361 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
19 * <code>firebase</code> is a global namespace from which all Firebase
20 * services are accessed.
21 */
22declare namespace firebase {
23 /**
24 * @hidden
25 */
26 type NextFn<T> = (value: T) => void;
27 /**
28 * @hidden
29 */
30 type ErrorFn<E = Error> = (error: E) => void;
31 /**
32 * @hidden
33 */
34 type CompleteFn = () => void;
36 /**
37 * `FirebaseError` is a subclass of the standard JavaScript `Error` object. In
38 * addition to a message string and stack trace, it contains a string code.
39 */
40 interface FirebaseError {
41 /**
42 * Error codes are strings using the following format: `"service/string-code"`.
43 * Some examples include `"app/no-app"` and `"auth/user-not-found"`.
44 *
45 * While the message for a given error can change, the code will remain the same
46 * between backward-compatible versions of the Firebase SDK.
47 */
48 code: string;
49 /**
50 * An explanatory message for the error that just occurred.
51 *
52 * This message is designed to be helpful to you, the developer. Because
53 * it generally does not convey meaningful information to end users,
54 * this message should not be displayed in your application.
55 */
56 message: string;
57 /**
58 * The name of the class of errors, which is `"FirebaseError"`.
59 */
60 name: string;
61 /**
62 * A string value containing the execution backtrace when the error originally
63 * occurred. This may not always be available.
64 *
65 * When it is available, this information can be sent to
66 * {@link https://firebase.google.com/support/ Firebase Support} to help
67 * explain the cause of an error.
68 */
69 stack?: string;
70 }
72 /**
73 * @hidden
74 */
75 interface Observer<T, E = Error> {
76 next: NextFn<T>;
77 error: ErrorFn<E>;
78 complete: CompleteFn;
79 }
81 /**
82 * The JS SDK supports 5 log levels and also allows a user the ability to
83 * silence the logs altogether.
84 *
85 * The order is as follows:
86 * silent < debug < verbose < info < warn < error
87 */
88 type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'verbose' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'silent';
90 /**
91 * The current SDK version.
92 */
93 var SDK_VERSION: string;
95 /**
96 * Registers a library's name and version for platform logging purposes.
97 * @param library Name of 1p or 3p library (e.g. firestore, angularfire)
98 * @param version Current version of that library.
99 * @param variant Bundle variant, e.g., node, rn, etc.
100 */
101 function registerVersion(
102 library: string,
103 version: string,
104 variant?: string
105 ): void;
107 /**
108 * Sets log level for all Firebase packages.
109 *
110 * All of the log types above the current log level are captured (i.e. if
111 * you set the log level to `info`, errors are logged, but `debug` and
112 * `verbose` logs are not).
113 */
114 function setLogLevel(logLevel: LogLevel): void;
116 /**
117 * Sets log handler for all Firebase packages.
118 * @param logCallback An optional custom log handler that executes user code whenever
119 * the Firebase SDK makes a logging call.
120 */
121 function onLog(
122 logCallback: (callbackParams: {
123 /**
124 * Level of event logged.
125 */
126 level: LogLevel;
127 /**
128 * Any text from logged arguments joined into one string.
129 */
130 message: string;
131 /**
132 * The raw arguments passed to the log call.
133 */
134 args: any[];
135 /**
136 * A string indicating the name of the package that made the log call,
137 * such as `@firebase/firestore`.
138 */
139 type: string;
140 }) => void,
141 options?: {
142 /**
143 * Threshhold log level. Only logs at or above this level trigger the `logCallback`
144 * passed to `onLog`.
145 */
146 level: LogLevel;
147 }
148 ): void;
150 /**
151 * @hidden
152 */
153 type Unsubscribe = () => void;
155 /**
156 * A user account.
157 */
158 interface User extends firebase.UserInfo {
159 /**
160 * Deletes and signs out the user.
161 *
162 * <b>Important:</b> this is a security-sensitive operation that requires the
163 * user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user
164 * to authenticate again and then call
165 * {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential}.
166 *
167 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
168 * <dl>
169 * <dt>auth/requires-recent-login</dt>
170 * <dd>Thrown if the user's last sign-in time does not meet the security
171 * threshold. Use {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} to
172 * resolve. This does not apply if the user is anonymous.</dd>
173 * </dl>
174 */
175 delete(): Promise<void>;
176 emailVerified: boolean;
177 getIdTokenResult(
178 forceRefresh?: boolean
179 ): Promise<firebase.auth.IdTokenResult>;
180 /**
181 * Returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) used to identify the user to a Firebase
182 * service.
183 *
184 * Returns the current token if it has not expired. Otherwise, this will
185 * refresh the token and return a new one.
186 *
187 * @param forceRefresh Force refresh regardless of token
188 * expiration.
189 */
190 getIdToken(forceRefresh?: boolean): Promise<string>;
191 isAnonymous: boolean;
192 /**
193 * Links the user account with the given credentials and returns any available
194 * additional user information, such as user name.
195 *
196 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
197 * <dl>
198 * <dt>auth/provider-already-linked</dt>
199 * <dd>Thrown if the provider has already been linked to the user. This error is
200 * thrown even if this is not the same provider's account that is currently
201 * linked to the user.</dd>
202 * <dt>auth/invalid-credential</dt>
203 * <dd>Thrown if the provider's credential is not valid. This can happen if it
204 * has already expired when calling link, or if it used invalid token(s).
205 * See the Firebase documentation for your provider, and make sure you pass
206 * in the correct parameters to the credential method.</dd>
207 * <dt>auth/credential-already-in-use</dt>
208 * <dd>Thrown if the account corresponding to the credential already exists
209 * among your users, or is already linked to a Firebase User.
210 * For example, this error could be thrown if you are upgrading an anonymous
211 * user to a Google user by linking a Google credential to it and the Google
212 * credential used is already associated with an existing Firebase Google
213 * user.
214 * The fields <code>error.email</code>, <code>error.phoneNumber</code>, and
215 * <code>error.credential</code> ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential})
216 * may be provided, depending on the type of credential. You can recover
217 * from this error by signing in with <code>error.credential</code> directly
218 * via {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential}.</dd>
219 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
220 * <dd>Thrown if the email corresponding to the credential already exists
221 * among your users. When thrown while linking a credential to an existing
222 * user, an <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
223 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided.
224 * You have to link the credential to the existing user with that email if
225 * you wish to continue signing in with that credential. To do so, call
226 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}, sign in to
227 * <code>error.email</code> via one of the providers returned and then
228 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} the original credential to that
229 * newly signed in user.</dd>
230 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
231 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the provider in the Firebase Console. Go
232 * to the Firebase Console for your project, in the Auth section and the
233 * <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure the provider.</dd>
234 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
235 * <dd>Thrown if the email used in a
236 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is invalid.</dd>
237 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
238 * <dd>Thrown if the password used in a
239 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is not correct or
240 * when the user associated with the email does not have a password.</dd>
241 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
242 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
243 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
244 * code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
245 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
246 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
247 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
248 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
249 * </dl>
250 *
251 * @deprecated This method is deprecated. Use
252 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} instead.
253 *
254 * @param credential The auth credential.
255 */
256 linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(
257 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
258 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
259 /**
260 * Links the user account with the given credentials.
261 *
262 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
263 * <dl>
264 * <dt>auth/provider-already-linked</dt>
265 * <dd>Thrown if the provider has already been linked to the user. This error is
266 * thrown even if this is not the same provider's account that is currently
267 * linked to the user.</dd>
268 * <dt>auth/invalid-credential</dt>
269 * <dd>Thrown if the provider's credential is not valid. This can happen if it
270 * has already expired when calling link, or if it used invalid token(s).
271 * See the Firebase documentation for your provider, and make sure you pass
272 * in the correct parameters to the credential method.</dd>
273 * <dt>auth/credential-already-in-use</dt>
274 * <dd>Thrown if the account corresponding to the credential already exists
275 * among your users, or is already linked to a Firebase User.
276 * For example, this error could be thrown if you are upgrading an anonymous
277 * user to a Google user by linking a Google credential to it and the Google
278 * credential used is already associated with an existing Firebase Google
279 * user.
280 * The fields <code>error.email</code>, <code>error.phoneNumber</code>, and
281 * <code>error.credential</code> ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential})
282 * may be provided, depending on the type of credential. You can recover
283 * from this error by signing in with <code>error.credential</code> directly
284 * via {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential}.</dd>
285 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
286 * <dd>Thrown if the email corresponding to the credential already exists
287 * among your users. When thrown while linking a credential to an existing
288 * user, an <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
289 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided.
290 * You have to link the credential to the existing user with that email if
291 * you wish to continue signing in with that credential. To do so, call
292 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}, sign in to
293 * <code>error.email</code> via one of the providers returned and then
294 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} the original credential to that
295 * newly signed in user.</dd>
296 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
297 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the provider in the Firebase Console. Go
298 * to the Firebase Console for your project, in the Auth section and the
299 * <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure the provider.</dd>
300 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
301 * <dd>Thrown if the email used in a
302 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is invalid.</dd>
303 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
304 * <dd>Thrown if the password used in a
305 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is not correct or
306 * when the user associated with the email does not have a password.</dd>
307 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
308 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
309 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
310 * code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
311 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
312 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
313 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
314 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
315 * </dl>
316 *
317 * @param credential The auth credential.
318 */
319 linkWithCredential(
320 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
321 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
322 /**
323 * Links the user account with the given phone number.
324 *
325 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
326 * <dl>
327 * <dt>auth/provider-already-linked</dt>
328 * <dd>Thrown if the provider has already been linked to the user. This error is
329 * thrown even if this is not the same provider's account that is currently
330 * linked to the user.</dd>
331 * <dt>auth/captcha-check-failed</dt>
332 * <dd>Thrown if the reCAPTCHA response token was invalid, expired, or if
333 * this method was called from a non-whitelisted domain.</dd>
334 * <dt>auth/invalid-phone-number</dt>
335 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number has an invalid format.</dd>
336 * <dt>auth/missing-phone-number</dt>
337 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number is missing.</dd>
338 * <dt>auth/quota-exceeded</dt>
339 * <dd>Thrown if the SMS quota for the Firebase project has been exceeded.</dd>
340 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
341 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given phone number has been
342 * disabled.</dd>
343 * <dt>auth/credential-already-in-use</dt>
344 * <dd>Thrown if the account corresponding to the phone number already exists
345 * among your users, or is already linked to a Firebase User.
346 * The fields <code>error.phoneNumber</code> and
347 * <code>error.credential</code> ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential})
348 * are provided in this case. You can recover from this error by signing in
349 * with that credential directly via
350 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential}.</dd>
351 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
352 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the phone authentication provider in the
353 * Firebase Console. Go to the Firebase Console for your project, in the
354 * Auth section and the <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure
355 * the provider.</dd>
356 * </dl>
357 *
358 * @param phoneNumber The user's phone number in E.164 format (e.g.
359 * +16505550101).
360 * @param applicationVerifier
361 */
362 linkWithPhoneNumber(
363 phoneNumber: string,
364 applicationVerifier: firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier
365 ): Promise<firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult>;
366 /**
367 * Links the authenticated provider to the user account using a pop-up based
368 * OAuth flow.
369 *
370 * If the linking is successful, the returned result will contain the user
371 * and the provider's credential.
372 *
373 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
374 * <dl>
375 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
376 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
377 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
378 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
379 * <dt>auth/cancelled-popup-request</dt>
380 * <dd>Thrown if successive popup operations are triggered. Only one popup
381 * request is allowed at one time on a user or an auth instance. All the
382 * popups would fail with this error except for the last one.</dd>
383 * <dt>auth/credential-already-in-use</dt>
384 * <dd>Thrown if the account corresponding to the credential already exists
385 * among your users, or is already linked to a Firebase User.
386 * For example, this error could be thrown if you are upgrading an anonymous
387 * user to a Google user by linking a Google credential to it and the Google
388 * credential used is already associated with an existing Firebase Google
389 * user.
390 * An <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
391 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided. You can
392 * recover from this error by signing in with that credential directly via
393 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential}.</dd>
394 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
395 * <dd>Thrown if the email corresponding to the credential already exists
396 * among your users. When thrown while linking a credential to an existing
397 * user, an <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
398 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided.
399 * You have to link the credential to the existing user with that email if
400 * you wish to continue signing in with that credential. To do so, call
401 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}, sign in to
402 * <code>error.email</code> via one of the providers returned and then
403 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} the original credential to that
404 * newly signed in user.</dd>
405 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
406 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the provider in the Firebase Console. Go
407 * to the Firebase Console for your project, in the Auth section and the
408 * <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure the provider.</dd>
409 * <dt>auth/popup-blocked</dt>
410 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
411 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
412 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
413 * </dd>
414 * <dd>Thrown if the popup was blocked by the browser, typically when this
415 * operation is triggered outside of a click handler.</dd>
416 * <dt>auth/popup-closed-by-user</dt>
417 * <dd>Thrown if the popup window is closed by the user without completing the
418 * sign in to the provider.</dd>
419 * <dt>auth/provider-already-linked</dt>
420 * <dd>Thrown if the provider has already been linked to the user. This error is
421 * thrown even if this is not the same provider's account that is currently
422 * linked to the user.</dd>
423 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
424 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
425 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
426 * console.</dd>
427 * </dl>
428 *
429 * @webonly
430 *
431 * @example
432 * ```javascript
433 * // Creates the provider object.
434 * var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
435 * // You can add additional scopes to the provider:
436 * provider.addScope('email');
437 * provider.addScope('user_friends');
438 * // Link with popup:
439 * user.linkWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
440 * // The firebase.User instance:
441 * var user = result.user;
442 * // The Facebook firebase.auth.AuthCredential containing the Facebook
443 * // access token:
444 * var credential = result.credential;
445 * }, function(error) {
446 * // An error happened.
447 * });
448 * ```
449 *
450 * @param provider The provider to authenticate.
451 * The provider has to be an OAuth provider. Non-OAuth providers like {@link
452 * firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider} will throw an error.
453 */
454 linkWithPopup(
455 provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
456 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
457 /**
458 * Links the authenticated provider to the user account using a full-page
459 * redirect flow.
460 *
461 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
462 * <dl>
463 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
464 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
465 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
466 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
467 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
468 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
469 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
470 * </dd>
471 * <dt>auth/provider-already-linked</dt>
472 * <dd>Thrown if the provider has already been linked to the user. This error is
473 * thrown even if this is not the same provider's account that is currently
474 * linked to the user.</dd>
475 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
476 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
477 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
478 * console.</dd>
479 * </dl>
480 *
481 * @param provider The provider to authenticate.
482 * The provider has to be an OAuth provider. Non-OAuth providers like {@link
483 * firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider} will throw an error.
484 */
485 linkWithRedirect(provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider): Promise<void>;
486 metadata: firebase.auth.UserMetadata;
487 /**
488 * The {@link firebase.User.MultiFactor} object corresponding to the current user.
489 * This is used to access all multi-factor properties and operations related to the
490 * current user.
491 */
493 multiFactor: firebase.User.MultiFactorUser;
494 /**
495 * The phone number normalized based on the E.164 standard (e.g. +16505550101)
496 * for the current user. This is null if the user has no phone credential linked
497 * to the account.
498 */
499 phoneNumber: string | null;
500 providerData: (firebase.UserInfo | null)[];
501 /**
502 * Re-authenticates a user using a fresh credential, and returns any available
503 * additional user information, such as user name. Use before operations
504 * such as {@link firebase.User.updatePassword} that require tokens from recent
505 * sign-in attempts.
506 *
507 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
508 * <dl>
509 * <dt>auth/user-mismatch</dt>
510 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to the user.</dd>
511 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
512 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to any existing user.
513 * </dd>
514 * <dt>auth/invalid-credential</dt>
515 * <dd>Thrown if the provider's credential is not valid. This can happen if it
516 * has already expired when calling link, or if it used invalid token(s).
517 * See the Firebase documentation for your provider, and make sure you pass
518 * in the correct parameters to the credential method.</dd>
519 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
520 * <dd>Thrown if the email used in a
521 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is invalid.</dd>
522 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
523 * <dd>Thrown if the password used in a
524 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is not correct or when
525 * the user associated with the email does not have a password.</dd>
526 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
527 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
528 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
529 * code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
530 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
531 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
532 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
533 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
534 * </dl>
535 *
536 * @deprecated
537 * This method is deprecated. Use
538 * {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} instead.
539 *
540 * @param credential
541 */
542 reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(
543 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
544 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
545 /**
546 * Re-authenticates a user using a fresh credential. Use before operations
547 * such as {@link firebase.User.updatePassword} that require tokens from recent
548 * sign-in attempts.
549 *
550 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
551 * <dl>
552 * <dt>auth/user-mismatch</dt>
553 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to the user.</dd>
554 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
555 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to any existing user.
556 * </dd>
557 * <dt>auth/invalid-credential</dt>
558 * <dd>Thrown if the provider's credential is not valid. This can happen if it
559 * has already expired when calling link, or if it used invalid token(s).
560 * See the Firebase documentation for your provider, and make sure you pass
561 * in the correct parameters to the credential method.</dd>
562 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
563 * <dd>Thrown if the email used in a
564 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is invalid.</dd>
565 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
566 * <dd>Thrown if the password used in a
567 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} is not correct or when
568 * the user associated with the email does not have a password.</dd>
569 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
570 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
571 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
572 * code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
573 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
574 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
575 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
576 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
577 * </dl>
578 *
579 * @param credential
580 */
581 reauthenticateWithCredential(
582 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
583 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
584 /**
585 * Re-authenticates a user using a fresh credential. Use before operations
586 * such as {@link firebase.User.updatePassword} that require tokens from recent
587 * sign-in attempts.
588 *
589 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
590 * <dl>
591 * <dt>auth/user-mismatch</dt>
592 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to the user.</dd>
593 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
594 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to any existing user.
595 * </dd>
596 * <dt>auth/captcha-check-failed</dt>
597 * <dd>Thrown if the reCAPTCHA response token was invalid, expired, or if
598 * this method was called from a non-whitelisted domain.</dd>
599 * <dt>auth/invalid-phone-number</dt>
600 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number has an invalid format.</dd>
601 * <dt>auth/missing-phone-number</dt>
602 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number is missing.</dd>
603 * <dt>auth/quota-exceeded</dt>
604 * <dd>Thrown if the SMS quota for the Firebase project has been exceeded.</dd>
605 * </dl>
606 *
607 * @param phoneNumber The user's phone number in E.164 format (e.g.
608 * +16505550101).
609 * @param applicationVerifier
610 */
611 reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber(
612 phoneNumber: string,
613 applicationVerifier: firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier
614 ): Promise<firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult>;
615 /**
616 * Reauthenticates the current user with the specified provider using a pop-up
617 * based OAuth flow.
618 *
619 * If the reauthentication is successful, the returned result will contain the
620 * user and the provider's credential.
621 *
622 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
623 * <dl>
624 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
625 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
626 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
627 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
628 * <dt>auth/cancelled-popup-request</dt>
629 * <dd>Thrown if successive popup operations are triggered. Only one popup
630 * request is allowed at one time on a user or an auth instance. All the
631 * popups would fail with this error except for the last one.</dd>
632 * <dt>auth/user-mismatch</dt>
633 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to the user.</dd>
634 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
635 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the provider in the Firebase Console. Go
636 * to the Firebase Console for your project, in the Auth section and the
637 * <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure the provider.</dd>
638 * <dt>auth/popup-blocked</dt>
639 * <dd>Thrown if the popup was blocked by the browser, typically when this
640 * operation is triggered outside of a click handler.</dd>
641 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
642 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
643 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
644 * </dd>
645 * <dt>auth/popup-closed-by-user</dt>
646 * <dd>Thrown if the popup window is closed by the user without completing the
647 * sign in to the provider.</dd>
648 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
649 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
650 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
651 * console.</dd>
652 * </dl>
653 *
654 * @webonly
655 *
656 * @example
657 * ```javascript
658 * // Creates the provider object.
659 * var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
660 * // You can add additional scopes to the provider:
661 * provider.addScope('email');
662 * provider.addScope('user_friends');
663 * // Reauthenticate with popup:
664 * user.reauthenticateWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
665 * // The firebase.User instance:
666 * var user = result.user;
667 * // The Facebook firebase.auth.AuthCredential containing the Facebook
668 * // access token:
669 * var credential = result.credential;
670 * }, function(error) {
671 * // An error happened.
672 * });
673 * ```
674 *
675 * @param provider The provider to authenticate.
676 * The provider has to be an OAuth provider. Non-OAuth providers like {@link
677 * firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider} will throw an error.
678 */
679 reauthenticateWithPopup(
680 provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
681 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
682 /**
683 * Reauthenticates the current user with the specified OAuth provider using a
684 * full-page redirect flow.
685 *
686 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
687 * <dl>
688 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
689 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
690 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
691 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
692 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
693 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
694 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
695 * </dd>
696 * <dt>auth/user-mismatch</dt>
697 * <dd>Thrown if the credential given does not correspond to the user.</dd>
698 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
699 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
700 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
701 * console.</dd>
702 * </dl>
703 *
704 * @webonly
705 *
706 * @param provider The provider to authenticate.
707 * The provider has to be an OAuth provider. Non-OAuth providers like {@link
708 * firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider} will throw an error.
709 */
710 reauthenticateWithRedirect(
711 provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
712 ): Promise<void>;
713 refreshToken: string;
714 /**
715 * Refreshes the current user, if signed in.
716 *
717 */
718 reload(): Promise<void>;
719 /**
720 * Sends a verification email to a user.
721 *
722 * The verification process is completed by calling
723 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.applyActionCode}
724 *
725 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
726 * <dl>
727 * <dt>auth/missing-android-pkg-name</dt>
728 * <dd>An Android package name must be provided if the Android app is required
729 * to be installed.</dd>
730 * <dt>auth/missing-continue-uri</dt>
731 * <dd>A continue URL must be provided in the request.</dd>
732 * <dt>auth/missing-ios-bundle-id</dt>
733 * <dd>An iOS bundle ID must be provided if an App Store ID is provided.</dd>
734 * <dt>auth/invalid-continue-uri</dt>
735 * <dd>The continue URL provided in the request is invalid.</dd>
736 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-continue-uri</dt>
737 * <dd>The domain of the continue URL is not whitelisted. Whitelist
738 * the domain in the Firebase console.</dd>
739 * </dl>
740 *
741 * @example
742 * ```javascript
743 * var actionCodeSettings = {
744 * url: 'https://www.example.com/cart?email=user@example.com&cartId=123',
745 * iOS: {
746 * bundleId: 'com.example.ios'
747 * },
748 * android: {
749 * packageName: 'com.example.android',
750 * installApp: true,
751 * minimumVersion: '12'
752 * },
753 * handleCodeInApp: true
754 * };
755 * firebase.auth().currentUser.sendEmailVerification(actionCodeSettings)
756 * .then(function() {
757 * // Verification email sent.
758 * })
759 * .catch(function(error) {
760 * // Error occurred. Inspect error.code.
761 * });
762 * ```
763 *
764 * @param actionCodeSettings The action
765 * code settings. If specified, the state/continue URL will be set as the
766 * "continueUrl" parameter in the email verification link. The default email
767 * verification landing page will use this to display a link to go back to
768 * the app if it is installed.
769 * If the actionCodeSettings is not specified, no URL is appended to the
770 * action URL.
771 * The state URL provided must belong to a domain that is whitelisted by the
772 * developer in the console. Otherwise an error will be thrown.
773 * Mobile app redirects will only be applicable if the developer configures
774 * and accepts the Firebase Dynamic Links terms of condition.
775 * The Android package name and iOS bundle ID will be respected only if they
776 * are configured in the same Firebase Auth project used.
777 */
778 sendEmailVerification(
779 actionCodeSettings?: firebase.auth.ActionCodeSettings | null
780 ): Promise<void>;
781 /**
782 * The current user's tenant ID. This is a read-only property, which indicates
783 * the tenant ID used to sign in the current user. This is null if the user is
784 * signed in from the parent project.
785 *
786 * @example
787 * ```javascript
788 * // Set the tenant ID on Auth instance.
789 * firebase.auth().tenantId = ‘TENANT_PROJECT_ID’;
790 *
791 * // All future sign-in request now include tenant ID.
792 * firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
793 * .then(function(result) {
794 * // result.user.tenantId should be ‘TENANT_PROJECT_ID’.
795 * }).catch(function(error) {
796 * // Handle error.
797 * });
798 * ```
799 */
800 tenantId: string | null;
801 /**
802 * Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.
803 *
804 * @return A JSON-serializable representation of this object.
805 */
806 toJSON(): Object;
807 /**
808 * Unlinks a provider from a user account.
809 *
810 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
811 * <dl>
812 * <dt>auth/no-such-provider</dt>
813 * <dd>Thrown if the user does not have this provider linked or when the
814 * provider ID given does not exist.</dd>
815 * </dt>
816 *
817 * @param providerId
818 */
819 unlink(providerId: string): Promise<firebase.User>;
820 /**
821 * Updates the user's email address.
822 *
823 * An email will be sent to the original email address (if it was set) that
824 * allows to revoke the email address change, in order to protect them from
825 * account hijacking.
826 *
827 * <b>Important:</b> this is a security sensitive operation that requires the
828 * user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user
829 * to authenticate again and then call
830 * {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential}.
831 *
832 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
833 * <dl>
834 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
835 * <dd>Thrown if the email used is invalid.</dd>
836 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
837 * <dd>Thrown if the email is already used by another user.</dd>
838 * <dt>auth/requires-recent-login</dt>
839 * <dd>Thrown if the user's last sign-in time does not meet the security
840 * threshold. Use {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} to
841 * resolve. This does not apply if the user is anonymous.</dd>
842 * </dl>
843 *
844 * @param newEmail The new email address.
845 */
846 updateEmail(newEmail: string): Promise<void>;
847 /**
848 * Updates the user's password.
849 *
850 * <b>Important:</b> this is a security sensitive operation that requires the
851 * user to have recently signed in. If this requirement isn't met, ask the user
852 * to authenticate again and then call
853 * {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential}.
854 *
855 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
856 * <dl>
857 * <dt>auth/weak-password</dt>
858 * <dd>Thrown if the password is not strong enough.</dd>
859 * <dt>auth/requires-recent-login</dt>
860 * <dd>Thrown if the user's last sign-in time does not meet the security
861 * threshold. Use {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} to
862 * resolve. This does not apply if the user is anonymous.</dd>
863 * </dl>
864 *
865 * @param newPassword
866 */
867 updatePassword(newPassword: string): Promise<void>;
868 /**
869 * Updates the user's phone number.
870 *
871 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
872 * <dl>
873 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
874 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
875 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
876 * <dd>Thrown if the verification ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
877 * </dl>
878 *
879 * @param phoneCredential
880 */
881 updatePhoneNumber(
882 phoneCredential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
883 ): Promise<void>;
884 /**
885 * Updates a user's profile data.
886 *
887 * @example
888 * ```javascript
889 * // Updates the user attributes:
890 * user.updateProfile({
891 * displayName: "Jane Q. User",
892 * photoURL: "https://example.com/jane-q-user/profile.jpg"
893 * }).then(function() {
894 * // Profile updated successfully!
895 * // "Jane Q. User"
896 * var displayName = user.displayName;
897 * // "https://example.com/jane-q-user/profile.jpg"
898 * var photoURL = user.photoURL;
899 * }, function(error) {
900 * // An error happened.
901 * });
902 *
903 * // Passing a null value will delete the current attribute's value, but not
904 * // passing a property won't change the current attribute's value:
905 * // Let's say we're using the same user than before, after the update.
906 * user.updateProfile({photoURL: null}).then(function() {
907 * // Profile updated successfully!
908 * // "Jane Q. User", hasn't changed.
909 * var displayName = user.displayName;
910 * // Now, this is null.
911 * var photoURL = user.photoURL;
912 * }, function(error) {
913 * // An error happened.
914 * });
915 * ```
916 *
917 * @param profile The profile's
918 * displayName and photoURL to update.
919 */
920 updateProfile(profile: {
921 displayName?: string | null;
922 photoURL?: string | null;
923 }): Promise<void>;
924 /**
925 * Sends a verification email to a new email address. The user's email will be
926 * updated to the new one after being verified.
927 *
928 * If you have a custom email action handler, you can complete the verification
929 * process by calling {@link firebase.auth.Auth.applyActionCode}.
930 *
931 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
932 * <dl>
933 * <dt>auth/missing-android-pkg-name</dt>
934 * <dd>An Android package name must be provided if the Android app is required
935 * to be installed.</dd>
936 * <dt>auth/missing-continue-uri</dt>
937 * <dd>A continue URL must be provided in the request.</dd>
938 * <dt>auth/missing-ios-bundle-id</dt>
939 * <dd>An iOS bundle ID must be provided if an App Store ID is provided.</dd>
940 * <dt>auth/invalid-continue-uri</dt>
941 * <dd>The continue URL provided in the request is invalid.</dd>
942 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-continue-uri</dt>
943 * <dd>The domain of the continue URL is not whitelisted. Whitelist
944 * the domain in the Firebase console.</dd>
945 * </dl>
946 *
947 * @example
948 * ```javascript
949 * var actionCodeSettings = {
950 * url: 'https://www.example.com/cart?email=user@example.com&cartId=123',
951 * iOS: {
952 * bundleId: 'com.example.ios'
953 * },
954 * android: {
955 * packageName: 'com.example.android',
956 * installApp: true,
957 * minimumVersion: '12'
958 * },
959 * handleCodeInApp: true
960 * };
961 * firebase.auth().currentUser.verifyBeforeUpdateEmail(
962 * 'user@example.com', actionCodeSettings)
963 * .then(function() {
964 * // Verification email sent.
965 * })
966 * .catch(function(error) {
967 * // Error occurred. Inspect error.code.
968 * });
969 * ```
970 *
971 * @param newEmail The email address to be verified and updated to.
972 * @param actionCodeSettings The action
973 * code settings. If specified, the state/continue URL will be set as the
974 * "continueUrl" parameter in the email verification link. The default email
975 * verification landing page will use this to display a link to go back to
976 * the app if it is installed.
977 * If the actionCodeSettings is not specified, no URL is appended to the
978 * action URL.
979 * The state URL provided must belong to a domain that is whitelisted by the
980 * developer in the console. Otherwise an error will be thrown.
981 * Mobile app redirects will only be applicable if the developer configures
982 * and accepts the Firebase Dynamic Links terms of condition.
983 * The Android package name and iOS bundle ID will be respected only if they
984 * are configured in the same Firebase Auth project used.
985 */
986 verifyBeforeUpdateEmail(
987 newEmail: string,
988 actionCodeSettings?: firebase.auth.ActionCodeSettings | null
989 ): Promise<void>;
990 }
992 /**
993 * User profile information, visible only to the Firebase project's
994 * apps.
995 *
996 */
997 interface UserInfo {
998 displayName: string | null;
999 email: string | null;
1000 phoneNumber: string | null;
1001 photoURL: string | null;
1002 providerId: string;
1003 /**
1004 * The user's unique ID.
1005 */
1006 uid: string;
1007 }
1009 /**
1010 * Retrieves a Firebase {@link firebase.app.App app} instance.
1011 *
1012 * When called with no arguments, the default app is returned. When an app name
1013 * is provided, the app corresponding to that name is returned.
1014 *
1015 * An exception is thrown if the app being retrieved has not yet been
1016 * initialized.
1017 *
1018 * @example
1019 * ```javascript
1020 * // Return the default app
1021 * var app = firebase.app();
1022 * ```
1023 *
1024 * @example
1025 * ```javascript
1026 * // Return a named app
1027 * var otherApp = firebase.app("otherApp");
1028 * ```
1029 *
1030 * @param name Optional name of the app to return. If no name is
1031 * provided, the default is `"[DEFAULT]"`.
1032 *
1033 * @return The app corresponding to the provided app name.
1034 * If no app name is provided, the default app is returned.
1035 */
1036 function app(name?: string): firebase.app.App;
1038 /**
1039 * A (read-only) array of all initialized apps.
1040 */
1041 var apps: firebase.app.App[];
1043 /**
1044 * Gets the {@link firebase.auth.Auth `Auth`} service for the default app or a
1045 * given app.
1046 *
1047 * `firebase.auth()` can be called with no arguments to access the default app's
1048 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth `Auth`} service or as `firebase.auth(app)` to
1049 * access the {@link firebase.auth.Auth `Auth`} service associated with a
1050 * specific app.
1051 *
1052 * @example
1053 * ```javascript
1054 *
1055 * // Get the Auth service for the default app
1056 * var defaultAuth = firebase.auth();
1057 * ```
1058 * @example
1059 * ```javascript
1060 *
1061 * // Get the Auth service for a given app
1062 * var otherAuth = firebase.auth(otherApp);
1063 * ```
1064 * @param app
1065 */
1066 function auth(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.auth.Auth;
1068 /**
1069 * Gets the {@link firebase.database.Database `Database`} service for the
1070 * default app or a given app.
1071 *
1072 * `firebase.database()` can be called with no arguments to access the default
1073 * app's {@link firebase.database.Database `Database`} service or as
1074 * `firebase.database(app)` to access the
1075 * {@link firebase.database.Database `Database`} service associated with a
1076 * specific app.
1077 *
1078 * `firebase.database` is also a namespace that can be used to access global
1079 * constants and methods associated with the `Database` service.
1080 *
1081 * @example
1082 * ```javascript
1083 * // Get the Database service for the default app
1084 * var defaultDatabase = firebase.database();
1085 * ```
1086 *
1087 * @example
1088 * ```javascript
1089 * // Get the Database service for a specific app
1090 * var otherDatabase = firebase.database(app);
1091 * ```
1092 *
1093 * @namespace
1094 * @param app Optional app whose Database service to
1095 * return. If not provided, the default Database service will be returned.
1096 * @return The default Database service if no app
1097 * is provided or the Database service associated with the provided app.
1098 */
1099 function database(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.database.Database;
1101 /**
1102 * Creates and initializes a Firebase {@link firebase.app.App app} instance.
1103 *
1104 * See
1105 * {@link
1106 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#add_firebase_to_your_app
1107 * Add Firebase to your app} and
1108 * {@link
1109 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#multiple-projects
1110 * Initialize multiple projects} for detailed documentation.
1111 *
1112 * @example
1113 * ```javascript
1114 *
1115 * // Initialize default app
1116 * // Retrieve your own options values by adding a web app on
1117 * // https://console.firebase.google.com
1118 * firebase.initializeApp({
1119 * apiKey: "AIza....", // Auth / General Use
1120 * authDomain: "YOUR_APP.firebaseapp.com", // Auth with popup/redirect
1121 * databaseURL: "https://YOUR_APP.firebaseio.com", // Realtime Database
1122 * storageBucket: "YOUR_APP.appspot.com", // Storage
1123 * messagingSenderId: "123456789" // Cloud Messaging
1124 * });
1125 * ```
1126 *
1127 * @example
1128 * ```javascript
1129 *
1130 * // Initialize another app
1131 * var otherApp = firebase.initializeApp({
1132 * databaseURL: "https://<OTHER_DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com",
1133 * storageBucket: "<OTHER_STORAGE_BUCKET>.appspot.com"
1134 * }, "otherApp");
1135 * ```
1136 *
1137 * @param options Options to configure the app's services.
1138 * @param name Optional name of the app to initialize. If no name
1139 * is provided, the default is `"[DEFAULT]"`.
1140 *
1141 * @return {!firebase.app.App} The initialized app.
1142 */
1143 function initializeApp(options: Object, name?: string): firebase.app.App;
1145 /**
1146 * Gets the {@link firebase.messaging.Messaging `Messaging`} service for the
1147 * default app or a given app.
1148 *
1149 * `firebase.messaging()` can be called with no arguments to access the default
1150 * app's {@link firebase.messaging.Messaging `Messaging`} service or as
1151 * `firebase.messaging(app)` to access the
1152 * {@link firebase.messaging.Messaging `Messaging`} service associated with a
1153 * specific app.
1154 *
1155 * Calling `firebase.messaging()` in a service worker results in Firebase
1156 * generating notifications if the push message payload has a `notification`
1157 * parameter.
1158 *
1159 * @webonly
1160 *
1161 * @example
1162 * ```javascript
1163 * // Get the Messaging service for the default app
1164 * var defaultMessaging = firebase.messaging();
1165 * ```
1166 *
1167 * @example
1168 * ```javascript
1169 * // Get the Messaging service for a given app
1170 * var otherMessaging = firebase.messaging(otherApp);
1171 * ```
1172 *
1173 * @namespace
1174 * @param app The app to create a Messaging service for.
1175 * If not passed, uses the default app.
1176 */
1177 function messaging(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.messaging.Messaging;
1179 /**
1180 * Gets the {@link firebase.storage.Storage `Storage`} service for the default
1181 * app or a given app.
1182 *
1183 * `firebase.storage()` can be called with no arguments to access the default
1184 * app's {@link firebase.storage.Storage `Storage`} service or as
1185 * `firebase.storage(app)` to access the
1186 * {@link firebase.storage.Storage `Storage`} service associated with a
1187 * specific app.
1188 *
1189 * @webonly
1190 *
1191 * @example
1192 * ```javascript
1193 * // Get the Storage service for the default app
1194 * var defaultStorage = firebase.storage();
1195 * ```
1196 *
1197 * @example
1198 * ```javascript
1199 * // Get the Storage service for a given app
1200 * var otherStorage = firebase.storage(otherApp);
1201 * ```
1202 *
1203 * @param app The app to create a storage service for.
1204 * If not passed, uses the default app.
1205 */
1206 function storage(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.storage.Storage;
1208 function firestore(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.firestore.Firestore;
1210 function functions(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.functions.Functions;
1212 /**
1213 * Gets the {@link firebase.performance.Performance `Performance`} service.
1214 *
1215 * `firebase.performance()` can be called with no arguments to access the default
1216 * app's {@link firebase.performance.Performance `Performance`} service.
1217 * The {@link firebase.performance.Performance `Performance`} service does not work with
1218 * any other app.
1219 *
1220 * @webonly
1221 *
1222 * @example
1223 * ```javascript
1224 * // Get the Performance service for the default app
1225 * const defaultPerformance = firebase.performance();
1226 * ```
1227 *
1228 * @param app The app to create a performance service for. Performance Monitoring only works with
1229 * the default app.
1230 * If not passed, uses the default app.
1231 */
1232 function performance(
1233 app?: firebase.app.App
1234 ): firebase.performance.Performance;
1236 /**
1237 * Gets the {@link firebase.remoteConfig.RemoteConfig `RemoteConfig`} instance.
