5.79 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/*! firebase-admin v10.0.0 */
3 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
18 * Interface representing a decoded Firebase ID token, returned from the
19 * {@link BaseAuth.verifyIdToken} method.
20 *
21 * Firebase ID tokens are OpenID Connect spec-compliant JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
22 * See the
23 * [ID Token section of the OpenID Connect spec](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken)
24 * for more information about the specific properties below.
25 */
26export interface DecodedIdToken {
27 /**
28 * The audience for which this token is intended.
29 *
30 * This value is a string equal to your Firebase project ID, the unique
31 * identifier for your Firebase project, which can be found in [your project's
32 * settings](https://console.firebase.google.com/project/_/settings/general/android:com.random.android).
33 */
34 aud: string;
35 /**
36 * Time, in seconds since the Unix epoch, when the end-user authentication
37 * occurred.
38 *
39 * This value is not set when this particular ID token was created, but when the
40 * user initially logged in to this session. In a single session, the Firebase
41 * SDKs will refresh a user's ID tokens every hour. Each ID token will have a
42 * different [`iat`](#iat) value, but the same `auth_time` value.
43 */
44 auth_time: number;
45 /**
46 * The email of the user to whom the ID token belongs, if available.
47 */
48 email?: string;
49 /**
50 * Whether or not the email of the user to whom the ID token belongs is
51 * verified, provided the user has an email.
52 */
53 email_verified?: boolean;
54 /**
55 * The ID token's expiration time, in seconds since the Unix epoch. That is, the
56 * time at which this ID token expires and should no longer be considered valid.
57 *
58 * The Firebase SDKs transparently refresh ID tokens every hour, issuing a new
59 * ID token with up to a one hour expiration.
60 */
61 exp: number;
62 /**
63 * Information about the sign in event, including which sign in provider was
64 * used and provider-specific identity details.
65 *
66 * This data is provided by the Firebase Authentication service and is a
67 * reserved claim in the ID token.
68 */
69 firebase: {
70 /**
71 * Provider-specific identity details corresponding
72 * to the provider used to sign in the user.
73 */
74 identities: {
75 [key: string]: any;
76 };
77 /**
78 * The ID of the provider used to sign in the user.
79 * One of `"anonymous"`, `"password"`, `"facebook.com"`, `"github.com"`,
80 * `"google.com"`, `"twitter.com"`, `"apple.com"`, `"microsoft.com"`,
81 * `"yahoo.com"`, `"phone"`, `"playgames.google.com"`, `"gc.apple.com"`,
82 * or `"custom"`.
83 *
84 * Additional Identity Platform provider IDs include `"linkedin.com"`,
85 * OIDC and SAML identity providers prefixed with `"saml."` and `"oidc."`
86 * respectively.
87 */
88 sign_in_provider: string;
89 /**
90 * The type identifier or `factorId` of the second factor, provided the
91 * ID token was obtained from a multi-factor authenticated user.
92 * For phone, this is `"phone"`.
93 */
94 sign_in_second_factor?: string;
95 /**
96 * The `uid` of the second factor used to sign in, provided the
97 * ID token was obtained from a multi-factor authenticated user.
98 */
99 second_factor_identifier?: string;
100 /**
101 * The ID of the tenant the user belongs to, if available.
102 */
103 tenant?: string;
104 [key: string]: any;
105 };
106 /**
107 * The ID token's issued-at time, in seconds since the Unix epoch. That is, the
108 * time at which this ID token was issued and should start to be considered
109 * valid.
110 *
111 * The Firebase SDKs transparently refresh ID tokens every hour, issuing a new
112 * ID token with a new issued-at time. If you want to get the time at which the
113 * user session corresponding to the ID token initially occurred, see the
114 * [`auth_time`](#auth_time) property.
115 */
116 iat: number;
117 /**
118 * The issuer identifier for the issuer of the response.
119 *
120 * This value is a URL with the format
121 * `https://securetoken.google.com/<PROJECT_ID>`, where `<PROJECT_ID>` is the
122 * same project ID specified in the [`aud`](#aud) property.
123 */
124 iss: string;
125 /**
126 * The phone number of the user to whom the ID token belongs, if available.
127 */
128 phone_number?: string;
129 /**
130 * The photo URL for the user to whom the ID token belongs, if available.
131 */
132 picture?: string;
133 /**
134 * The `uid` corresponding to the user who the ID token belonged to.
135 *
136 * As a convenience, this value is copied over to the [`uid`](#uid) property.
137 */
138 sub: string;
139 /**
140 * The `uid` corresponding to the user who the ID token belonged to.
141 *
142 * This value is not actually in the JWT token claims itself. It is added as a
143 * convenience, and is set as the value of the [`sub`](#sub) property.
144 */
145 uid: string;
146 /**
147 * Other arbitrary claims included in the ID token.
148 */
149 [key: string]: any;