1 | import * as firestore from "firebase-admin/firestore";
2 | import { Change } from "../../common/change";
3 | import { ParamsOf } from "../../common/params";
4 | import { CloudFunction, Event, EventContext } from "../cloud-functions";
5 | import { DeploymentOptions } from "../function-configuration";
6 | export type DocumentSnapshot = firestore.DocumentSnapshot;
7 | export type QueryDocumentSnapshot = firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot;
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15 | export declare function document<Path extends string>(path: Path): DocumentBuilder<Path>;
16 | export declare function namespace(namespace: string): NamespaceBuilder;
17 | export declare function database(database: string): DatabaseBuilder;
18 | export declare class DatabaseBuilder {
19 | private database;
20 | private options;
21 | constructor(database: string, options: DeploymentOptions);
22 | namespace(namespace: string): NamespaceBuilder;
23 | document<Path extends string>(path: Path): DocumentBuilder<Path>;
24 | }
25 | export declare class NamespaceBuilder {
26 | private database;
27 | private options;
28 | private namespace?;
29 | constructor(database: string, options: DeploymentOptions, namespace?: string);
30 | document<Path extends string>(path: Path): DocumentBuilder<Path>;
31 | }
32 | export declare function snapshotConstructor(event: Event): DocumentSnapshot;
33 | export declare function beforeSnapshotConstructor(event: Event): DocumentSnapshot;
34 | export declare class DocumentBuilder<Path extends string> {
35 | private triggerResource;
36 | private options;
37 | constructor(triggerResource: () => string, options: DeploymentOptions);
38 | /** Respond to all document writes (creates, updates, or deletes). */
39 | onWrite(handler: (change: Change<DocumentSnapshot>, context: EventContext<ParamsOf<Path>>) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<Change<DocumentSnapshot>>;
40 | /** Respond only to document updates. */
41 | onUpdate(handler: (change: Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot>, context: EventContext<ParamsOf<Path>>) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot>>;
42 | /** Respond only to document creations. */
43 | onCreate(handler: (snapshot: QueryDocumentSnapshot, context: EventContext<ParamsOf<Path>>) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<QueryDocumentSnapshot>;
44 | /** Respond only to document deletions. */
45 | onDelete(handler: (snapshot: QueryDocumentSnapshot, context: EventContext<ParamsOf<Path>>) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<QueryDocumentSnapshot>;
46 | private onOperation;
47 | }