1238 *
1239 * @webonly
1240 *
1241 * @example
1242 * ```javascript
1243 * // Get the RemoteConfig instance for the default app
1244 * const defaultRemoteConfig = firebase.remoteConfig();
1245 * ```
1246 *
1247 * @param app The app to create a Remote Config service for. If not passed, uses the default app.
1248 */
1249 function remoteConfig(
1250 app?: firebase.app.App
1251 ): firebase.remoteConfig.RemoteConfig;
1253 /**
1254 * Gets the {@link firebase.analytics.Analytics `Analytics`} service.
1255 *
1256 * `firebase.analytics()` can be called with no arguments to access the default
1257 * app's {@link firebase.analytics.Analytics `Analytics`} service.
1258 *
1259 * @webonly
1260 *
1261 * @example
1262 * ```javascript
1263 * // Get the Analytics service for the default app
1264 * const defaultAnalytics = firebase.analytics();
1265 * ```
1266 *
1267 * @param app The app to create an analytics service for.
1268 * If not passed, uses the default app.
1269 */
1270 function analytics(app?: firebase.app.App): firebase.analytics.Analytics;
1273declare namespace firebase.app {
1274 /**
1275 * A Firebase App holds the initialization information for a collection of
1276 * services.
1277 *
1278 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
1279 * {@link firebase.initializeApp|`firebase.initializeApp()`} to create an app.
1280 *
1281 */
1282 interface App {
1283 /**
1284 * Gets the {@link firebase.auth.Auth `Auth`} service for the current app.
1285 *
1286 * @example
1287 * ```javascript
1288 * var auth = app.auth();
1289 * // The above is shorthand for:
1290 * // var auth = firebase.auth(app);
1291 * ```
1292 */
1293 auth(): firebase.auth.Auth;
1294 /**
1295 * Gets the {@link firebase.database.Database `Database`} service for the
1296 * current app.
1297 *
1298 * @example
1299 * ```javascript
1300 * var database = app.database();
1301 * // The above is shorthand for:
1302 * // var database = firebase.database(app);
1303 * ```
1304 */
1305 database(url?: string): firebase.database.Database;
1306 /**
1307 * Renders this app unusable and frees the resources of all associated
1308 * services.
1309 *
1310 * @example
1311 * ```javascript
1312 * app.delete()
1313 * .then(function() {
1314 * console.log("App deleted successfully");
1315 * })
1316 * .catch(function(error) {
1317 * console.log("Error deleting app:", error);
1318 * });
1319 * ```
1320 */
1321 delete(): Promise<any>;
1322 /**
1323 * Gets the {@link firebase.installations.Installations `Installations`} service for the
1324 * current app.
1325 *
1326 * @webonly
1327 *
1328 * @example
1329 * ```javascript
1330 * const installations = app.installations();
1331 * // The above is shorthand for:
1332 * // const installations = firebase.installations(app);
1333 * ```
1334 */
1335 installations(): firebase.installations.Installations;
1336 /**
1337 * Gets the {@link firebase.messaging.Messaging `Messaging`} service for the
1338 * current app.
1339 *
1340 * @webonly
1341 *
1342 * @example
1343 * ```javascript
1344 * var messaging = app.messaging();
1345 * // The above is shorthand for:
1346 * // var messaging = firebase.messaging(app);
1347 * ```
1348 */
1349 messaging(): firebase.messaging.Messaging;
1350 /**
1351 * The (read-only) name for this app.
1352 *
1353 * The default app's name is `"[DEFAULT]"`.
1354 *
1355 * @example
1356 * ```javascript
1357 * // The default app's name is "[DEFAULT]"
1358 * firebase.initializeApp(defaultAppConfig);
1359 * console.log(firebase.app().name); // "[DEFAULT]"
1360 * ```
1361 *
1362 * @example
1363 * ```javascript
1364 * // A named app's name is what you provide to initializeApp()
1365 * var otherApp = firebase.initializeApp(otherAppConfig, "other");
1366 * console.log(otherApp.name); // "other"
1367 * ```
1368 */
1369 name: string;
1370 /**
1371 * The (read-only) configuration options for this app. These are the original
1372 * parameters given in
1373 * {@link firebase.initializeApp `firebase.initializeApp()`}.
1374 *
1375 * @example
1376 * ```javascript
1377 * var app = firebase.initializeApp(config);
1378 * console.log(app.options.databaseURL === config.databaseURL); // true
1379 * ```
1380 */
1381 options: Object;
1382 /**
1383 * Gets the {@link firebase.storage.Storage `Storage`} service for the current
1384 * app, optionally initialized with a custom storage bucket.
1385 *
1386 * @webonly
1387 *
1388 * @example
1389 * ```javascript
1390 * var storage = app.storage();
1391 * // The above is shorthand for:
1392 * // var storage = firebase.storage(app);
1393 * ```
1394 *
1395 * @example
1396 * ```javascript
1397 * var storage = app.storage("gs://your-app.appspot.com");
1398 * ```
1399 *
1400 * @param url The gs:// url to your Firebase Storage Bucket.
1401 * If not passed, uses the app's default Storage Bucket.
1402 */
1403 storage(url?: string): firebase.storage.Storage;
1404 firestore(): firebase.firestore.Firestore;
1405 functions(region?: string): firebase.functions.Functions;
1406 /**
1407 * Gets the {@link firebase.performance.Performance `Performance`} service for the
1408 * current app. If the current app is not the default one, throws an error.
1409 *
1410 * @webonly
1411 *
1412 * @example
1413 * ```javascript
1414 * const perf = app.performance();
1415 * // The above is shorthand for:
1416 * // const perf = firebase.performance(app);
1417 * ```
1418 */
1419 performance(): firebase.performance.Performance;
1420 /**
1421 * Gets the {@link firebase.remoteConfig.RemoteConfig `RemoteConfig`} instance.
1422 *
1423 * @webonly
1424 *
1425 * @example
1426 * ```javascript
1427 * const rc = app.remoteConfig();
1428 * // The above is shorthand for:
1429 * // const rc = firebase.remoteConfig(app);
1430 * ```
1431 */
1432 remoteConfig(): firebase.remoteConfig.RemoteConfig;
1433 /**
1434 * Gets the {@link firebase.analytics.Analytics `Analytics`} service for the
1435 * current app. If the current app is not the default one, throws an error.
1436 *
1437 * @webonly
1438 *
1439 * @example
1440 * ```javascript
1441 * const analytics = app.analytics();
1442 * // The above is shorthand for:
1443 * // const analytics = firebase.analytics(app);
1444 * ```
1445 */
1446 analytics(): firebase.analytics.Analytics;
1447 }
1451 * @webonly
1452 */
1453declare namespace firebase.installations {
1454 /**
1455 * The Firebase Installations service interface.
1456 *
1457 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
1458 * {@link firebase.installations `firebase.installations()`}.
1459 */
1460 export interface Installations {
1461 /**
1462 * Creates a Firebase Installation if there isn't one for the app and
1463 * returns the Installation ID.
1464 *
1465 * @return Firebase Installation ID
1466 */
1467 getId(): Promise<string>;
1469 /**
1470 * Returns an Authentication Token for the current Firebase Installation.
1471 *
1472 * @return Firebase Installation Authentication Token
1473 */
1474 getToken(forceRefresh?: boolean): Promise<string>;
1476 /**
1477 * Deletes the Firebase Installation and all associated data.
1478 */
1479 delete(): Promise<void>;
1481 /**
1482 * Sets a new callback that will get called when Installlation ID changes.
1483 * Returns an unsubscribe function that will remove the callback when called.
1484 */
1485 onIdChange(callback: (installationId: string) => void): () => void;
1486 }
1490 * @webonly
1491 */
1492declare namespace firebase.performance {
1493 /**
1494 * The Firebase Performance Monitoring service interface.
1495 *
1496 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
1497 * {@link firebase.performance `firebase.performance()`}.
1498 */
1499 export interface Performance {
1500 /**
1501 * Creates an uninitialized instance of {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} and returns
1502 * it.
1503 *
1504 * @param traceName The name of the trace instance.
1505 * @return The Trace instance.
1506 */
1507 trace(traceName: string): Trace;
1509 /**
1510 * Controls the logging of automatic traces and HTTP/S network monitoring.
1511 */
1512 instrumentationEnabled: boolean;
1513 /**
1514 * Controls the logging of custom traces.
1515 */
1516 dataCollectionEnabled: boolean;
1517 }
1519 export interface Trace {
1520 /**
1521 * Starts the timing for the {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} instance.
1522 */
1523 start(): void;
1524 /**
1525 * Stops the timing of the {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} instance and logs the
1526 * data of the instance.
1527 */
1528 stop(): void;
1529 /**
1530 * Records a {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} from given parameters. This provides a
1531 * direct way to use {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} without a need to start/stop.
1532 * This is useful for use cases in which the {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} cannot
1533 * directly be used (e.g. if the duration was captured before the Performance SDK was loaded).
1534 *
1535 * @param startTime Trace start time since epoch in millisec.
1536 * @param duration The duraction of the trace in millisec.
1537 * @param options An object which can optionally hold maps of custom metrics and
1538 * custom attributes.
1539 */
1540 record(
1541 startTime: number,
1542 duration: number,
1543 options?: {
1544 metrics?: { [key: string]: number };
1545 attributes?: { [key: string]: string };
1546 }
1547 ): void;
1548 /**
1549 * Adds to the value of a custom metric. If a custom metric with the provided name does not
1550 * exist, it creates one with that name and the value equal to the given number.
1551 *
1552 * @param metricName The name of the custom metric.
1553 * @param num The number to be added to the value of the custom metric. If not provided, it
1554 * uses a default value of one.
1555 */
1556 incrementMetric(metricName: string, num?: number): void;
1557 /**
1558 * Sets the value of the specified custom metric to the given number regardless of whether
1559 * a metric with that name already exists on the {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`}
1560 * instance or not.
1561 *
1562 * @param metricName Name of the custom metric.
1563 * @param num Value to of the custom metric.
1564 */
1565 putMetric(metricName: string, num: number): void;
1566 /**
1567 * Returns the value of the custom metric by that name. If a custom metric with that name does
1568 * not exist returns zero.
1569 *
1570 * @param metricName Name of the custom metric.
1571 */
1572 getMetric(metricName: string): number;
1573 /**
1574 * Set a custom attribute of a {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`} to a certain value.
1575 *
1576 * @param attr Name of the custom attribute.
1577 * @param value Value of the custom attribute.
1578 */
1579 putAttribute(attr: string, value: string): void;
1580 /**
1581 * Retrieves the value that the custom attribute is set to.
1582 *
1583 * @param attr Name of the custom attribute.
1584 */
1585 getAttribute(attr: string): string | undefined;
1586 /**
1587 * Removes the specified custom attribute from a {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`}
1588 * instance.
1589 *
1590 * @param attr Name of the custom attribute.
1591 */
1593 removeAttribute(attr: string): void;
1594 /**
1595 * Returns a map of all custom attributes of a {@link firebase.performance.Trace `trace`}
1596 * instance.
1597 */
1598 getAttributes(): { [key: string]: string };
1599 }
1603 * @webonly
1604 */
1605declare namespace firebase.remoteConfig {
1606 /**
1607 * The Firebase Remote Config service interface.
1608 *
1609 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
1610 * {@link firebase.remoteConfig `firebase.remoteConfig()`}.
1611 */
1612 export interface RemoteConfig {
1613 /**
1614 * Defines configuration for the Remote Config SDK.
1615 */
1616 settings: Settings;
1618 /**
1619 * Object containing default values for conigs.
1620 */
1621 defaultConfig: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };
1623 /**
1624 * The Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the last <i>successful</i> fetch, or negative one if
1625 * the {@link RemoteConfig} instance either hasn't fetched or initialization
1626 * is incomplete.
1627 */
1628 fetchTimeMillis: number;
1630 /**
1631 * The status of the last fetch <i>attempt</i>.
1632 */
1633 lastFetchStatus: FetchStatus;
1635 /**
1636 * Makes the last fetched config available to the getters.
1637 * Returns a promise which resolves to true if the current call activated the fetched configs.
1638 * If the fetched configs were already activated, the promise will resolve to false.
1639 */
1640 activate(): Promise<boolean>;
1642 /**
1643 * Ensures the last activated config are available to the getters.
1644 */
1645 ensureInitialized(): Promise<void>;
1647 /**
1648 * Fetches and caches configuration from the Remote Config service.
1649 */
1650 fetch(): Promise<void>;
1652 /**
1653 * Performs fetch and activate operations, as a convenience.
1654 * Returns a promise which resolves to true if the current call activated the fetched configs.
1655 * If the fetched configs were already activated, the promise will resolve to false.
1656 */
1657 fetchAndActivate(): Promise<boolean>;
1659 /**
1660 * Gets all config.
1661 */
1662 getAll(): { [key: string]: Value };
1664 /**
1665 * Gets the value for the given key as a boolean.
1666 *
1667 * Convenience method for calling <code>remoteConfig.getValue(key).asBoolean()</code>.
1668 */
1669 getBoolean(key: string): boolean;
1671 /**
1672 * Gets the value for the given key as a number.
1673 *
1674 * Convenience method for calling <code>remoteConfig.getValue(key).asNumber()</code>.
1675 */
1676 getNumber(key: string): number;
1678 /**
1679 * Gets the value for the given key as a String.
1680 *
1681 * Convenience method for calling <code>remoteConfig.getValue(key).asString()</code>.
1682 */
1683 getString(key: string): string;
1685 /**
1686 * Gets the {@link Value} for the given key.
1687 */
1688 getValue(key: string): Value;
1690 /**
1691 * Defines the log level to use.
1692 */
1693 setLogLevel(logLevel: LogLevel): void;
1694 }
1696 /**
1697 * Indicates the source of a value.
1698 *
1699 * <ul>
1700 * <li>"static" indicates the value was defined by a static constant.</li>
1701 * <li>"default" indicates the value was defined by default config.</li>
1702 * <li>"remote" indicates the value was defined by fetched config.</li>
1703 * </ul>
1704 */
1705 export type ValueSource = 'static' | 'default' | 'remote';
1707 /**
1708 * Wraps a value with metadata and type-safe getters.
1709 */
1710 export interface Value {
1711 /**
1712 * Gets the value as a boolean.
1713 *
1714 * The following values (case insensitive) are interpreted as true:
1715 * "1", "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on". Other values are interpreted as false.
1716 */
1717 asBoolean(): boolean;
1719 /**
1720 * Gets the value as a number. Comparable to calling <code>Number(value) || 0</code>.
1721 */
1722 asNumber(): number;
1724 /**
1725 * Gets the value as a string.
1726 */
1727 asString(): string;
1729 /**
1730 * Gets the {@link ValueSource} for the given key.
1731 */
1732 getSource(): ValueSource;
1733 }
1735 /**
1736 * Defines configuration options for the Remote Config SDK.
1737 */
1738 export interface Settings {
1739 /**
1740 * Defines the maximum age in milliseconds of an entry in the config cache before
1741 * it is considered stale. Defaults to 43200000 (Twelve hours).
1742 */
1743 minimumFetchIntervalMillis: number;
1745 /**
1746 * Defines the maximum amount of milliseconds to wait for a response when fetching
1747 * configuration from the Remote Config server. Defaults to 60000 (One minute).
1748 */
1749 fetchTimeoutMillis: number;
1750 }
1752 /**
1753 * Summarizes the outcome of the last attempt to fetch config from the Firebase Remote Config server.
1754 *
1755 * <ul>
1756 * <li>"no-fetch-yet" indicates the {@link RemoteConfig} instance has not yet attempted
1757 * to fetch config, or that SDK initialization is incomplete.</li>
1758 * <li>"success" indicates the last attempt succeeded.</li>
1759 * <li>"failure" indicates the last attempt failed.</li>
1760 * <li>"throttle" indicates the last attempt was rate-limited.</li>
1761 * </ul>
1762 */
1763 export type FetchStatus = 'no-fetch-yet' | 'success' | 'failure' | 'throttle';
1765 /**
1766 * Defines levels of Remote Config logging.
1767 */
1768 export type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'error' | 'silent';
1771declare namespace firebase.functions {
1772 /**
1773 * An HttpsCallableResult wraps a single result from a function call.
1774 */
1775 export interface HttpsCallableResult {
1776 readonly data: any;
1777 }
1778 /**
1779 * An HttpsCallable is a reference to a "callable" http trigger in
1780 * Google Cloud Functions.
1781 */
1782 export interface HttpsCallable {
1783 (data?: any): Promise<HttpsCallableResult>;
1784 }
1785 export interface HttpsCallableOptions {
1786 timeout?: number;
1787 }
1788 /**
1789 * The Cloud Functions for Firebase service interface.
1790 *
1791 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
1792 * {@link firebase.functions `firebase.functions()`}.
1793 */
1794 export class Functions {
1795 private constructor();
1796 /**
1797 * Changes this instance to point to a Cloud Functions emulator running
1798 * locally. See https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/local-emulator
1799 *
1800 * @param origin The origin of the local emulator, such as
1801 * "http://localhost:5005".
1802 */
1803 useFunctionsEmulator(url: string): void;
1804 /**
1805 * Gets an `HttpsCallable` instance that refers to the function with the given
1806 * name.
1807 *
1808 * @param name The name of the https callable function.
1809 * @param options The options for this HttpsCallable instance.
1810 * @return The `HttpsCallable` instance.
1811 */
1812 httpsCallable(name: string, options?: HttpsCallableOptions): HttpsCallable;
1813 }
1814 /**
1815 * The set of Firebase Functions status codes. The codes are the same at the
1816 * ones exposed by gRPC here:
1817 * https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/statuscodes.md
1818 *
1819 * Possible values:
1820 * - 'cancelled': The operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).
1821 * - 'unknown': Unknown error or an error from a different error domain.
1822 * - 'invalid-argument': Client specified an invalid argument. Note that this
1823 * differs from 'failed-precondition'. 'invalid-argument' indicates
1824 * arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system
1825 * (e.g. an invalid field name).
1826 * - 'deadline-exceeded': Deadline expired before operation could complete.
1827 * For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be
1828 * returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example,
1829 * a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough
1830 * for the deadline to expire.
1831 * - 'not-found': Some requested document was not found.
1832 * - 'already-exists': Some document that we attempted to create already
1833 * exists.
1834 * - 'permission-denied': The caller does not have permission to execute the
1835 * specified operation.
1836 * - 'resource-exhausted': Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a
1837 * per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.
1838 * - 'failed-precondition': Operation was rejected because the system is not
1839 * in a state required for the operation's execution.
1840 * - 'aborted': The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency
1841 * issue like transaction aborts, etc.
1842 * - 'out-of-range': Operation was attempted past the valid range.
1843 * - 'unimplemented': Operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled.
1844 * - 'internal': Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by
1845 * underlying system has been broken. If you see one of these errors,
1846 * something is very broken.
1847 * - 'unavailable': The service is currently unavailable. This is most likely
1848 * a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.
1849 * - 'data-loss': Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
1850 * - 'unauthenticated': The request does not have valid authentication
1851 * credentials for the operation.
1852 */
1853 export type FunctionsErrorCode =
1854 | 'ok'
1855 | 'cancelled'
1856 | 'unknown'
1857 | 'invalid-argument'
1858 | 'deadline-exceeded'
1859 | 'not-found'
1860 | 'already-exists'
1861 | 'permission-denied'
1862 | 'resource-exhausted'
1863 | 'failed-precondition'
1864 | 'aborted'
1865 | 'out-of-range'
1866 | 'unimplemented'
1867 | 'internal'
1868 | 'unavailable'
1869 | 'data-loss'
1870 | 'unauthenticated';
1871 export interface HttpsError extends Error {
1872 /**
1873 * A standard error code that will be returned to the client. This also
1874 * determines the HTTP status code of the response, as defined in code.proto.
1875 */
1876 readonly code: FunctionsErrorCode;
1877 /**
1878 * Extra data to be converted to JSON and included in the error response.
1879 */
1880 readonly details?: any;
1881 }
1884declare namespace firebase.auth {
1885 /**
1886 * A utility class to parse email action URLs.
1887 */
1888 class ActionCodeURL {
1889 private constructor();
1890 /**
1891 * The API key of the email action link.
1892 */
1893 apiKey: string;
1894 /**
1895 * The action code of the email action link.
1896 */
1897 code: string;
1898 /**
1899 * The continue URL of the email action link. Null if not provided.
1900 */
1901 continueUrl: string | null;
1902 /**
1903 * The language code of the email action link. Null if not provided.
1904 */
1905 languageCode: string | null;
1906 /**
1907 * The action performed by the email action link. It returns from one
1908 * of the types from {@link firebase.auth.ActionCodeInfo}.
1909 */
1910 operation: firebase.auth.ActionCodeInfo.Operation;
1911 /**
1912 * Parses the email action link string and returns an ActionCodeURL object
1913 * if the link is valid, otherwise returns null.
1914 *
1915 * @param link The email action link string.
1916 * @return The ActionCodeURL object, or null if the link is invalid.
1917 */
1918 static parseLink(link: string): firebase.auth.ActionCodeURL | null;
1919 /**
1920 * The tenant ID of the email action link. Null if the email action
1921 * is from the parent project.
1922 */
1923 tenantId: string | null;
1924 }
1925 /**
1926 * A response from {@link firebase.auth.Auth.checkActionCode}.
1927 */
1928 interface ActionCodeInfo {
1929 /**
1930 * The data associated with the action code.
1931 *
1932 * For the `PASSWORD_RESET`, `VERIFY_EMAIL`, and `RECOVER_EMAIL` actions, this object
1933 * contains an `email` field with the address the email was sent to.
1934 *
1935 * For the RECOVER_EMAIL action, which allows a user to undo an email address
1936 * change, this object also contains a `previousEmail` field with the user account's
1937 * current email address. After the action completes, the user's email address will
1938 * revert to the value in the `email` field from the value in `previousEmail` field.
1939 *
1940 * For the VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL action, which allows a user to verify the email
1941 * before updating it, this object contains a `previousEmail` field with the user
1942 * account's email address before updating. After the action completes, the user's
1943 * email address will be updated to the value in the `email` field from the value
1944 * in `previousEmail` field.
1945 *
1946 * For the REVERT_SECOND_FACTOR_ADDITION action, which allows a user to unenroll
1947 * a newly added second factor, this object contains a `multiFactorInfo` field with
1948 * the information about the second factor. For phone second factor, the
1949 * `multiFactorInfo` is a {@link firebase.auth.Auth.PhoneMultiFactorInfo} object,
1950 * which contains the phone number.
1951 */
1952 data: {
1953 email?: string | null;
1954 /**
1955 * @deprecated
1956 * This field is deprecated in favor of previousEmail.
1957 */
1958 fromEmail?: string | null;
1959 multiFactorInfo?: firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo | null;
1960 previousEmail?: string | null;
1961 };
1962 /**
1963 * The type of operation that generated the action code. This could be:
1964 * <ul>
1965 * <li>`EMAIL_SIGNIN`: email sign in code generated via
1966 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.sendSignInLinkToEmail}.</li>
1967 * <li>`PASSWORD_RESET`: password reset code generated via
1968 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.sendPasswordResetEmail}.</li>
1969 * <li>`RECOVER_EMAIL`: email change revocation code generated via
1970 * {@link firebase.User.updateEmail}.</li>
1971 * <li>`REVERT_SECOND_FACTOR_ADDITION`: revert second factor addition
1972 * code generated via
1973 * {@link firebase.User.MultiFactorUser.enroll}.</li>
1974 * <li>`VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL`: verify and change email code generated
1975 * via {@link firebase.User.verifyBeforeUpdateEmail}.</li>
1976 * <li>`VERIFY_EMAIL`: email verification code generated via
1977 * {@link firebase.User.sendEmailVerification}.</li>
1978 * </ul>
1979 */
1980 operation: string;
1981 }
1983 /**
1984 * This is the interface that defines the required continue/state URL with
1985 * optional Android and iOS bundle identifiers.
1986 * The action code setting fields are:
1987 * <ul>
1988 * <li><p>url: Sets the link continue/state URL, which has different meanings
1989 * in different contexts:</p>
1990 * <ul>
1991 * <li>When the link is handled in the web action widgets, this is the deep
1992 * link in the continueUrl query parameter.</li>
1993 * <li>When the link is handled in the app directly, this is the continueUrl
1994 * query parameter in the deep link of the Dynamic Link.</li>
1995 * </ul>
1996 * </li>
1997 * <li>iOS: Sets the iOS bundle ID. This will try to open the link in an iOS app
1998 * if it is installed.</li>
1999 * <li>android: Sets the Android package name. This will try to open the link in
2000 * an android app if it is installed. If installApp is passed, it specifies
2001 * whether to install the Android app if the device supports it and the app
2002 * is not already installed. If this field is provided without a
2003 * packageName, an error is thrown explaining that the packageName must be
2004 * provided in conjunction with this field.
2005 * If minimumVersion is specified, and an older version of the app is
2006 * installed, the user is taken to the Play Store to upgrade the app.</li>
2007 * <li>handleCodeInApp: The default is false. When set to true, the action code
2008 * link will be be sent as a Universal Link or Android App Link and will be
2009 * opened by the app if installed. In the false case, the code will be sent
2010 * to the web widget first and then on continue will redirect to the app if
2011 * installed.</li>
2012 * </ul>
2013 */
2014 type ActionCodeSettings = {
2015 android?: {
2016 installApp?: boolean;
2017 minimumVersion?: string;
2018 packageName: string;
2019 };
2020 handleCodeInApp?: boolean;
2021 iOS?: { bundleId: string };
2022 url: string;
2023 dynamicLinkDomain?: string;
2024 };
2026 /**
2027 * A structure containing additional user information from a federated identity
2028 * provider.
2029 */
2030 type AdditionalUserInfo = {
2031 isNewUser: boolean;
2032 profile: Object | null;
2033 providerId: string;
2034 username?: string | null;
2035 };
2037 /**
2038 * A verifier for domain verification and abuse prevention. Currently, the
2039 * only implementation is {@link firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier}.
2040 */
2041 interface ApplicationVerifier {
2042 /**
2043 * Identifies the type of application verifier (e.g. "recaptcha").
2044 */
2045 type: string;
2046 /**
2047 * Executes the verification process.
2048 * @return A Promise for a token that can be used to
2049 * assert the validity of a request.
2050 */
2051 verify(): Promise<string>;
2052 }
2054 /**
2055 * Interface representing an Auth instance's settings, currently used for
2056 * enabling/disabling app verification for phone Auth testing.
2057 */
2058 interface AuthSettings {
2059 /**
2060 * When set, this property disables app verification for the purpose of testing
2061 * phone authentication. For this property to take effect, it needs to be set
2062 * before rendering a reCAPTCHA app verifier. When this is disabled, a
2063 * mock reCAPTCHA is rendered instead. This is useful for manual testing during
2064 * development or for automated integration tests.
2065 *
2066 * In order to use this feature, you will need to
2067 * {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/phone-auth#test-with-whitelisted-phone-numbers
2068 * whitelist your phone number} via the
2069 * Firebase Console.
2070 *
2071 * The default value is false (app verification is enabled).
2072 */
2073 appVerificationDisabledForTesting: boolean;
2074 }
2076 /**
2077 * The Firebase Auth service interface.
2078 *
2079 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
2080 * {@link firebase.auth `firebase.auth()`}.
2081 *
2082 * See
2083 * {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/ Firebase Authentication}
2084 * for a full guide on how to use the Firebase Auth service.
2085 *
2086 */
2087 interface Auth {
2088 /**
2089 * The {@link firebase.app.App app} associated with the `Auth` service
2090 * instance.
2091 *
2092 * @example
2093 * ```javascript
2094 * var app = auth.app;
2095 * ```
2096 */
2097 app: firebase.app.App;
2098 /**
2099 * Applies a verification code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band
2100 * mechanism.
2101 *
2102 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2103 * <dl>
2104 * <dt>auth/expired-action-code</dt>
2105 * <dd>Thrown if the action code has expired.</dd>
2106 * <dt>auth/invalid-action-code</dt>
2107 * <dd>Thrown if the action code is invalid. This can happen if the code is
2108 * malformed or has already been used.</dd>
2109 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2110 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given action code has been
2111 * disabled.</dd>
2112 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2113 * <dd>Thrown if there is no user corresponding to the action code. This may
2114 * have happened if the user was deleted between when the action code was
2115 * issued and when this method was called.</dd>
2116 * </dl>
2117 *
2118 * @param code A verification code sent to the user.
2119 */
2120 applyActionCode(code: string): Promise<void>;
2121 /**
2122 * Checks a verification code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band
2123 * mechanism.
2124 *
2125 * Returns metadata about the code.
2126 *
2127 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2128 * <dl>
2129 * <dt>auth/expired-action-code</dt>
2130 * <dd>Thrown if the action code has expired.</dd>
2131 * <dt>auth/invalid-action-code</dt>
2132 * <dd>Thrown if the action code is invalid. This can happen if the code is
2133 * malformed or has already been used.</dd>
2134 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2135 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given action code has been
2136 * disabled.</dd>
2137 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2138 * <dd>Thrown if there is no user corresponding to the action code. This may
2139 * have happened if the user was deleted between when the action code was
2140 * issued and when this method was called.</dd>
2141 * </dl>
2142 *
2143 * @param code A verification code sent to the user.
2144 */
2145 checkActionCode(code: string): Promise<firebase.auth.ActionCodeInfo>;
2146 /**
2147 * Completes the password reset process, given a confirmation code and new
2148 * password.
2149 *
2150 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2151 * <dl>
2152 * <dt>auth/expired-action-code</dt>
2153 * <dd>Thrown if the password reset code has expired.</dd>
2154 * <dt>auth/invalid-action-code</dt>
2155 * <dd>Thrown if the password reset code is invalid. This can happen if the
2156 * code is malformed or has already been used.</dd>
2157 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2158 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given password reset code has
2159 * been disabled.</dd>
2160 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2161 * <dd>Thrown if there is no user corresponding to the password reset code. This
2162 * may have happened if the user was deleted between when the code was
2163 * issued and when this method was called.</dd>
2164 * <dt>auth/weak-password</dt>
2165 * <dd>Thrown if the new password is not strong enough.</dd>
2166 * </dl>
2167 *
2168 * @param code The confirmation code send via email to the user.
2169 * @param newPassword The new password.
2170 */
2171 confirmPasswordReset(code: string, newPassword: string): Promise<void>;
2173 /**
2174 * Creates a new user account associated with the specified email address and
2175 * password.
2176 *
2177 * On successful creation of the user account, this user will also be
2178 * signed in to your application.
2179 *
2180 * User account creation can fail if the account already exists or the password
2181 * is invalid.
2182 *
2183 * Note: The email address acts as a unique identifier for the user and
2184 * enables an email-based password reset. This function will create
2185 * a new user account and set the initial user password.
2186 *
2187 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2188 * <dl>
2189 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
2190 * <dd>Thrown if there already exists an account with the given email
2191 * address.</dd>
2192 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
2193 * <dd>Thrown if the email address is not valid.</dd>
2194 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2195 * <dd>Thrown if email/password accounts are not enabled. Enable email/password
2196 * accounts in the Firebase Console, under the Auth tab.</dd>
2197 * <dt>auth/weak-password</dt>
2198 * <dd>Thrown if the password is not strong enough.</dd>
2199 * </dl>
2200 *
2201 * @example
2202 * ```javascript
2203 * firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
2204 * .catch(function(error) {
2205 * // Handle Errors here.
2206 * var errorCode = error.code;
2207 * var errorMessage = error.message;
2208 * if (errorCode == 'auth/weak-password') {
2209 * alert('The password is too weak.');
2210 * } else {
2211 * alert(errorMessage);
2212 * }
2213 * console.log(error);
2214 * });
2215 * ```
2216 * @param email The user's email address.
2217 * @param password The user's chosen password.
2218 */
2219 createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
2220 email: string,
2221 password: string
2222 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2223 /**
2224 * The currently signed-in user (or null).
2225 */
2226 currentUser: firebase.User | null;
2228 /**
2229 * Gets the list of possible sign in methods for the given email address. This
2230 * is useful to differentiate methods of sign-in for the same provider,
2231 * eg. `EmailAuthProvider` which has 2 methods of sign-in, email/password and
2232 * email/link.
2233 *
2234 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2235 * <dl>
2236 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
2237 * <dd>Thrown if the email address is not valid.</dd>
2238 * </dl>
2239 */
2240 fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(email: string): Promise<Array<string>>;
2242 /**
2243 * Checks if an incoming link is a sign-in with email link.
2244 */
2245 isSignInWithEmailLink(emailLink: string): boolean;
2246 /**
2247 * Returns a UserCredential from the redirect-based sign-in flow.
2248 *
2249 * If sign-in succeeded, returns the signed in user. If sign-in was
2250 * unsuccessful, fails with an error. If no redirect operation was called,
2251 * returns a UserCredential with a null User.
2252 *
2253 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2254 * <dl>
2255 * <dt>auth/account-exists-with-different-credential</dt>
2256 * <dd>Thrown if there already exists an account with the email address
2257 * asserted by the credential. Resolve this by calling
2258 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail} with the error.email
2259 * and then asking the user to sign in using one of the returned providers.
2260 * Once the user is signed in, the original credential retrieved from the
2261 * error.credential can be linked to the user with
2262 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} to prevent the user from signing
2263 * in again to the original provider via popup or redirect. If you are using
2264 * redirects for sign in, save the credential in session storage and then
2265 * retrieve on redirect and repopulate the credential using for example
2266 * {@link firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential} depending on the
2267 * credential provider id and complete the link.</dd>
2268 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
2269 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
2270 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
2271 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
2272 * <dt>auth/credential-already-in-use</dt>
2273 * <dd>Thrown if the account corresponding to the credential already exists
2274 * among your users, or is already linked to a Firebase User.
2275 * For example, this error could be thrown if you are upgrading an anonymous
2276 * user to a Google user by linking a Google credential to it and the Google
2277 * credential used is already associated with an existing Firebase Google
2278 * user.
2279 * An <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
2280 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided. You can
2281 * recover from this error by signing in with that credential directly via
2282 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential}.</dd>
2283 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
2284 * <dd>Thrown if the email corresponding to the credential already exists
2285 * among your users. When thrown while linking a credential to an existing
2286 * user, an <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
2287 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided.
2288 * You have to link the credential to the existing user with that email if
2289 * you wish to continue signing in with that credential. To do so, call
2290 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}, sign in to
2291 * <code>error.email</code> via one of the providers returned and then
2292 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} the original credential to that
2293 * newly signed in user.</dd>
2294 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2295 * <dd>Thrown if the type of account corresponding to the credential
2296 * is not enabled. Enable the account type in the Firebase Console, under
2297 * the Auth tab.</dd>
2298 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
2299 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
2300 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
2301 * </dd>
2302 * <dt>auth/timeout</dt>
2303 * <dd>Thrown typically if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations
2304 * for your Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the
2305 * Firebase console.</dd>
2306 * </dl>
2307 *
2308 * @webonly
2309 *
2310 * @example
2311 * ```javascript
2312 * // First, we perform the signInWithRedirect.
2313 * // Creates the provider object.
2314 * var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
2315 * // You can add additional scopes to the provider:
2316 * provider.addScope('email');
2317 * provider.addScope('user_friends');
2318 * // Sign in with redirect:
2319 * auth.signInWithRedirect(provider)
2320 * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2321 * // The user is redirected to the provider's sign in flow...
2322 * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2323 * // Then redirected back to the app, where we check the redirect result:
2324 * auth.getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
2325 * // The firebase.User instance:
2326 * var user = result.user;
2327 * // The Facebook firebase.auth.AuthCredential containing the Facebook
2328 * // access token:
2329 * var credential = result.credential;
2330 * // As this API can be used for sign-in, linking and reauthentication,
2331 * // check the operationType to determine what triggered this redirect
2332 * // operation.
2333 * var operationType = result.operationType;
2334 * }, function(error) {
2335 * // The provider's account email, can be used in case of
2336 * // auth/account-exists-with-different-credential to fetch the providers
2337 * // linked to the email:
2338 * var email = error.email;
2339 * // The provider's credential:
2340 * var credential = error.credential;
2341 * // In case of auth/account-exists-with-different-credential error,
2342 * // you can fetch the providers using this:
2343 * if (error.code === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential') {
2344 * auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(email).then(function(providers) {
2345 * // The returned 'providers' is a list of the available providers
2346 * // linked to the email address. Please refer to the guide for a more
2347 * // complete explanation on how to recover from this error.
2348 * });
2349 * }
2350 * });
2351 * ```
2352 */
2353 getRedirectResult(): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2354 /**
2355 * The current Auth instance's language code. This is a readable/writable
2356 * property. When set to null, the default Firebase Console language setting
2357 * is applied. The language code will propagate to email action templates
2358 * (password reset, email verification and email change revocation), SMS
2359 * templates for phone authentication, reCAPTCHA verifier and OAuth
2360 * popup/redirect operations provided the specified providers support
2361 * localization with the language code specified.
2362 */
2363 languageCode: string | null;
2364 /**
2365 * The current Auth instance's settings. This is used to edit/read configuration
2366 * related options like app verification mode for phone authentication.
2367 */
2368 settings: firebase.auth.AuthSettings;
2369 /**
2370 * Adds an observer for changes to the user's sign-in state.
2371 *
2372 * Prior to 4.0.0, this triggered the observer when users were signed in,
2373 * signed out, or when the user's ID token changed in situations such as token
2374 * expiry or password change. After 4.0.0, the observer is only triggered
2375 * on sign-in or sign-out.
2376 *
2377 * To keep the old behavior, see {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onIdTokenChanged}.
2378 *
2379 * @example
2380 * ```javascript
2381 * firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
2382 * if (user) {
2383 * // User is signed in.
2384 * }
2385 * });
2386 * ```
2387 */
2388 onAuthStateChanged(
2389 nextOrObserver:
2390 | firebase.Observer<any>
2391 | ((a: firebase.User | null) => any),
2392 error?: (a: firebase.auth.Error) => any,
2393 completed?: firebase.Unsubscribe
2394 ): firebase.Unsubscribe;
2395 /**
2396 * Adds an observer for changes to the signed-in user's ID token, which includes
2397 * sign-in, sign-out, and token refresh events. This method has the same
2398 * behavior as {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} had prior to 4.0.0.
2399 *
2400 * @example
2401 * ```javascript
2402 * firebase.auth().onIdTokenChanged(function(user) {
2403 * if (user) {
2404 * // User is signed in or token was refreshed.
2405 * }
2406 * });
2407 * ```
2408 * @param
2409 * nextOrObserver An observer object or a function triggered on change.
2410 * @param error Optional A function
2411 * triggered on auth error.
2412 * @param completed Optional A function triggered when the
2413 * observer is removed.
