1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
24 | exports.onCallHandler = exports.checkAuthToken = exports.unsafeDecodeAppCheckToken = exports.unsafeDecodeIdToken = exports.unsafeDecodeToken = exports.decode = exports.encode = exports.isValidRequest = exports.HttpsError = exports.ORIGINAL_AUTH_HEADER = exports.CALLABLE_AUTH_HEADER = void 0;
25 | const cors = require("cors");
26 | const logger = require("../../logger");
27 |
28 |
29 | const app_check_1 = require("firebase-admin/app-check");
30 | const auth_1 = require("firebase-admin/auth");
31 | const app_1 = require("../app");
32 | const debug_1 = require("../debug");
33 | const JWT_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_=]+?\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_=]+?\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_=]+)?$/;
34 |
35 | exports.CALLABLE_AUTH_HEADER = "x-callable-context-auth";
36 |
37 | exports.ORIGINAL_AUTH_HEADER = "x-original-auth";
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 | const errorCodeMap = {
48 | ok: { canonicalName: "OK", status: 200 },
49 | cancelled: { canonicalName: "CANCELLED", status: 499 },
50 | unknown: { canonicalName: "UNKNOWN", status: 500 },
51 | "invalid-argument": { canonicalName: "INVALID_ARGUMENT", status: 400 },
52 | "deadline-exceeded": { canonicalName: "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED", status: 504 },
53 | "not-found": { canonicalName: "NOT_FOUND", status: 404 },
54 | "already-exists": { canonicalName: "ALREADY_EXISTS", status: 409 },
55 | "permission-denied": { canonicalName: "PERMISSION_DENIED", status: 403 },
56 | unauthenticated: { canonicalName: "UNAUTHENTICATED", status: 401 },
57 | "resource-exhausted": { canonicalName: "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED", status: 429 },
58 | "failed-precondition": { canonicalName: "FAILED_PRECONDITION", status: 400 },
59 | aborted: { canonicalName: "ABORTED", status: 409 },
60 | "out-of-range": { canonicalName: "OUT_OF_RANGE", status: 400 },
61 | unimplemented: { canonicalName: "UNIMPLEMENTED", status: 501 },
62 | internal: { canonicalName: "INTERNAL", status: 500 },
63 | unavailable: { canonicalName: "UNAVAILABLE", status: 503 },
64 | "data-loss": { canonicalName: "DATA_LOSS", status: 500 },
65 | };
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 | class HttpsError extends Error {
71 | constructor(code, message, details) {
72 | super(message);
73 |
74 | if (code in errorCodeMap === false) {
75 | throw new Error(`Unknown error code: ${code}.`);
76 | }
77 | this.code = code;
78 | this.details = details;
79 | this.httpErrorCode = errorCodeMap[code];
80 | }
81 | |
82 |
83 |
84 | toJSON() {
85 | const { details, httpErrorCode: { canonicalName: status }, message, } = this;
86 | return {
87 | ...(details === undefined ? {} : { details }),
88 | message,
89 | status,
90 | };
91 | }
92 | }
93 | exports.HttpsError = HttpsError;
94 |
95 |
96 | function isValidRequest(req) {
97 |
98 | if (!req.body) {
99 | logger.warn("Request is missing body.");
100 | return false;
101 | }
102 |
103 | if (req.method !== "POST") {
104 | logger.warn("Request has invalid method.", req.method);
105 | return false;
106 | }
107 |
108 | let contentType = (req.header("Content-Type") || "").toLowerCase();
109 |
110 | const semiColon = contentType.indexOf(";");
111 | if (semiColon >= 0) {
112 | contentType = contentType.slice(0, semiColon).trim();
113 | }
114 | if (contentType !== "application/json") {
115 | logger.warn("Request has incorrect Content-Type.", contentType);
116 | return false;
117 | }
118 |
119 | if (typeof req.body.data === "undefined") {
120 | logger.warn("Request body is missing data.", req.body);
121 | return false;
122 | }
123 |
124 |
125 | const extraKeys = Object.keys(req.body).filter((field) => field !== "data");
126 | if (extraKeys.length !== 0) {
127 | logger.warn("Request body has extra fields: ", extraKeys.join(", "));
128 | return false;
129 | }
130 | return true;
131 | }
132 | exports.isValidRequest = isValidRequest;
133 |
134 | const LONG_TYPE = "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Int64Value";
135 |
136 | const UNSIGNED_LONG_TYPE = "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.UInt64Value";
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 | function encode(data) {
143 | if (data === null || typeof data === "undefined") {
144 | return null;
145 | }
146 | if (data instanceof Number) {
147 | data = data.valueOf();
148 | }
149 | if (Number.isFinite(data)) {
150 |
151 |
152 | return data;
153 | }
154 | if (typeof data === "boolean") {
155 | return data;
156 | }
157 | if (typeof data === "string") {
