1 | import * as firestore from "firebase-admin/firestore";
2 | import { ParamsOf } from "../../common/params";
3 | import { Change, CloudEvent, CloudFunction } from "../core";
4 | import { EventHandlerOptions } from "../options";
5 | import { Expression } from "../../params";
6 | export { Change };
7 | /** A Firestore DocumentSnapshot */
8 | export type DocumentSnapshot = firestore.DocumentSnapshot;
9 | /** A Firestore QueryDocumentSnapshot */
10 | export type QueryDocumentSnapshot = firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot;
11 | /**
12 | * AuthType defines the possible values for the authType field in a Firestore event with auth context.
13 | * - service_account: a non-user principal used to identify a workload or machine user.
14 | * - api_key: a non-user client API key.
15 | * - system: an obscured identity used when Cloud Platform or another system triggered the event. Examples include a database record which was deleted based on a TTL.
16 | * - unauthenticated: an unauthenticated action.
17 | * - unknown: a general type to capture all other principals not captured in the other auth types.
18 | */
19 | export type AuthType = "service_account" | "api_key" | "system" | "unauthenticated" | "unknown";
20 | /** A CloudEvent that contains a DocumentSnapshot or a Change<DocumentSnapshot> */
21 | export interface FirestoreEvent<T, Params = Record<string, string>> extends CloudEvent<T> {
22 | /** The location of the Firestore instance */
23 | location: string;
24 | /** The project identifier */
25 | project: string;
26 | /** The Firestore database */
27 | database: string;
28 | /** The Firestore namespace */
29 | namespace: string;
30 | /** The document path */
31 | document: string;
32 | /**
33 | * An object containing the values of the path patterns.
34 | * Only named capture groups will be populated - {key}, {key=*}, {key=**}
35 | */
36 | params: Params;
37 | }
38 | export interface FirestoreAuthEvent<T, Params = Record<string, string>> extends FirestoreEvent<T, Params> {
39 | /** The type of principal that triggered the event */
40 | authType: AuthType;
41 | /** The unique identifier for the principal */
42 | authId?: string;
43 | }
44 | /** DocumentOptions extend EventHandlerOptions with provided document and optional database and namespace. */
45 | export interface DocumentOptions<Document extends string = string> extends EventHandlerOptions {
46 | /** The document path */
47 | document: Document | Expression<string>;
48 | /** The Firestore database */
49 | database?: string | Expression<string>;
50 | /** The Firestore namespace */
51 | namespace?: string | Expression<string>;
52 | }
53 | /**
54 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore.
55 | *
56 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
57 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.
58 | */
59 | export declare function onDocumentWritten<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
60 | /**
61 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore.
62 | *
63 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
64 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.
65 | */
66 | export declare function onDocumentWritten<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
67 | /**
68 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore.
69 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
70 | *
71 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
72 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.
73 | */
74 | export declare function onDocumentWrittenWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
75 | /**
76 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore.
77 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
78 | *
79 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
80 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.
81 | */
82 | export declare function onDocumentWrittenWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
83 | /**
84 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore.
85 | *
86 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
87 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.
88 | */
89 | export declare function onDocumentCreated<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
90 | /**
91 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore.
92 | *
93 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
94 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.
95 | */
96 | export declare function onDocumentCreated<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
97 | /**
98 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore.
99 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
100 | *
101 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
102 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.
103 | */
104 | export declare function onDocumentCreatedWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
105 | /**
106 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore.
107 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
108 | *
109 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
110 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.
111 | */
112 | export declare function onDocumentCreatedWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
113 | /**
114 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore.
115 | *
116 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
117 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.
118 | */
119 | export declare function onDocumentUpdated<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
120 | /**
121 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore.
122 | *
123 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
124 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.
125 | */
126 | export declare function onDocumentUpdated<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
127 | /**
128 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore.
129 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
130 | *
131 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
132 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.
133 | */
134 | export declare function onDocumentUpdatedWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
135 | /**
136 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore.
137 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
138 | *
139 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
140 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.
141 | */
142 | export declare function onDocumentUpdatedWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
143 | /**
144 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore.
145 | *
146 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
147 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.
148 | */
149 | export declare function onDocumentDeleted<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
150 | /**
151 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore.
152 | *
153 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
154 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.
155 | */
156 | export declare function onDocumentDeleted<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
157 | /**
158 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore.
159 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
160 | *
161 | * @param document - The Firestore document path to trigger on.
162 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.
163 | */
164 | export declare function onDocumentDeletedWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(document: Document, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
165 | /**
166 | * Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore.
167 | * This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.
168 | *
169 | * @param opts - Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.
170 | * @param handler - Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.
171 | */
172 | export declare function onDocumentDeletedWithAuthContext<Document extends string>(opts: DocumentOptions<Document>, handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any | Promise<any>): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>>;