2414 */
2415 onIdTokenChanged(
2416 nextOrObserver:
2417 | firebase.Observer<any>
2418 | ((a: firebase.User | null) => any),
2419 error?: (a: firebase.auth.Error) => any,
2420 completed?: firebase.Unsubscribe
2421 ): firebase.Unsubscribe;
2422 /**
2423 * Sends a sign-in email link to the user with the specified email.
2424 *
2425 * The sign-in operation has to always be completed in the app unlike other out
2426 * of band email actions (password reset and email verifications). This is
2427 * because, at the end of the flow, the user is expected to be signed in and
2428 * their Auth state persisted within the app.
2429 *
2430 * To complete sign in with the email link, call
2431 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithEmailLink} with the email address and
2432 * the email link supplied in the email sent to the user.
2433 *
2434 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2435 * <dl>
2436 * <dt>auth/argument-error</dt>
2437 * <dd>Thrown if handleCodeInApp is false.</dd>
2438 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
2439 * <dd>Thrown if the email address is not valid.</dd>
2440 * <dt>auth/missing-android-pkg-name</dt>
2441 * <dd>An Android package name must be provided if the Android app is required
2442 * to be installed.</dd>
2443 * <dt>auth/missing-continue-uri</dt>
2444 * <dd>A continue URL must be provided in the request.</dd>
2445 * <dt>auth/missing-ios-bundle-id</dt>
2446 * <dd>An iOS Bundle ID must be provided if an App Store ID is provided.</dd>
2447 * <dt>auth/invalid-continue-uri</dt>
2448 * <dd>The continue URL provided in the request is invalid.</dd>
2449 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-continue-uri</dt>
2450 * <dd>The domain of the continue URL is not whitelisted. Whitelist
2451 * the domain in the Firebase console.</dd>
2452 * </dl>
2453 *
2454 * @example
2455 * ```javascript
2456 * var actionCodeSettings = {
2457 * // The URL to redirect to for sign-in completion. This is also the deep
2458 * // link for mobile redirects. The domain (www.example.com) for this URL
2459 * // must be whitelisted in the Firebase Console.
2460 * url: 'https://www.example.com/finishSignUp?cartId=1234',
2461 * iOS: {
2462 * bundleId: 'com.example.ios'
2463 * },
2464 * android: {
2465 * packageName: 'com.example.android',
2466 * installApp: true,
2467 * minimumVersion: '12'
2468 * },
2469 * // This must be true.
2470 * handleCodeInApp: true
2471 * };
2472 * firebase.auth().sendSignInLinkToEmail('user@example.com', actionCodeSettings)
2473 * .then(function() {
2474 * // The link was successfully sent. Inform the user. Save the email
2475 * // locally so you don't need to ask the user for it again if they open
2476 * // the link on the same device.
2477 * })
2478 * .catch(function(error) {
2479 * // Some error occurred, you can inspect the code: error.code
2480 * });
2481 * ```
2482 * @param email The email account to sign in with.
2483 * @param actionCodeSettings The action
2484 * code settings. The action code settings which provides Firebase with
2485 * instructions on how to construct the email link. This includes the
2486 * sign in completion URL or the deep link for mobile redirects, the mobile
2487 * apps to use when the sign-in link is opened on an Android or iOS device.
2488 * Mobile app redirects will only be applicable if the developer configures
2489 * and accepts the Firebase Dynamic Links terms of condition.
2490 * The Android package name and iOS bundle ID will be respected only if they
2491 * are configured in the same Firebase Auth project used.
2492 */
2493 sendSignInLinkToEmail(
2494 email: string,
2495 actionCodeSettings: firebase.auth.ActionCodeSettings
2496 ): Promise<void>;
2498 /**
2499 * Sends a password reset email to the given email address.
2500 *
2501 * To complete the password reset, call
2502 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.confirmPasswordReset} with the code supplied in the
2503 * email sent to the user, along with the new password specified by the user.
2504 *
2505 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2506 * <dl>
2507 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
2508 * <dd>Thrown if the email address is not valid.</dd>
2509 * <dt>auth/missing-android-pkg-name</dt>
2510 * <dd>An Android package name must be provided if the Android app is required
2511 * to be installed.</dd>
2512 * <dt>auth/missing-continue-uri</dt>
2513 * <dd>A continue URL must be provided in the request.</dd>
2514 * <dt>auth/missing-ios-bundle-id</dt>
2515 * <dd>An iOS Bundle ID must be provided if an App Store ID is provided.</dd>
2516 * <dt>auth/invalid-continue-uri</dt>
2517 * <dd>The continue URL provided in the request is invalid.</dd>
2518 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-continue-uri</dt>
2519 * <dd>The domain of the continue URL is not whitelisted. Whitelist
2520 * the domain in the Firebase console.</dd>
2521 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2522 * <dd>Thrown if there is no user corresponding to the email address.</dd>
2523 * </dl>
2524 *
2525 * @example
2526 * ```javascript
2527 * var actionCodeSettings = {
2528 * url: 'https://www.example.com/?email=user@example.com',
2529 * iOS: {
2530 * bundleId: 'com.example.ios'
2531 * },
2532 * android: {
2533 * packageName: 'com.example.android',
2534 * installApp: true,
2535 * minimumVersion: '12'
2536 * },
2537 * handleCodeInApp: true
2538 * };
2539 * firebase.auth().sendPasswordResetEmail(
2540 * 'user@example.com', actionCodeSettings)
2541 * .then(function() {
2542 * // Password reset email sent.
2543 * })
2544 * .catch(function(error) {
2545 * // Error occurred. Inspect error.code.
2546 * });
2547 * ```
2548 *
2549 * @param email The email address with the password to be reset.
2550 * @param actionCodeSettings The action
2551 * code settings. If specified, the state/continue URL will be set as the
2552 * "continueUrl" parameter in the password reset link. The default password
2553 * reset landing page will use this to display a link to go back to the app
2554 * if it is installed.
2555 * If the actionCodeSettings is not specified, no URL is appended to the
2556 * action URL.
2557 * The state URL provided must belong to a domain that is whitelisted by the
2558 * developer in the console. Otherwise an error will be thrown.
2559 * Mobile app redirects will only be applicable if the developer configures
2560 * and accepts the Firebase Dynamic Links terms of condition.
2561 * The Android package name and iOS bundle ID will be respected only if they
2562 * are configured in the same Firebase Auth project used.
2563 */
2564 sendPasswordResetEmail(
2565 email: string,
2566 actionCodeSettings?: firebase.auth.ActionCodeSettings | null
2567 ): Promise<void>;
2569 /**
2570 * Changes the current type of persistence on the current Auth instance for the
2571 * currently saved Auth session and applies this type of persistence for
2572 * future sign-in requests, including sign-in with redirect requests. This will
2573 * return a promise that will resolve once the state finishes copying from one
2574 * type of storage to the other.
2575 * Calling a sign-in method after changing persistence will wait for that
2576 * persistence change to complete before applying it on the new Auth state.
2577 *
2578 * This makes it easy for a user signing in to specify whether their session
2579 * should be remembered or not. It also makes it easier to never persist the
2580 * Auth state for applications that are shared by other users or have sensitive
2581 * data.
2582 *
2583 * The default for web browser apps and React Native apps is 'local' (provided
2584 * the browser supports this mechanism) whereas it is 'none' for Node.js backend
2585 * apps.
2586 *
2587 * <h4>Error Codes (thrown synchronously)</h4>
2588 * <dl>
2589 * <dt>auth/invalid-persistence-type</dt>
2590 * <dd>Thrown if the specified persistence type is invalid.</dd>
2591 * <dt>auth/unsupported-persistence-type</dt>
2592 * <dd>Thrown if the current environment does not support the specified
2593 * persistence type.</dd>
2594 * </dl>
2595 *
2596 * @example
2597 * ```javascript
2598 * firebase.auth().setPersistence(firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.SESSION)
2599 * .then(function() {
2600 * // Existing and future Auth states are now persisted in the current
2601 * // session only. Closing the window would clear any existing state even if
2602 * // a user forgets to sign out.
2603 * });
2604 * ```
2605 */
2606 setPersistence(persistence: firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence): Promise<void>;
2608 /**
2609 * Asynchronously signs in with the given credentials, and returns any available
2610 * additional user information, such as user name.
2611 *
2612 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2613 * <dl>
2614 * <dt>auth/account-exists-with-different-credential</dt>
2615 * <dd>Thrown if there already exists an account with the email address
2616 * asserted by the credential. Resolve this by calling
2617 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail} and then asking the
2618 * user to sign in using one of the returned providers. Once the user is
2619 * signed in, the original credential can be linked to the user with
2620 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential}.</dd>
2621 * <dt>auth/invalid-credential</dt>
2622 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is malformed or has expired.</dd>
2623 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2624 * <dd>Thrown if the type of account corresponding to the credential
2625 * is not enabled. Enable the account type in the Firebase Console, under
2626 * the Auth tab.</dd>
2627 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2628 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given credential has been
2629 * disabled.</dd>
2630 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2631 * <dd>Thrown if signing in with a credential from
2632 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} and there is no user
2633 * corresponding to the given email. </dd>
2634 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
2635 * <dd>Thrown if signing in with a credential from
2636 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} and the password is
2637 * invalid for the given email, or if the account corresponding to the email
2638 * does not have a password set.</dd>
2639 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
2640 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
2641 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
2642 * code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
2643 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
2644 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
2645 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
2646 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
2647 * </dl>
2648 *
2649 * @deprecated
2650 * This method is deprecated. Use
2651 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential} instead.
2652 *
2653 * @example
2654 * ```javascript
2655 * firebase.auth().signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(credential)
2656 * .then(function(userCredential) {
2657 * console.log(userCredential.additionalUserInfo.username);
2658 * });
2659 * ```
2660 * @param credential The auth credential.
2661 */
2662 signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(
2663 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
2664 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2665 /**
2666 * Asynchronously signs in as an anonymous user.
2667 *
2668 *
2669 * If there is already an anonymous user signed in, that user will be returned;
2670 * otherwise, a new anonymous user identity will be created and returned.
2671 *
2672 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2673 * <dl>
2674 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2675 * <dd>Thrown if anonymous accounts are not enabled. Enable anonymous accounts
2676 * in the Firebase Console, under the Auth tab.</dd>
2677 * </dl>
2678 *
2679 * @example
2680 * ```javascript
2681 * firebase.auth().signInAnonymously().catch(function(error) {
2682 * // Handle Errors here.
2683 * var errorCode = error.code;
2684 * var errorMessage = error.message;
2685 *
2686 * if (errorCode === 'auth/operation-not-allowed') {
2687 * alert('You must enable Anonymous auth in the Firebase Console.');
2688 * } else {
2689 * console.error(error);
2690 * }
2691 * });
2692 * ```
2693 */
2694 signInAnonymously(): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2696 /**
2697 * Asynchronously signs in with the given credentials.
2698 *
2699 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2700 * <dl>
2701 * <dt>auth/account-exists-with-different-credential</dt>
2702 * <dd>Thrown if there already exists an account with the email address
2703 * asserted by the credential. Resolve this by calling
2704 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail} and then asking the
2705 * user to sign in using one of the returned providers. Once the user is
2706 * signed in, the original credential can be linked to the user with
2707 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential}.</dd>
2708 * <dt>auth/invalid-credential</dt>
2709 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is malformed or has expired.</dd>
2710 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2711 * <dd>Thrown if the type of account corresponding to the credential
2712 * is not enabled. Enable the account type in the Firebase Console, under
2713 * the Auth tab.</dd>
2714 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2715 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given credential has been
2716 * disabled.</dd>
2717 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2718 * <dd>Thrown if signing in with a credential from
2719 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} and there is no user
2720 * corresponding to the given email. </dd>
2721 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
2722 * <dd>Thrown if signing in with a credential from
2723 * {@link firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential} and the password is
2724 * invalid for the given email, or if the account corresponding to the email
2725 * does not have a password set.</dd>
2726 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
2727 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
2728 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
2729 * code of the credential is not valid.</dd>
2730 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
2731 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
2732 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
2733 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
2734 * </dl>
2735 *
2736 * @example
2737 * ```javascript
2738 * firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential).catch(function(error) {
2739 * // Handle Errors here.
2740 * var errorCode = error.code;
2741 * var errorMessage = error.message;
2742 * // The email of the user's account used.
2743 * var email = error.email;
2744 * // The firebase.auth.AuthCredential type that was used.
2745 * var credential = error.credential;
2746 * if (errorCode === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential') {
2747 * alert('Email already associated with another account.');
2748 * // Handle account linking here, if using.
2749 * } else {
2750 * console.error(error);
2751 * }
2752 * });
2753 * ```
2754 *
2755 * @param credential The auth credential.
2756 */
2757 signInWithCredential(
2758 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential
2759 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2760 /**
2761 * Asynchronously signs in using a custom token.
2762 *
2763 * Custom tokens are used to integrate Firebase Auth with existing auth systems,
2764 * and must be generated by the auth backend.
2765 *
2766 * Fails with an error if the token is invalid, expired, or not accepted by the
2767 * Firebase Auth service.
2768 *
2769 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2770 * <dl>
2771 * <dt>auth/custom-token-mismatch</dt>
2772 * <dd>Thrown if the custom token is for a different Firebase App.</dd>
2773 * <dt>auth/invalid-custom-token</dt>
2774 * <dd>Thrown if the custom token format is incorrect.</dd>
2775 * </dl>
2776 *
2777 * @example
2778 * ```javascript
2779 * firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(token).catch(function(error) {
2780 * // Handle Errors here.
2781 * var errorCode = error.code;
2782 * var errorMessage = error.message;
2783 * if (errorCode === 'auth/invalid-custom-token') {
2784 * alert('The token you provided is not valid.');
2785 * } else {
2786 * console.error(error);
2787 * }
2788 * });
2789 * ```
2790 *
2791 * @param token The custom token to sign in with.
2792 */
2793 signInWithCustomToken(token: string): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2794 /**
2795 * Asynchronously signs in using an email and password.
2796 *
2797 * Fails with an error if the email address and password do not match.
2798 *
2799 * Note: The user's password is NOT the password used to access the user's email
2800 * account. The email address serves as a unique identifier for the user, and
2801 * the password is used to access the user's account in your Firebase project.
2802 *
2803 * See also: {@link firebase.auth.Auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword}.
2804 *
2805 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2806 * <dl>
2807 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
2808 * <dd>Thrown if the email address is not valid.</dd>
2809 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2810 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given email has been
2811 * disabled.</dd>
2812 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
2813 * <dd>Thrown if there is no user corresponding to the given email.</dd>
2814 * <dt>auth/wrong-password</dt>
2815 * <dd>Thrown if the password is invalid for the given email, or the account
2816 * corresponding to the email does not have a password set.</dd>
2817 * </dl>
2818 *
2819 * @example
2820 * ```javascript
2821 * firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
2822 * .catch(function(error) {
2823 * // Handle Errors here.
2824 * var errorCode = error.code;
2825 * var errorMessage = error.message;
2826 * if (errorCode === 'auth/wrong-password') {
2827 * alert('Wrong password.');
2828 * } else {
2829 * alert(errorMessage);
2830 * }
2831 * console.log(error);
2832 * });
2833 * ```
2834 *
2835 * @param email The users email address.
2836 * @param password The users password.
2837 */
2838 signInWithEmailAndPassword(
2839 email: string,
2840 password: string
2841 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2843 /**
2844 * Asynchronously signs in using a phone number. This method sends a code via
2845 * SMS to the given phone number, and returns a
2846 * {@link firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult}. After the user provides the code
2847 * sent to their phone, call {@link firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult.confirm}
2848 * with the code to sign the user in.
2849 *
2850 * For abuse prevention, this method also requires a
2851 * {@link firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier}. The Firebase Auth SDK includes
2852 * a reCAPTCHA-based implementation, {@link firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier}.
2853 *
2854 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2855 * <dl>
2856 * <dt>auth/captcha-check-failed</dt>
2857 * <dd>Thrown if the reCAPTCHA response token was invalid, expired, or if
2858 * this method was called from a non-whitelisted domain.</dd>
2859 * <dt>auth/invalid-phone-number</dt>
2860 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number has an invalid format.</dd>
2861 * <dt>auth/missing-phone-number</dt>
2862 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number is missing.</dd>
2863 * <dt>auth/quota-exceeded</dt>
2864 * <dd>Thrown if the SMS quota for the Firebase project has been exceeded.</dd>
2865 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2866 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given phone number has been
2867 * disabled.</dd>
2868 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2869 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the provider in the Firebase Console. Go
2870 * to the Firebase Console for your project, in the Auth section and the
2871 * <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure the provider.</dd>
2872 * </dl>
2873 *
2874 * @example
2875 * ```javascript
2876 * // 'recaptcha-container' is the ID of an element in the DOM.
2877 * var applicationVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
2878 * 'recaptcha-container');
2879 * firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, applicationVerifier)
2880 * .then(function(confirmationResult) {
2881 * var verificationCode = window.prompt('Please enter the verification ' +
2882 * 'code that was sent to your mobile device.');
2883 * return confirmationResult.confirm(verificationCode);
2884 * })
2885 * .catch(function(error) {
2886 * // Handle Errors here.
2887 * });
2888 * ```
2889 *
2890 * @param phoneNumber The user's phone number in E.164 format (e.g.
2891 * +16505550101).
2892 * @param applicationVerifier
2893 */
2894 signInWithPhoneNumber(
2895 phoneNumber: string,
2896 applicationVerifier: firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier
2897 ): Promise<firebase.auth.ConfirmationResult>;
2898 /**
2899 * Asynchronously signs in using an email and sign-in email link. If no link
2900 * is passed, the link is inferred from the current URL.
2901 *
2902 * Fails with an error if the email address is invalid or OTP in email link
2903 * expires.
2904 *
2905 * Note: Confirm the link is a sign-in email link before calling this method
2906 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.isSignInWithEmailLink}.
2907 *
2908 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2909 * <dl>
2910 * <dt>auth/expired-action-code</dt>
2911 * <dd>Thrown if OTP in email link expires.</dd>
2912 * <dt>auth/invalid-email</dt>
2913 * <dd>Thrown if the email address is not valid.</dd>
2914 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
2915 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given email has been
2916 * disabled.</dd>
2917 * </dl>
2918 *
2919 * @example
2920 * ```javascript
2921 * firebase.auth().signInWithEmailLink(email, emailLink)
2922 * .catch(function(error) {
2923 * // Some error occurred, you can inspect the code: error.code
2924 * // Common errors could be invalid email and invalid or expired OTPs.
2925 * });
2926 * ```
2927 *
2928 * @param email The email account to sign in with.
2929 * @param emailLink The optional link which contains the OTP needed
2930 * to complete the sign in with email link. If not specified, the current
2931 * URL is used instead.
2932 */
2933 signInWithEmailLink(
2934 email: string,
2935 emailLink?: string
2936 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
2937 /**
2938 * Authenticates a Firebase client using a popup-based OAuth authentication
2939 * flow.
2940 *
2941 * If succeeds, returns the signed in user along with the provider's credential.
2942 * If sign in was unsuccessful, returns an error object containing additional
2943 * information about the error.
2944 *
2945 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
2946 * <dl>
2947 * <dt>auth/account-exists-with-different-credential</dt>
2948 * <dd>Thrown if there already exists an account with the email address
2949 * asserted by the credential. Resolve this by calling
2950 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail} with the error.email
2951 * and then asking the user to sign in using one of the returned providers.
2952 * Once the user is signed in, the original credential retrieved from the
2953 * error.credential can be linked to the user with
2954 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} to prevent the user from signing
2955 * in again to the original provider via popup or redirect. If you are using
2956 * redirects for sign in, save the credential in session storage and then
2957 * retrieve on redirect and repopulate the credential using for example
2958 * {@link firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential} depending on the
2959 * credential provider id and complete the link.</dd>
2960 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
2961 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
2962 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
2963 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
2964 * <dt>auth/cancelled-popup-request</dt>
2965 * <dd>Thrown if successive popup operations are triggered. Only one popup
2966 * request is allowed at one time. All the popups would fail with this error
2967 * except for the last one.</dd>
2968 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
2969 * <dd>Thrown if the type of account corresponding to the credential
2970 * is not enabled. Enable the account type in the Firebase Console, under
2971 * the Auth tab.</dd>
2972 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
2973 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
2974 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
2975 * </dd>
2976 * <dt>auth/popup-blocked</dt>
2977 * <dd>Thrown if the popup was blocked by the browser, typically when this
2978 * operation is triggered outside of a click handler.</dd>
2979 * <dt>auth/popup-closed-by-user</dt>
2980 * <dd>Thrown if the popup window is closed by the user without completing the
2981 * sign in to the provider.</dd>
2982 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
2983 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
2984 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
2985 * console.</dd>
2986 * </dl>
2987 *
2988 * @webonly
2989 *
2990 * @example
2991 * ```javascript
2992 * // Creates the provider object.
2993 * var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
2994 * // You can add additional scopes to the provider:
2995 * provider.addScope('email');
2996 * provider.addScope('user_friends');
2997 * // Sign in with popup:
2998 * auth.signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
2999 * // The firebase.User instance:
3000 * var user = result.user;
3001 * // The Facebook firebase.auth.AuthCredential containing the Facebook
3002 * // access token:
3003 * var credential = result.credential;
3004 * }, function(error) {
3005 * // The provider's account email, can be used in case of
3006 * // auth/account-exists-with-different-credential to fetch the providers
3007 * // linked to the email:
3008 * var email = error.email;
3009 * // The provider's credential:
3010 * var credential = error.credential;
3011 * // In case of auth/account-exists-with-different-credential error,
3012 * // you can fetch the providers using this:
3013 * if (error.code === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential') {
3014 * auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(email).then(function(providers) {
3015 * // The returned 'providers' is a list of the available providers
3016 * // linked to the email address. Please refer to the guide for a more
3017 * // complete explanation on how to recover from this error.
3018 * });
3019 * }
3020 * });
3021 * ```
3022 *
3023 * @param provider The provider to authenticate.
3024 * The provider has to be an OAuth provider. Non-OAuth providers like {@link
3025 * firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider} will throw an error.
3026 */
3027 signInWithPopup(
3028 provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider
3029 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
3030 /**
3031 * Authenticates a Firebase client using a full-page redirect flow. To handle
3032 * the results and errors for this operation, refer to {@link
3033 * firebase.auth.Auth.getRedirectResult}.
3034 *
3035 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
3036 * <dl>
3037 * <dt>auth/auth-domain-config-required</dt>
3038 * <dd>Thrown if authDomain configuration is not provided when calling
3039 * firebase.initializeApp(). Check Firebase Console for instructions on
3040 * determining and passing that field.</dd>
3041 * <dt>auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment</dt>
3042 * <dd>Thrown if this operation is not supported in the environment your
3043 * application is running on. "location.protocol" must be http or https.
3044 * </dd>
3045 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
3046 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
3047 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
3048 * console.</dd>
3049 * </dl>
3050 *
3051 * @webonly
3052 *
3053 * @param provider The provider to authenticate.
3054 * The provider has to be an OAuth provider. Non-OAuth providers like {@link
3055 * firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider} will throw an error.
3056 */
3057 signInWithRedirect(provider: firebase.auth.AuthProvider): Promise<void>;
3058 /**
3059 * Signs out the current user.
3060 */
3061 signOut(): Promise<void>;
3062 /**
3063 * The current Auth instance's tenant ID. This is a readable/writable
3064 * property. When you set the tenant ID of an Auth instance, all future
3065 * sign-in/sign-up operations will pass this tenant ID and sign in or
3066 * sign up users to the specified tenant project.
3067 * When set to null, users are signed in to the parent project. By default,
3068 * this is set to null.
3069 *
3070 * @example
3071 * ```javascript
3072 * // Set the tenant ID on Auth instance.
3073 * firebase.auth().tenantId = ‘TENANT_PROJECT_ID’;
3074 *
3075 * // All future sign-in request now include tenant ID.
3076 * firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
3077 * .then(function(result) {
3078 * // result.user.tenantId should be ‘TENANT_PROJECT_ID’.
3079 * }).catch(function(error) {
3080 * // Handle error.
3081 * });
3082 * ```
3083 */
3084 tenantId: string | null;
3085 /**
3086 * Asynchronously sets the provided user as `currentUser` on the current Auth
3087 * instance. A new instance copy of the user provided will be made and set as
3088 * `currentUser`.
3089 *
3090 * This will trigger {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} and
3091 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onIdTokenChanged} listeners like other sign in
3092 * methods.
3093 *
3094 * The operation fails with an error if the user to be updated belongs to a
3095 * different Firebase project.
3096 *
3097 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
3098 * <dl>
3099 * <dt>auth/invalid-user-token</dt>
3100 * <dd>Thrown if the user to be updated belongs to a diffent Firebase
3101 * project.</dd>
3102 * <dt>auth/user-token-expired</dt>
3103 * <dd>Thrown if the token of the user to be updated is expired.</dd>
3104 * <dt>auth/null-user</dt>
3105 * <dd>Thrown if the user to be updated is null.</dd>
3106 * <dt>auth/tenant-id-mismatch</dt>
3107 * <dd>Thrown if the provided user's tenant ID does not match the
3108 * underlying Auth instance's configured tenant ID</dd>
3109 * </dl>
3110 */
3111 updateCurrentUser(user: firebase.User | null): Promise<void>;
3112 /**
3113 * Sets the current language to the default device/browser preference.
3114 */
3115 useDeviceLanguage(): void;
3116 /**
3117 * Checks a password reset code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band
3118 * mechanism.
3119 *
3120 * Returns the user's email address if valid.
3121 *
3122 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
3123 * <dl>
3124 * <dt>auth/expired-action-code</dt>
3125 * <dd>Thrown if the password reset code has expired.</dd>
3126 * <dt>auth/invalid-action-code</dt>
3127 * <dd>Thrown if the password reset code is invalid. This can happen if the code
3128 * is malformed or has already been used.</dd>
3129 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
3130 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given password reset code has
3131 * been disabled.</dd>
3132 * <dt>auth/user-not-found</dt>
3133 * <dd>Thrown if there is no user corresponding to the password reset code. This
3134 * may have happened if the user was deleted between when the code was
3135 * issued and when this method was called.</dd>
3136 * </dl>
3137 *
3138 * @param code A verification code sent to the user.
3139 */
3140 verifyPasswordResetCode(code: string): Promise<string>;
3141 }
3143 /**
3144 * Interface that represents the credentials returned by an auth provider.
3145 * Implementations specify the details about each auth provider's credential
3146 * requirements.
3147 *
3148 */
3149 abstract class AuthCredential {
3150 /**
3151 * The authentication provider ID for the credential.
3152 * For example, 'facebook.com', or 'google.com'.
3153 */
3154 providerId: string;
3155 /**
3156 * The authentication sign in method for the credential.
3157 * For example, 'password', or 'emailLink. This corresponds to the sign-in
3158 * method identifier as returned in
3159 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
3160 */
3161 signInMethod: string;
3162 /**
3163 * Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.
3164 */
3165 toJSON(): Object;
3166 /**
3167 * Static method to deserialize a JSON representation of an object into an
3168 * {@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}. Input can be either Object or the
3169 * stringified representation of the object. When string is provided,
3170 * JSON.parse would be called first. If the JSON input does not represent
3171 * an`AuthCredential`, null is returned.
3172 * @param json The plain object representation of an
3173 * AuthCredential.
3174 */
3175 static fromJSON(json: Object | string): AuthCredential | null;
3176 }
3178 /**
3179 * Interface that represents the OAuth credentials returned by an OAuth
3180 * provider. Implementations specify the details about each auth provider's
3181 * credential requirements.
3182 *
3183 */
3184 class OAuthCredential extends AuthCredential {
3185 private constructor();
3186 /**
3187 * The OAuth ID token associated with the credential if it belongs to an
3188 * OIDC provider, such as `google.com`.
3189 */
3190 idToken?: string;
3191 /**
3192 * The OAuth access token associated with the credential if it belongs to
3193 * an OAuth provider, such as `facebook.com`, `twitter.com`, etc.
3194 */
3195 accessToken?: string;
3196 /**
3197 * The OAuth access token secret associated with the credential if it
3198 * belongs to an OAuth 1.0 provider, such as `twitter.com`.
3199 */
3200 secret?: string;
3201 }
3203 /**
3204 * Interface that represents an auth provider.
3205 */
3206 interface AuthProvider {
3207 providerId: string;
3208 }
3210 /**
3211 * A result from a phone number sign-in, link, or reauthenticate call.
3212 */
3213 interface ConfirmationResult {
3214 /**
3215 * Finishes a phone number sign-in, link, or reauthentication, given the code
3216 * that was sent to the user's mobile device.
3217 *
3218 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
3219 * <dl>
3220 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
3221 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is not valid.</dd>
3222 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-code</dt>
3223 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is missing.</dd>
3224 * </dl>
3225 */
3226 confirm(verificationCode: string): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
3227 /**
3228 * The phone number authentication operation's verification ID. This can be used
3229 * along with the verification code to initialize a phone auth credential.
3230 */
3231 verificationId: string;
3232 }
3234 /**
3235 * Email and password auth provider implementation.
3236 *
3237 * To authenticate: {@link firebase.auth.Auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword}
3238 * and {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword}.
3239 */
3240 class EmailAuthProvider extends EmailAuthProvider_Instance {
3241 static PROVIDER_ID: string;
3242 /**
3243 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
3244 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
3245 */
3246 static EMAIL_PASSWORD_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
3247 /**
3248 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
3249 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
3250 */
3251 static EMAIL_LINK_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
3252 /**
3253 * @example
3254 * ```javascript
3255 * var cred = firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(
3256 * email,
3257 * password
3258 * );
3259 * ```
3260 *
3261 * @param email Email address.
3262 * @param password User account password.
3263 * @return The auth provider credential.
3264 */
3265 static credential(
3266 email: string,
3267 password: string
3268 ): firebase.auth.AuthCredential;
3269 /**
3270 * Initialize an `EmailAuthProvider` credential using an email and an email link
3271 * after a sign in with email link operation.
3272 *
3273 * @example
3274 * ```javascript
3275 * var cred = firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithLink(
3276 * email,
3277 * emailLink
3278 * );
3279 * ```
3280 *
3281 * @param email Email address.
3282 * @param emailLink Sign-in email link.
3283 * @return The auth provider credential.
3284 */
3285 static credentialWithLink(
3286 email: string,
3287 emailLink: string
3288 ): firebase.auth.AuthCredential;
3289 }
3290 /**
3291 * @hidden
3292 */
3293 class EmailAuthProvider_Instance implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
3294 providerId: string;
3295 }
3297 /**
3298 * An authentication error.
3299 * For method-specific error codes, refer to the specific methods in the
3300 * documentation. For common error codes, check the reference below. Use {@link
3301 * firebase.auth.Error#code} to get the specific error code. For a detailed
3302 * message, use {@link firebase.auth.Error.message}.
3303 * Errors with the code <strong>auth/account-exists-with-different-credential
3304 * </strong> will have the additional fields <strong>email</strong> and <strong>
3305 * credential</strong> which are needed to provide a way to resolve these
3306 * specific errors. Refer to {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithPopup} for more
3307 * information.
3308 *
3309 * <h4>Common Error Codes</h4>
3310 * <dl>
3311 * <dt>auth/app-deleted</dt>
3312 * <dd>Thrown if the instance of FirebaseApp has been deleted.</dd>
3313 * <dt>auth/app-not-authorized</dt>
3314 * <dd>Thrown if the app identified by the domain where it's hosted, is not
3315 * authorized to use Firebase Authentication with the provided API key.
3316 * Review your key configuration in the Google API console.</dd>
3317 * <dt>auth/argument-error</dt>
3318 * <dd>Thrown if a method is called with incorrect arguments.</dd>
3319 * <dt>auth/invalid-api-key</dt>
3320 * <dd>Thrown if the provided API key is invalid. Please check that you have
3321 * copied it correctly from the Firebase Console.</dd>
3322 * <dt>auth/invalid-user-token</dt>
3323 * <dd>Thrown if the user's credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in
3324 * again.</dd>
3325 * <dt>auth/invalid-tenant-id</dt>
3326 * <dd>Thrown if the tenant ID provided is invalid.</dd>
3327 * <dt>auth/network-request-failed</dt>
3328 * <dd>Thrown if a network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or
3329 * unreachable host) has occurred.</dd>
3330 * <dt>auth/operation-not-allowed</dt>
3331 * <dd>Thrown if you have not enabled the provider in the Firebase Console. Go
3332 * to the Firebase Console for your project, in the Auth section and the
3333 * <strong>Sign in Method</strong> tab and configure the provider.</dd>
3334 * <dt>auth/requires-recent-login</dt>
3335 * <dd>Thrown if the user's last sign-in time does not meet the security
3336 * threshold. Use {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} to
3337 * resolve. This does not apply if the user is anonymous.</dd>
3338 * <dt>auth/too-many-requests</dt>
3339 * <dd>Thrown if requests are blocked from a device due to unusual activity.
3340 * Trying again after some delay would unblock.</dd>
3341 * <dt>auth/unauthorized-domain</dt>
3342 * <dd>Thrown if the app domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your
3343 * Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase
3344 * console.</dd>
3345 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
3346 * <dd>Thrown if the user account has been disabled by an administrator.
3347 * Accounts can be enabled or disabled in the Firebase Console, the Auth
3348 * section and Users subsection.</dd>
3349 * <dt>auth/user-token-expired</dt>
3350 * <dd>Thrown if the user's credential has expired. This could also be thrown if
3351 * a user has been deleted. Prompting the user to sign in again should
3352 * resolve this for either case.</dd>
3353 * <dt>auth/web-storage-unsupported</dt>
3354 * <dd>Thrown if the browser does not support web storage or if the user
3355 * disables them.</dd>
3356 * </dl>
3357 */
3358 interface Error {
3359 /**
3360 * Unique error code.
3361 */
3362 code: string;
3363 /**
3364 * Complete error message.
3365 */
3366 message: string;
3367 }
3369 /**
3370 * The account conflict error.
3371 * Refer to {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithPopup} for more information.
3372 *
3373 * <h4>Common Error Codes</h4>
3374 * <dl>
3375 * <dt>auth/account-exists-with-different-credential</dt>
3376 * <dd>Thrown if there already exists an account with the email address
3377 * asserted by the credential. Resolve this by calling
3378 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail} with the error.email
3379 * and then asking the user to sign in using one of the returned providers.
3380 * Once the user is signed in, the original credential retrieved from the
3381 * error.credential can be linked to the user with
3382 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} to prevent the user from signing
3383 * in again to the original provider via popup or redirect. If you are using
3384 * redirects for sign in, save the credential in session storage and then
3385 * retrieve on redirect and repopulate the credential using for example
3386 * {@link firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential} depending on the
3387 * credential provider id and complete the link.</dd>
3388 * <dt>auth/credential-already-in-use</dt>
3389 * <dd>Thrown if the account corresponding to the credential already exists
3390 * among your users, or is already linked to a Firebase User.
3391 * For example, this error could be thrown if you are upgrading an anonymous
3392 * user to a Google user by linking a Google credential to it and the Google
3393 * credential used is already associated with an existing Firebase Google
3394 * user.
3395 * The fields <code>error.email</code>, <code>error.phoneNumber</code>, and
3396 * <code>error.credential</code> ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential})
3397 * may be provided, depending on the type of credential. You can recover
3398 * from this error by signing in with <code>error.credential</code> directly
3399 * via {@link firebase.auth.Auth.signInWithCredential}.</dd>
3400 * <dt>auth/email-already-in-use</dt>
3401 * <dd>Thrown if the email corresponding to the credential already exists
3402 * among your users. When thrown while linking a credential to an existing
3403 * user, an <code>error.email</code> and <code>error.credential</code>
3404 * ({@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential}) fields are also provided.
3405 * You have to link the credential to the existing user with that email if
3406 * you wish to continue signing in with that credential. To do so, call
3407 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}, sign in to
3408 * <code>error.email</code> via one of the providers returned and then
3409 * {@link firebase.User.linkWithCredential} the original credential to that
3410 * newly signed in user.</dd>
3411 * </dl>
3412 */
3413 interface AuthError extends firebase.auth.Error {
3414 /**
3415 * The {@link firebase.auth.AuthCredential} that can be used to resolve the
3416 * error.
3417 */
3418 credential?: firebase.auth.AuthCredential;
3419 /**
3420 * The email of the user's account used for sign-in/linking.
3421 */
3422 email?: string;
3423 /**
3424 * The phone number of the user's account used for sign-in/linking.
3425 */
3426 phoneNumber?: string;
3427 /**
3428 * The tenant ID being used for sign-in/linking. If you use
3429 * {@link firebase.auth.signInWithRedirect} to sign in, you have to
3430 * set the tenant ID on Auth instanace again as the tenant ID is not
3431 * persisted after redirection.
3432 */
3433 tenantId?: string;
3434 }
3436 /**
3437 * The error thrown when the user needs to provide a second factor to sign in
3438 * successfully.
3439 * The error code for this error is <code>auth/multi-factor-auth-required</code>.
3440 * This error provides a {@link firebase.auth.MultiFactorResolver} object,
3441 * which you can use to get the second sign-in factor from the user.
3442 *
3443 * @example
3444 * ```javascript
3445 * firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword()
3446 * .then(function(result) {
3447 * // User signed in. No 2nd factor challenge is needed.
3448 * })
3449 * .catch(function(error) {
3450 * if (error.code == 'auth/multi-factor-auth-required') {
3451 * var resolver = error.resolver;
3452 * var multiFactorHints = resolver.hints;
3453 * } else {
3454 * // Handle other errors.
3455 * }
3456 * });
3457 *
3458 * resolver.resolveSignIn(multiFactorAssertion)
3459 * .then(function(userCredential) {
3460 * // User signed in.
3461 * });
3462 * ```
3463 */
3464 interface MultiFactorError extends firebase.auth.AuthError {
3465 /**
3466 * The multi-factor resolver to complete second factor sign-in.
3467 */
3468 resolver: firebase.auth.MultiFactorResolver;
3469 }
3471 /**
3472 * Facebook auth provider.
3473 *
3474 * @example
3475 * ```javascript
3476 * // Sign in using a redirect.
3477 * firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
3478 * if (result.credential) {
3479 * // This gives you a Google Access Token.
3480 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3481 * }
3482 * var user = result.user;
3483 * })
3484 * // Start a sign in process for an unauthenticated user.
3485 * var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
3486 * provider.addScope('user_birthday');
3487 * firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider);
3488 * ```
3489 *
3490 * @example
3491 * ```javascript
3492 * // Sign in using a popup.