158 | return data;
159 | }
160 | if (Array.isArray(data)) {
161 | return data.map(encode);
162 | }
163 | if (typeof data === "object" || typeof data === "function") {
164 |
165 |
166 | const obj = {};
167 | for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(data)) {
168 | obj[k] = encode(v);
169 | }
170 | return obj;
171 | }
172 |
173 | logger.error("Data cannot be encoded in JSON.", data);
174 | throw new Error(`Data cannot be encoded in JSON: ${data}`);
175 | }
176 | exports.encode = encode;
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 | function decode(data) {
183 | if (data === null) {
184 | return data;
185 | }
186 | if (data["@type"]) {
187 | switch (data["@type"]) {
188 | case LONG_TYPE:
189 |
190 | case UNSIGNED_LONG_TYPE: {
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 | const value = parseFloat(data.value);
195 | if (isNaN(value)) {
196 | logger.error("Data cannot be decoded from JSON.", data);
197 | throw new Error(`Data cannot be decoded from JSON: ${data}`);
198 | }
199 | return value;
200 | }
201 | default: {
202 | logger.error("Data cannot be decoded from JSON.", data);
203 | throw new Error(`Data cannot be decoded from JSON: ${data}`);
204 | }
205 | }
206 | }
207 | if (Array.isArray(data)) {
208 | return data.map(decode);
209 | }
210 | if (typeof data === "object") {
211 | const obj = {};
212 | for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(data)) {
213 | obj[k] = decode(v);
214 | }
215 | return obj;
216 | }
217 |
218 | return data;
219 | }
220 | exports.decode = decode;
221 |
222 | function unsafeDecodeToken(token) {
223 | if (!JWT_REGEX.test(token)) {
224 | return {};
225 | }
226 | const components = token.split(".").map((s) => Buffer.from(s, "base64").toString());
227 | let payload = components[1];
228 | if (typeof payload === "string") {
229 | try {
230 | const obj = JSON.parse(payload);
231 | if (typeof obj === "object") {
232 | payload = obj;
233 | }
234 | }
235 | catch (e) {
236 |
237 | }
238 | }
239 | return payload;
240 | }
241 | exports.unsafeDecodeToken = unsafeDecodeToken;
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 | function unsafeDecodeIdToken(token) {
251 | const decoded = unsafeDecodeToken(token);
252 | decoded.uid = decoded.sub;
253 | return decoded;
254 | }
255 | exports.unsafeDecodeIdToken = unsafeDecodeIdToken;
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 | function unsafeDecodeAppCheckToken(token) {
265 | const decoded = unsafeDecodeToken(token);
266 | decoded.app_id = decoded.sub;
267 | return decoded;
268 | }
269 | exports.unsafeDecodeAppCheckToken = unsafeDecodeAppCheckToken;
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 | async function checkTokens(req, ctx, options) {
280 | const verifications = {
281 | app: "INVALID",
282 | auth: "INVALID",
283 | };
284 | await Promise.all([
285 | Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
286 | verifications.auth = await checkAuthToken(req, ctx);
287 | }),
288 | Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
289 | verifications.app = await checkAppCheckToken(req, ctx, options);
290 | }),
291 | ]);
292 | const logPayload = {
293 | verifications,
294 | "logging.googleapis.com/labels": {
295 | "firebase-log-type": "callable-request-verification",
296 | },
297 | };
298 | const errs = [];
299 | if (verifications.app === "INVALID") {
300 | errs.push("AppCheck token was rejected.");
301 | }
302 | if (verifications.auth === "INVALID") {
303 | errs.push("Auth token was rejected.");
304 | }
305 | if (errs.length === 0) {
306 | logger.debug("Callable request verification passed", logPayload);
307 | }
308 | else {
309 | logger.warn(`Callable request verification failed: ${errs.join(" ")}`, logPayload);
310 | }
311 | return verifications;
312 | }
313 |
314 | async function checkAuthToken(req, ctx) {
315 | const authorization = req.header("Authorization");
316 | if (!authorization) {
317 | return "MISSING";
318 | }
319 | const match = authorization.match(/^Bearer (.*)$/i);
320 | if (!match) {
321 | return "INVALID";
322 | }
323 | const idToken = match[1];
324 | try {
325 | let authToken;
326 | if ((0, debug_1.isDebugFeatureEnabled)("skipTokenVerification")) {
327 | authToken = unsafeDecodeIdToken(idToken);
328 | }
329 | else {
330 | authToken = await (0, auth_1.getAuth)((0, app_1.getApp)()).verifyIdToken(idToken);
331 | }
332 | ctx.auth = {
333 | uid: authToken.uid,
334 | token: authToken,
335 | };
336 | return "VALID";
337 | }
338 | catch (err) {
339 | logger.warn("Failed to validate auth token.", err);
340 | return "INVALID";
341 | }
342 | }
343 | exports.checkAuthToken = checkAuthToken;
344 |
345 | async function checkAppCheckToken(req, ctx, options) {
