(source).on('end', function() {
92 return resolve();
93 }).pipe(using()).pipe(lint()).pipe(lint.reporter());
94 });
95 return this;
96 }
98 async lintTs_(source) {
99 await new Promise(function(resolve) {
100 var lint;
101 lint = require('gulp-tslint');
102 return gulp.src(source).pipe(using()).pipe(lint()).pipe(lint.report()).on('end', function() {
103 return resolve();
104 });
105 });
106 return this;
107 }
109 };
111 /*
112 mapMethod
114 execute_(source)
115 lintCoffee_(source)
116 lintMd_(source)
117 lintStyl_(source)
118 lintTs_(source)
119 */
120 M.prototype.mapMethod = {
121 '.coffee': 'lintCoffee_',
122 '.md': 'lintMd_',
123 '.styl': 'lintStyl_',
124 '.ts': 'lintTs_'
125 };
127 return M;
129 }).call(this);
131 // return
132 return $.lint_ = async function(...arg) {
133 var m;
134 m = new M();
135 await m.execute_(...arg);
136 return $; // return
137 };
138 };