3493 * var provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
3494 * provider.addScope('user_birthday');
3495 * firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
3496 * // This gives you a Facebook Access Token.
3497 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3498 * // The signed-in user info.
3499 * var user = result.user;
3500 * });
3501 * ```
3502 *
3503 * @see {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} to receive sign in state
3504 * changes.
3505 */
3506 class FacebookAuthProvider extends FacebookAuthProvider_Instance {
3507 static PROVIDER_ID: string;
3508 /**
3509 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
3510 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
3511 */
3512 static FACEBOOK_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
3513 /**
3514 * @example
3515 * ```javascript
3516 * var cred = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
3517 * // `event` from the Facebook auth.authResponseChange callback.
3518 * event.authResponse.accessToken
3519 * );
3520 * ```
3521 *
3522 * @param token Facebook access token.
3523 */
3524 static credential(token: string): firebase.auth.OAuthCredential;
3525 }
3526 /**
3527 * @hidden
3528 */
3529 class FacebookAuthProvider_Instance implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
3530 /**
3531 * @param scope Facebook OAuth scope.
3532 * @return The provider instance itself.
3533 */
3534 addScope(scope: string): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3535 providerId: string;
3536 /**
3537 * Sets the OAuth custom parameters to pass in a Facebook OAuth request for
3538 * popup and redirect sign-in operations.
3539 * Valid parameters include 'auth_type', 'display' and 'locale'.
3540 * For a detailed list, check the
3541 * {@link https://goo.gl/pve4fo Facebook}
3542 * documentation.
3543 * Reserved required OAuth 2.0 parameters such as 'client_id', 'redirect_uri',
3544 * 'scope', 'response_type' and 'state' are not allowed and will be ignored.
3545 * @param customOAuthParameters The custom OAuth parameters to pass
3546 * in the OAuth request.
3547 * @return The provider instance itself.
3548 */
3549 setCustomParameters(
3550 customOAuthParameters: Object
3551 ): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3552 }
3554 /**
3555 * GitHub auth provider.
3556 *
3557 * GitHub requires an OAuth 2.0 redirect, so you can either handle the redirect
3558 * directly, or use the signInWithPopup handler:
3559 *
3560 * @example
3561 * ```javascript
3562 * // Using a redirect.
3563 * firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
3564 * if (result.credential) {
3565 * // This gives you a GitHub Access Token.
3566 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3567 * }
3568 * var user = result.user;
3569 * }).catch(function(error) {
3570 * // Handle Errors here.
3571 * var errorCode = error.code;
3572 * var errorMessage = error.message;
3573 * // The email of the user's account used.
3574 * var email = error.email;
3575 * // The firebase.auth.AuthCredential type that was used.
3576 * var credential = error.credential;
3577 * if (errorCode === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential') {
3578 * alert('You have signed up with a different provider for that email.');
3579 * // Handle linking here if your app allows it.
3580 * } else {
3581 * console.error(error);
3582 * }
3583 * });
3584 *
3585 * // Start a sign in process for an unauthenticated user.
3586 * var provider = new firebase.auth.GithubAuthProvider();
3587 * provider.addScope('repo');
3588 * firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider);
3589 * ```
3590 *
3591 * @example
3592 * ```javascript
3593 * // With popup.
3594 * var provider = new firebase.auth.GithubAuthProvider();
3595 * provider.addScope('repo');
3596 * firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
3597 * // This gives you a GitHub Access Token.
3598 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3599 * // The signed-in user info.
3600 * var user = result.user;
3601 * }).catch(function(error) {
3602 * // Handle Errors here.
3603 * var errorCode = error.code;
3604 * var errorMessage = error.message;
3605 * // The email of the user's account used.
3606 * var email = error.email;
3607 * // The firebase.auth.AuthCredential type that was used.
3608 * var credential = error.credential;
3609 * if (errorCode === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential') {
3610 * alert('You have signed up with a different provider for that email.');
3611 * // Handle linking here if your app allows it.
3612 * } else {
3613 * console.error(error);
3614 * }
3615 * });
3616 * ```
3617 *
3618 * @see {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} to receive sign in state
3619 * changes.
3620 */
3621 class GithubAuthProvider extends GithubAuthProvider_Instance {
3622 static PROVIDER_ID: string;
3623 /**
3624 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
3625 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
3626 */
3627 static GITHUB_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
3628 /**
3629 * @example
3630 * ```javascript
3631 * var cred = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
3632 * // `event` from the Facebook auth.authResponseChange callback.
3633 * event.authResponse.accessToken
3634 * );
3635 * ```
3636 *
3637 * @param token Github access token.
3638 * @return {!firebase.auth.OAuthCredential} The auth provider credential.
3639 */
3640 static credential(token: string): firebase.auth.OAuthCredential;
3641 }
3642 /**
3643 * @hidden
3644 */
3645 class GithubAuthProvider_Instance implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
3646 /**
3647 * @param scope Github OAuth scope.
3648 * @return The provider instance itself.
3649 */
3650 addScope(scope: string): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3651 providerId: string;
3652 /**
3653 * Sets the OAuth custom parameters to pass in a GitHub OAuth request for popup
3654 * and redirect sign-in operations.
3655 * Valid parameters include 'allow_signup'.
3656 * For a detailed list, check the
3657 * {@link https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/ GitHub} documentation.
3658 * Reserved required OAuth 2.0 parameters such as 'client_id', 'redirect_uri',
3659 * 'scope', 'response_type' and 'state' are not allowed and will be ignored.
3660 * @param customOAuthParameters The custom OAuth parameters to pass
3661 * in the OAuth request.
3662 * @return The provider instance itself.
3663 */
3664 setCustomParameters(
3665 customOAuthParameters: Object
3666 ): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3667 }
3669 /**
3670 * Google auth provider.
3671 *
3672 * @example
3673 * ```javascript
3674 * // Using a redirect.
3675 * firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
3676 * if (result.credential) {
3677 * // This gives you a Google Access Token.
3678 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3679 * }
3680 * var user = result.user;
3681 * });
3682 *
3683 * // Start a sign in process for an unauthenticated user.
3684 * var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
3685 * provider.addScope('profile');
3686 * provider.addScope('email');
3687 * firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider);
3688 * ```
3689 *
3690 * @example
3691 * ```javascript
3692 * // Using a popup.
3693 * var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
3694 * provider.addScope('profile');
3695 * provider.addScope('email');
3696 * firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
3697 * // This gives you a Google Access Token.
3698 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3699 * // The signed-in user info.
3700 * var user = result.user;
3701 * });
3702 * ```
3703 *
3704 * @see {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} to receive sign in state
3705 * changes.
3706 */
3707 class GoogleAuthProvider extends GoogleAuthProvider_Instance {
3708 static PROVIDER_ID: string;
3709 /**
3710 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
3711 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
3712 */
3713 static GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
3714 /**
3715 * Creates a credential for Google. At least one of ID token and access token
3716 * is required.
3717 *
3718 * @example
3719 * ```javascript
3720 * // \`googleUser\` from the onsuccess Google Sign In callback.
3721 * var credential = firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
3722 googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token);
3723 * firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential)
3724 * ```
3725 * @param idToken Google ID token.
3726 * @param accessToken Google access token.
3727 * @return The auth provider credential.
3728 */
3729 static credential(
3730 idToken?: string | null,
3731 accessToken?: string | null
3732 ): firebase.auth.OAuthCredential;
3733 }
3734 /**
3735 * @hidden
3736 */
3737 class GoogleAuthProvider_Instance implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
3738 /**
3739 * @param scope Google OAuth scope.
3740 * @return The provider instance itself.
3741 */
3742 addScope(scope: string): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3743 providerId: string;
3744 /**
3745 * Sets the OAuth custom parameters to pass in a Google OAuth request for popup
3746 * and redirect sign-in operations.
3747 * Valid parameters include 'hd', 'hl', 'include_granted_scopes', 'login_hint'
3748 * and 'prompt'.
3749 * For a detailed list, check the
3750 * {@link https://goo.gl/Xo01Jm Google}
3751 * documentation.
3752 * Reserved required OAuth 2.0 parameters such as 'client_id', 'redirect_uri',
3753 * 'scope', 'response_type' and 'state' are not allowed and will be ignored.
3754 * @param customOAuthParameters The custom OAuth parameters to pass
3755 * in the OAuth request.
3756 * @return The provider instance itself.
3757 */
3758 setCustomParameters(
3759 customOAuthParameters: Object
3760 ): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3761 }
3763 /**
3764 * Generic OAuth provider.
3765 *
3766 * @example
3767 * ```javascript
3768 * // Using a redirect.
3769 * firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
3770 * if (result.credential) {
3771 * // This gives you the OAuth Access Token for that provider.
3772 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3773 * }
3774 * var user = result.user;
3775 * });
3776 *
3777 * // Start a sign in process for an unauthenticated user.
3778 * var provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('google.com');
3779 * provider.addScope('profile');
3780 * provider.addScope('email');
3781 * firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider);
3782 * ```
3783 * @example
3784 * ```javascript
3785 * // Using a popup.
3786 * var provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('google.com');
3787 * provider.addScope('profile');
3788 * provider.addScope('email');
3789 * firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
3790 * // This gives you the OAuth Access Token for that provider.
3791 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
3792 * // The signed-in user info.
3793 * var user = result.user;
3794 * });
3795 * ```
3796 *
3797 * @see {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} to receive sign in state
3798 * changes.
3799 * @param providerId The associated provider ID, such as `github.com`.
3800 */
3801 class OAuthProvider implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
3802 constructor(providerId: string);
3803 providerId: string;
3804 /**
3805 * @param scope Provider OAuth scope to add.
3806 */
3807 addScope(scope: string): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3808 /**
3809 * Creates a Firebase credential from a generic OAuth provider's access token or
3810 * ID token. The raw nonce is required when an ID token with a nonce field is
3811 * provided. The SHA-256 hash of the raw nonce must match the nonce field in
3812 * the ID token.
3813 *
3814 * @example
3815 * ```javascript
3816 * // `googleUser` from the onsuccess Google Sign In callback.
3817 * // Initialize a generate OAuth provider with a `google.com` providerId.
3818 * var provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('google.com');
3819 * var credential = provider.credential({
3820 * idToken: googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token,
3821 * });
3822 * firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential)
3823 * ```
3824 *
3825 * @param optionsOrIdToken Either the options object containing
3826 * the ID token, access token and raw nonce or the ID token string.
3827 * @param accessToken The OAuth access token.
3828 */
3829 credential(
3830 optionsOrIdToken: firebase.auth.OAuthCredentialOptions | string | null,
3831 accessToken?: string
3832 ): firebase.auth.OAuthCredential;
3833 /**
3834 * Sets the OAuth custom parameters to pass in an OAuth request for popup
3835 * and redirect sign-in operations.
3836 * For a detailed list, check the
3837 * reserved required OAuth 2.0 parameters such as `client_id`, `redirect_uri`,
3838 * `scope`, `response_type` and `state` are not allowed and will be ignored.
3839 * @param customOAuthParameters The custom OAuth parameters to pass
3840 * in the OAuth request.
3841 */
3842 setCustomParameters(
3843 customOAuthParameters: Object
3844 ): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
3845 }
3847 class SAMLAuthProvider implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
3848 constructor(providerId: string);
3849 providerId: string;
3850 }
3852 /**
3853 * Interface representing ID token result obtained from
3854 * {@link firebase.User.getIdTokenResult}. It contains the ID token JWT string
3855 * and other helper properties for getting different data associated with the
3856 * token as well as all the decoded payload claims.
3857 *
3858 * Note that these claims are not to be trusted as they are parsed client side.
3859 * Only server side verification can guarantee the integrity of the token
3860 * claims.
3861 */
3862 interface IdTokenResult {
3863 /**
3864 * The Firebase Auth ID token JWT string.
3865 */
3866 token: string;
3867 /**
3868 * The ID token expiration time formatted as a UTC string.
3869 */
3870 expirationTime: string;
3871 /**
3872 * The authentication time formatted as a UTC string. This is the time the
3873 * user authenticated (signed in) and not the time the token was refreshed.
3874 */
3875 authTime: string;
3876 /**
3877 * The ID token issued at time formatted as a UTC string.
3878 */
3879 issuedAtTime: string;
3880 /**
3881 * The sign-in provider through which the ID token was obtained (anonymous,
3882 * custom, phone, password, etc). Note, this does not map to provider IDs.
3883 */
3884 signInProvider: string | null;
3885 /**
3886 * The type of second factor associated with this session, provided the user
3887 * was multi-factor authenticated (eg. phone, etc).
3888 */
3889 signInSecondFactor: string | null;
3890 /**
3891 * The entire payload claims of the ID token including the standard reserved
3892 * claims as well as the custom claims.
3893 */
3894 claims: {
3895 [key: string]: any;
3896 };
3897 }
3899 /**
3900 * Defines the options for initializing an
3901 * {@link firebase.auth.OAuthCredential}. For ID tokens with nonce claim,
3902 * the raw nonce has to also be provided.
3903 */
3904 interface OAuthCredentialOptions {
3905 /**
3906 * The OAuth ID token used to initialize the OAuthCredential.
3907 */
3908 idToken?: string;
3909 /**
3910 * The OAuth access token used to initialize the OAuthCredential.
3911 */
3912 accessToken?: string;
3913 /**
3914 * The raw nonce associated with the ID token. It is required when an ID token
3915 * with a nonce field is provided. The SHA-256 hash of the raw nonce must match
3916 * the nonce field in the ID token.
3917 */
3918 rawNonce?: string;
3919 }
3921 /**
3922 * The base class for asserting ownership of a second factor. This is used to
3923 * facilitate enrollment of a second factor on an existing user
3924 * or sign-in of a user who already verified the first factor.
3925 *
3926 */
3927 abstract class MultiFactorAssertion {
3928 /**
3929 * The identifier of the second factor.
3930 */
3931 factorId: string;
3932 }
3934 /**
3935 * The class for asserting ownership of a phone second factor.
3936 */
3937 class PhoneMultiFactorAssertion extends firebase.auth.MultiFactorAssertion {
3938 private constructor();
3939 }
3941 /**
3942 * The class used to initialize {@link firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorAssertion}.
3943 */
3944 class PhoneMultiFactorGenerator {
3945 private constructor();
3946 /**
3947 * The identifier of the phone second factor: `phone`.
3948 */
3949 static FACTOR_ID: string;
3950 /**
3951 * Initializes the {@link firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorAssertion} to confirm ownership
3952 * of the phone second factor.
3953 */
3954 static assertion(
3955 phoneAuthCredential: firebase.auth.PhoneAuthCredential
3956 ): firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorAssertion;
3957 }
3959 /**
3960 * A structure containing the information of a second factor entity.
3961 */
3962 interface MultiFactorInfo {
3963 /**
3964 * The multi-factor enrollment ID.
3965 */
3966 uid: string;
3967 /**
3968 * The user friendly name of the current second factor.
3969 */
3970 displayName?: string | null;
3971 /**
3972 * The enrollment date of the second factor formatted as a UTC string.
3973 */
3974 enrollmentTime: string;
3975 /**
3976 * The identifier of the second factor.
3977 */
3978 factorId: string;
3979 }
3981 /**
3982 * The subclass of the MultiFactorInfo interface for phone number second factors.
3983 * The factorId of this second factor is
3984 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID}.
3985 */
3986 interface PhoneMultiFactorInfo extends firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo {
3987 /**
3988 * The phone number associated with the current second factor.
3989 */
3990 phoneNumber: string;
3991 }
3993 /**
3994 * The information required to verify the ownership of a phone number. The
3995 * information that's required depends on whether you are doing single-factor
3996 * sign-in, multi-factor enrollment or multi-factor sign-in.
3997 */
3998 type PhoneInfoOptions =
3999 | firebase.auth.PhoneSingleFactorInfoOptions
4000 | firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptions
4001 | firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorSignInInfoOptions;
4002 /**
4003 * The phone info options for single-factor sign-in. Only phone number is
4004 * required.
4005 */
4006 interface PhoneSingleFactorInfoOptions {
4007 phoneNumber: string;
4008 }
4010 /**
4011 * The phone info options for multi-factor enrollment. Phone number and
4012 * multi-factor session are required.
4013 */
4014 interface PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptions {
4015 phoneNumber: string;
4016 session: firebase.auth.MultiFactorSession;
4017 }
4019 /**
4020 * The phone info options for multi-factor sign-in. Either multi-factor hint or
4021 * multi-factor UID and multi-factor session are required.
4022 */
4023 interface PhoneMultiFactorSignInInfoOptions {
4024 multiFactorHint?: firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo;
4025 multiFactorUid?: string;
4026 session: firebase.auth.MultiFactorSession;
4027 }
4029 /**
4030 * The class used to facilitate recovery from
4031 * {@link firebase.auth.MultiFactorError} when a user needs to provide a second
4032 * factor to sign in.
4033 *
4034 * @example
4035 * ```javascript
4036 * firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword()
4037 * .then(function(result) {
4038 * // User signed in. No 2nd factor challenge is needed.
4039 * })
4040 * .catch(function(error) {
4041 * if (error.code == 'auth/multi-factor-auth-required') {
4042 * var resolver = error.resolver;
4043 * // Show UI to let user select second factor.
4044 * var multiFactorHints = resolver.hints;
4045 * } else {
4046 * // Handle other errors.
4047 * }
4048 * });
4049 *
4050 * // The enrolled second factors that can be used to complete
4051 * // sign-in are returned in the `MultiFactorResolver.hints` list.
4052 * // UI needs to be presented to allow the user to select a second factor
4053 * // from that list.
4054 *
4055 * var selectedHint = // ; selected from multiFactorHints
4056 * var phoneAuthProvider = new firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider();
4057 * var phoneInfoOptions = {
4058 * multiFactorHint: selectedHint,
4059 * session: resolver.session
4060 * };
4061 * phoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber(
4062 * phoneInfoOptions,
4063 * appVerifier
4064 * ).then(function(verificationId) {
4065 * // store verificationID and show UI to let user enter verification code.
4066 * });
4067 *
4068 * // UI to enter verification code and continue.
4069 * // Continue button click handler
4070 * var phoneAuthCredential =
4071 * firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, verificationCode);
4072 * var multiFactorAssertion =
4073 * firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.assertion(phoneAuthCredential);
4074 * resolver.resolveSignIn(multiFactorAssertion)
4075 * .then(function(userCredential) {
4076 * // User signed in.
4077 * });
4078 * ```
4079 */
4080 class MultiFactorResolver {
4081 private constructor();
4082 /**
4083 * The Auth instance used to sign in with the first factor.
4084 */
4085 auth: firebase.auth.Auth;
4086 /**
4087 * The session identifier for the current sign-in flow, which can be used
4088 * to complete the second factor sign-in.
4089 */
4090 session: firebase.auth.MultiFactorSession;
4091 /**
4092 * The list of hints for the second factors needed to complete the sign-in
4093 * for the current session.
4094 */
4095 hints: firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo[];
4096 /**
4097 * A helper function to help users complete sign in with a second factor
4098 * using an {@link firebase.auth.MultiFactorAssertion} confirming the user
4099 * successfully completed the second factor challenge.
4100 *
4101 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
4102 * <dl>
4103 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
4104 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is not valid.</dd>
4105 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-code</dt>
4106 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is missing.</dd>
4107 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
4108 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
4109 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
4110 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
4111 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-id</dt>
4112 * <dd>Thrown if the verification ID is missing.</dd>
4113 * <dt>auth/code-expired</dt>
4114 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code has expired.</dd>
4115 * <dt>auth/invalid-multi-factor-session</dt>
4116 * <dd>Thrown if the request does not contain a valid proof of first factor
4117 * successful sign-in.</dd>
4118 * <dt>auth/missing-multi-factor-session</dt>
4119 * <dd>Thrown if The request is missing proof of first factor successful
4120 * sign-in.</dd>
4121 * </dl>
4122 *
4123 * @param assertion The multi-factor assertion to resolve sign-in with.
4124 * @return The promise that resolves with the user credential object.
4125 */
4126 resolveSignIn(
4127 assertion: firebase.auth.MultiFactorAssertion
4128 ): Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential>;
4129 }
4131 /**
4132 * The multi-factor session object used for enrolling a second factor on a
4133 * user or helping sign in an enrolled user with a second factor.
4134 */
4135 class MultiFactorSession {
4136 private constructor();
4137 }
4139 /**
4140 * Classes that represents the Phone Auth credentials returned by a
4141 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider}.
4142 *
4143 */
4144 class PhoneAuthCredential extends AuthCredential {
4145 private constructor();
4146 }
4148 /**
4149 * Phone number auth provider.
4150 *
4151 * @example
4152 * ```javascript
4153 * // 'recaptcha-container' is the ID of an element in the DOM.
4154 * var applicationVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
4155 * 'recaptcha-container');
4156 * var provider = new firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider();
4157 * provider.verifyPhoneNumber('+16505550101', applicationVerifier)
4158 * .then(function(verificationId) {
4159 * var verificationCode = window.prompt('Please enter the verification ' +
4160 * 'code that was sent to your mobile device.');
4161 * return firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId,
4162 * verificationCode);
4163 * })
4164 * .then(function(phoneCredential) {
4165 * return firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(phoneCredential);
4166 * });
4167 * ```
4168 * @param auth The Firebase Auth instance in which
4169 * sign-ins should occur. Uses the default Auth instance if unspecified.
4170 */
4171 class PhoneAuthProvider extends PhoneAuthProvider_Instance {
4172 static PROVIDER_ID: string;
4173 /**
4174 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
4175 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
4176 */
4177 static PHONE_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
4178 /**
4179 * Creates a phone auth credential, given the verification ID from
4180 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber} and the code
4181 * that was sent to the user's mobile device.
4182 *
4183 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
4184 * <dl>
4185 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-code</dt>
4186 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is missing.</dd>
4187 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-id</dt>
4188 * <dd>Thrown if the verification ID is missing.</dd>
4189 * </dl>
4190 *
4191 * @param verificationId The verification ID returned from
4192 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber}.
4193 * @param verificationCode The verification code sent to the user's
4194 * mobile device.
4195 * @return The auth provider credential.
4196 */
4197 static credential(
4198 verificationId: string,
4199 verificationCode: string
4200 ): firebase.auth.AuthCredential;
4201 }
4202 /**
4203 * @hidden
4204 */
4205 class PhoneAuthProvider_Instance implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
4206 constructor(auth?: firebase.auth.Auth | null);
4207 providerId: string;
4208 /**
4209 * Starts a phone number authentication flow by sending a verification code to
4210 * the given phone number. Returns an ID that can be passed to
4211 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} to identify this flow.
4212 *
4213 * For abuse prevention, this method also requires a
4214 * {@link firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier}. The Firebase Auth SDK includes
4215 * a reCAPTCHA-based implementation, {@link firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier}.
4216 *
4217 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
4218 * <dl>
4219 * <dt>auth/captcha-check-failed</dt>
4220 * <dd>Thrown if the reCAPTCHA response token was invalid, expired, or if
4221 * this method was called from a non-whitelisted domain.</dd>
4222 * <dt>auth/invalid-phone-number</dt>
4223 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number has an invalid format.</dd>
4224 * <dt>auth/missing-phone-number</dt>
4225 * <dd>Thrown if the phone number is missing.</dd>
4226 * <dt>auth/quota-exceeded</dt>
4227 * <dd>Thrown if the SMS quota for the Firebase project has been exceeded.</dd>
4228 * <dt>auth/user-disabled</dt>
4229 * <dd>Thrown if the user corresponding to the given phone number has been
4230 * disabled.</dd>
4231 * <dt>auth/maximum-second-factor-count-exceeded</dt>
4232 * <dd>Thrown if The maximum allowed number of second factors on a user
4233 * has been exceeded.</dd>
4234 * <dt>auth/second-factor-already-in-use</dt>
4235 * <dd>Thrown if the second factor is already enrolled on this account.</dd>
4236 * <dt>auth/unsupported-first-factor</dt>
4237 * <dd>Thrown if the first factor being used to sign in is not supported.</dd>
4238 * <dt>auth/unverified-email</dt>
4239 * <dd>Thrown if the email of the account is not verified.</dd>
4240 * </dl>
4241 *
4242 * @param phoneInfoOptions The user's {@link firebase.auth.PhoneInfoOptions}.
4243 * The phone number should be in E.164 format (e.g. +16505550101).
4244 * @param applicationVerifier
4245 * @return A Promise for the verification ID.
4246 */
4247 verifyPhoneNumber(
4248 phoneInfoOptions: firebase.auth.PhoneInfoOptions | string,
4249 applicationVerifier: firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier
4250 ): Promise<string>;
4251 }
4253 /**
4254 * An {@link https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ reCAPTCHA}-based application
4255 * verifier.
4256 *
4257 * @webonly
4258 *
4259 * @param container The reCAPTCHA container parameter. This
4260 * has different meaning depending on whether the reCAPTCHA is hidden or
4261 * visible. For a visible reCAPTCHA the container must be empty. If a string
4262 * is used, it has to correspond to an element ID. The corresponding element
4263 * must also must be in the DOM at the time of initialization.
4264 * @param parameters The optional reCAPTCHA parameters. Check the
4265 * reCAPTCHA docs for a comprehensive list. All parameters are accepted
4266 * except for the sitekey. Firebase Auth backend provisions a reCAPTCHA for
4267 * each project and will configure this upon rendering. For an invisible
4268 * reCAPTCHA, a size key must have the value 'invisible'.
4269 * @param app The corresponding Firebase app. If none is
4270 * provided, the default Firebase App instance is used. A Firebase App
4271 * instance must be initialized with an API key, otherwise an error will be
4272 * thrown.
4273 */
4274 class RecaptchaVerifier extends RecaptchaVerifier_Instance {}
4275 /**
4276 * @webonly
4277 * @hidden
4278 */
4279 class RecaptchaVerifier_Instance
4280 implements firebase.auth.ApplicationVerifier {
4281 constructor(
4282 container: any | string,
4283 parameters?: Object | null,
4284 app?: firebase.app.App | null
4285 );
4286 /**
4287 * Clears the reCAPTCHA widget from the page and destroys the current instance.
4288 */
4289 clear(): void;
4290 /**
4291 * Renders the reCAPTCHA widget on the page.
4292 * @return A Promise that resolves with the
4293 * reCAPTCHA widget ID.
4294 */
4295 render(): Promise<number>;
4296 /**
4297 * The application verifier type. For a reCAPTCHA verifier, this is 'recaptcha'.
4298 */
4299 type: string;
4300 /**
4301 * Waits for the user to solve the reCAPTCHA and resolves with the reCAPTCHA
4302 * token.
4303 * @return A Promise for the reCAPTCHA token.
4304 */
4305 verify(): Promise<string>;
4306 }
4308 /**
4309 * Twitter auth provider.
4310 *
4311 * @example
4312 * ```javascript
4313 * // Using a redirect.
4314 * firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
4315 * if (result.credential) {
4316 * // For accessing the Twitter API.
4317 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
4318 * var secret = result.credential.secret;
4319 * }
4320 * var user = result.user;
4321 * });
4322 *
4323 * // Start a sign in process for an unauthenticated user.
4324 * var provider = new firebase.auth.TwitterAuthProvider();
4325 * firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider);
4326 * ```
4327 * @example
4328 * ```javascript
4329 * // Using a popup.
4330 * var provider = new firebase.auth.TwitterAuthProvider();
4331 * firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
4332 * // For accessing the Twitter API.
4333 * var token = result.credential.accessToken;
4334 * var secret = result.credential.secret;
4335 * // The signed-in user info.
4336 * var user = result.user;
4337 * });
4338 * ```
4339 *
4340 * @see {@link firebase.auth.Auth.onAuthStateChanged} to receive sign in state
4341 * changes.
4342 */
4343 class TwitterAuthProvider extends TwitterAuthProvider_Instance {
4344 static PROVIDER_ID: string;
4345 /**
4346 * This corresponds to the sign-in method identifier as returned in
4347 * {@link firebase.auth.Auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail}.
4348 *
4349 */
4350 static TWITTER_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
4351 /**
4352 * @param token Twitter access token.
4353 * @param secret Twitter secret.
4354 * @return The auth provider credential.
4355 */
4356 static credential(
4357 token: string,
4358 secret: string
4359 ): firebase.auth.OAuthCredential;
4360 }
4361 /**
4362 * @hidden
4363 */
4364 class TwitterAuthProvider_Instance implements firebase.auth.AuthProvider {
4365 providerId: string;
4366 /**
4367 * Sets the OAuth custom parameters to pass in a Twitter OAuth request for popup
4368 * and redirect sign-in operations.
4369 * Valid parameters include 'lang'.
4370 * Reserved required OAuth 1.0 parameters such as 'oauth_consumer_key',
4371 * 'oauth_token', 'oauth_signature', etc are not allowed and will be ignored.
4372 * @param customOAuthParameters The custom OAuth parameters to pass
4373 * in the OAuth request.
4374 * @return The provider instance itself.
4375 */
4376 setCustomParameters(
4377 customOAuthParameters: Object
4378 ): firebase.auth.AuthProvider;
4379 }
4381 /**
4382 * A structure containing a User, an AuthCredential, the operationType, and
4383 * any additional user information that was returned from the identity provider.
4384 * operationType could be 'signIn' for a sign-in operation, 'link' for a linking
4385 * operation and 'reauthenticate' for a reauthentication operation.
4386 */
4387 type UserCredential = {
4388 additionalUserInfo?: firebase.auth.AdditionalUserInfo | null;
4389 credential: firebase.auth.AuthCredential | null;
4390 operationType?: string | null;
4391 user: firebase.User | null;
4392 };
4394 /**
4395 * Interface representing a user's metadata.
4396 */
4397 interface UserMetadata {
4398 creationTime?: string;
4399 lastSignInTime?: string;
4400 }
4404 * @webonly
4405 */
4406declare namespace firebase.analytics {
4407 /**
4408 * The Firebase Analytics service interface.
4409 *
4410 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
4411 * {@link firebase.analytics `firebase.analytics()`}.
4412 */
4413 export interface Analytics {
4414 /**
4415 * The {@link firebase.app.App app} associated with the `Analytics` service
4416 * instance.
4417 *
4418 * @example
4419 * ```javascript
4420 * var app = analytics.app;
4421 * ```
4422 */
4423 app: firebase.app.App;
4425 /**
4426 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4427 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4428 * app instance on this device.
4429 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4430 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4431 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4432 */
4433 logEvent(
4434 eventName: 'add_payment_info',
4435 eventParams?: {
4436 coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];
4437 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4438 items?: EventParams['items'];
4439 payment_type?: EventParams['payment_type'];
4440 value?: EventParams['value'];
4441 [key: string]: any;
4442 },
4443 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4444 ): void;
4446 /**
4447 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4448 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4449 * app instance on this device.
4450 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4451 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4452 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4453 */
4454 logEvent(
4455 eventName: 'add_shipping_info',
4456 eventParams: {
4457 coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];
4458 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4459 items?: EventParams['items'];
4460 shipping_tier?: EventParams['shipping_tier'];
4461 value?: EventParams['value'];
4462 [key: string]: any;
4463 },
4464 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4465 ): void;
4467 /**
4468 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4469 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4470 * app instance on this device.
4471 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4472 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4473 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4474 */
4475 logEvent(
4476 eventName: 'add_to_cart' | 'add_to_wishlist' | 'remove_from_cart',
4477 eventParams: {
4478 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4479 value?: EventParams['value'];
4480 items?: EventParams['items'];
4481 [key: string]: any;
4482 },
4483 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4484 ): void;
4486 /**
4487 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4488 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4489 * app instance on this device.
4490 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4491 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4492 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4493 */
4494 logEvent(
4495 eventName: 'begin_checkout',
4496 eventParams: {
4497 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4498 coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];
4499 value?: EventParams['value'];
4500 items?: EventParams['items'];
4501 [key: string]: any;
4502 },
4503 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4504 ): void;
4506 /**
4507 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4508 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4509 * app instance on this device.
4510 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4511 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4512 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4513 */
4514 logEvent(
4515 eventName: 'checkout_progress',
4516 eventParams: {
4517 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4518 coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];
4519 value?: EventParams['value'];
4520 items?: EventParams['items'];
4521 checkout_step?: EventParams['checkout_step'];
4522 checkout_option?: EventParams['checkout_option'];
4523 [key: string]: any;
4524 },
4525 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4526 ): void;
4528 /**
4529 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4530 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4531 * app instance on this device.
4532 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4533 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4534 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4535 */
4536 logEvent(
4537 eventName: 'exception',
4538 eventParams: {
4539 description?: EventParams['description'];
4540 fatal?: EventParams['fatal'];
4541 [key: string]: any;
4542 },
4543 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4544 ): void;
4546 /**
4547 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4548 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4549 * app instance on this device.
4550 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4551 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4552 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4553 */
4554 logEvent(
4555 eventName: 'generate_lead',
4556 eventParams: {
4557 value?: EventParams['value'];
4558 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4559 transaction_id?: EventParams['transaction_id'];
4560 [key: string]: any;
4561 },
4562 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4563 ): void;
4565 /**
4566 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4567 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4568 * app instance on this device.
4569 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4570 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4571 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4572 */
4573 logEvent(
4574 eventName: 'login',
4575 eventParams: {
4576 method?: EventParams['method'];
4577 [key: string]: any;
4578 },
4579 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4580 ): void;
4582 /**
4583 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4584 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4585 * app instance on this device.
4586 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4587 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4588 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4589 */
4590 logEvent(
4591 eventName: 'page_view',
4592 eventParams: {
4593 page_title?: string;
4594 page_location?: string;
4595 page_path?: string;
4596 [key: string]: any;
4597 },
4598 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4599 ): void;
4601 /**
4602 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4603 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4604 * app instance on this device.
4605 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4606 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4607 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4608 */
4609 logEvent(
4610 eventName: 'purchase' | 'refund',
4611 eventParams: {
4612 value?: EventParams['value'];
4613 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4614 transaction_id: EventParams['transaction_id'];
4615 tax?: EventParams['tax'];
4616 shipping?: EventParams['shipping'];
4617 items?: EventParams['items'];
4618 coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];
4619 affiliation?: EventParams['affiliation'];
4620 [key: string]: any;
4621 },
4622 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4623 ): void;
4625 /**
4626 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4627 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4628 * app instance on this device.
4629 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4630 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4631 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4632 */
4633 logEvent(
4634 eventName: 'screen_view',
4635 eventParams: {
4636 app_name: string;
4637 screen_name: EventParams['screen_name'];
4638 app_id?: string;
4639 app_version?: string;
4640 app_installer_id?: string;
4641 [key: string]: any;
4642 },
4643 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4644 ): void;
4646 /**
4647 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4648 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4649 * app instance on this device.
4650 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4651 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4652 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4653 */
4654 logEvent(
4655 eventName: 'search' | 'view_search_results',
4656 eventParams: {
4657 search_term?: EventParams['search_term'];
4658 [key: string]: any;
4659 },
4660 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4661 ): void;
4663 /**
4664 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4665 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4666 * app instance on this device.
4667 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4668 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4669 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4670 */
4671 logEvent(
4672 eventName: 'select_content',
4673 eventParams: {
4674 items?: EventParams['items'];
4675 promotions?: EventParams['promotions'];
4676 content_type?: EventParams['content_type'];
4677 content_id?: EventParams['content_id'];
4678 [key: string]: any;
4679 },
4680 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4681 ): void;
4683 /**
4684 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4685 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4686 * app instance on this device.
4687 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4688 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4689 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4690 */
4691 logEvent(
4692 eventName: 'select_item',
4693 eventParams: {
4694 items?: EventParams['items'];
4695 item_list_name?: EventParams['item_list_name'];
4696 item_list_id?: EventParams['item_list_id'];
4697 [key: string]: any;
4698 },
4699 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4700 ): void;
4702 /**
4703 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4704 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4705 * app instance on this device.
4706 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4707 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4708 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4709 */
4710 logEvent(
4711 eventName: 'select_promotion' | 'view_promotion',
4712 eventParams: {
4713 items?: EventParams['items'];
4714 promotion_id?: EventParams['promotion_id'];
4715 promotion_name?: EventParams['promotion_name'];
4716 [key: string]: any;
4717 },
4718 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4719 ): void;
4721 /**
4722 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4723 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4724 * app instance on this device.
4725 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4726 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4727 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4728 */
4729 logEvent(
4730 eventName: 'set_checkout_option',
4731 eventParams: {
4732 checkout_step?: EventParams['checkout_step'];
4733 checkout_option?: EventParams['checkout_option'];
4734 [key: string]: any;
4735 },
4736 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4737 ): void;
4739 /**
4740 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4741 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4742 * app instance on this device.
4743 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4744 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4745 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4746 */
4747 logEvent(
4748 eventName: 'share',
4749 eventParams: {
4750 method?: EventParams['method'];
4751 content_type?: EventParams['content_type'];
4752 content_id?: EventParams['content_id'];
4753 [key: string]: any;
4754 },
4755 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4756 ): void;
4758 /**
4759 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4760 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4761 * app instance on this device.
4762 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4763 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4764 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4765 */
4766 logEvent(
4767 eventName: 'sign_up',
4768 eventParams: {
4769 method?: EventParams['method'];
4770 [key: string]: any;
4771 },
4772 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4773 ): void;
4775 /**
4776 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4777 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4778 * app instance on this device.
4779 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4780 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4781 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4782 */
4783 logEvent(
4784 eventName: 'timing_complete',
4785 eventParams: {
4786 name: string;
4787 value: number;
4788 event_category?: string;
4789 event_label?: string;
4790 [key: string]: any;
4791 },
4792 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4793 ): void;
4795 /**
4796 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4797 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4798 * app instance on this device.
4799 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4800 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4801 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4802 */
4803 logEvent(
4804 eventName: 'view_cart' | 'view_item',
4805 eventParams: {
4806 currency?: EventParams['currency'];
4807 items?: EventParams['items'];
4808 value?: EventParams['value'];
4809 [key: string]: any;
4810 },
4811 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4812 ): void;
4814 /**
4815 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4816 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4817 * app instance on this device.
4818 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4819 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4820 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4821 */
4822 logEvent(
4823 eventName: 'view_item_list',
4824 eventParams: {
4825 items?: EventParams['items'];
4826 item_list_name?: EventParams['item_list_name'];
4827 item_list_id?: EventParams['item_list_id'];
4828 [key: string]: any;
4829 },
4830 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4831 ): void;
4833 /**
4834 * Sends analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method
4835 * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web
4836 * app instance on this device.