346 | var _a;
347 | const appCheckToken = req.header("X-Firebase-AppCheck");
348 | if (!appCheckToken) {
349 | return "MISSING";
350 | }
351 | try {
352 | let appCheckData;
353 | if ((0, debug_1.isDebugFeatureEnabled)("skipTokenVerification")) {
354 | const decodedToken = unsafeDecodeAppCheckToken(appCheckToken);
355 | appCheckData = { appId: decodedToken.app_id, token: decodedToken };
356 | if (options.consumeAppCheckToken) {
357 | appCheckData.alreadyConsumed = false;
358 | }
359 | }
360 | else {
361 | const appCheck = (0, app_check_1.getAppCheck)((0, app_1.getApp)());
362 | if (options.consumeAppCheckToken) {
363 | if (((_a = appCheck.verifyToken) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) === 1) {
364 | const errorMsg = "Unsupported version of the Admin SDK." +
365 | " App Check token will not be consumed." +
366 | " Please upgrade the firebase-admin to the latest version.";
367 | logger.error(errorMsg);
368 | throw new HttpsError("internal", "Internal Error");
369 | }
370 | appCheckData = await (0, app_check_1.getAppCheck)((0, app_1.getApp)()).verifyToken(appCheckToken, { consume: true });
371 | }
372 | else {
373 | appCheckData = await (0, app_check_1.getAppCheck)((0, app_1.getApp)()).verifyToken(appCheckToken);
374 | }
375 | }
376 | ctx.app = appCheckData;
377 | return "VALID";
378 | }
379 | catch (err) {
380 | logger.warn("Failed to validate AppCheck token.", err);
381 | if (err instanceof HttpsError) {
382 | throw err;
383 | }
384 | return "INVALID";
385 | }
386 | }
387 |
388 | function onCallHandler(options, handler) {
389 | const wrapped = wrapOnCallHandler(options, handler);
390 | return (req, res) => {
391 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
392 | res.on("finish", resolve);
393 | cors(options.cors)(req, res, () => {
394 | resolve(wrapped(req, res));
395 | });
396 | });
397 | };
398 | }
399 | exports.onCallHandler = onCallHandler;
400 |
401 | function wrapOnCallHandler(options, handler) {
402 | return async (req, res) => {
403 | try {
404 | if (!isValidRequest(req)) {
405 | logger.error("Invalid request, unable to process.");
406 | throw new HttpsError("invalid-argument", "Bad Request");
407 | }
408 | const context = { rawRequest: req };
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 | if ((0, debug_1.isDebugFeatureEnabled)("skipTokenVerification") && handler.length === 2) {
417 | const authContext = context.rawRequest.header(exports.CALLABLE_AUTH_HEADER);
418 | if (authContext) {
419 | logger.debug("Callable functions auth override", {
420 | key: exports.CALLABLE_AUTH_HEADER,
421 | value: authContext,
422 | });
423 | context.auth = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(authContext));
424 | delete context.rawRequest.headers[exports.CALLABLE_AUTH_HEADER];
425 | }
426 | const originalAuth = context.rawRequest.header(exports.ORIGINAL_AUTH_HEADER);
427 | if (originalAuth) {
428 | context.rawRequest.headers["authorization"] = originalAuth;
429 | delete context.rawRequest.headers[exports.ORIGINAL_AUTH_HEADER];
430 | }
431 | }
432 | const tokenStatus = await checkTokens(req, context, options);
433 | if (tokenStatus.auth === "INVALID") {
434 | throw new HttpsError("unauthenticated", "Unauthenticated");
435 | }
436 | if (tokenStatus.app === "INVALID") {
437 | if (options.enforceAppCheck) {
438 | throw new HttpsError("unauthenticated", "Unauthenticated");
439 | }
440 | else {
441 | logger.warn("Allowing request with invalid AppCheck token because enforcement is disabled");
442 | }
443 | }
444 | if (tokenStatus.app === "MISSING" && options.enforceAppCheck) {
445 | throw new HttpsError("unauthenticated", "Unauthenticated");
446 | }
447 | const instanceId = req.header("Firebase-Instance-ID-Token");
448 | if (instanceId) {
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 | context.instanceIdToken = req.header("Firebase-Instance-ID-Token");
454 | }
455 | const data = decode(req.body.data);
456 | let result;
457 | if (handler.length === 2) {
458 | result = await handler(data, context);
459 | }
460 | else {
461 | const arg = {
462 | ...context,
463 | data,
464 | };
465 |
466 |
467 | result = await handler(arg);
468 | }
469 |
470 | result = encode(result);
471 |
472 | const responseBody = { result };
473 | res.status(200).send(responseBody);
474 | }
475 | catch (err) {
476 | let httpErr = err;
477 | if (!(err instanceof HttpsError)) {
478 |
479 | logger.error("Unhandled error", err);
480 | httpErr = new HttpsError("internal", "INTERNAL");
481 | }
482 | const { status } = httpErr.httpErrorCode;
483 | const body = { error: httpErr.toJSON() };
484 | res.status(status).send(body);
485 | }
486 | };
487 | }