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18 | import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
19 | import { Agent } from 'http';
20 | export declare const ALGORITHM_RS256: jwt.Algorithm;
21 | export declare type Dictionary = {
22 | [key: string]: any;
23 | };
24 | export declare type DecodedToken = {
25 | header: Dictionary;
26 | payload: Dictionary;
27 | };
28 | export interface SignatureVerifier {
29 | verify(token: string): Promise<void>;
30 | }
31 | interface KeyFetcher {
32 | fetchPublicKeys(): Promise<{
33 | [key: string]: string;
34 | }>;
35 | }
36 | export declare class JwksFetcher implements KeyFetcher {
37 | private publicKeys;
38 | private publicKeysExpireAt;
39 | private client;
40 | constructor(jwksUrl: string);
41 | fetchPublicKeys(): Promise<{
42 | [key: string]: string;
43 | }>;
44 | private shouldRefresh;
45 | private refresh;
46 | }
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50 | export declare class UrlKeyFetcher implements KeyFetcher {
51 | private clientCertUrl;
52 | private readonly httpAgent?;
53 | private publicKeys;
54 | private publicKeysExpireAt;
55 | constructor(clientCertUrl: string, httpAgent?: Agent | undefined);
56 | /**
57 | * Fetches the public keys for the Google certs.
58 | *
59 | * @returns A promise fulfilled with public keys for the Google certs.
60 | */
61 | fetchPublicKeys(): Promise<{
62 | [key: string]: string;
63 | }>;
64 | |
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69 | private shouldRefresh;
70 | private refresh;
71 | }
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75 | export declare class PublicKeySignatureVerifier implements SignatureVerifier {
76 | private keyFetcher;
77 | constructor(keyFetcher: KeyFetcher);
78 | static withCertificateUrl(clientCertUrl: string, httpAgent?: Agent): PublicKeySignatureVerifier;
79 | static withJwksUrl(jwksUrl: string): PublicKeySignatureVerifier;
80 | verify(token: string): Promise<void>;
81 | private verifyWithoutKid;
82 | private verifyWithAllKeys;
83 | }
84 | /**
85 | * Class for verifying unsigned (emulator) JWTs.
86 | */
87 | export declare class EmulatorSignatureVerifier implements SignatureVerifier {
88 | verify(token: string): Promise<void>;
89 | }
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99 | export declare function verifyJwtSignature(token: string, secretOrPublicKey: jwt.Secret | jwt.GetPublicKeyOrSecret, options?: jwt.VerifyOptions): Promise<void>;
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106 | export declare function decodeJwt(jwtToken: string): Promise<DecodedToken>;
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114 | export declare class JwtError extends Error {
115 | readonly code: JwtErrorCode;
116 | readonly message: string;
117 | constructor(code: JwtErrorCode, message: string);
118 | }
119 | /**
120 | * JWT error codes.
121 | */
122 | export declare enum JwtErrorCode {
123 | INVALID_ARGUMENT = "invalid-argument",
124 | INVALID_CREDENTIAL = "invalid-credential",
125 | TOKEN_EXPIRED = "token-expired",
126 | INVALID_SIGNATURE = "invalid-token",
127 | NO_MATCHING_KID = "no-matching-kid-error",
128 | NO_KID_IN_HEADER = "no-kid-error",
129 | KEY_FETCH_ERROR = "key-fetch-error"
130 | }
131 | export {};