4837 * List of recommended event parameters can be found in
4838 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/event
4839 * the gtag.js reference documentation}.
4840 */
4841 logEvent<T extends string>(
4842 eventName: CustomEventName<T>,
4843 eventParams?: { [key: string]: any },
4844 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4845 ): void;
4847 /**
4848 * Use gtag 'config' command to set 'screen_name'.
4849 */
4850 setCurrentScreen(
4851 screenName: string,
4852 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4853 ): void;
4855 /**
4856 * Use gtag 'config' command to set 'user_id'.
4857 */
4858 setUserId(
4859 id: string,
4860 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4861 ): void;
4863 /**
4864 * Use gtag 'config' command to set all params specified.
4865 */
4866 setUserProperties(
4867 properties: firebase.analytics.CustomParams,
4868 options?: firebase.analytics.AnalyticsCallOptions
4869 ): void;
4871 /**
4872 * Sets whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device.
4873 * window['ga-disable-analyticsId'] = true;
4874 */
4875 setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
4876 }
4878 export type CustomEventName<T> = T extends EventNameString ? never : T;
4880 /**
4881 * Additional options that can be passed to Firebase Analytics method
4882 * calls such as `logEvent`, `setCurrentScreen`, etc.
4883 */
4884 export interface AnalyticsCallOptions {
4885 /**
4886 * If true, this config or event call applies globally to all
4887 * analytics properties on the page.
4888 */
4889 global: boolean;
4890 }
4892 /**
4893 * Specifies custom options for your Firebase Analytics instance.
4894 * You must set these before initializing `firebase.analytics()`.
4895 */
4896 export interface SettingsOptions {
4897 /** Sets custom name for `gtag` function. */
4898 gtagName?: string;
4899 /** Sets custom name for `dataLayer` array used by gtag. */
4900 dataLayerName?: string;
4901 }
4903 /**
4904 * Configures Firebase Analytics to use custom `gtag` or `dataLayer` names.
4905 * Intended to be used if `gtag.js` script has been installed on
4906 * this page independently of Firebase Analytics, and is using non-default
4907 * names for either the `gtag` function or for `dataLayer`.
4908 * Must be called before calling `firebase.analytics()` or it won't
4909 * have any effect.
4910 */
4911 export function settings(settings: firebase.analytics.SettingsOptions): void;
4913 /**
4914 * Standard gtag.js control parameters.
4915 * For more information, see
4916 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/parameter
4917 * the gtag.js documentation on parameters}.
4918 */
4919 export interface ControlParams {
4920 groups?: string | string[];
4921 send_to?: string | string[];
4922 event_callback?: () => void;
4923 event_timeout?: number;
4924 }
4926 /**
4927 * Standard gtag.js event parameters.
4928 * For more information, see
4929 * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/parameter
4930 * the gtag.js documentation on parameters}.
4931 */
4932 export interface EventParams {
4933 checkout_option?: string;
4934 checkout_step?: number;
4935 content_id?: string;
4936 content_type?: string;
4937 coupon?: string;
4938 currency?: string;
4939 description?: string;
4940 fatal?: boolean;
4941 items?: Item[];
4942 method?: string;
4943 number?: string;
4944 promotions?: Promotion[];
4945 screen_name?: string;
4946 search_term?: string;
4947 shipping?: Currency;
4948 tax?: Currency;
4949 transaction_id?: string;
4950 value?: number;
4951 event_label?: string;
4952 event_category: string;
4953 shipping_tier?: string;
4954 item_list_id?: string;
4955 item_list_name?: string;
4956 promotion_id?: string;
4957 promotion_name?: string;
4958 payment_type?: string;
4959 affiliation?: string;
4960 }
4962 /**
4963 * Any custom params the user may pass to gtag.js.
4964 */
4965 export interface CustomParams {
4966 [key: string]: any;
4967 }
4969 /**
4970 * Type for standard gtag.js event names. `logEvent` also accepts any
4971 * custom string and interprets it as a custom event name.
4972 */
4973 export type EventNameString =
4974 | 'add_payment_info'
4975 | 'add_shipping_info'
4976 | 'add_to_cart'
4977 | 'add_to_wishlist'
4978 | 'begin_checkout'
4979 | 'checkout_progress'
4980 | 'exception'
4981 | 'generate_lead'
4982 | 'login'
4983 | 'page_view'
4984 | 'purchase'
4985 | 'refund'
4986 | 'remove_from_cart'
4987 | 'screen_view'
4988 | 'search'
4989 | 'select_content'
4990 | 'select_item'
4991 | 'select_promotion'
4992 | 'set_checkout_option'
4993 | 'share'
4994 | 'sign_up'
4995 | 'timing_complete'
4996 | 'view_cart'
4997 | 'view_item'
4998 | 'view_item_list'
4999 | 'view_promotion'
5000 | 'view_search_results';
5002 /**
5003 * Enum of standard gtag.js event names provided for convenient
5004 * developer usage. `logEvent` will also accept any custom string
5005 * and interpret it as a custom event name.
5006 */
5007 export enum EventName {
5008 ADD_PAYMENT_INFO = 'add_payment_info',
5009 ADD_SHIPPING_INFO = 'add_shipping_info',
5010 ADD_TO_CART = 'add_to_cart',
5011 ADD_TO_WISHLIST = 'add_to_wishlist',
5012 BEGIN_CHECKOUT = 'begin_checkout',
5013 /** @deprecated */
5014 CHECKOUT_PROGRESS = 'checkout_progress',
5015 EXCEPTION = 'exception',
5016 GENERATE_LEAD = 'generate_lead',
5017 LOGIN = 'login',
5018 PAGE_VIEW = 'page_view',
5019 PURCHASE = 'purchase',
5020 REFUND = 'refund',
5021 REMOVE_FROM_CART = 'remove_from_cart',
5022 SCREEN_VIEW = 'screen_view',
5023 SEARCH = 'search',
5024 SELECT_CONTENT = 'select_content',
5025 SELECT_ITEM = 'select_item',
5026 SELECT_PROMOTION = 'select_promotion',
5027 /** @deprecated */
5028 SET_CHECKOUT_OPTION = 'set_checkout_option',
5029 SHARE = 'share',
5030 SIGN_UP = 'sign_up',
5031 TIMING_COMPLETE = 'timing_complete',
5032 VIEW_CART = 'view_cart',
5033 VIEW_ITEM = 'view_item',
5034 VIEW_ITEM_LIST = 'view_item_list',
5035 VIEW_PROMOTION = 'view_promotion',
5036 VIEW_SEARCH_RESULTS = 'view_search_results'
5037 }
5039 export type Currency = string | number;
5041 export interface Item {
5042 item_id?: string;
5043 item_name?: string;
5044 item_brand?: string;
5045 item_category?: string;
5046 item_category2?: string;
5047 item_category3?: string;
5048 item_category4?: string;
5049 item_category5?: string;
5050 item_variant?: string;
5051 price?: Currency;
5052 quantity?: number;
5053 index?: number;
5054 coupon?: string;
5055 item_list_name?: string;
5056 item_list_id?: string;
5057 discount?: Currency;
5058 affiliation?: string;
5059 creative_name?: string;
5060 creative_slot?: string;
5061 promotion_id?: string;
5062 promotion_name?: string;
5063 location_id?: string;
5064 /** @deprecated Use item_brand instead. */
5065 brand?: string;
5066 /** @deprecated Use item_category instead. */
5067 category?: string;
5068 /** @deprecated Use item_id instead. */
5069 id?: string;
5070 /** @deprecated Use item_name instead. */
5071 name?: string;
5072 }
5074 /** @deprecated Use Item instead. */
5075 export interface Promotion {
5076 creative_name?: string;
5077 creative_slot?: string;
5078 id?: string;
5079 name?: string;
5080 }
5083declare namespace firebase.auth.Auth {
5084 type Persistence = string;
5085 /**
5086 * An enumeration of the possible persistence mechanism types.
5087 */
5088 var Persistence: {
5089 /**
5090 * Indicates that the state will be persisted even when the browser window is
5091 * closed or the activity is destroyed in react-native.
5092 */
5093 LOCAL: Persistence;
5094 /**
5095 * Indicates that the state will only be stored in memory and will be cleared
5096 * when the window or activity is refreshed.
5097 */
5098 NONE: Persistence;
5099 /**
5100 * Indicates that the state will only persist in current session/tab, relevant
5101 * to web only, and will be cleared when the tab is closed.
5102 */
5103 SESSION: Persistence;
5104 };
5107declare namespace firebase.User {
5108 /**
5109 * This is the interface that defines the multi-factor related properties and
5110 * operations pertaining to a {@link firebase.User}.
5111 */
5112 interface MultiFactorUser {
5113 /**
5114 * Returns a list of the user's enrolled second factors.
5115 */
5116 enrolledFactors: firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo[];
5117 /**
5118 * Enrolls a second factor as identified by the
5119 * {@link firebase.auth.MultiFactorAssertion} for the current user.
5120 * On resolution, the user tokens are updated to reflect the change in the
5121 * JWT payload.
5122 * Accepts an additional display name parameter used to identify the second
5123 * factor to the end user.
5124 * Recent re-authentication is required for this operation to succeed.
5125 * On successful enrollment, existing Firebase sessions (refresh tokens) are
5126 * revoked. When a new factor is enrolled, an email notification is sent
5127 * to the user’s email.
5128 *
5129 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
5130 * <dl>
5131 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-code</dt>
5132 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is not valid.</dd>
5133 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-code</dt>
5134 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code is missing.</dd>
5135 * <dt>auth/invalid-verification-id</dt>
5136 * <dd>Thrown if the credential is a
5137 * {@link firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential} and the verification
5138 * ID of the credential is not valid.</dd>
5139 * <dt>auth/missing-verification-id</dt>
5140 * <dd>Thrown if the verification ID is missing.</dd>
5141 * <dt>auth/code-expired</dt>
5142 * <dd>Thrown if the verification code has expired.</dd>
5143 * <dt>auth/maximum-second-factor-count-exceeded</dt>
5144 * <dd>Thrown if The maximum allowed number of second factors on a user
5145 * has been exceeded.</dd>
5146 * <dt>auth/second-factor-already-in-use</dt>
5147 * <dd>Thrown if the second factor is already enrolled on this account.</dd>
5148 * <dt>auth/unsupported-first-factor</dt>
5149 * <dd>Thrown if the first factor being used to sign in is not supported.</dd>
5150 * <dt>auth/unverified-email</dt>
5151 * <dd>Thrown if the email of the account is not verified.</dd>
5152 * <dt>auth/requires-recent-login</dt>
5153 * <dd>Thrown if the user's last sign-in time does not meet the security
5154 * threshold. Use {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} to
5155 * resolve.</dd>
5156 * </dl>
5157 *
5158 * @example
5159 * ```javascript
5160 * firebase.auth().currentUser.multiFactor.getSession()
5161 * .then(function(multiFactorSession) {
5162 * // Send verification code
5163 * var phoneAuthProvider = new firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider();
5164 * var phoneInfoOptions = {
5165 * phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
5166 * session: multiFactorSession
5167 * };
5168 * return phoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber(
5169 * phoneInfoOptions, appVerifier);
5170 * }).then(function(verificationId) {
5171 * // Store verificationID and show UI to let user enter verification code.
5172 * });
5173 *
5174 * var phoneAuthCredential =
5175 * firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, verificationCode);
5176 * var multiFactorAssertion =
5177 * firebase.auth.PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.assertion(phoneAuthCredential);
5178 * firebase.auth().currentUser.multiFactor.enroll(multiFactorAssertion)
5179 * .then(function() {
5180 * // Second factor enrolled.
5181 * });
5182 * ```
5183 *
5184 * @param assertion The multi-factor assertion to enroll with.
5185 * @param displayName The display name of the second factor.
5186 */
5187 enroll(
5188 assertion: firebase.auth.MultiFactorAssertion,
5189 displayName?: string | null
5190 ): Promise<void>;
5191 /**
5192 * Returns the session identifier for a second factor enrollment operation.
5193 * This is used to identify the current user trying to enroll a second factor.
5194 * @return The promise that resolves with the
5195 * {@link firebase.auth.MultiFactorSession}.
5196 *
5197 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
5198 * <dl>
5199 * <dt>auth/user-token-expired</dt>
5200 * <dd>Thrown if the token of the user is expired.</dd>
5201 * </dl>
5202 */
5203 getSession(): Promise<firebase.auth.MultiFactorSession>;
5204 /**
5205 * Unenrolls the specified second factor. To specify the factor to remove, pass
5206 * a {@link firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo} object
5207 * (retrieved from <code>enrolledFactors()</code>)
5208 * or the factor's UID string.
5209 * Sessions are not revoked when the account is downgraded. An email
5210 * notification is likely to be sent to the user notifying them of the change.
5211 * Recent re-authentication is required for this operation to succeed.
5212 * When an existing factor is unenrolled, an email notification is sent to the
5213 * user’s email.
5214 *
5215 * <h4>Error Codes</h4>
5216 * <dl>
5217 * <dt>auth/multi-factor-info-not-found</dt>
5218 * <dd>Thrown if the user does not have a second factor matching the
5219 * identifier provided.</dd>
5220 * <dt>auth/requires-recent-login</dt>
5221 * <dd>Thrown if the user's last sign-in time does not meet the security
5222 * threshold. Use {@link firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential} to
5223 * resolve.</dd>
5224 * </dl>
5225 *
5226 * @example
5227 * ```javascript
5228 * var options = firebase.auth().currentUser.multiFactor.enrolledFactors;
5229 * // Present user the option to unenroll.
5230 * return firebase.auth().currentUser.multiFactor.unenroll(options[i])
5231 * .then(function() {
5232 * // User successfully unenrolled selected factor.
5233 * }).catch(function(error) {
5234 * // Handler error.
5235 * });
5236 * ```
5237 *
5238 * @param option The multi-factor option to unenroll.
5239 */
5240 unenroll(option: firebase.auth.MultiFactorInfo | string): Promise<void>;
5241 }
5244declare namespace firebase.auth.ActionCodeInfo {
5245 type Operation = string;
5246 /**
5247 * An enumeration of the possible email action types.
5248 */
5249 var Operation: {
5250 /**
5251 * The email link sign-in action.
5252 */
5253 EMAIL_SIGNIN: Operation;
5254 /**
5255 * The password reset action.
5256 */
5257 PASSWORD_RESET: Operation;
5258 /**
5259 * The email revocation action.
5260 */
5261 RECOVER_EMAIL: Operation;
5262 /**
5263 * The revert second factor addition email action.
5264 */
5266 /**
5267 * The verify and update email action.
5268 */
5270 /**
5271 * The email verification action.
5272 */
5273 VERIFY_EMAIL: Operation;
5274 };
5277declare namespace firebase.database {
5278 /**
5279 * A `DataSnapshot` contains data from a Database location.
5280 *
5281 * Any time you read data from the Database, you receive the data as a
5282 * `DataSnapshot`. A `DataSnapshot` is passed to the event callbacks you attach
5283 * with `on()` or `once()`. You can extract the contents of the snapshot as a
5284 * JavaScript object by calling the `val()` method. Alternatively, you can
5285 * traverse into the snapshot by calling `child()` to return child snapshots
5286 * (which you could then call `val()` on).
5287 *
5288 * A `DataSnapshot` is an efficiently generated, immutable copy of the data at
5289 * a Database location. It cannot be modified and will never change (to modify
5290 * data, you always call the `set()` method on a `Reference` directly).
5291 *
5292 */
5293 interface DataSnapshot {
5294 /**
5295 * Gets another `DataSnapshot` for the location at the specified relative path.
5296 *
5297 * Passing a relative path to the `child()` method of a DataSnapshot returns
5298 * another `DataSnapshot` for the location at the specified relative path. The
5299 * relative path can either be a simple child name (for example, "ada") or a
5300 * deeper, slash-separated path (for example, "ada/name/first"). If the child
5301 * location has no data, an empty `DataSnapshot` (that is, a `DataSnapshot`
5302 * whose value is `null`) is returned.
5303 *
5304 * @example
5305 * ```javascript
5306 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5307 * {
5308 * "name": {
5309 * "first": "Ada",
5310 * "last": "Lovelace"
5311 * }
5312 * }
5313 *
5314 * // Test for the existence of certain keys within a DataSnapshot
5315 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5316 * ref.once("value")
5317 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5318 * var name = snapshot.child("name").val(); // {first:"Ada",last:"Lovelace"}
5319 * var firstName = snapshot.child("name/first").val(); // "Ada"
5320 * var lastName = snapshot.child("name").child("last").val(); // "Lovelace"
5321 * var age = snapshot.child("age").val(); // null
5322 * });
5323 * ```
5324 *
5325 * @param path A relative path to the location of child data.
5326 */
5327 child(path: string): firebase.database.DataSnapshot;
5328 /**
5329 * Returns true if this `DataSnapshot` contains any data. It is slightly more
5330 * efficient than using `snapshot.val() !== null`.
5331 *
5332 * @example
5333 * ```javascript
5334 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5335 * {
5336 * "name": {
5337 * "first": "Ada",
5338 * "last": "Lovelace"
5339 * }
5340 * }
5341 *
5342 * // Test for the existence of certain keys within a DataSnapshot
5343 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5344 * ref.once("value")
5345 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5346 * var a = snapshot.exists(); // true
5347 * var b = snapshot.child("name").exists(); // true
5348 * var c = snapshot.child("name/first").exists(); // true
5349 * var d = snapshot.child("name/middle").exists(); // false
5350 * });
5351 * ```
5352 */
5353 exists(): boolean;
5354 /**
5355 * Exports the entire contents of the DataSnapshot as a JavaScript object.
5356 *
5357 * The `exportVal()` method is similar to `val()`, except priority information
5358 * is included (if available), making it suitable for backing up your data.
5359 *
5360 * @return The DataSnapshot's contents as a JavaScript value (Object,
5361 * Array, string, number, boolean, or `null`).
5362 */
5363 exportVal(): any;
5364 /**
5365 * Enumerates the top-level children in the `DataSnapshot`.
5366 *
5367 * Because of the way JavaScript objects work, the ordering of data in the
5368 * JavaScript object returned by `val()` is not guaranteed to match the ordering
5369 * on the server nor the ordering of `child_added` events. That is where
5370 * `forEach()` comes in handy. It guarantees the children of a `DataSnapshot`
5371 * will be iterated in their query order.
5372 *
5373 * If no explicit `orderBy*()` method is used, results are returned
5374 * ordered by key (unless priorities are used, in which case, results are
5375 * returned by priority).
5376 *
5377 * @example
5378 * ```javascript
5379 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5380 * {
5381 * "users": {
5382 * "ada": {
5383 * "first": "Ada",
5384 * "last": "Lovelace"
5385 * },
5386 * "alan": {
5387 * "first": "Alan",
5388 * "last": "Turing"
5389 * }
5390 * }
5391 * }
5392 *
5393 * // Loop through users in order with the forEach() method. The callback
5394 * // provided to forEach() will be called synchronously with a DataSnapshot
5395 * // for each child:
5396 * var query = firebase.database().ref("users").orderByKey();
5397 * query.once("value")
5398 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5399 * snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
5400 * // key will be "ada" the first time and "alan" the second time
5401 * var key = childSnapshot.key;
5402 * // childData will be the actual contents of the child
5403 * var childData = childSnapshot.val();
5404 * });
5405 * });
5406 * ```
5407 *
5408 * @example
5409 * ```javascript
5410 * // You can cancel the enumeration at any point by having your callback
5411 * // function return true. For example, the following code sample will only
5412 * // fire the callback function one time:
5413 * var query = firebase.database().ref("users").orderByKey();
5414 * query.once("value")
5415 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5416 * snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
5417 * var key = childSnapshot.key; // "ada"
5418 *
5419 * // Cancel enumeration
5420 * return true;
5421 * });
5422 * });
5423 * ```
5424 *
5425 * @param action A function
5426 * that will be called for each child DataSnapshot. The callback can return
5427 * true to cancel further enumeration.
5428 * @return true if enumeration was canceled due to your callback
5429 * returning true.
5430 */
5431 forEach(
5432 action: (a: firebase.database.DataSnapshot) => boolean | void
5433 ): boolean;
5434 /**
5435 * Gets the priority value of the data in this `DataSnapshot`.
5436 *
5437 * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by
5438 * ordinary properties (see
5439 * {@link
5440 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sorting_and_filtering_data
5441 * Sorting and filtering data}).
5442 */
5443 getPriority(): string | number | null;
5444 /**
5445 * Returns true if the specified child path has (non-null) data.
5446 *
5447 * @example
5448 * ```javascript
5449 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5450 * {
5451 * "name": {
5452 * "first": "Ada",
5453 * "last": "Lovelace"
5454 * }
5455 * }
5456 *
5457 * // Determine which child keys in DataSnapshot have data.
5458 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5459 * ref.once("value")
5460 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5461 * var hasName = snapshot.hasChild("name"); // true
5462 * var hasAge = snapshot.hasChild("age"); // false
5463 * });
5464 * ```
5465 *
5466 * @param path A relative path to the location of a potential child.
5467 * @return `true` if data exists at the specified child path; else
5468 * `false`.
5469 */
5470 hasChild(path: string): boolean;
5471 /**
5472 * Returns whether or not the `DataSnapshot` has any non-`null` child
5473 * properties.
5474 *
5475 * You can use `hasChildren()` to determine if a `DataSnapshot` has any
5476 * children. If it does, you can enumerate them using `forEach()`. If it
5477 * doesn't, then either this snapshot contains a primitive value (which can be
5478 * retrieved with `val()`) or it is empty (in which case, `val()` will return
5479 * `null`).
5480 *
5481 * @example
5482 * ```javascript
5483 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5484 * {
5485 * "name": {
5486 * "first": "Ada",
5487 * "last": "Lovelace"
5488 * }
5489 * }
5490 *
5491 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5492 * ref.once("value")
5493 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5494 * var a = snapshot.hasChildren(); // true
5495 * var b = snapshot.child("name").hasChildren(); // true
5496 * var c = snapshot.child("name/first").hasChildren(); // false
5497 * });
5498 * ```
5499 *
5500 * @return true if this snapshot has any children; else false.
5501 */
5502 hasChildren(): boolean;
5503 /**
5504 * The key (last part of the path) of the location of this `DataSnapshot`.
5505 *
5506 * The last token in a Database location is considered its key. For example,
5507 * "ada" is the key for the /users/ada/ node. Accessing the key on any
5508 * `DataSnapshot` will return the key for the location that generated it.
5509 * However, accessing the key on the root URL of a Database will return `null`.
5510 *
5511 * @example
5512 * ```javascript
5513 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5514 * {
5515 * "name": {
5516 * "first": "Ada",
5517 * "last": "Lovelace"
5518 * }
5519 * }
5520 *
5521 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5522 * ref.once("value")
5523 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5524 * var key = snapshot.key; // "ada"
5525 * var childKey = snapshot.child("name/last").key; // "last"
5526 * });
5527 * ```
5528 *
5529 * @example
5530 * ```javascript
5531 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
5532 * rootRef.once("value")
5533 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5534 * var key = snapshot.key; // null
5535 * var childKey = snapshot.child("users/ada").key; // "ada"
5536 * });
5537 * ```
5538 */
5539 key: string | null;
5540 /**
5541 * Returns the number of child properties of this `DataSnapshot`.
5542 *
5543 * @example
5544 * ```javascript
5545 * // Assume we have the following data in the Database:
5546 * {
5547 * "name": {
5548 * "first": "Ada",
5549 * "last": "Lovelace"
5550 * }
5551 * }
5552 *
5553 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5554 * ref.once("value")
5555 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5556 * var a = snapshot.numChildren(); // 1 ("name")
5557 * var b = snapshot.child("name").numChildren(); // 2 ("first", "last")
5558 * var c = snapshot.child("name/first").numChildren(); // 0
5559 * });
5560 * ```
5561 */
5562 numChildren(): number;
5563 /**
5564 * Extracts a JavaScript value from a `DataSnapshot`.
5565 *
5566 * Depending on the data in a `DataSnapshot`, the `val()` method may return a
5567 * scalar type (string, number, or boolean), an array, or an object. It may also
5568 * return null, indicating that the `DataSnapshot` is empty (contains no data).
5569 *
5570 * @example
5571 * ```javascript
5572 * // Write and then read back a string from the Database.
5573 * ref.set("hello")
5574 * .then(function() {
5575 * return ref.once("value");
5576 * })
5577 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5578 * var data = snapshot.val(); // data === "hello"
5579 * });
5580 * ```
5581 *
5582 * @example
5583 * ```javascript
5584 * // Write and then read back a JavaScript object from the Database.
5585 * ref.set({ name: "Ada", age: 36 })
5586 * .then(function() {
5587 * return ref.once("value");
5588 * })
5589 * .then(function(snapshot) {
5590 * var data = snapshot.val();
5591 * // data is { "name": "Ada", "age": 36 }
5592 * // data.name === "Ada"
5593 * // data.age === 36
5594 * });
5595 * ```
5596 *
5597 * @return The DataSnapshot's contents as a JavaScript value (Object,
5598 * Array, string, number, boolean, or `null`).
5599 */
5600 val(): any;
5601 /**
5602 * The `Reference` for the location that generated this `DataSnapshot`.
5603 */
5604 ref: firebase.database.Reference;
5605 /**
5606 * Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.
5607 */
5608 toJSON(): Object | null;
5609 }
5611 /**
5612 * The Firebase Database service interface.
5613 *
5614 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
5615 * {@link firebase.database `firebase.database()`}.
5616 *
5617 * See
5618 * {@link
5619 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/start/
5620 * Installation &amp; Setup in JavaScript}
5621 * for a full guide on how to use the Firebase Database service.
5622 */
5623 interface Database {
5624 /**
5625 * The {@link firebase.app.App app} associated with the `Database` service
5626 * instance.
5627 *
5628 * @example
5629 * ```javascript
5630 * var app = database.app;
5631 * ```
5632 */
5633 app: firebase.app.App;
5634 /**
5635 * Disconnects from the server (all Database operations will be completed
5636 * offline).
5637 *
5638 * The client automatically maintains a persistent connection to the Database
5639 * server, which will remain active indefinitely and reconnect when
5640 * disconnected. However, the `goOffline()` and `goOnline()` methods may be used
5641 * to control the client connection in cases where a persistent connection is
5642 * undesirable.
5643 *
5644 * While offline, the client will no longer receive data updates from the
5645 * Database. However, all Database operations performed locally will continue to
5646 * immediately fire events, allowing your application to continue behaving
5647 * normally. Additionally, each operation performed locally will automatically
5648 * be queued and retried upon reconnection to the Database server.
5649 *
5650 * To reconnect to the Database and begin receiving remote events, see
5651 * `goOnline()`.
5652 *
5653 * @example
5654 * ```javascript
5655 * firebase.database().goOffline();
5656 * ```
5657 */
5658 goOffline(): any;
5659 /**
5660 * Reconnects to the server and synchronizes the offline Database state
5661 * with the server state.
5662 *
5663 * This method should be used after disabling the active connection with
5664 * `goOffline()`. Once reconnected, the client will transmit the proper data
5665 * and fire the appropriate events so that your client "catches up"
5666 * automatically.
5667 *
5668 * @example
5669 * ```javascript
5670 * firebase.database().goOnline();
5671 * ```
5672 */
5673 goOnline(): any;
5674 /**
5675 * Returns a `Reference` representing the location in the Database
5676 * corresponding to the provided path. If no path is provided, the `Reference`
5677 * will point to the root of the Database.
5678 *
5679 * @example
5680 * ```javascript
5681 * // Get a reference to the root of the Database
5682 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
5683 * ```
5684 *
5685 * @example
5686 * ```javascript
5687 * // Get a reference to the /users/ada node
5688 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5689 * // The above is shorthand for the following operations:
5690 * //var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
5691 * //var adaRef = rootRef.child("users/ada");
5692 * ```
5693 *
5694 * @param path Optional path representing the location the returned
5695 * `Reference` will point. If not provided, the returned `Reference` will
5696 * point to the root of the Database.
5697 * @return If a path is provided, a `Reference`
5698 * pointing to the provided path. Otherwise, a `Reference` pointing to the
5699 * root of the Database.
5700 */
5701 ref(path?: string): firebase.database.Reference;
5702 /**
5703 * Returns a `Reference` representing the location in the Database
5704 * corresponding to the provided Firebase URL.
5705 *
5706 * An exception is thrown if the URL is not a valid Firebase Database URL or it
5707 * has a different domain than the current `Database` instance.
5708 *
5709 * Note that all query parameters (`orderBy`, `limitToLast`, etc.) are ignored
5710 * and are not applied to the returned `Reference`.
5711 *
5712 * @example
5713 * ```javascript
5714 * // Get a reference to the root of the Database
5715 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref("https://<DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com");
5716 * ```
5717 *
5718 * @example
5719 * ```javascript
5720 * // Get a reference to the /users/ada node
5721 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref("https://<DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com/users/ada");
5722 * ```
5723 *
5724 * @param url The Firebase URL at which the returned `Reference` will
5725 * point.
5726 * @return A `Reference` pointing to the provided
5727 * Firebase URL.
5728 */
5729 refFromURL(url: string): firebase.database.Reference;
5730 }
5732 /**
5733 * The `onDisconnect` class allows you to write or clear data when your client
5734 * disconnects from the Database server. These updates occur whether your
5735 * client disconnects cleanly or not, so you can rely on them to clean up data
5736 * even if a connection is dropped or a client crashes.
5737 *
5738 * The `onDisconnect` class is most commonly used to manage presence in
5739 * applications where it is useful to detect how many clients are connected and
5740 * when other clients disconnect. See
5741 * {@link
5742 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/offline-capabilities
5743 * Enabling Offline Capabilities in JavaScript} for more information.
5744 *
5745 * To avoid problems when a connection is dropped before the requests can be
5746 * transferred to the Database server, these functions should be called before
5747 * writing any data.
5748 *
5749 * Note that `onDisconnect` operations are only triggered once. If you want an
5750 * operation to occur each time a disconnect occurs, you'll need to re-establish
5751 * the `onDisconnect` operations each time you reconnect.
5752 */
5753 interface OnDisconnect {
5754 /**
5755 * Cancels all previously queued `onDisconnect()` set or update events for this
5756 * location and all children.
5757 *
5758 * If a write has been queued for this location via a `set()` or `update()` at a
5759 * parent location, the write at this location will be canceled, though writes
5760 * to sibling locations will still occur.
5761 *
5762 * @example
5763 * ```javascript
5764 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("onlineState");
5765 * ref.onDisconnect().set(false);
5766 * // ... sometime later
5767 * ref.onDisconnect().cancel();
5768 * ```
5769 *
5770 * @param onComplete An optional callback function that will
5771 * be called when synchronization to the server has completed. The callback
5772 * will be passed a single parameter: null for success, or an Error object
5773 * indicating a failure.
5774 * @return Resolves when synchronization to the server
5775 * is complete.
5776 */
5777 cancel(onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
5778 /**
5779 * Ensures the data at this location is deleted when the client is disconnected
5780 * (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues).
5781 *
5782 * @param onComplete An optional callback function that will
5783 * be called when synchronization to the server has completed. The callback
5784 * will be passed a single parameter: null for success, or an Error object
5785 * indicating a failure.
5786 * @return Resolves when synchronization to the server
5787 * is complete.
5788 */
5789 remove(onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
5790 /**
5791 * Ensures the data at this location is set to the specified value when the
5792 * client is disconnected (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page,
5793 * or network issues).
5794 *
5795 * `set()` is especially useful for implementing "presence" systems, where a
5796 * value should be changed or cleared when a user disconnects so that they
5797 * appear "offline" to other users. See
5798 * {@link
5799 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/offline-capabilities
5800 * Enabling Offline Capabilities in JavaScript} for more information.
5801 *
5802 * Note that `onDisconnect` operations are only triggered once. If you want an
5803 * operation to occur each time a disconnect occurs, you'll need to re-establish
5804 * the `onDisconnect` operations each time.
5805 *
5806 * @example
5807 * ```javascript
5808 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada/status");
5809 * ref.onDisconnect().set("I disconnected!");
5810 * ```
5811 *
5812 * @param value The value to be written to this location on
5813 * disconnect (can be an object, array, string, number, boolean, or null).
5814 * @param onComplete An optional callback function that
5815 * will be called when synchronization to the Database server has completed.
5816 * The callback will be passed a single parameter: null for success, or an
5817 * `Error` object indicating a failure.
5818 * @return Resolves when synchronization to the
5819 * Database is complete.
5820 */
5821 set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
5822 /**
5823 * Ensures the data at this location is set to the specified value and priority
5824 * when the client is disconnected (due to closing the browser, navigating to a
5825 * new page, or network issues).
5826 */
5827 setWithPriority(
5828 value: any,
5829 priority: number | string | null,
5830 onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any
5831 ): Promise<any>;
5832 /**
5833 * Writes multiple values at this location when the client is disconnected (due
5834 * to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues).
5835 *
5836 * The `values` argument contains multiple property-value pairs that will be
5837 * written to the Database together. Each child property can either be a simple
5838 * property (for example, "name") or a relative path (for example, "name/first")
5839 * from the current location to the data to update.
5840 *
5841 * As opposed to the `set()` method, `update()` can be use to selectively update
5842 * only the referenced properties at the current location (instead of replacing
5843 * all the child properties at the current location).
5844 *
5845 * See more examples using the connected version of
5846 * {@link firebase.database.Reference.update `update()`}.
5847 *
5848 * @example
5849 * ```javascript
5850 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
5851 * ref.update({
5852 * onlineState: true,
5853 * status: "I'm online."
5854 * });
5855 * ref.onDisconnect().update({
5856 * onlineState: false,
5857 * status: "I'm offline."
5858 * });
5859 * ```
5860 *
5861 * @param values Object containing multiple values.
5862 * @param onComplete An optional callback function that will
5863 * be called when synchronization to the server has completed. The
5864 * callback will be passed a single parameter: null for success, or an Error
5865 * object indicating a failure.
5866 * @return Resolves when synchronization to the
5867 * Database is complete.
5868 */
5869 update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
5870 }
5872 type EventType =
5873 | 'value'
5874 | 'child_added'
5875 | 'child_changed'
5876 | 'child_moved'
5877 | 'child_removed';
5879 /**
5880 * A `Query` sorts and filters the data at a Database location so only a subset
5881 * of the child data is included. This can be used to order a collection of
5882 * data by some attribute (for example, height of dinosaurs) as well as to
5883 * restrict a large list of items (for example, chat messages) down to a number
5884 * suitable for synchronizing to the client. Queries are created by chaining
5885 * together one or more of the filter methods defined here.
5886 *
5887 * Just as with a `Reference`, you can receive data from a `Query` by using the
5888 * `on()` method. You will only receive events and `DataSnapshot`s for the
5889 * subset of the data that matches your query.
5890 *
5891 * Read our documentation on
5892 * {@link
5893 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sorting_and_filtering_data
5894 * Sorting and filtering data} for more information.
5895 */
5896 interface Query {
5897 /**
5898 * Creates a `Query` with the specified ending point.
5899 *
5900 * Using `startAt()`, `endAt()`, and `equalTo()` allows you to choose arbitrary
5901 * starting and ending points for your queries.
5902 *
5903 * The ending point is inclusive, so children with exactly the specified value
5904 * will be included in the query. The optional key argument can be used to
5905 * further limit the range of the query. If it is specified, then children that
5906 * have exactly the specified value must also have a key name less than or equal
5907 * to the specified key.
5908 *
5909 * You can read more about `endAt()` in
5910 * {@link
5911 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#filtering_data
5912 * Filtering data}.
5913 *
5914 * @example
5915 * ```javascript
5916 * // Find all dinosaurs whose names come before Pterodactyl lexicographically.
5917 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
5918 * ref.orderByKey().endAt("pterodactyl").on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
5919 * console.log(snapshot.key);
5920 * });
5921 * ```
5922 *
5923 * @param value The value to end at. The argument
5924 * type depends on which `orderBy*()` function was used in this query.
5925 * Specify a value that matches the `orderBy*()` type. When used in
5926 * combination with `orderByKey()`, the value must be a string.
5927 * @param key The child key to end at, among the children with the
5928 * previously specified priority. This argument is only allowed if ordering by
5929 * child, value, or priority.
5930 */
5931 endAt(
5932 value: number | string | boolean | null,
5933 key?: string
5934 ): firebase.database.Query;
5935 /**
5936 * Creates a `Query` that includes children that match the specified value.
5937 *
5938 * Using `startAt()`, `endAt()`, and `equalTo()` allows us to choose arbitrary
5939 * starting and ending points for our queries.
5940 *
5941 * The optional key argument can be used to further limit the range of the
5942 * query. If it is specified, then children that have exactly the specified
5943 * value must also have exactly the specified key as their key name. This can be
5944 * used to filter result sets with many matches for the same value.
5945 *
5946 * You can read more about `equalTo()` in
5947 * {@link
5948 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#filtering_data
5949 * Filtering data}.
5950 *
5951 * @example
5952 * ```javascript
5953 * // Find all dinosaurs whose height is exactly 25 meters.
5954 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
5955 * ref.orderByChild("height").equalTo(25).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
5956 * console.log(snapshot.key);
5957 * });
5958 * ```
5959 *
5960 * @param value The value to match for. The
5961 * argument type depends on which `orderBy*()` function was used in this
5962 * query. Specify a value that matches the `orderBy*()` type. When used in
5963 * combination with `orderByKey()`, the value must be a string.
5964 * @param key The child key to start at, among the children with the
5965 * previously specified priority. This argument is only allowed if ordering by
5966 * child, value, or priority.
5967 */
5968 equalTo(
5969 value: number | string | boolean | null,
5970 key?: string
5971 ): firebase.database.Query;
5972 /**
5973 * Returns whether or not the current and provided queries represent the same
5974 * location, have the same query parameters, and are from the same instance of
5975 * `firebase.app.App`.
5976 *
5977 * Two `Reference` objects are equivalent if they represent the same location
5978 * and are from the same instance of `firebase.app.App`.
5979 *
5980 * Two `Query` objects are equivalent if they represent the same location, have
5981 * the same query parameters, and are from the same instance of
5982 * `firebase.app.App`. Equivalent queries share the same sort order, limits, and
5983 * starting and ending points.
5984 *
5985 * @example
5986 * ```javascript
5987 * var rootRef = firebase.database.ref();
5988 * var usersRef = rootRef.child("users");
5989 *
5990 * usersRef.isEqual(rootRef); // false
5991 * usersRef.isEqual(rootRef.child("users")); // true
5992 * usersRef.parent.isEqual(rootRef); // true
5993 * ```
5994 *
5995 * @example
5996 * ```javascript
5997 * var rootRef = firebase.database.ref();
5998 * var usersRef = rootRef.child("users");
5999 * var usersQuery = usersRef.limitToLast(10);
6000 *
6001 * usersQuery.isEqual(usersRef); // false
6002 * usersQuery.isEqual(usersRef.limitToLast(10)); // true
6003 * usersQuery.isEqual(rootRef.limitToLast(10)); // false
6004 * usersQuery.isEqual(usersRef.orderByKey().limitToLast(10)); // false
6005 * ```
6006 *
6007 * @param other The query to compare against.
6008 * @return Whether or not the current and provided queries are
6009 * equivalent.
6010 */
6011 isEqual(other: firebase.database.Query | null): boolean;
6012 /**
6013 * Generates a new `Query` limited to the first specific number of children.
6014 *
6015 * The `limitToFirst()` method is used to set a maximum number of children to be
6016 * synced for a given callback. If we set a limit of 100, we will initially only
6017 * receive up to 100 `child_added` events. If we have fewer than 100 messages
6018 * stored in our Database, a `child_added` event will fire for each message.
6019 * However, if we have over 100 messages, we will only receive a `child_added`
6020 * event for the first 100 ordered messages. As items change, we will receive
6021 * `child_removed` events for each item that drops out of the active list so
6022 * that the total number stays at 100.
6023 *
6024 * You can read more about `limitToFirst()` in
6025 * {@link
6026 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#filtering_data
6027 * Filtering data}.
6028 *
6029 * @example
6030 * ```javascript
6031 * // Find the two shortest dinosaurs.
6032 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
6033 * ref.orderByChild("height").limitToFirst(2).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
6034 * // This will be called exactly two times (unless there are less than two
6035 * // dinosaurs in the Database).
6036 *
6037 * // It will also get fired again if one of the first two dinosaurs is
6038 * // removed from the data set, as a new dinosaur will now be the second
6039 * // shortest.
6040 * console.log(snapshot.key);
6041 * });
6042 * ```
6043 *
6044 * @param limit The maximum number of nodes to include in this query.
6045 */
6046 limitToFirst(limit: number): firebase.database.Query;
6047 /**
6048 * Generates a new `Query` object limited to the last specific number of
6049 * children.
6050 *
6051 * The `limitToLast()` method is used to set a maximum number of children to be
6052 * synced for a given callback. If we set a limit of 100, we will initially only
6053 * receive up to 100 `child_added` events. If we have fewer than 100 messages
6054 * stored in our Database, a `child_added` event will fire for each message.
6055 * However, if we have over 100 messages, we will only receive a `child_added`
6056 * event for the last 100 ordered messages. As items change, we will receive
6057 * `child_removed` events for each item that drops out of the active list so
6058 * that the total number stays at 100.
6059 *
6060 * You can read more about `limitToLast()` in
6061 * {@link
6062 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#filtering_data
6063 * Filtering data}.
6064 *
6065 * @example
6066 * ```javascript
6067 * // Find the two heaviest dinosaurs.
6068 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
6069 * ref.orderByChild("weight").limitToLast(2).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
6070 * // This callback will be triggered exactly two times, unless there are
6071 * // fewer than two dinosaurs stored in the Database. It will also get fired
6072 * // for every new, heavier dinosaur that gets added to the data set.
6073 * console.log(snapshot.key);
6074 * });
6075 * ```
6076 *
6077 * @param limit The maximum number of nodes to include in this query.
6078 */
6079 limitToLast(limit: number): firebase.database.Query;
6080 /**
6081 * Detaches a callback previously attached with `on()`.
6082 *
6083 * Detach a callback previously attached with `on()`. Note that if `on()` was
6084 * called multiple times with the same eventType and callback, the callback
6085 * will be called multiple times for each event, and `off()` must be called
6086 * multiple times to remove the callback. Calling `off()` on a parent listener
6087 * will not automatically remove listeners registered on child nodes, `off()`
6088 * must also be called on any child listeners to remove the callback.
6089 *
6090 * If a callback is not specified, all callbacks for the specified eventType
6091 * will be removed. Similarly, if no eventType is specified, all callbacks
6092 * for the `Reference` will be removed.
6093 *
6094 * @example
6095 * ```javascript
6096 * var onValueChange = function(dataSnapshot) { ... };
6097 * ref.on('value', onValueChange);
6098 * ref.child('meta-data').on('child_added', onChildAdded);
6099 * // Sometime later...
6100 * ref.off('value', onValueChange);
6101 *
6102 * // You must also call off() for any child listeners on ref
6103 * // to cancel those callbacks
6104 * ref.child('meta-data').off('child_added', onValueAdded);
6105 * ```
6106 *
6107 * @example
6108 * ```javascript
6109 * // Or you can save a line of code by using an inline function
6110 * // and on()'s return value.
6111 * var onValueChange = ref.on('value', function(dataSnapshot) { ... });
6112 * // Sometime later...
6113 * ref.off('value', onValueChange);
6114 * ```
6115 *
6116 * @param eventType One of the following strings: "value",
6117 * "child_added", "child_changed", "child_removed", or "child_moved." If
6118 * omitted, all callbacks for the `Reference` will be removed.
6119 * @param callback The callback function that was passed to `on()` or
6120 * `undefined` to remove all callbacks.
6121 * @param context The context that was passed to `on()`.
6122 */
6123 off(
6124 eventType?: EventType,
6125 callback?: (a: firebase.database.DataSnapshot, b?: string | null) => any,
6126 context?: Object | null
6127 ): void;
6129 /**
6130 * Listens for data changes at a particular location.
6131 *
6132 * This is the primary way to read data from a Database. Your callback
6133 * will be triggered for the initial data and again whenever the data changes.
6134 * Use `off( )` to stop receiving updates. See
6135 * {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/retrieve-data
6136 * Retrieve Data on the Web}
6137 * for more details.
6138 *
6139 * <h4>value event</h4>
6140 *
6141 * This event will trigger once with the initial data stored at this location,
6142 * and then trigger again each time the data changes. The `DataSnapshot` passed
6143 * to the callback will be for the location at which `on()` was called. It
6144 * won't trigger until the entire contents has been synchronized. If the
6145 * location has no data, it will be triggered with an empty `DataSnapshot`
6146 * (`val()` will return `null`).
6147 *
6148 * <h4>child_added event</h4>
6149 *
6150 * This event will be triggered once for each initial child at this location,
6151 * and it will be triggered again every time a new child is added. The
6152 * `DataSnapshot` passed into the callback will reflect the data for the
6153 * relevant child. For ordering purposes, it is passed a second argument which
6154 * is a string containing the key of the previous sibling child by sort order,
6155 * or `null` if it is the first child.
6156 *
6157 * <h4>child_removed event</h4>
6158 *
6159 * This event will be triggered once every time a child is removed. The
6160 * `DataSnapshot` passed into the callback will be the old data for the child
6161 * that was removed. A child will get removed when either:
6162 *
6163 * - a client explicitly calls `remove()` on that child or one of its ancestors
6164 * - a client calls `set(null)` on that child or one of its ancestors
6165 * - that child has all of its children removed
6166 * - there is a query in effect which now filters out the child (because it's
6167 * sort order changed or the max limit was hit)
6168 *
6169 * <h4>child_changed event</h4>
6170 *
6171 * This event will be triggered when the data stored in a child (or any of its
6172 * descendants) changes. Note that a single `child_changed` event may represent
6173 * multiple changes to the child. The `DataSnapshot` passed to the callback will
6174 * contain the new child contents. For ordering purposes, the callback is also
6175 * passed a second argument which is a string containing the key of the previous
6176 * sibling child by sort order, or `null` if it is the first child.
6177 *
6178 * <h4>child_moved event</h4>
6179 *
6180 * This event will be triggered when a child's sort order changes such that its
6181 * position relative to its siblings changes. The `DataSnapshot` passed to the
6182 * callback will be for the data of the child that has moved. It is also passed
6183 * a second argument which is a string containing the key of the previous
6184 * sibling child by sort order, or `null` if it is the first child.
6185 *
6186 * @example **Handle a new value:**
6187 * ```javascript
6188 * ref.on('value', function(dataSnapshot) {
6189 * ...
6190 * });
6191 * ```
6192 *
6193 * @example **Handle a new child:**
6194 * ```javascript
6195 * ref.on('child_added', function(childSnapshot, prevChildKey) {
6196 * ...
6197 * });
6198 * ```
6199 *
6200 * @example **Handle child removal:**
6201 * ```javascript
6202 * ref.on('child_removed', function(oldChildSnapshot) {
6203 * ...
6204 * });
6205 * ```
6206 *
6207 * @example **Handle child data changes:**
6208 * ```javascript
6209 * ref.on('child_changed', function(childSnapshot, prevChildKey) {
6210 * ...
6211 * });
6212 * ```
6213 *
6214 * @example **Handle child ordering changes:**
6215 * ```javascript
6216 * ref.on('child_moved', function(childSnapshot, prevChildKey) {
6217 * ...
6218 * });
6219 * ```
6220 *
6221 * @param eventType One of the following strings: "value",
6222 * "child_added", "child_changed", "child_removed", or "child_moved."
6223 * @param callback A
6224 * callback that fires when the specified event occurs. The callback will be
6225 * passed a DataSnapshot. For ordering purposes, "child_added",
6226 * "child_changed", and "child_moved" will also be passed a string containing
6227 * the key of the previous child, by sort order, or `null` if it is the
6228 * first child.
6229 * @param cancelCallbackOrContext An optional
6230 * callback that will be notified if your event subscription is ever canceled
6231 * because your client does not have permission to read this data (or it had
6232 * permission but has now lost it). This callback will be passed an `Error`
6233 * object indicating why the failure occurred.
6234 * @param context If provided, this object will be used as `this`
6235 * when calling your callback(s).
6236 * @return The provided
6237 * callback function is returned unmodified. This is just for convenience if
6238 * you want to pass an inline function to `on()` but store the callback
6239 * function for later passing to `off()`.
6240 */
6241 on(
6242 eventType: EventType,
6243 callback: (a: firebase.database.DataSnapshot, b?: string | null) => any,
6244 cancelCallbackOrContext?: Object | null,
6245 context?: Object | null
6246 ): (a: firebase.database.DataSnapshot | null, b?: string | null) => any;
6248 /**
6249 * Listens for exactly one event of the specified event type, and then stops
6250 * listening.
6251 *
6252 * This is equivalent to calling {@link firebase.database.Query.on `on()`}, and
6253 * then calling {@link firebase.database.Query.off `off()`} inside the callback
6254 * function. See {@link firebase.database.Query.on `on()`} for details on the
6255 * event types.
6256 *
6257 * @example
6258 * ```javascript
6259 * // Basic usage of .once() to read the data located at ref.
6260 * ref.once('value')
6261 * .then(function(dataSnapshot) {
6262 * // handle read data.
6263 * });
6264 * ```
6265 *
6266 * @param eventType One of the following strings: "value",
6267 * "child_added", "child_changed", "child_removed", or "child_moved."
6268 * @param successCallback A
6269 * callback that fires when the specified event occurs. The callback will be
6270 * passed a DataSnapshot. For ordering purposes, "child_added",
6271 * "child_changed", and "child_moved" will also be passed a string containing
6272 * the key of the previous child by sort order, or `null` if it is the
6273 * first child.
6274 * @param failureCallbackOrContext An optional
6275 * callback that will be notified if your client does not have permission to
6276 * read the data. This callback will be passed an `Error` object indicating
6277 * why the failure occurred.
6278 * @param context If provided, this object will be used as `this`
6279 * when calling your callback(s).
6280 */
6281 once(
6282 eventType: EventType,
6283 successCallback?: (
6284 a: firebase.database.DataSnapshot,
6285 b?: string | null
6286 ) => any,
6287 failureCallbackOrContext?: ((a: Error) => void) | Object | null,
6288 context?: Object | null
6289 ): Promise<firebase.database.DataSnapshot>;
6290 /**
6291 * Generates a new `Query` object ordered by the specified child key.
6292 *
6293 * Queries can only order by one key at a time. Calling `orderByChild()`
6294 * multiple times on the same query is an error.
6295 *
6296 * Firebase queries allow you to order your data by any child key on the fly.
6297 * However, if you know in advance what your indexes will be, you can define
6298 * them via the .indexOn rule in your Security Rules for better performance. See
6299 * the {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/security/indexing-data
6300 * .indexOn} rule for more information.
6301 *
6302 * You can read more about `orderByChild()` in
6303 * {@link
6304 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sort_data
6305 * Sort data}.
6306 *
6307 * @example
6308 * ```javascript
6309 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
6310 * ref.orderByChild("height").on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
6311 * console.log(snapshot.key + " was " + snapshot.val().height + " m tall");
6312 * });
6313 * ```
6314 */
6315 orderByChild(path: string): firebase.database.Query;
6316 /**
6317 * Generates a new `Query` object ordered by key.
6318 *
6319 * Sorts the results of a query by their (ascending) key values.
6320 *
6321 * You can read more about `orderByKey()` in
6322 * {@link
6323 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sort_data
6324 * Sort data}.
6325 *
6326 * @example
6327 * ```javascript
6328 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
6329 * ref.orderByKey().on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
6330 * console.log(snapshot.key);
6331 * });
6332 * ```
6333 */
6334 orderByKey(): firebase.database.Query;
6335 /**
6336 * Generates a new `Query` object ordered by priority.
6337 *
6338 * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by
6339 * ordinary properties (see
6340 * {@link
6341 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sort_data
6342 * Sort data} for alternatives to priority.
6343 */
6344 orderByPriority(): firebase.database.Query;
6345 /**
6346 * Generates a new `Query` object ordered by value.
6347 *
6348 * If the children of a query are all scalar values (string, number, or
6349 * boolean), you can order the results by their (ascending) values.
6350 *
6351 * You can read more about `orderByValue()` in
6352 * {@link
6353 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sort_data
6354 * Sort data}.
6355 *
6356 * @example
6357 * ```javascript
6358 * var scoresRef = firebase.database().ref("scores");
6359 * scoresRef.orderByValue().limitToLast(3).on("value", function(snapshot) {
6360 * snapshot.forEach(function(data) {
6361 * console.log("The " + data.key + " score is " + data.val());
6362 * });
6363 * });
6364 * ```
6365 */
6366 orderByValue(): firebase.database.Query;
6367 /**
6368 * Returns a `Reference` to the `Query`'s location.
6369 */
6370 ref: firebase.database.Reference;
6371 /**
6372 * Creates a `Query` with the specified starting point.
6373 *
6374 * Using `startAt()`, `endAt()`, and `equalTo()` allows you to choose arbitrary
6375 * starting and ending points for your queries.
6376 *
6377 * The starting point is inclusive, so children with exactly the specified value
6378 * will be included in the query. The optional key argument can be used to
6379 * further limit the range of the query. If it is specified, then children that
6380 * have exactly the specified value must also have a key name greater than or
6381 * equal to the specified key.
6382 *
6383 * You can read more about `startAt()` in
6384 * {@link
6385 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#filtering_data
6386 * Filtering data}.
6387 *
6388 * @example
6389 * ```javascript
6390 * // Find all dinosaurs that are at least three meters tall.
6391 * var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
6392 * ref.orderByChild("height").startAt(3).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
6393 * console.log(snapshot.key)
6394 * });
6395 * ```
6396 *
6397 * @param value The value to start at. The argument
6398 * type depends on which `orderBy*()` function was used in this query.
6399 * Specify a value that matches the `orderBy*()` type. When used in
6400 * combination with `orderByKey()`, the value must be a string.
6401 * @param key The child key to start at. This argument is only allowed
6402 * if ordering by child, value, or priority.
6403 */
6404 startAt(
6405 value: number | string | boolean | null,
6406 key?: string
6407 ): firebase.database.Query;
6408 /**
6409 * Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.
6410 *
6411 * @return A JSON-serializable representation of this object.
6412 */
6413 toJSON(): Object;
6414 /**
6415 * Gets the absolute URL for this location.
6416 *
6417 * The `toString()` method returns a URL that is ready to be put into a browser,
6418 * curl command, or a `firebase.database().refFromURL()` call. Since all of
6419 * those expect the URL to be url-encoded, `toString()` returns an encoded URL.
6420 *
6421 * Append '.json' to the returned URL when typed into a browser to download
6422 * JSON-formatted data. If the location is secured (that is, not publicly
6423 * readable), you will get a permission-denied error.
6424 *
6425 * @example
6426 * ```javascript
6427 * // Calling toString() on a root Firebase reference returns the URL where its
6428 * // data is stored within the Database:
6429 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
6430 * var rootUrl = rootRef.toString();
6431 * // rootUrl === "https://sample-app.firebaseio.com/".
6432 *
6433 * // Calling toString() at a deeper Firebase reference returns the URL of that
6434 * // deep path within the Database:
6435 * var adaRef = rootRef.child('users/ada');
6436 * var adaURL = adaRef.toString();
6437 * // adaURL === "https://sample-app.firebaseio.com/users/ada".
6438 * ```
6439 *
6440 * @return The absolute URL for this location.
6441 */
6442 toString(): string;
6443 }
6445 /**
6446 * A `Reference` represents a specific location in your Database and can be used
6447 * for reading or writing data to that Database location.
6448 *
6449 * You can reference the root or child location in your Database by calling
6450 * `firebase.database().ref()` or `firebase.database().ref("child/path")`.
6451 *
6452 * Writing is done with the `set()` method and reading can be done with the
6453 * `on()` method. See
6454 * {@link
6455 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/read-and-write
6456 * Read and Write Data on the Web}
6457 */
6458 interface Reference extends firebase.database.Query {
6459 /**
6460 * Gets a `Reference` for the location at the specified relative path.
6461 *
6462 * The relative path can either be a simple child name (for example, "ada") or
6463 * a deeper slash-separated path (for example, "ada/name/first").
6464 *
6465 * @example
6466 * ```javascript
6467 * var usersRef = firebase.database().ref('users');
6468 * var adaRef = usersRef.child('ada');
6469 * var adaFirstNameRef = adaRef.child('name/first');
6470 * var path = adaFirstNameRef.toString();
6471 * // path is now 'https://sample-app.firebaseio.com/users/ada/name/first'
6472 * ```
6473 *
6474 * @param path A relative path from this location to the desired child
6475 * location.
6476 * @return The specified child location.
6477 */
6478 child(path: string): firebase.database.Reference;
6479 /**
6480 * The last part of the `Reference`'s path.
6481 *
6482 * For example, `"ada"` is the key for
6483 * `https://<DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com/users/ada`.
6484 *
6485 * The key of a root `Reference` is `null`.
6486 *
6487 * @example
6488 * ```javascript
6489 * // The key of a root reference is null
6490 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
6491 * var key = rootRef.key; // key === null
6492 * ```
6493 *
6494 * @example
6495 * ```javascript
6496 * // The key of any non-root reference is the last token in the path
6497 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
6498 * var key = adaRef.key; // key === "ada"
6499 * key = adaRef.child("name/last").key; // key === "last"
6500 * ```
6501 */
6502 key: string | null;
6503 /**
6504 * Returns an `OnDisconnect` object - see
6505 * {@link
6506 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/offline-capabilities
6507 * Enabling Offline Capabilities in JavaScript} for more information on how
6508 * to use it.
6509 */
6510 onDisconnect(): firebase.database.OnDisconnect;
6511 /**
6512 * The parent location of a `Reference`.
6513 *
6514 * The parent of a root `Reference` is `null`.
6515 *
6516 * @example
6517 * ```javascript
6518 * // The parent of a root reference is null
6519 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
6520 * parent = rootRef.parent; // parent === null
6521 * ```
6522 *
6523 * @example
6524 * ```javascript
6525 * // The parent of any non-root reference is the parent location
6526 * var usersRef = firebase.database().ref("users");
6527 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
6528 * // usersRef and adaRef.parent represent the same location
6529 * ```
6530 */
6531 parent: firebase.database.Reference | null;
6532 /**
6533 * Generates a new child location using a unique key and returns its
6534 * `Reference`.
6535 *
6536 * This is the most common pattern for adding data to a collection of items.
6537 *
6538 * If you provide a value to `push()`, the value is written to the
6539 * generated location. If you don't pass a value, nothing is written to the
6540 * database and the child remains empty (but you can use the `Reference`
6541 * elsewhere).
6542 *
6543 * The unique keys generated by `push()` are ordered by the current time, so the
6544 * resulting list of items is chronologically sorted. The keys are also
6545 * designed to be unguessable (they contain 72 random bits of entropy).
6546 *
6547 *
6548 * See
6549 * {@link
6550 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#append_to_a_list_of_data
6551 * Append to a list of data}
6552 * </br>See
6553 * {@link
6554 * https://firebase.googleblog.com/2015/02/the-2120-ways-to-ensure-unique_68.html
6555 * The 2^120 Ways to Ensure Unique Identifiers}
6556 *
6557 * @example
6558 * ```javascript
6559 * var messageListRef = firebase.database().ref('message_list');
6560 * var newMessageRef = messageListRef.push();
6561 * newMessageRef.set({
6562 * 'user_id': 'ada',
6563 * 'text': 'The Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves.'
6564 * });
6565 * // We've appended a new message to the message_list location.
6566 * var path = newMessageRef.toString();
6567 * // path will be something like
6568 * // 'https://sample-app.firebaseio.com/message_list/-IKo28nwJLH0Nc5XeFmj'
6569 * ```
6570 *
6571 * @param value Optional value to be written at the generated location.
6572 * @param onComplete Callback called when write to server is
6573 * complete.
6574 * @return Combined `Promise` and `Reference`; resolves when write is complete, but can be
6575 * used immediately as the `Reference` to the child location.
6576 */
6577 push(
6578 value?: any,
6579 onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any
6580 ): firebase.database.ThenableReference;
6581 /**
6582 * Removes the data at this Database location.
6583 *
6584 * Any data at child locations will also be deleted.
6585 *
6586 * The effect of the remove will be visible immediately and the corresponding
6587 * event 'value' will be triggered. Synchronization of the remove to the
6588 * Firebase servers will also be started, and the returned Promise will resolve
6589 * when complete. If provided, the onComplete callback will be called
6590 * asynchronously after synchronization has finished.
6591 *
6592 * @example
6593 * ```javascript
6594 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref('users/ada');
6595 * adaRef.remove()
6596 * .then(function() {
6597 * console.log("Remove succeeded.")
6598 * })
6599 * .catch(function(error) {
6600 * console.log("Remove failed: " + error.message)
6601 * });
6602 * ```
6603 *
6604 * @param onComplete Callback called when write to server is
6605 * complete.
6606 * @return Resolves when remove on server is complete.
6607 */
6608 remove(onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
6609 /**
6610 * The root `Reference` of the Database.
6611 *
6612 * @example
6613 * ```javascript
6614 * // The root of a root reference is itself
6615 * var rootRef = firebase.database().ref();
6616 * // rootRef and rootRef.root represent the same location
6617 * ```
6618 *
6619 * @example
6620 * ```javascript
6621 * // The root of any non-root reference is the root location
6622 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref("users/ada");
6623 * // rootRef and adaRef.root represent the same location
6624 * ```
6625 */
6626 root: firebase.database.Reference;
6627 /**
6628 * Writes data to this Database location.
6629 *
6630 * This will overwrite any data at this location and all child locations.
6631 *
6632 * The effect of the write will be visible immediately, and the corresponding
6633 * events ("value", "child_added", etc.) will be triggered. Synchronization of
6634 * the data to the Firebase servers will also be started, and the returned
6635 * Promise will resolve when complete. If provided, the `onComplete` callback
6636 * will be called asynchronously after synchronization has finished.
6637 *
6638 * Passing `null` for the new value is equivalent to calling `remove()`; namely,
6639 * all data at this location and all child locations will be deleted.
6640 *
6641 * `set()` will remove any priority stored at this location, so if priority is
6642 * meant to be preserved, you need to use `setWithPriority()` instead.
6643 *
6644 * Note that modifying data with `set()` will cancel any pending transactions
6645 * at that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing `set()` and
6646 * `transaction()` to modify the same data.
6647 *
6648 * A single `set()` will generate a single "value" event at the location where
6649 * the `set()` was performed.
6650 *
6651 * @example
6652 * ```javascript
6653 * var adaNameRef = firebase.database().ref('users/ada/name');
6654 * adaNameRef.child('first').set('Ada');
6655 * adaNameRef.child('last').set('Lovelace');
6656 * // We've written 'Ada' to the Database location storing Ada's first name,
6657 * // and 'Lovelace' to the location storing her last name.
6658 * ```
6659 *
6660 * @example
6661 * ```javascript
6662 * adaNameRef.set({ first: 'Ada', last: 'Lovelace' });
6663 * // Exact same effect as the previous example, except we've written
6664 * // Ada's first and last name simultaneously.
6665 * ```
6666 *
6667 * @example
6668 * ```javascript
6669 * adaNameRef.set({ first: 'Ada', last: 'Lovelace' })
6670 * .then(function() {
6671 * console.log('Synchronization succeeded');
6672 * })
6673 * .catch(function(error) {
6674 * console.log('Synchronization failed');
6675 * });
6676 * // Same as the previous example, except we will also log a message
6677 * // when the data has finished synchronizing.
6678 * ```
6679 *
6680 * @param value The value to be written (string, number, boolean, object,
6681 * array, or null).
6682 * @param onComplete Callback called when write to server is
6683 * complete.
6684 * @return Resolves when write to server is complete.
6685 */
6686 set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
6687 /**
6688 * Sets a priority for the data at this Database location.
6689 *
6690 * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by
6691 * ordinary properties (see
6692 * {@link
6693 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sorting_and_filtering_data
6694 * Sorting and filtering data}).
6695 */
6696 setPriority(
6697 priority: string | number | null,
6698 onComplete: (a: Error | null) => any
6699 ): Promise<any>;
6700 /**
6701 * Writes data the Database location. Like `set()` but also specifies the
6702 * priority for that data.
6703 *
6704 * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by
6705 * ordinary properties (see
6706 * {@link
6707 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sorting_and_filtering_data
6708 * Sorting and filtering data}).
6709 */
6710 setWithPriority(
6711 newVal: any,
6712 newPriority: string | number | null,
6713 onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any
6714 ): Promise<any>;
6715 /**
6716 * Atomically modifies the data at this location.
6717 *
6718 * Atomically modify the data at this location. Unlike a normal `set()`, which
6719 * just overwrites the data regardless of its previous value, `transaction()` is
6720 * used to modify the existing value to a new value, ensuring there are no
6721 * conflicts with other clients writing to the same location at the same time.
6722 *
6723 * To accomplish this, you pass `transaction()` an update function which is used
6724 * to transform the current value into a new value. If another client writes to
6725 * the location before your new value is successfully written, your update
6726 * function will be called again with the new current value, and the write will
6727 * be retried. This will happen repeatedly until your write succeeds without
6728 * conflict or you abort the transaction by not returning a value from your
6729 * update function.
6730 *
6731 * Note: Modifying data with `set()` will cancel any pending transactions at
6732 * that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing `set()` and
6733 * `transaction()` to update the same data.
6734 *
6735 * Note: When using transactions with Security and Firebase Rules in place, be
6736 * aware that a client needs `.read` access in addition to `.write` access in
6737 * order to perform a transaction. This is because the client-side nature of
6738 * transactions requires the client to read the data in order to transactionally
6739 * update it.
6740 *
6741 * @example
6742 * ```javascript
6743 * // Increment Ada's rank by 1.
6744 * var adaRankRef = firebase.database().ref('users/ada/rank');
6745 * adaRankRef.transaction(function(currentRank) {
6746 * // If users/ada/rank has never been set, currentRank will be `null`.
6747 * return currentRank + 1;
6748 * });
6749 * ```
6750 *
6751 * @example
6752 * ```javascript
6753 * // Try to create a user for ada, but only if the user id 'ada' isn't
6754 * // already taken
6755 * var adaRef = firebase.database().ref('users/ada');
6756 * adaRef.transaction(function(currentData) {
6757 * if (currentData === null) {
6758 * return { name: { first: 'Ada', last: 'Lovelace' } };
6759 * } else {
6760 * console.log('User ada already exists.');
6761 * return; // Abort the transaction.
6762 * }
6763 * }, function(error, committed, snapshot) {
6764 * if (error) {
6765 * console.log('Transaction failed abnormally!', error);
6766 * } else if (!committed) {
6767 * console.log('We aborted the transaction (because ada already exists).');
6768 * } else {
6769 * console.log('User ada added!');
6770 * }
6771 * console.log("Ada's data: ", snapshot.val());
6772 * });
6773 * ```
6774 *
6775 * @param transactionUpdate A developer-supplied function which
6776 * will be passed the current data stored at this location (as a JavaScript
6777 * object). The function should return the new value it would like written (as
6778 * a JavaScript object). If `undefined` is returned (i.e. you return with no
6779 * arguments) the transaction will be aborted and the data at this location
6780 * will not be modified.
6781 * @param onComplete A callback
6782 * function that will be called when the transaction completes. The callback
6783 * is passed three arguments: a possibly-null `Error`, a `boolean` indicating
6784 * whether the transaction was committed, and a `DataSnapshot` indicating the
6785 * final result. If the transaction failed abnormally, the first argument will
6786 * be an `Error` object indicating the failure cause. If the transaction
6787 * finished normally, but no data was committed because no data was returned
6788 * from `transactionUpdate`, then second argument will be false. If the
6789 * transaction completed and committed data to Firebase, the second argument
6790 * will be true. Regardless, the third argument will be a `DataSnapshot`
6791 * containing the resulting data in this location.
6792 * @param applyLocally By default, events are raised each time the
6793 * transaction update function runs. So if it is run multiple times, you may
6794 * see intermediate states. You can set this to false to suppress these
6795 * intermediate states and instead wait until the transaction has completed
6796 * before events are raised.
6797 * @return Returns a Promise that can optionally be used instead of the onComplete
6798 * callback to handle success and failure.
6799 */
6800 transaction(
6801 transactionUpdate: (a: any) => any,
6802 onComplete?: (
6803 a: Error | null,
6804 b: boolean,
6805 c: firebase.database.DataSnapshot | null
6806 ) => any,
6807 applyLocally?: boolean
6808 ): Promise<any>;
6809 /**
6810 * Writes multiple values to the Database at once.
6811 *
6812 * The `values` argument contains multiple property-value pairs that will be
6813 * written to the Database together. Each child property can either be a simple
6814 * property (for example, "name") or a relative path (for example,
6815 * "name/first") from the current location to the data to update.
6816 *
6817 * As opposed to the `set()` method, `update()` can be use to selectively update
6818 * only the referenced properties at the current location (instead of replacing
6819 * all the child properties at the current location).
6820 *
6821 * The effect of the write will be visible immediately, and the corresponding
6822 * events ('value', 'child_added', etc.) will be triggered. Synchronization of
6823 * the data to the Firebase servers will also be started, and the returned
6824 * Promise will resolve when complete. If provided, the `onComplete` callback
6825 * will be called asynchronously after synchronization has finished.
6826 *
6827 * A single `update()` will generate a single "value" event at the location
6828 * where the `update()` was performed, regardless of how many children were
6829 * modified.
6830 *
6831 * Note that modifying data with `update()` will cancel any pending
6832 * transactions at that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing
6833 * `update()` and `transaction()` to modify the same data.
6834 *
6835 * Passing `null` to `update()` will remove the data at this location.
6836 *
6837 * See
6838 * {@link
6839 * https://firebase.googleblog.com/2015/09/introducing-multi-location-updates-and_86.html
6840 * Introducing multi-location updates and more}.
6841 *
6842 * @example
6843 * ```javascript
6844 * var adaNameRef = firebase.database().ref('users/ada/name');
6845 * // Modify the 'first' and 'last' properties, but leave other data at
6846 * // adaNameRef unchanged.
6847 * adaNameRef.update({ first: 'Ada', last: 'Lovelace' });
6848 * ```
6849 *
6850 * @param values Object containing multiple values.
6851 * @param onComplete Callback called when write to server is
6852 * complete.
6853 * @return Resolves when update on server is complete.
6854 */
6855 update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: Error | null) => any): Promise<any>;
6856 }
6858 interface ThenableReference
6859 extends firebase.database.Reference,
6860 Promise<Reference> {}
6862 /**
6863 * Logs debugging information to the console.
6864 *
6865 * @example
6866 * ```javascript
6867 * // Enable logging
6868 * firebase.database.enableLogging(true);
6869 * ```
6870 *
6871 * @example
6872 * ```javascript
6873 * // Disable logging
6874 * firebase.database.enableLogging(false);
6875 * ```
6876 *
6877 * @example
6878 * ```javascript
6879 * // Enable logging across page refreshes
6880 * firebase.database.enableLogging(true, true);
6881 * ```
6882 *
6883 * @example
6884 * ```javascript
6885 * // Provide custom logger which prefixes log statements with "[FIREBASE]"
6886 * firebase.database.enableLogging(function(message) {
6887 * console.log("[FIREBASE]", message);
6888 * });
6889 * ```
6890 *
6891 * @param logger Enables logging if `true`;
6892 * disables logging if `false`. You can also provide a custom logger function
6893 * to control how things get logged.
6894 * @param persistent Remembers the logging state between page
6895 * refreshes if `true`.
6896 */
6897 function enableLogging(
6898 logger?: boolean | ((a: string) => any),
6899 persistent?: boolean
6900 ): any;
6903declare namespace firebase.database.ServerValue {
6904 /**
6905 * A placeholder value for auto-populating the current timestamp (time
6906 * since the Unix epoch, in milliseconds) as determined by the Firebase
6907 * servers.
6908 *
6909 * @example
6910 * ```javascript
6911 * var sessionsRef = firebase.database().ref("sessions");
6912 * sessionsRef.push({
6913 * startedAt: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
6914 * });
6915 * ```
6916 */
6917 var TIMESTAMP: Object;
6921 * @webonly
6922 */
6923declare namespace firebase.messaging {
6924 /**
6925 * The Firebase Messaging service interface.
6926 *
6927 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
6928 * {@link firebase.messaging `firebase.messaging()`}.
6929 *
6930 * See
6931 * {@link
6932 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/js/client
6933 * Set Up a JavaScript Firebase Cloud Messaging Client App}
6934 * for a full guide on how to use the Firebase Messaging service.
6935 *
6936 */
6937 interface Messaging {
6938 /**
6939 * To forcibly stop a registration token from being used, delete it
6940 * by calling this method.
6941 *
6942 * @param token The token to delete.
6943 * @return The promise resolves when the token has been
6944 * successfully deleted.
6945 */
6946 deleteToken(token: string): Promise<boolean>;
6947 /**
6948 * Subscribes the user to push notifications and returns an FCM registration
6949 * token that can be used to send push messages to the user.
6950 *
6951 * If notification permission isn't already granted, this method asks the
6952 * user for permission. The returned promise rejects if the user does not
6953 * allow the app to show notifications.
6954 *
6955 * @return The promise resolves with the FCM token string.
6956 */
6957 getToken(): Promise<string>;
6958 /**
6959 * When a push message is received and the user is currently on a page
6960 * for your origin, the message is passed to the page and an `onMessage()`
6961 * event is dispatched with the payload of the push message.
6962 *
6963 * NOTE: These events are dispatched when you have called
6964 * `setBackgroundMessageHandler()` in your service worker.
6965 *
6966 * @param
6967 * nextOrObserver This function, or observer object with `next` defined,
6968 * is called when a message is received and the user is currently viewing your page.
6969 * @return To stop listening for messages
6970 * execute this returned function.
6971 */
6972 onMessage(
6973 nextOrObserver: firebase.NextFn<any> | firebase.Observer<any>,
6974 error?: firebase.ErrorFn,
6975 completed?: firebase.CompleteFn
6976 ): firebase.Unsubscribe;
6977 /**
6978 * You should listen for token refreshes so your web app knows when FCM
6979 * has invalidated your existing token and you need to call `getToken()`
6980 * to get a new token.
6981 *
6982 * @param
6983 * nextOrObserver This function, or observer object with `next` defined,
6984 * is called when a token refresh has occurred.
6985 * @return To stop listening for token
6986 * refresh events execute this returned function.
6987 */
6988 onTokenRefresh(
6989 nextOrObserver: firebase.NextFn<any> | firebase.Observer<any>,
6990 error?: firebase.ErrorFn,
6991 completed?: firebase.CompleteFn
6992 ): firebase.Unsubscribe;
6993 /**
6994 * Notification permissions are required to send a user push messages.
6995 * Calling this method displays the permission dialog to the user and
6996 * resolves if the permission is granted. It is not necessary to call this
6997 * method, as `getToken()` will do this automatically if required.
6998 *
6999 * @return The promise resolves if permission is
7000 * granted. Otherwise, the promise is rejected with an error.
7001 *
7002 * @deprecated Use Notification.requestPermission() instead.
7003 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notification/requestPermission
7004 */
7005 requestPermission(): Promise<void>;
7006 /**
7007 * FCM directs push messages to your web page's `onMessage()` callback
7008 * if the user currently has it open. Otherwise, it calls
7009 * your callback passed into `setBackgroundMessageHandler()`.
7010 *
7011 * Your callback should return a promise that, once resolved, has
7012 * shown a notification.
7013 *
7014 * @param callback The function to handle the push message.
7015 */
7016 setBackgroundMessageHandler(
7017 callback: (payload: any) => Promise<any> | void
7018 ): void;
7019 /**
7020 * To use your own service worker for receiving push messages, you
7021 * can pass in your service worker registration in this method.
7022 *
7023 * @param registration The service worker
7024 * registration you wish to use for push messaging.
7025 */
7026 useServiceWorker(registration: ServiceWorkerRegistration): void;
7027 usePublicVapidKey(b64PublicKey: string): void;
7028 }
7030 function isSupported(): boolean;
7034 * @webonly
7035 */
7036declare namespace firebase.storage {
7037 /**
7038 * The full set of object metadata, including read-only properties.
7039 */
7040 interface FullMetadata extends firebase.storage.UploadMetadata {
7041 /**
7042 * The bucket this object is contained in.
7043 */
7044 bucket: string;
7045 /**
7046 * @deprecated
7047 * Use Reference.getDownloadURL instead. This property will be removed in a
7048 * future release.
7049 */
7050 downloadURLs: string[];
7051 /**
7052 * The full path of this object.
7053 */
7054 fullPath: string;
7055 /**
7056 * The object's generation.
7057 * @see {@link https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/generations-preconditions}
7058 */
7059 generation: string;
7060 /**
7061 * The object's metageneration.
7062 * @see {@link https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/generations-preconditions}
7063 */
7064 metageneration: string;
7065 /**
7066 * The short name of this object, which is the last component of the full path.
7067 * For example, if fullPath is 'full/path/image.png', name is 'image.png'.
7068 */
7069 name: string;
7070 /**
7071 * The size of this object, in bytes.
7072 */
7073 size: number;
7074 /**
7075 * A date string representing when this object was created.
7076 */
7077 timeCreated: string;
7078 /**
7079 * A date string representing when this object was last updated.
7080 */
7081 updated: string;
7082 }
7084 /**
7085 * Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object. Developers can
7086 * upload, download, and delete objects, as well as get/set object metadata.
7087 */
7088 interface Reference {
7089 /**
7090 * The name of the bucket containing this reference's object.
7091 */
7092 bucket: string;
7093 /**
7094 * Returns a reference to a relative path from this reference.
7095 * @param path The relative path from this reference.
7096 * Leading, trailing, and consecutive slashes are removed.
7097 * @return The reference to the given path.
7098 */
7099 child(path: string): firebase.storage.Reference;
7100 /**
7101 * Deletes the object at this reference's location.
7102 * @return A Promise that resolves if the deletion
7103 * succeeded and rejects if it failed, including if the object didn't exist.
7104 */
7105 delete(): Promise<any>;
7106 /**
7107 * The full path of this object.
7108 */
7109 fullPath: string;
7110 /**
7111 * Fetches a long lived download URL for this object.
7112 * @return A Promise that resolves with the download
7113 * URL or rejects if the fetch failed, including if the object did not
7114 * exist.
7115 */
7116 getDownloadURL(): Promise<any>;
7117 /**
7118 * Fetches metadata for the object at this location, if one exists.
7119 * @return A Promise that
7120 * resolves with the metadata, or rejects if the fetch failed, including if
7121 * the object did not exist.
7122 */
7123 getMetadata(): Promise<any>;
7124 /**
7125 * The short name of this object, which is the last component of the full path.
7126 * For example, if fullPath is 'full/path/image.png', name is 'image.png'.
7127 */
7128 name: string;
7129 /**
7130 * A reference pointing to the parent location of this reference, or null if
7131 * this reference is the root.
7132 */
7133 parent: firebase.storage.Reference | null;
7134 /**
7135 * Uploads data to this reference's location.
7136 * @param data The data to upload.
7137 * @param metadata Metadata for the newly
7138 * uploaded object.
7139 * @return An object that can be used to monitor
7140 * and manage the upload.
7141 */
7142 put(
7143 data: Blob | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer,
7144 metadata?: firebase.storage.UploadMetadata
7145 ): firebase.storage.UploadTask;
7146 /**
7147 * Uploads string data to this reference's location.
7148 * @param data The string to upload.
7149 * @param format The format of the string to
7150 * upload.
7151 * @param metadata Metadata for the newly
7152 * uploaded object.
7153 * @throws If the format is not an allowed format, or if the given string
7154 * doesn't conform to the specified format.
7155 */
7156 putString(
7157 data: string,
7158 format?: firebase.storage.StringFormat,
7159 metadata?: firebase.storage.UploadMetadata
7160 ): firebase.storage.UploadTask;
7161 /**
7162 * A reference to the root of this reference's bucket.
7163 */
7164 root: firebase.storage.Reference;
7165 /**
7166 * The storage service associated with this reference.
7167 */
7168 storage: firebase.storage.Storage;
7169 /**
7170 * Returns a gs:// URL for this object in the form
7171 * `gs://<bucket>/<path>/<to>/<object>`
7172 * @return The gs:// URL.
7173 */
7174 toString(): string;
7175 /**
7176 * Updates the metadata for the object at this location, if one exists.
7177 * @param metadata The new metadata.
7178 * Setting a property to 'null' removes it on the server, while leaving
7179 * a property as 'undefined' has no effect.
7180 * @return A Promise that
7181 * resolves with the full updated metadata or rejects if the updated failed,
7182 * including if the object did not exist.
7183 */
7184 updateMetadata(metadata: firebase.storage.SettableMetadata): Promise<any>;
7185 /**
7186 * List all items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this storage reference.
7187 *
7188 * This is a helper method for calling `list()` repeatedly until there are
7189 * no more results. The default pagination size is 1000.
7190 *
7191 * Note: The results may not be consistent if objects are changed while this
7192 * operation is running.
7193 *
7194 * Warning: `listAll` may potentially consume too many resources if there are
7195 * too many results.
7196 *
7197 * @return A Promise that resolves with all the items and prefixes under
7198 * the current storage reference. `prefixes` contains references to
7199 * sub-directories and `items` contains references to objects in this
7200 * folder. `nextPageToken` is never returned.
7201 */
7202 listAll(): Promise<ListResult>;
7203 /**
7204 * List items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this storage reference.
7205 *
7206 * List API is only available for Firebase Rules Version 2.
7207 *
7208 * GCS is a key-blob store. Firebase Storage imposes the semantic of '/'
7209 * delimited folder structure.
7210 * Refer to GCS's List API if you want to learn more.
7211 *
7212 * To adhere to Firebase Rules's Semantics, Firebase Storage does not
7213 * support objects whose paths end with "/" or contain two consecutive
7214 * "/"s. Firebase Storage List API will filter these unsupported objects.
7215 * `list()` may fail if there are too many unsupported objects in the bucket.
7216 *
7217 * @param options See `ListOptions` for details.
7218 * @return A Promise that resolves with the items and prefixes.
7219 * `prefixes` contains references to sub-folders and `items`
7220 * contains references to objects in this folder. `nextPageToken`
7221 * can be used to get the rest of the results.
7222 */
7223 list(options?: ListOptions): Promise<ListResult>;
7224 }
7226 /**
7227 * Result returned by list().
7228 */
7229 interface ListResult {
7230 /**
7231 * References to prefixes (sub-folders). You can call list() on them to
7232 * get its contents.
7233 *
7234 * Folders are implicit based on '/' in the object paths.
7235 * For example, if a bucket has two objects '/a/b/1' and '/a/b/2', list('/a')
7236 * will return '/a/b' as a prefix.
7237 */
7238 prefixes: Reference[];
7239 /**
7240 * Objects in this directory.
7241 * You can call getMetadate() and getDownloadUrl() on them.
7242 */
7243 items: Reference[];
7244 /**
7245 * If set, there might be more results for this list. Use this token to resume the list.
7246 */
7247 nextPageToken: string | null;
7248 }
7250 /**
7251 * The options `list()` accepts.
7252 */
7253 interface ListOptions {
7254 /**
7255 * If set, limits the total number of `prefixes` and `items` to return.
7256 * The default and maximum maxResults is 1000.
7257 */
7258 maxResults?: number | null;
7259 /**
7260 * The `nextPageToken` from a previous call to `list()`. If provided,
7261 * listing is resumed from the previous position.
7262 */
7263 pageToken?: string | null;
7264 }
7266 /**
7267 * Object metadata that can be set at any time.
7268 */
7269 interface SettableMetadata {
7270 /**
7271 * Served as the 'Cache-Control' header on object download.
7272 */
7273 cacheControl?: string | null;
7274 contentDisposition?: string | null;
7275 /**
7276 * Served as the 'Content-Encoding' header on object download.
7277 */
7278 contentEncoding?: string | null;
7279 /**
7280 * Served as the 'Content-Language' header on object download.
7281 */
7282 contentLanguage?: string | null;
7283 /**
7284 * Served as the 'Content-Type' header on object download.
7285 */
7286 contentType?: string | null;
7287 /**
7288 * Additional user-defined custom metadata.
7289 */
7290 customMetadata?: {
7291 [/* warning: coerced from ? */ key: string]: string;
7292 } | null;
7293 }
7295 /**
7296 * The Firebase Storage service interface.
7297 *
7298 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
7299 * {@link firebase.storage `firebase.storage()`}.
7300 *
7301 * See
7302 * {@link
7303 * https://firebase.google.com/docs/storage/web/start/
7304 * Get Started on Web}
7305 * for a full guide on how to use the Firebase Storage service.
7306 */
7307 interface Storage {
7308 /**
7309 * The {@link firebase.app.App app} associated with the `Storage` service
7310 * instance.
7311 *
7312 * @example
7313 * ```javascript
7314 * var app = storage.app;
7315 * ```
7316 */
7317 app: firebase.app.App;
7318 /**
7319 * The maximum time to retry operations other than uploads or downloads in
7320 * milliseconds.
7321 */
7322 maxOperationRetryTime: number;
7323 /**
7324 * The maximum time to retry uploads in milliseconds.
7325 */
7326 maxUploadRetryTime: number;
7327 /**
7328 * Returns a reference for the given path in the default bucket.
7329 * @param path A relative path to initialize the reference with,
7330 * for example `path/to/image.jpg`. If not passed, the returned reference
7331 * points to the bucket root.
7332 * @return A reference for the given path.
7333 */
7334 ref(path?: string): firebase.storage.Reference;
7335 /**
7336 * Returns a reference for the given absolute URL.
7337 * @param url A URL in the form: <br />
7338 * 1) a gs:// URL, for example `gs://bucket/files/image.png` <br />
7339 * 2) a download URL taken from object metadata. <br />
7340 * @see {@link firebase.storage.FullMetadata.prototype.downloadURLs}
7341 * @return A reference for the given URL.
7342 */
7343 refFromURL(url: string): firebase.storage.Reference;
7344 /**
7345 * @param time The new maximum operation retry time in milliseconds.
7346 * @see {@link firebase.storage.Storage.prototype.maxOperationRetryTime}
7347 */
7348 setMaxOperationRetryTime(time: number): any;
7349 /**
7350 * @param time The new maximum upload retry time in milliseconds.
7351 * @see {@link firebase.storage.Storage.prototype.maxUploadRetryTime}
7352 */
7353 setMaxUploadRetryTime(time: number): any;
7354 }
7356 /**
7357 * @enum {string}
7358 * An enumeration of the possible string formats for upload.
7359 */
7360 type StringFormat = string;
7361 var StringFormat: {
7362 /**
7363 * Indicates the string should be interpreted as base64-encoded data.
7364 * Padding characters (trailing '='s) are optional.
7365 * Example: The string 'rWmO++E6t7/rlw==' becomes the byte sequence
7366 * ad 69 8e fb e1 3a b7 bf eb 97
7367 */
7368 BASE64: StringFormat;
7369 /**
7370 * Indicates the string should be interpreted as base64url-encoded data.
7371 * Padding characters (trailing '='s) are optional.
7372 * Example: The string 'rWmO--E6t7_rlw==' becomes the byte sequence
7373 * ad 69 8e fb e1 3a b7 bf eb 97
7374 */
7375 BASE64URL: StringFormat;
7376 /**
7377 * Indicates the string is a data URL, such as one obtained from
7378 * canvas.toDataURL().
7379 * Example: the string 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,aaaa'
7380 * becomes the byte sequence
7381 * 69 a6 9a
7382 * (the content-type "application/octet-stream" is also applied, but can
7383 * be overridden in the metadata object).
7384 */
7385 DATA_URL: StringFormat;
7386 /**
7387 * Indicates the string should be interpreted "raw", that is, as normal text.
7388 * The string will be interpreted as UTF-16, then uploaded as a UTF-8 byte
7389 * sequence.
7390 * Example: The string 'Hello! \ud83d\ude0a' becomes the byte sequence
7391 * 48 65 6c 6c 6f 21 20 f0 9f 98 8a
7392 */
7393 RAW: StringFormat;
7394 };
7396 /**
7397 * An event that is triggered on a task.
7398 * @enum {string}
7399 * @see {@link firebase.storage.UploadTask.prototype.on}
7400 */
7401 type TaskEvent = string;
7402 var TaskEvent: {
7403 /**
7404 * For this event,
7405 * <ul>
7406 * <li>The `next` function is triggered on progress updates and when the
7407 * task is paused/resumed with a
7408 * {@link firebase.storage.UploadTaskSnapshot} as the first
7409 * argument.</li>
7410 * <li>The `error` function is triggered if the upload is canceled or fails
7411 * for another reason.</li>
7412 * <li>The `complete` function is triggered if the upload completes
7413 * successfully.</li>
7414 * </ul>
7415 */
7416 STATE_CHANGED: TaskEvent;
7417 };
7419 /**
7420 * Represents the current state of a running upload.
7421 * @enum {string}
7422 */
7423 type TaskState = string;
7424 var TaskState: {
7425 CANCELED: TaskState;
7426 ERROR: TaskState;
7427 PAUSED: TaskState;
7428 RUNNING: TaskState;
7429 SUCCESS: TaskState;
7430 };
7432 /**
7433 * Object metadata that can be set at upload.
7434 */
7435 interface UploadMetadata extends firebase.storage.SettableMetadata {
7436 /**
7437 * A Base64-encoded MD5 hash of the object being uploaded.
7438 */
7439 md5Hash?: string | null;
7440 }
7442 /**
7443 * Represents the process of uploading an object. Allows you to monitor and
7444 * manage the upload.
7445 */
7446 interface UploadTask {
7447 /**
7448 * Cancels a running task. Has no effect on a complete or failed task.
7449 * @return True if the cancel had an effect.
7450 */
7451 cancel(): boolean;
7452 /**
7453 * Equivalent to calling `then(null, onRejected)`.
7454 */
7455 catch(onRejected: (a: Error) => any): Promise<any>;
7456 /**
7457 * Listens for events on this task.
7458 *
7459 * Events have three callback functions (referred to as `next`, `error`, and
7460 * `complete`).
7461 *
7462 * If only the event is passed, a function that can be used to register the
7463 * callbacks is returned. Otherwise, the callbacks are passed after the event.
7464 *
7465 * Callbacks can be passed either as three separate arguments <em>or</em> as the
7466 * `next`, `error`, and `complete` properties of an object. Any of the three
7467 * callbacks is optional, as long as at least one is specified. In addition,
7468 * when you add your callbacks, you get a function back. You can call this
7469 * function to unregister the associated callbacks.
7470 *
7471 * @example **Pass callbacks separately or in an object.**
7472 * ```javascript
7473 * var next = function(snapshot) {};
7474 * var error = function(error) {};
7475 * var complete = function() {};
7476 *
7477 * // The first example.
7478 * uploadTask.on(
7479 * firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED,
7480 * next,
7481 * error,
7482 * complete);
7483 *
7484 * // This is equivalent to the first example.
7485 * uploadTask.on(firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED, {
7486 * 'next': next,
7487 * 'error': error,
7488 * 'complete': complete
7489 * });
7490 *
7491 * // This is equivalent to the first example.
7492 * var subscribe = uploadTask.on(firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED);
7493 * subscribe(next, error, complete);
7494 *
7495 * // This is equivalent to the first example.
7496 * var subscribe = uploadTask.on(firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED);
7497 * subscribe({
7498 * 'next': next,
7499 * 'error': error,
7500 * 'complete': complete
7501 * });
7502 * ```
7503 *
7504 * @example **Any callback is optional.**
7505 * ```javascript
7506 * // Just listening for completion, this is legal.
7507 * uploadTask.on(
7508 * firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED,
7509 * null,
7510 * null,
7511 * function() {
7512 * console.log('upload complete!');
7513 * });
7514 *
7515 * // Just listening for progress/state changes, this is legal.
7516 * uploadTask.on(firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED, function(snapshot) {
7517 * var percent = snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes * 100;
7518 * console.log(percent + "% done");
7519 * });
7520 *
7521 * // This is also legal.
7522 * uploadTask.on(firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED, {
7523 * 'complete': function() {
7524 * console.log('upload complete!');
7525 * }
7526 * });
7527 * ```
7528 *
7529 * @example **Use the returned function to remove callbacks.**
7530 * ```javascript
7531 * var unsubscribe = uploadTask.on(
7532 * firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED,
7533 * function(snapshot) {
7534 * var percent = snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes * 100;
7535 * console.log(percent + "% done");
7536 * // Stop after receiving one update.
7537 * unsubscribe();
7538 * });
7539 *
7540 * // This code is equivalent to the above.
7541 * var handle = uploadTask.on(firebase.storage.TaskEvent.STATE_CHANGED);
7542 * unsubscribe = handle(function(snapshot) {
7543 * var percent = snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes * 100;
7544 * console.log(percent + "% done");
7545 * // Stop after receiving one update.
7546 * unsubscribe();
7547 * });
7548 * ```
7549 *
7550 * @param event The event to listen for.
7551 * @param nextOrObserver
7552 * The `next` function, which gets called for each item in
7553 * the event stream, or an observer object with some or all of these three
7554 * properties (`next`, `error`, `complete`).
7555 * @param error A function that gets called with an Error
7556 * if the event stream ends due to an error.
7557 * @param complete A function that gets called if the
7558 * event stream ends normally.
7559 * @return
7560 * If only the event argument is passed, returns a function you can use to
7561 * add callbacks (see the examples above). If more than just the event
7562 * argument is passed, returns a function you can call to unregister the
7563 * callbacks.
7564 */
7565 on(
7566 event: firebase.storage.TaskEvent,
7567 nextOrObserver?:
7568 | firebase.Observer<UploadTaskSnapshot>
7569 | null
7570 | ((a: UploadTaskSnapshot) => any),
7571 error?: ((a: Error) => any) | null,
7572 complete?: firebase.Unsubscribe | null
7573 ): Function;
7574 /**
7575 * Pauses a running task. Has no effect on a paused or failed task.
7576 * @return True if the pause had an effect.
7577 */
7578 pause(): boolean;
7579 /**
7580 * Resumes a paused task. Has no effect on a running or failed task.
7581 * @return True if the resume had an effect.
7582 */
7583 resume(): boolean;
7584 /**
7585 * A snapshot of the current task state.
7586 */
7587 snapshot: firebase.storage.UploadTaskSnapshot;
7588 /**
7589 * This object behaves like a Promise, and resolves with its snapshot data when
7590 * the upload completes.
7591 * @param onFulfilled
7592 * The fulfillment callback. Promise chaining works as normal.
7593 * @param onRejected The rejection callback.
7594 */
7595 then(
7596 onFulfilled?: ((a: firebase.storage.UploadTaskSnapshot) => any) | null,
7597 onRejected?: ((a: Error) => any) | null
7598 ): Promise<any>;
7599 }
7601 /**
7602 * Holds data about the current state of the upload task.
7603 */
7604 interface UploadTaskSnapshot {
7605 /**
7606 * The number of bytes that have been successfully uploaded so far.
7607 */
7608 bytesTransferred: number;
7609 /**
7610 * @deprecated
7611 * Use Reference.getDownloadURL instead. This property will be removed in a
7612 * future release.
7613 */
7614 downloadURL: string | null;
7615 /**
7616 * Before the upload completes, contains the metadata sent to the server.
7617 * After the upload completes, contains the metadata sent back from the server.
7618 */
7619 metadata: firebase.storage.FullMetadata;
7620 /**
7621 * The reference that spawned this snapshot's upload task.
7622 */
7623 ref: firebase.storage.Reference;
7624 /**
7625 * The current state of the task.
7626 */
7627 state: firebase.storage.TaskState;
7628 /**
7629 * The task of which this is a snapshot.
7630 */
7631 task: firebase.storage.UploadTask;
7632 /**
7633 * The total number of bytes to be uploaded.
7634 */
7635 totalBytes: number;
7636 }
7639declare namespace firebase.firestore {
7640 /**
7641 * Document data (for use with `DocumentReference.set()`) consists of fields
7642 * mapped to values.
7643 */
7644 export type DocumentData = { [field: string]: any };
7646 /**
7647 * Update data (for use with `DocumentReference.update()`) consists of field
7648 * paths (e.g. 'foo' or 'foo.baz') mapped to values. Fields that contain dots
7649 * reference nested fields within the document.
7650 */
7651 export type UpdateData = { [fieldPath: string]: any };
7653 /**
7654 * Constant used to indicate the LRU garbage collection should be disabled.
7655 * Set this value as the `cacheSizeBytes` on the settings passed to the
7656 * `Firestore` instance.
7657 */
7658 export const CACHE_SIZE_UNLIMITED: number;
7660 /**
7661 * Specifies custom configurations for your Cloud Firestore instance.
7662 * You must set these before invoking any other methods.
7663 */
7664 export interface Settings {
7665 /** The hostname to connect to. */
7666 host?: string;
7667 /** Whether to use SSL when connecting. */
7668 ssl?: boolean;
7670 /**
7671 * Specifies whether to use `Timestamp` objects for timestamp fields in
7672 * `DocumentSnapshot`s. This is enabled by default and should not be
7673 * disabled.
7674 *
7675 * Previously, Firestore returned timestamp fields as `Date` but `Date`
7676 * only supports millisecond precision, which leads to truncation and
7677 * causes unexpected behavior when using a timestamp from a snapshot as a
7678 * part of a subsequent query.
7679 *
7680 * So now Firestore returns `Timestamp` values instead of `Date`, avoiding
7681 * this kind of problem.
7682 *
7683 * To opt into the old behavior of returning `Date` objects, you can
7684 * temporarily set `timestampsInSnapshots` to false.
7685 *
7686 * @deprecated This setting will be removed in a future release. You should
7687 * update your code to expect `Timestamp` objects and stop using the
7688 * `timestampsInSnapshots` setting.
7689 */
7690 timestampsInSnapshots?: boolean;
7692 /**
7693 * An approximate cache size threshold for the on-disk data. If the cache grows beyond this
7694 * size, Firestore will start removing data that hasn't been recently used. The size is not a
7695 * guarantee that the cache will stay below that size, only that if the cache exceeds the given
7696 * size, cleanup will be attempted.
7697 *
7698 * The default value is 40 MB. The threshold must be set to at least 1 MB, and can be set to
7699 * CACHE_SIZE_UNLIMITED to disable garbage collection.
7700 */
7701 cacheSizeBytes?: number;
7703 /**
7704 * Forces the SDK’s underlying network transport (WebChannel) to use
7705 * long-polling. Each response from the backend will be closed immediately
7706 * after the backend sends data (by default responses are kept open in
7707 * case the backend has more data to send). This avoids incompatibility
7708 * issues with certain proxies, antivirus software, etc. that incorrectly
7709 * buffer traffic indefinitely. Use of this option will cause some
7710 * performance degradation though.
7711 *
7712 * This setting may be removed in a future release. If you find yourself
7713 * using it to work around a specific network reliability issue, please
7714 * tell us about it in
7715 * https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues/1674.
7716 *
7717 * @webonly
7718 */
7719 experimentalForceLongPolling?: boolean;
7720 }
7722 /**
7723 * Settings that can be passed to Firestore.enablePersistence() to configure
7724 * Firestore persistence.
7725 */
7726 export interface PersistenceSettings {
7727 /**
7728 * Whether to synchronize the in-memory state of multiple tabs. Setting this
7729 * to 'true' in all open tabs enables shared access to local persistence,
7730 * shared execution of queries and latency-compensated local document updates
7731 * across all connected instances.
7732 *
7733 * To enable this mode, `synchronizeTabs:true` needs to be set globally in all
7734 * active tabs. If omitted or set to 'false', `enablePersistence()` will fail
7735 * in all but the first tab.
7736 */
7737 synchronizeTabs?: boolean;
7739 /**
7740 * Whether to synchronize the in-memory state of multiple tabs. Setting this
7741 * to 'true' in all open tabs enables shared access to local persistence,
7742 * shared execution of queries and latency-compensated local document updates
7743 * across all connected instances.
7744 *
7745 * @deprecated This setting is deprecated. To enabled synchronization between
7746 * multiple tabs, please use `synchronizeTabs: true` instead.
7747 */
7748 experimentalTabSynchronization?: boolean;
7749 }
7751 export type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'error' | 'silent';
7753 /**
7754 * Sets the verbosity of Cloud Firestore logs (debug, error, or silent).
7755 *
7756 * @param logLevel
7757 * The verbosity you set for activity and error logging. Can be any of
7758 * the following values:
7759 *
7760 * <ul>
7761 * <li><code>debug</code> for the most verbose logging level, primarily for
7762 * debugging.</li>
7763 * <li><code>error</code> to log errors only.</li>
7764 * <li><code>silent</code> to turn off logging.</li>
7765 * </ul>
7766 */
7767 export function setLogLevel(logLevel: LogLevel): void;
7769 /**
7770 * Converter used by `withConverter()` to transform user objects of type T
7771 * into Firestore data.
7772 *
7773 * Using the converter allows you to specify generic type arguments when
7774 * storing and retrieving objects from Firestore.
7775 *
7776 * @example
7777 * ```typescript
7778 * class Post {
7779 * constructor(readonly title: string, readonly author: string) {}
7780 *
7781 * toString(): string {
7782 * return this.title + ', by ' + this.author;
7783 * }
7784 * }
7785 *
7786 * const postConverter = {
7787 * toFirestore(post: Post): firebase.firestore.DocumentData {
7788 * return {title: post.title, author: post.author};
7789 * },
7790 * fromFirestore(
7791 * snapshot: firebase.firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot,
7792 * options: firebase.firestore.SnapshotOptions
7793 * ): Post {
7794 * const data = snapshot.data(options)!;
7795 * return new Post(data.title, data.author);
7796 * }
7797 * };
7798 *
7799 * const postSnap = await firebase.firestore()
7800 * .collection('posts')
7801 * .withConverter(postConverter)
7802 * .doc().get();
7803 * const post = postSnap.data();
7804 * if (post !== undefined) {
7805 * post.title; // string
7806 * post.toString(); // Should be defined
7807 * post.someNonExistentProperty; // TS error
7808 * }
7809 * ```
7810 */
7811 export interface FirestoreDataConverter<T> {
7812 /**
7813 * Called by the Firestore SDK to convert a custom model object of type T
7814 * into a plain Javascript object (suitable for writing directly to the
7815 * Firestore database).
7816 */
7817 toFirestore(modelObject: T): DocumentData;
7819 /**
7820 * Called by the Firestore SDK to convert Firestore data into an object of
7821 * type T. You can access your data by calling: `snapshot.data(options)`.
7822 *
7823 * @param snapshot A QueryDocumentSnapshot containing your data and metadata.
7824 * @param options The SnapshotOptions from the initial call to `data()`.
7825 */
7826 fromFirestore(snapshot: QueryDocumentSnapshot, options: SnapshotOptions): T;
7827 }
7829 /**
7830 * The Cloud Firestore service interface.
7831 *
7832 * Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use
7833 * {@link firebase.firestore `firebase.firestore()`}.
7834 */
7835 export class Firestore {
7836 private constructor();
7837 /**
7838 * Specifies custom settings to be used to configure the `Firestore`
7839 * instance. Must be set before invoking any other methods.
7840 *
7841 * @param settings The settings to use.
7842 */
7843 settings(settings: Settings): void;
7845 /**
7846 * Attempts to enable persistent storage, if possible.
7847 *
7848 * Must be called before any other methods (other than settings() and
7849 * clearPersistence()).
7850 *
7851 * If this fails, enablePersistence() will reject the promise it returns.
7852 * Note that even after this failure, the firestore instance will remain
7853 * usable, however offline persistence will be disabled.
7854 *
7855 * There are several reasons why this can fail, which can be identified by
7856 * the `code` on the error.
7857 *
7858 * * failed-precondition: The app is already open in another browser tab.
7859 * * unimplemented: The browser is incompatible with the offline
7860 * persistence implementation.
7861 *
7862 * @param settings Optional settings object to configure persistence.
7863 * @return A promise that represents successfully enabling persistent
7864 * storage.
7865 */
7866 enablePersistence(settings?: PersistenceSettings): Promise<void>;
7868 /**
7869 * Gets a `CollectionReference` instance that refers to the collection at
7870 * the specified path.
7871 *
7872 * @param collectionPath A slash-separated path to a collection.
7873 * @return The `CollectionReference` instance.
7874 */
7875 collection(collectionPath: string): CollectionReference<DocumentData>;
7877 /**
7878 * Gets a `DocumentReference` instance that refers to the document at the
7879 * specified path.
7880 *
7881 * @param documentPath A slash-separated path to a document.
7882 * @return The `DocumentReference` instance.
7883 */
7884 doc(documentPath: string): DocumentReference<DocumentData>;
7886 /**
7887 * Creates and returns a new Query that includes all documents in the
7888 * database that are contained in a collection or subcollection with the
7889 * given collectionId.
7890 *
7891 * @param collectionId Identifies the collections to query over. Every
7892 * collection or subcollection with this ID as the last segment of its path
7893 * will be included. Cannot contain a slash.
7894 * @return The created Query.
7895 */
7896 collectionGroup(collectionId: string): Query<DocumentData>;
7898 /**
7899 * Executes the given `updateFunction` and then attempts to commit the changes
7900 * applied within the transaction. If any document read within the transaction
7901 * has changed, Cloud Firestore retries the `updateFunction`. If it fails to
7902 * commit after 5 attempts, the transaction fails.
7903 *
7904 * The maximum number of writes allowed in a single transaction is 500, but
7905 * note that each usage of `FieldValue.serverTimestamp()`,
7906 * `FieldValue.arrayUnion()`, `FieldValue.arrayRemove()`, or
7907 * `FieldValue.increment()` inside a transaction counts as an additional write.
7908 *
7909 * @param updateFunction
7910 * The function to execute within the transaction context.
7911 *
7912 * @return
7913 * If the transaction completed successfully or was explicitly aborted
7914 * (the `updateFunction` returned a failed promise),
7915 * the promise returned by the updateFunction is returned here. Else, if the
7916 * transaction failed, a rejected promise with the corresponding failure
7917 * error will be returned.
7918 */
7919 runTransaction<T>(
7920 updateFunction: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<T>
7921 ): Promise<T>;
7923 /**
7924 * Creates a write batch, used for performing multiple writes as a single
7925 * atomic operation. The maximum number of writes allowed in a single WriteBatch
7926 * is 500, but note that each usage of `FieldValue.serverTimestamp()`,
7927 * `FieldValue.arrayUnion()`, `FieldValue.arrayRemove()`, or
7928 * `FieldValue.increment()` inside a WriteBatch counts as an additional write.
7929 *
7930 * @return
7931 * A `WriteBatch` that can be used to atomically execute multiple writes.
7932 */
7933 batch(): WriteBatch;
7935 /**
7936 * The {@link firebase.app.App app} associated with this `Firestore` service
7937 * instance.
7938 */
7939 app: firebase.app.App;
7941 /**
7942 * Clears the persistent storage. This includes pending writes and cached
7943 * documents.
7944 *
7945 * Must be called while the firestore instance is not started (after the app
7946 * is shutdown or when the app is first initialized). On startup, this
7947 * method must be called before other methods (other than settings()). If
7948 * the firestore instance is still running, the promise will be rejected
7949 * with the error code of `failed-precondition`.
7950 *
7951 * Note: clearPersistence() is primarily intended to help write reliable
7952 * tests that use Cloud Firestore. It uses an efficient mechanism for
7953 * dropping existing data but does not attempt to securely overwrite or
7954 * otherwise make cached data unrecoverable. For applications that are
7955 * sensitive to the disclosure of cached data in between user sessions, we
7956 * strongly recommend not enabling persistence at all.
7957 *
7958 * @return A promise that is resolved when the persistent storage is
7959 * cleared. Otherwise, the promise is rejected with an error.
7960 */
7961 clearPersistence(): Promise<void>;
7963 /**
7964 * Re-enables use of the network for this Firestore instance after a prior
7965 * call to {@link firebase.firestore.Firestore.disableNetwork
7966 * `disableNetwork()`}.
7967 *
7968 * @return A promise that is resolved once the network has been
7969 * enabled.
7970 */
7971 enableNetwork(): Promise<void>;
7973 /**
7974 * Disables network usage for this instance. It can be re-enabled via
7975 * {@link firebase.firestore.Firestore.enableNetwork `enableNetwork()`}. While
7976 * the network is disabled, any snapshot listeners or get() calls will return
7977 * results from cache, and any write operations will be queued until the network
7978 * is restored.
7979 *
7980 * @return A promise that is resolved once the network has been
7981 * disabled.
7982 */
7983 disableNetwork(): Promise<void>;
7985 /**
7986 * Waits until all currently pending writes for the active user have been acknowledged by the
7987 * backend.
7988 *
7989 * The returned Promise resolves immediately if there are no outstanding writes. Otherwise, the
7990 * Promise waits for all previously issued writes (including those written in a previous app
7991 * session), but it does not wait for writes that were added after the method is called. If you
7992 * want to wait for additional writes, call `waitForPendingWrites()` again.
7993 *
7994 * Any outstanding `waitForPendingWrites()` Promises are rejected during user changes.
7995 *
7996 * @return A Promise which resolves when all currently pending writes have been
7997 * acknowledged by the backend.
7998 */
7999 waitForPendingWrites(): Promise<void>;
8001 /**
8002 * Attaches a listener for a snapshots-in-sync event. The snapshots-in-sync
8003 * event indicates that all listeners affected by a given change have fired,
8004 * even if a single server-generated change affects multiple listeners.
8005 *
8006 * NOTE: The snapshots-in-sync event only indicates that listeners are in sync
8007 * with each other, but does not relate to whether those snapshots are in sync
8008 * with the server. Use SnapshotMetadata in the individual listeners to
8009 * determine if a snapshot is from the cache or the server.
8010 *
8011 * @param observer A single object containing `next` and `error` callbacks.
8012 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel the snapshot
8013 * listener.
8014 */
8015 onSnapshotsInSync(observer: {
8016 next?: (value: void) => void;
8017 error?: (error: Error) => void;
8018 complete?: () => void;
8019 }): () => void;
8021 /**
8022 * Attaches a listener for a snapshots-in-sync event. The snapshots-in-sync
8023 * event indicates that all listeners affected by a given change have fired,
8024 * even if a single server-generated change affects multiple listeners.
8025 *
8026 * NOTE: The snapshots-in-sync event only indicates that listeners are in sync
8027 * with each other, but does not relate to whether those snapshots are in sync
8028 * with the server. Use SnapshotMetadata in the individual listeners to
8029 * determine if a snapshot is from the cache or the server.
8030 *
8031 * @param onSync A callback to be called every time all snapshot listeners are
8032 * in sync with each other.
8033 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel the snapshot
8034 * listener.
8035 */
8036 onSnapshotsInSync(onSync: () => void): () => void;
8038 /**
8039 * Terminates this Firestore instance.
8040 *
8041 * After calling `terminate()` only the `clearPersistence()` method may be used. Any other method
8042 * will throw a `FirestoreError`.
8043 *
8044 * To restart after termination, create a new instance of FirebaseFirestore with
8045 * `firebase.firestore()`.
8046 *
8047 * Termination does not cancel any pending writes, and any promises that are awaiting a response
8048 * from the server will not be resolved. If you have persistence enabled, the next time you
8049 * start this instance, it will resume sending these writes to the server.
8050 *
8051 * Note: Under normal circumstances, calling `terminate()` is not required. This
8052 * method is useful only when you want to force this instance to release all of its resources or
8053 * in combination with `clearPersistence()` to ensure that all local state is destroyed
8054 * between test runs.
8055 *
8056 * @return A promise that is resolved when the instance has been successfully terminated.
8057 */
8058 terminate(): Promise<void>;
8060 /**
8061 * @hidden
8062 */
8063 INTERNAL: { delete: () => Promise<void> };
8064 }
8066 /**
8067 * An immutable object representing a geo point in Firestore. The geo point
8068 * is represented as latitude/longitude pair.
8069 *
8070 * Latitude values are in the range of [-90, 90].
8071 * Longitude values are in the range of [-180, 180].
8072 */
8073 export class GeoPoint {
8074 /**
8075 * Creates a new immutable GeoPoint object with the provided latitude and
8076 * longitude values.
8077 * @param latitude The latitude as number between -90 and 90.
8078 * @param longitude The longitude as number between -180 and 180.
8079 */
8080 constructor(latitude: number, longitude: number);
8082 /**
8083 * The latitude of this GeoPoint instance.
8084 */
8085 readonly latitude: number;
8086 /**
8087 * The longitude of this GeoPoint instance.
8088 */
8089 readonly longitude: number;
8091 /**
8092 * Returns true if this `GeoPoint` is equal to the provided one.
8093 *
8094 * @param other The `GeoPoint` to compare against.
8095 * @return true if this `GeoPoint` is equal to the provided one.
8096 */
8097 isEqual(other: GeoPoint): boolean;
8098 }
8100 /**
8101 * A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or
8102 * calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond
8103 * resolution in UTC Epoch time.
8104 *
8105 * It is encoded using the Proleptic Gregorian
8106 * Calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one. It is
8107 * encoded assuming all minutes are 60 seconds long, i.e. leap seconds are
8108 * "smeared" so that no leap second table is needed for interpretation. Range is
8109 * from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z.
8110 *
8111 * @see https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
8112 */
8113 export class Timestamp {
8114 /**
8115 * Creates a new timestamp.
8116 *
8117 * @param seconds The number of seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
8118 * 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
8119 * 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
8120 * @param nanoseconds The non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond
8121 * resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have
8122 * non-negative nanoseconds values that count forward in time. Must be
8123 * from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
8124 */
8125 constructor(seconds: number, nanoseconds: number);
8127 /**
8128 * Creates a new timestamp with the current date, with millisecond precision.
8129 *
8130 * @return a new timestamp representing the current date.
8131 */
8132 static now(): Timestamp;
8134 /**
8135 * Creates a new timestamp from the given date.
8136 *
8137 * @param date The date to initialize the `Timestamp` from.
8138 * @return A new `Timestamp` representing the same point in time as the given
8139 * date.
8140 */
8141 static fromDate(date: Date): Timestamp;
8143 /**
8144 * Creates a new timestamp from the given number of milliseconds.
8145 *
8146 * @param milliseconds Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch
8147 * 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
8148 * @return A new `Timestamp` representing the same point in time as the given
8149 * number of milliseconds.
8150 */
8151 static fromMillis(milliseconds: number): Timestamp;
8153 readonly seconds: number;
8154 readonly nanoseconds: number;
8156 /**
8157 * Convert a Timestamp to a JavaScript `Date` object. This conversion causes
8158 * a loss of precision since `Date` objects only support millisecond precision.
8159 *
8160 * @return JavaScript `Date` object representing the same point in time as
8161 * this `Timestamp`, with millisecond precision.
8162 */
8163 toDate(): Date;
8165 /**
8166 * Convert a timestamp to a numeric timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch).
8167 * This operation causes a loss of precision.
8168 *
8169 * @return The point in time corresponding to this timestamp, represented as
8170 * the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
8171 */
8172 toMillis(): number;
8174 /**
8175 * Returns true if this `Timestamp` is equal to the provided one.
8176 *
8177 * @param other The `Timestamp` to compare against.
8178 * @return true if this `Timestamp` is equal to the provided one.
8179 */
8180 isEqual(other: Timestamp): boolean;
8182 /**
8183 * Converts this object to a primitive string, which allows Timestamp objects to be compared
8184 * using the `>`, `<=`, `>=` and `>` operators.
8185 */
8186 valueOf(): string;
8187 }
8189 /**
8190 * An immutable object representing an array of bytes.
8191 */
8192 export class Blob {
8193 private constructor();
8195 /**
8196 * Creates a new Blob from the given Base64 string, converting it to
8197 * bytes.
8198 *
8199 * @param base64
8200 * The Base64 string used to create the Blob object.
8201 */
8202 static fromBase64String(base64: string): Blob;
8204 /**
8205 * Creates a new Blob from the given Uint8Array.
8206 *
8207 * @param array
8208 * The Uint8Array used to create the Blob object.
8209 */
8210 static fromUint8Array(array: Uint8Array): Blob;
8212 /**
8213 * Returns the bytes of a Blob as a Base64-encoded string.
8214 *
8215 * @return
8216 * The Base64-encoded string created from the Blob object.
8217 */
8218 public toBase64(): string;
8220 /**
8221 * Returns the bytes of a Blob in a new Uint8Array.
8222 *
8223 * @return
8224 * The Uint8Array created from the Blob object.
8225 */
8226 public toUint8Array(): Uint8Array;
8228 /**
8229 * Returns true if this `Blob` is equal to the provided one.
8230 *
8231 * @param other The `Blob` to compare against.
8232 * @return true if this `Blob` is equal to the provided one.
8233 */
8234 isEqual(other: Blob): boolean;
8235 }
8237 /**
8238 * A reference to a transaction.
8239 * The `Transaction` object passed to a transaction's updateFunction provides
8240 * the methods to read and write data within the transaction context. See
8241 * `Firestore.runTransaction()`.
8242 */
8243 export class Transaction {
8244 private constructor();
8246 /**
8247 * Reads the document referenced by the provided `DocumentReference.`
8248 *
8249 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be read.
8250 * @return A DocumentSnapshot for the read data.
8251 */
8252 get<T>(documentRef: DocumentReference<T>): Promise<DocumentSnapshot<T>>;
8254 /**
8255 * Writes to the document referred to by the provided `DocumentReference`.
8256 * If the document does not exist yet, it will be created. If you pass
8257 * `SetOptions`, the provided data can be merged into the existing document.
8258 *
8259 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be set.
8260 * @param data An object of the fields and values for the document.
8261 * @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
8262 * @return This `Transaction` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
8263 */
8264 set<T>(
8265 documentRef: DocumentReference<T>,
8266 data: T,
8267 options?: SetOptions
8268 ): Transaction;
8270 /**
8271 * Updates fields in the document referred to by the provided
8272 * `DocumentReference`. The update will fail if applied to a document that
8273 * does not exist.
8274 *
8275 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be updated.
8276 * @param data An object containing the fields and values with which to
8277 * update the document. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields
8278 * within the document.
8279 * @return This `Transaction` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
8280 */
8281 update(documentRef: DocumentReference<any>, data: UpdateData): Transaction;
8283 /**
8284 * Updates fields in the document referred to by the provided
8285 * `DocumentReference`. The update will fail if applied to a document that
8286 * does not exist.
8287 *
8288 * Nested fields can be updated by providing dot-separated field path
8289 * strings or by providing FieldPath objects.
8290 *
8291 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be updated.
8292 * @param field The first field to update.
8293 * @param value The first value.
8294 * @param moreFieldsAndValues Additional key/value pairs.
8295 * @return A Promise resolved once the data has been successfully written
8296 * to the backend (Note that it won't resolve while you're offline).
8297 */
8298 update(
8299 documentRef: DocumentReference<any>,
8300 field: string | FieldPath,
8301 value: any,
8302 ...moreFieldsAndValues: any[]
8303 ): Transaction;
8305 /**
8306 * Deletes the document referred to by the provided `DocumentReference`.
8307 *
8308 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be deleted.
8309 * @return This `Transaction` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
8310 */
8311 delete(documentRef: DocumentReference<any>): Transaction;
8312 }
8314 /**
8315 * A write batch, used to perform multiple writes as a single atomic unit.
8316 *
8317 * A `WriteBatch` object can be acquired by calling `Firestore.batch()`. It
8318 * provides methods for adding writes to the write batch. None of the
8319 * writes will be committed (or visible locally) until `WriteBatch.commit()`
8320 * is called.
8321 *
8322 * Unlike transactions, write batches are persisted offline and therefore are
8323 * preferable when you don't need to condition your writes on read data.
8324 */
8325 export class WriteBatch {
8326 private constructor();
8328 /**
8329 * Writes to the document referred to by the provided `DocumentReference`.
8330 * If the document does not exist yet, it will be created. If you pass
8331 * `SetOptions`, the provided data can be merged into the existing document.
8332 *
8333 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be set.
8334 * @param data An object of the fields and values for the document.
8335 * @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
8336 * @return This `WriteBatch` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
8337 */
8338 set<T>(
8339 documentRef: DocumentReference<T>,
8340 data: T,
8341 options?: SetOptions
8342 ): WriteBatch;
8344 /**
8345 * Updates fields in the document referred to by the provided
8346 * `DocumentReference`. The update will fail if applied to a document that
8347 * does not exist.
8348 *
8349 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be updated.
8350 * @param data An object containing the fields and values with which to
8351 * update the document. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields
8352 * within the document.
8353 * @return This `WriteBatch` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
8354 */
8355 update(documentRef: DocumentReference<any>, data: UpdateData): WriteBatch;
8357 /**
8358 * Updates fields in the document referred to by this `DocumentReference`.
8359 * The update will fail if applied to a document that does not exist.
8360 *
8361 * Nested fields can be update by providing dot-separated field path strings
8362 * or by providing FieldPath objects.
8363 *
8364 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be updated.
8365 * @param field The first field to update.
8366 * @param value The first value.
8367 * @param moreFieldsAndValues Additional key value pairs.
8368 * @return A Promise resolved once the data has been successfully written
8369 * to the backend (Note that it won't resolve while you're offline).
8370 */
8371 update(
8372 documentRef: DocumentReference<any>,
8373 field: string | FieldPath,
8374 value: any,
8375 ...moreFieldsAndValues: any[]
8376 ): WriteBatch;
8378 /**
8379 * Deletes the document referred to by the provided `DocumentReference`.
8380 *
8381 * @param documentRef A reference to the document to be deleted.
8382 * @return This `WriteBatch` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
8383 */
8384 delete(documentRef: DocumentReference<any>): WriteBatch;
8386 /**
8387 * Commits all of the writes in this write batch as a single atomic unit.
8388 *
8389 * @return A Promise resolved once all of the writes in the batch have been
8390 * successfully written to the backend as an atomic unit. Note that it won't
8391 * resolve while you're offline.
8392 */
8393 commit(): Promise<void>;
8394 }
8396 /**
8397 * An options object that can be passed to `DocumentReference.onSnapshot()`,
8398 * `Query.onSnapshot()` and `QuerySnapshot.docChanges()` to control which
8399 * types of changes to include in the result set.
8400 */
8401 export interface SnapshotListenOptions {
8402 /**
8403 * Include a change even if only the metadata of the query or of a document
8404 * changed. Default is false.
8405 */
8406 readonly includeMetadataChanges?: boolean;
8407 }
8409 /**
8410 * An options object that configures the behavior of `set()` calls in
8411 * {@link firebase.firestore.DocumentReference.set DocumentReference}, {@link
8412 * firebase.firestore.WriteBatch.set WriteBatch} and {@link
8413 * firebase.firestore.Transaction.set Transaction}. These calls can be
8414 * configured to perform granular merges instead of overwriting the target
8415 * documents in their entirety by providing a `SetOptions` with `merge: true`.
8416 */
8417 export interface SetOptions {
8418 /**
8419 * Changes the behavior of a set() call to only replace the values specified
8420 * in its data argument. Fields omitted from the set() call remain
8421 * untouched.
8422 */
8423 readonly merge?: boolean;
8425 /**
8426 * Changes the behavior of set() calls to only replace the specified field
8427 * paths. Any field path that is not specified is ignored and remains
8428 * untouched.
8429 */
8430 readonly mergeFields?: (string | FieldPath)[];
8431 }
8433 /**
8434 * An options object that configures the behavior of `get()` calls on
8435 * `DocumentReference` and `Query`. By providing a `GetOptions` object, these
8436 * methods can be configured to fetch results only from the server, only from
8437 * the local cache or attempt to fetch results from the server and fall back to
8438 * the cache (which is the default).
8439 */
8440 export interface GetOptions {
8441 /**
8442 * Describes whether we should get from server or cache.
8443 *
8444 * Setting to `default` (or not setting at all), causes Firestore to try to
8445 * retrieve an up-to-date (server-retrieved) snapshot, but fall back to
8446 * returning cached data if the server can't be reached.
8447 *
8448 * Setting to `server` causes Firestore to avoid the cache, generating an
8449 * error if the server cannot be reached. Note that the cache will still be
8450 * updated if the server request succeeds. Also note that latency-compensation
8451 * still takes effect, so any pending write operations will be visible in the
8452 * returned data (merged into the server-provided data).
8453 *
8454 * Setting to `cache` causes Firestore to immediately return a value from the
8455 * cache, ignoring the server completely (implying that the returned value
8456 * may be stale with respect to the value on the server.) If there is no data
8457 * in the cache to satisfy the `get()` call, `DocumentReference.get()` will
8458 * return an error and `QuerySnapshot.get()` will return an empty
8459 * `QuerySnapshot` with no documents.
8460 */
8461 readonly source?: 'default' | 'server' | 'cache';
8462 }
8464 /**
8465 * A `DocumentReference` refers to a document location in a Firestore database
8466 * and can be used to write, read, or listen to the location. The document at
8467 * the referenced location may or may not exist. A `DocumentReference` can
8468 * also be used to create a `CollectionReference` to a subcollection.
8469 */
8470 export class DocumentReference<T = DocumentData> {
8471 private constructor();
8473 /**
8474 * The document's identifier within its collection.
8475 */
8476 readonly id: string;
8478 /**
8479 * The {@link firebase.firestore.Firestore} the document is in.
8480 * This is useful for performing transactions, for example.
8481 */
8482 readonly firestore: Firestore;
8484 /**
8485 * The Collection this `DocumentReference` belongs to.
8486 */
8487 readonly parent: CollectionReference<T>;
8489 /**
8490 * A string representing the path of the referenced document (relative
8491 * to the root of the database).
8492 */
8493 readonly path: string;
8495 /**
8496 * Gets a `CollectionReference` instance that refers to the collection at
8497 * the specified path.
8498 *
8499 * @param collectionPath A slash-separated path to a collection.
8500 * @return The `CollectionReference` instance.
8501 */
8502 collection(collectionPath: string): CollectionReference<DocumentData>;
8504 /**
8505 * Returns true if this `DocumentReference` is equal to the provided one.
8506 *
8507 * @param other The `DocumentReference` to compare against.
8508 * @return true if this `DocumentReference` is equal to the provided one.
8509 */
8510 isEqual(other: DocumentReference<T>): boolean;
8512 /**
8513 * Writes to the document referred to by this `DocumentReference`. If the
8514 * document does not yet exist, it will be created. If you pass
8515 * `SetOptions`, the provided data can be merged into an existing document.
8516 *
8517 * @param data A map of the fields and values for the document.
8518 * @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
8519 * @return A Promise resolved once the data has been successfully written
8520 * to the backend (Note that it won't resolve while you're offline).
8521 */
8522 set(data: T, options?: SetOptions): Promise<void>;
8524 /**
8525 * Updates fields in the document referred to by this `DocumentReference`.
8526 * The update will fail if applied to a document that does not exist.
8527 *
8528 * @param data An object containing the fields and values with which to
8529 * update the document. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields
8530 * within the document.
8531 * @return A Promise resolved once the data has been successfully written
8532 * to the backend (Note that it won't resolve while you're offline).
8533 */
8534 update(data: UpdateData): Promise<void>;
8536 /**
8537 * Updates fields in the document referred to by this `DocumentReference`.
8538 * The update will fail if applied to a document that does not exist.
8539 *
8540 * Nested fields can be updated by providing dot-separated field path
8541 * strings or by providing FieldPath objects.
8542 *
8543 * @param field The first field to update.
8544 * @param value The first value.
8545 * @param moreFieldsAndValues Additional key value pairs.
8546 * @return A Promise resolved once the data has been successfully written
8547 * to the backend (Note that it won't resolve while you're offline).
8548 */
8549 update(
8550 field: string | FieldPath,
8551 value: any,
8552 ...moreFieldsAndValues: any[]
8553 ): Promise<void>;
8555 /**
8556 * Deletes the document referred to by this `DocumentReference`.
8557 *
8558 * @return A Promise resolved once the document has been successfully
8559 * deleted from the backend (Note that it won't resolve while you're
8560 * offline).
8561 */
8562 delete(): Promise<void>;
8564 /**
8565 * Reads the document referred to by this `DocumentReference`.
8566 *
8567 * Note: By default, get() attempts to provide up-to-date data when possible
8568 * by waiting for data from the server, but it may return cached data or fail
8569 * if you are offline and the server cannot be reached. This behavior can be
8570 * altered via the `GetOptions` parameter.
8571 *
8572 * @param options An object to configure the get behavior.
8573 * @return A Promise resolved with a DocumentSnapshot containing the
8574 * current document contents.
8575 */
8576 get(options?: GetOptions): Promise<DocumentSnapshot<T>>;
8578 /**
8579 * Attaches a listener for DocumentSnapshot events. You may either pass
8580 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
8581 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks.
8582 *
8583 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
8584 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
8585 *
8586 * @param observer A single object containing `next` and `error` callbacks.
8587 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
8588 * the snapshot listener.
8589 */
8590 onSnapshot(observer: {
8591 next?: (snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>) => void;
8592 error?: (error: FirestoreError) => void;
8593 complete?: () => void;
8594 }): () => void;
8595 /**
8596 * Attaches a listener for DocumentSnapshot events. You may either pass
8597 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
8598 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks.
8599 *
8600 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
8601 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
8602 *
8603 * @param options Options controlling the listen behavior.
8604 * @param observer A single object containing `next` and `error` callbacks.
8605 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
8606 * the snapshot listener.
8607 */
8608 onSnapshot(
8609 options: SnapshotListenOptions,
8610 observer: {
8611 next?: (snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>) => void;
8612 error?: (error: Error) => void;
8613 complete?: () => void;
8614 }
8615 ): () => void;
8616 /**
8617 * Attaches a listener for DocumentSnapshot events. You may either pass
8618 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
8619 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks.
8620 *
8621 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
8622 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
8623 *
8624 * @param onNext A callback to be called every time a new `DocumentSnapshot`
8625 * is available.
8626 * @param onError A callback to be called if the listen fails or is
8627 * cancelled. No further callbacks will occur.
8628 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
8629 * the snapshot listener.
8630 */
8631 onSnapshot(
8632 onNext: (snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>) => void,
8633 onError?: (error: Error) => void,
8634 onCompletion?: () => void
8635 ): () => void;
8636 /**
8637 * Attaches a listener for DocumentSnapshot events. You may either pass
8638 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
8639 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks.
8640 *
8641 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
8642 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
8643 *
8644 * @param options Options controlling the listen behavior.
8645 * @param onNext A callback to be called every time a new `DocumentSnapshot`
8646 * is available.
8647 * @param onError A callback to be called if the listen fails or is
8648 * cancelled. No further callbacks will occur.
8649 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
8650 * the snapshot listener.
8651 */
8652 onSnapshot(
8653 options: SnapshotListenOptions,
8654 onNext: (snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>) => void,
8655 onError?: (error: Error) => void,
8656 onCompletion?: () => void
8657 ): () => void;
8659 /**
8660 * Applies a custom data converter to this DocumentReference, allowing you
8661 * to use your own custom model objects with Firestore. When you call
8662 * set(), get(), etc. on the returned DocumentReference instance, the
8663 * provided converter will convert between Firestore data and your custom
8664 * type U.
8665 *
8666 * @param converter Converts objects to and from Firestore.
8667 * @return A DocumentReference<U> that uses the provided converter.
8668 */
8669 withConverter<U>(
8670 converter: FirestoreDataConverter<U>
8671 ): DocumentReference<U>;
8672 }
8674 /**
8675 * Options that configure how data is retrieved from a `DocumentSnapshot`
8676 * (e.g. the desired behavior for server timestamps that have not yet been set
8677 * to their final value).
8678 */
8679 export interface SnapshotOptions {
8680 /**
8681 * If set, controls the return value for server timestamps that have not yet
8682 * been set to their final value.
8683 *
8684 * By specifying 'estimate', pending server timestamps return an estimate
8685 * based on the local clock. This estimate will differ from the final value
8686 * and cause these values to change once the server result becomes available.
8687 *
8688 * By specifying 'previous', pending timestamps will be ignored and return
8689 * their previous value instead.
8690 *
8691 * If omitted or set to 'none', `null` will be returned by default until the
8692 * server value becomes available.
8693 */
8694 readonly serverTimestamps?: 'estimate' | 'previous' | 'none';
8695 }
8697 /**
8698 * Metadata about a snapshot, describing the state of the snapshot.
8699 */
8700 export interface SnapshotMetadata {
8701 /**
8702 * True if the snapshot contains the result of local writes (e.g. set() or
8703 * update() calls) that have not yet been committed to the backend.
8704 * If your listener has opted into metadata updates (via
8705 * `SnapshotListenOptions`) you will receive another
8706 * snapshot with `hasPendingWrites` equal to false once the writes have been
8707 * committed to the backend.
8708 */
8709 readonly hasPendingWrites: boolean;
8711 /**
8712 * True if the snapshot was created from cached data rather than guaranteed
8713 * up-to-date server data. If your listener has opted into metadata updates
8714 * (via `SnapshotListenOptions`)
8715 * you will receive another snapshot with `fromCache` set to false once
8716 * the client has received up-to-date data from the backend.
8717 */
8718 readonly fromCache: boolean;
8720 /**
8721 * Returns true if this `SnapshotMetadata` is equal to the provided one.
8722 *
8723 * @param other The `SnapshotMetadata` to compare against.
8724 * @return true if this `SnapshotMetadata` is equal to the provided one.
8725 */
8726 isEqual(other: SnapshotMetadata): boolean;
8727 }
8729 /**
8730 * A `DocumentSnapshot` contains data read from a document in your Firestore
8731 * database. The data can be extracted with `.data()` or `.get(<field>)` to
8732 * get a specific field.
8733 *
8734 * For a `DocumentSnapshot` that points to a non-existing document, any data
8735 * access will return 'undefined'. You can use the `exists` property to
8736 * explicitly verify a document's existence.
8737 */
8738 export class DocumentSnapshot<T = DocumentData> {
8739 protected constructor();
8741 /**
8742 * Property of the `DocumentSnapshot` that signals whether or not the data
8743 * exists. True if the document exists.
8744 */
8745 readonly exists: boolean;
8746 /**
8747 * The `DocumentReference` for the document included in the `DocumentSnapshot`.
8748 */
8749 readonly ref: DocumentReference<T>;
8750 /**
8751 * Property of the `DocumentSnapshot` that provides the document's ID.
8752 */
8753 readonly id: string;
8754 /**
8755 * Metadata about the `DocumentSnapshot`, including information about its
8756 * source and local modifications.
8757 */
8758 readonly metadata: SnapshotMetadata;
8760 /**
8761 * Retrieves all fields in the document as an Object. Returns 'undefined' if
8762 * the document doesn't exist.
8763 *
8764 * By default, `FieldValue.serverTimestamp()` values that have not yet been
8765 * set to their final value will be returned as `null`. You can override
8766 * this by passing an options object.
8767 *
8768 * @param options An options object to configure how data is retrieved from
8769 * the snapshot (e.g. the desired behavior for server timestamps that have
8770 * not yet been set to their final value).
8771 * @return An Object containing all fields in the document or 'undefined' if
8772 * the document doesn't exist.
8773 */
8774 data(options?: SnapshotOptions): T | undefined;
8776 /**
8777 * Retrieves the field specified by `fieldPath`. Returns `undefined` if the
8778 * document or field doesn't exist.
8779 *
8780 * By default, a `FieldValue.serverTimestamp()` that has not yet been set to
8781 * its final value will be returned as `null`. You can override this by
8782 * passing an options object.
8783 *
8784 * @param fieldPath The path (e.g. 'foo' or 'foo.bar') to a specific field.
8785 * @param options An options object to configure how the field is retrieved
8786 * from the snapshot (e.g. the desired behavior for server timestamps that have
8787 * not yet been set to their final value).
8788 * @return The data at the specified field location or undefined if no such
8789 * field exists in the document.
8790 */
8791 get(fieldPath: string | FieldPath, options?: SnapshotOptions): any;
8793 /**
8794 * Returns true if this `DocumentSnapshot` is equal to the provided one.
8795 *
8796 * @param other The `DocumentSnapshot` to compare against.
8797 * @return true if this `DocumentSnapshot` is equal to the provided one.
8798 */
8799 isEqual(other: DocumentSnapshot<T>): boolean;
8800 }
8802 /**
8803 * A `QueryDocumentSnapshot` contains data read from a document in your
8804 * Firestore database as part of a query. The document is guaranteed to exist
8805 * and its data can be extracted with `.data()` or `.get(<field>)` to get a
8806 * specific field.
8807 *
8808 * A `QueryDocumentSnapshot` offers the same API surface as a
8809 * `DocumentSnapshot`. Since query results contain only existing documents, the
8810 * `exists` property will always be true and `data()` will never return
8811 * 'undefined'.
8812 */
8813 export class QueryDocumentSnapshot<T = DocumentData> extends DocumentSnapshot<
8814 T
8815 > {
8816 private constructor();
8818 /**
8819 * Retrieves all fields in the document as an Object.
8820 *
8821 * By default, `FieldValue.serverTimestamp()` values that have not yet been
8822 * set to their final value will be returned as `null`. You can override
8823 * this by passing an options object.
8824 *
8825 * @override
8826 * @param options An options object to configure how data is retrieved from
8827 * the snapshot (e.g. the desired behavior for server timestamps that have
8828 * not yet been set to their final value).
8829 * @return An Object containing all fields in the document.
8830 */
8831 data(options?: SnapshotOptions): T;
8832 }
8834 /**
8835 * The direction of a `Query.orderBy()` clause is specified as 'desc' or 'asc'
8836 * (descending or ascending).
8837 */
8838 export type OrderByDirection = 'desc' | 'asc';
8840 /**
8841 * Filter conditions in a `Query.where()` clause are specified using the
8842 * strings '<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>', 'array-contains', 'in', and 'array-contains-any'.
8843 */
8844 export type WhereFilterOp =
8845 | '<'
8846 | '<='
8847 | '=='
8848 | '>='
8849 | '>'
8850 | 'array-contains'
8851 | 'in'
8852 | 'array-contains-any';
8854 /**
8855 * A `Query` refers to a Query which you can read or listen to. You can also
8856 * construct refined `Query` objects by adding filters and ordering.
8857 */
8858 export class Query<T = DocumentData> {
8859 protected constructor();
8861 /**
8862 * The `Firestore` for the Firestore database (useful for performing
8863 * transactions, etc.).
8864 */
8865 readonly firestore: Firestore;
8867 /**
8868 * Creates and returns a new Query with the additional filter that documents
8869 * must contain the specified field and the value should satisfy the
8870 * relation constraint provided.
8871 *
8872 * @param fieldPath The path to compare
8873 * @param opStr The operation string (e.g "<", "<=", "==", ">", ">=").
8874 * @param value The value for comparison
8875 * @return The created Query.
8876 */
8877 where(
8878 fieldPath: string | FieldPath,
8879 opStr: WhereFilterOp,
8880 value: any
8881 ): Query<T>;
8883 /**
8884 * Creates and returns a new Query that's additionally sorted by the
8885 * specified field, optionally in descending order instead of ascending.
8886 *
8887 * @param fieldPath The field to sort by.
8888 * @param directionStr Optional direction to sort by (`asc` or `desc`). If
8889 * not specified, order will be ascending.
8890 * @return The created Query.
8891 */
8892 orderBy(
8893 fieldPath: string | FieldPath,
8894 directionStr?: OrderByDirection
8895 ): Query<T>;
8897 /**
8898 * Creates and returns a new Query that only returns the first matching
8899 * documents.
8900 *
8901 * @param limit The maximum number of items to return.
8902 * @return The created Query.
8903 */
8904 limit(limit: number): Query<T>;
8906 /**
8907 * Creates and returns a new Query that only returns the last matching
8908 * documents.
8909 *
8910 * You must specify at least one `orderBy` clause for `limitToLast` queries,
8911 * otherwise an exception will be thrown during execution.
8912 *
8913 * @param limit The maximum number of items to return.
8914 * @return The created Query.
8915 */
8916 limitToLast(limit: number): Query<T>;
8918 /**
8919 * Creates and returns a new Query that starts at the provided document
8920 * (inclusive). The starting position is relative to the order of the query.
8921 * The document must contain all of the fields provided in the `orderBy` of
8922 * this query.
8923 *
8924 * @param snapshot The snapshot of the document to start at.
8925 * @return The created Query.
8926 */
8927 startAt(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<any>): Query<T>;
8929 /**
8930 * Creates and returns a new Query that starts at the provided fields
8931 * relative to the order of the query. The order of the field values
8932 * must match the order of the order by clauses of the query.
8933 *
8934 * @param fieldValues The field values to start this query at, in order
8935 * of the query's order by.
8936 * @return The created Query.
8937 */
8938 startAt(...fieldValues: any[]): Query<T>;
8940 /**
8941 * Creates and returns a new Query that starts after the provided document
8942 * (exclusive). The starting position is relative to the order of the query.
8943 * The document must contain all of the fields provided in the orderBy of
8944 * this query.
8945 *
8946 * @param snapshot The snapshot of the document to start after.
8947 * @return The created Query.
8948 */
8949 startAfter(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<any>): Query<T>;
8951 /**
8952 * Creates and returns a new Query that starts after the provided fields
8953 * relative to the order of the query. The order of the field values
8954 * must match the order of the order by clauses of the query.
8955 *
8956 * @param fieldValues The field values to start this query after, in order
8957 * of the query's order by.
8958 * @return The created Query.
8959 */
8960 startAfter(...fieldValues: any[]): Query<T>;
8962 /**
8963 * Creates and returns a new Query that ends before the provided document
8964 * (exclusive). The end position is relative to the order of the query. The
8965 * document must contain all of the fields provided in the orderBy of this
8966 * query.
8967 *
8968 * @param snapshot The snapshot of the document to end before.
8969 * @return The created Query.
8970 */
8971 endBefore(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<any>): Query<T>;
8973 /**
8974 * Creates and returns a new Query that ends before the provided fields
8975 * relative to the order of the query. The order of the field values
8976 * must match the order of the order by clauses of the query.
8977 *
8978 * @param fieldValues The field values to end this query before, in order
8979 * of the query's order by.
8980 * @return The created Query.
8981 */
8982 endBefore(...fieldValues: any[]): Query<T>;
8984 /**
8985 * Creates and returns a new Query that ends at the provided document
8986 * (inclusive). The end position is relative to the order of the query. The
8987 * document must contain all of the fields provided in the orderBy of this
8988 * query.
8989 *
8990 * @param snapshot The snapshot of the document to end at.
8991 * @return The created Query.
8992 */
8993 endAt(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<any>): Query<T>;
8995 /**
8996 * Creates and returns a new Query that ends at the provided fields
8997 * relative to the order of the query. The order of the field values
8998 * must match the order of the order by clauses of the query.
8999 *
9000 * @param fieldValues The field values to end this query at, in order
9001 * of the query's order by.
9002 * @return The created Query.
9003 */
9004 endAt(...fieldValues: any[]): Query<T>;
9006 /**
9007 * Returns true if this `Query` is equal to the provided one.
9008 *
9009 * @param other The `Query` to compare against.
9010 * @return true if this `Query` is equal to the provided one.
9011 */
9012 isEqual(other: Query<T>): boolean;
9014 /**
9015 * Executes the query and returns the results as a `QuerySnapshot`.
9016 *
9017 * Note: By default, get() attempts to provide up-to-date data when possible
9018 * by waiting for data from the server, but it may return cached data or fail
9019 * if you are offline and the server cannot be reached. This behavior can be
9020 * altered via the `GetOptions` parameter.
9021 *
9022 * @param options An object to configure the get behavior.
9023 * @return A Promise that will be resolved with the results of the Query.
9024 */
9025 get(options?: GetOptions): Promise<QuerySnapshot<T>>;
9027 /**
9028 * Attaches a listener for QuerySnapshot events. You may either pass
9029 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
9030 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks. The listener can be cancelled by
9031 * calling the function that is returned when `onSnapshot` is called.
9032 *
9033 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
9034 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
9035 *
9036 * @param observer A single object containing `next` and `error` callbacks.
9037 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
9038 * the snapshot listener.
9039 */
9040 onSnapshot(observer: {
9041 next?: (snapshot: QuerySnapshot<T>) => void;
9042 error?: (error: Error) => void;
9043 complete?: () => void;
9044 }): () => void;
9045 /**
9046 * Attaches a listener for QuerySnapshot events. You may either pass
9047 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
9048 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks. The listener can be cancelled by
9049 * calling the function that is returned when `onSnapshot` is called.
9050 *
9051 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
9052 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
9053 *
9054 * @param options Options controlling the listen behavior.
9055 * @param observer A single object containing `next` and `error` callbacks.
9056 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
9057 * the snapshot listener.
9058 */
9059 onSnapshot(
9060 options: SnapshotListenOptions,
9061 observer: {
9062 next?: (snapshot: QuerySnapshot<T>) => void;
9063 error?: (error: Error) => void;
9064 complete?: () => void;
9065 }
9066 ): () => void;
9067 /**
9068 * Attaches a listener for QuerySnapshot events. You may either pass
9069 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
9070 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks. The listener can be cancelled by
9071 * calling the function that is returned when `onSnapshot` is called.
9072 *
9073 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
9074 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
9075 *
9076 * @param onNext A callback to be called every time a new `QuerySnapshot`
9077 * is available.
9078 * @param onError A callback to be called if the listen fails or is
9079 * cancelled. No further callbacks will occur.
9080 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
9081 * the snapshot listener.
9082 */
9083 onSnapshot(
9084 onNext: (snapshot: QuerySnapshot<T>) => void,
9085 onError?: (error: Error) => void,
9086 onCompletion?: () => void
9087 ): () => void;
9088 /**
9089 * Attaches a listener for QuerySnapshot events. You may either pass
9090 * individual `onNext` and `onError` callbacks or pass a single observer
9091 * object with `next` and `error` callbacks. The listener can be cancelled by
9092 * calling the function that is returned when `onSnapshot` is called.
9093 *
9094 * NOTE: Although an `onCompletion` callback can be provided, it will
9095 * never be called because the snapshot stream is never-ending.
9096 *
9097 * @param options Options controlling the listen behavior.
9098 * @param onNext A callback to be called every time a new `QuerySnapshot`
9099 * is available.
9100 * @param onError A callback to be called if the listen fails or is
9101 * cancelled. No further callbacks will occur.
9102 * @return An unsubscribe function that can be called to cancel
9103 * the snapshot listener.
9104 */
9105 onSnapshot(
9106 options: SnapshotListenOptions,
9107 onNext: (snapshot: QuerySnapshot<T>) => void,
9108 onError?: (error: Error) => void,
9109 onCompletion?: () => void
9110 ): () => void;
9112 /**
9113 * Applies a custom data converter to this Query, allowing you to use your
9114 * own custom model objects with Firestore. When you call get() on the
9115 * returned Query, the provided converter will convert between Firestore
9116 * data and your custom type U.
9117 *
9118 * @param converter Converts objects to and from Firestore.
9119 * @return A Query<U> that uses the provided converter.
9120 */
9121 withConverter<U>(converter: FirestoreDataConverter<U>): Query<U>;
9122 }
9124 /**
9125 * A `QuerySnapshot` contains zero or more `DocumentSnapshot` objects
9126 * representing the results of a query. The documents can be accessed as an
9127 * array via the `docs` property or enumerated using the `forEach` method. The
9128 * number of documents can be determined via the `empty` and `size`
9129 * properties.
9130 */
9131 export class QuerySnapshot<T = DocumentData> {
9132 private constructor();
9134 /**
9135 * The query on which you called `get` or `onSnapshot` in order to get this
9136 * `QuerySnapshot`.
9137 */
9138 readonly query: Query<T>;
9139 /**
9140 * Metadata about this snapshot, concerning its source and if it has local
9141 * modifications.
9142 */
9143 readonly metadata: SnapshotMetadata;
9145 /** An array of all the documents in the `QuerySnapshot`. */
9146 readonly docs: Array<QueryDocumentSnapshot<T>>;
9148 /** The number of documents in the `QuerySnapshot`. */
9149 readonly size: number;
9151 /** True if there are no documents in the `QuerySnapshot`. */
9152 readonly empty: boolean;
9154 /**
9155 * Returns an array of the documents changes since the last snapshot. If this
9156 * is the first snapshot, all documents will be in the list as added changes.
9157 *
9158 * @param options `SnapshotListenOptions` that control whether metadata-only
9159 * changes (i.e. only `DocumentSnapshot.metadata` changed) should trigger
9160 * snapshot events.
9161 */
9162 docChanges(options?: SnapshotListenOptions): Array<DocumentChange<T>>;
9164 /**
9165 * Enumerates all of the documents in the `QuerySnapshot`.
9166 *
9167 * @param callback A callback to be called with a `QueryDocumentSnapshot` for
9168 * each document in the snapshot.
9169 * @param thisArg The `this` binding for the callback.
9170 */
9171 forEach(
9172 callback: (result: QueryDocumentSnapshot<T>) => void,
9173 thisArg?: any
9174 ): void;
9176 /**
9177 * Returns true if this `QuerySnapshot` is equal to the provided one.
9178 *
9179 * @param other The `QuerySnapshot` to compare against.
9180 * @return true if this `QuerySnapshot` is equal to the provided one.
9181 */
9182 isEqual(other: QuerySnapshot<T>): boolean;
9183 }
9185 /**
9186 * The type of a `DocumentChange` may be 'added', 'removed', or 'modified'.
9187 */
9188 export type DocumentChangeType = 'added' | 'removed' | 'modified';
9190 /**
9191 * A `DocumentChange` represents a change to the documents matching a query.
9192 * It contains the document affected and the type of change that occurred.
9193 */
9194 export interface DocumentChange<T = DocumentData> {
9195 /** The type of change ('added', 'modified', or 'removed'). */
9196 readonly type: DocumentChangeType;
9198 /** The document affected by this change. */
9199 readonly doc: QueryDocumentSnapshot<T>;
9201 /**
9202 * The index of the changed document in the result set immediately prior to
9203 * this `DocumentChange` (i.e. supposing that all prior `DocumentChange` objects
9204 * have been applied). Is -1 for 'added' events.
9205 */
9206 readonly oldIndex: number;
9208 /**
9209 * The index of the changed document in the result set immediately after
9210 * this `DocumentChange` (i.e. supposing that all prior `DocumentChange`
9211 * objects and the current `DocumentChange` object have been applied).
9212 * Is -1 for 'removed' events.
9213 */
9214 readonly newIndex: number;
9215 }
9217 /**
9218 * A `CollectionReference` object can be used for adding documents, getting
9219 * document references, and querying for documents (using the methods
9220 * inherited from `Query`).
9221 */
9222 export class CollectionReference<T = DocumentData> extends Query<T> {
9223 private constructor();
9225 /** The collection's identifier. */
9226 readonly id: string;
9228 /**
9229 * A reference to the containing `DocumentReference` if this is a subcollection.
9230 * If this isn't a subcollection, the reference is null.
9231 */
9232 readonly parent: DocumentReference<DocumentData> | null;
9234 /**
9235 * A string representing the path of the referenced collection (relative
9236 * to the root of the database).
9237 */
9238 readonly path: string;
9240 /**
9241 * Get a `DocumentReference` for the document within the collection at the
9242 * specified path. If no path is specified, an automatically-generated
9243 * unique ID will be used for the returned DocumentReference.
9244 *
9245 * @param documentPath A slash-separated path to a document.
9246 * @return The `DocumentReference` instance.
9247 */
9248 doc(documentPath?: string): DocumentReference<T>;
9250 /**
9251 * Add a new document to this collection with the specified data, assigning
9252 * it a document ID automatically.
9253 *
9254 * @param data An Object containing the data for the new document.
9255 * @return A Promise resolved with a `DocumentReference` pointing to the
9256 * newly created document after it has been written to the backend.
9257 */
9258 add(data: T): Promise<DocumentReference<T>>;
9260 /**
9261 * Returns true if this `CollectionReference` is equal to the provided one.
9262 *
9263 * @param other The `CollectionReference` to compare against.
9264 * @return true if this `CollectionReference` is equal to the provided one.
9265 */
9266 isEqual(other: CollectionReference<T>): boolean;
9268 /**
9269 * Applies a custom data converter to this CollectionReference, allowing you
9270 * to use your own custom model objects with Firestore. When you call add()
9271 * on the returned CollectionReference instance, the provided converter will
9272 * convert between Firestore data and your custom type U.
9273 *
9274 * @param converter Converts objects to and from Firestore.
9275 * @return A CollectionReference<U> that uses the provided converter.
9276 */
9277 withConverter<U>(
9278 converter: FirestoreDataConverter<U>
9279 ): CollectionReference<U>;
9280 }
9282 /**
9283 * Sentinel values that can be used when writing document fields with `set()`
9284 * or `update()`.
9285 */
9286 export class FieldValue {
9287 private constructor();
9289 /**
9290 * Returns a sentinel used with `set()` or `update()` to include a
9291 * server-generated timestamp in the written data.
9292 */
9293 static serverTimestamp(): FieldValue;
9295 /**
9296 * Returns a sentinel for use with `update()` to mark a field for deletion.
9297 */
9298 static delete(): FieldValue;
9300 /**
9301 * Returns a special value that can be used with `set()` or `update()` that tells
9302 * the server to union the given elements with any array value that already
9303 * exists on the server. Each specified element that doesn't already exist in
9304 * the array will be added to the end. If the field being modified is not
9305 * already an array it will be overwritten with an array containing exactly
9306 * the specified elements.
9307 *
9308 * @param elements The elements to union into the array.
9309 * @return The FieldValue sentinel for use in a call to `set()` or `update()`.
9310 */
9311 static arrayUnion(...elements: any[]): FieldValue;
9313 /**
9314 * Returns a special value that can be used with `set()` or `update()` that tells
9315 * the server to remove the given elements from any array value that already
9316 * exists on the server. All instances of each element specified will be
9317 * removed from the array. If the field being modified is not already an
9318 * array it will be overwritten with an empty array.
9319 *
9320 * @param elements The elements to remove from the array.
9321 * @return The FieldValue sentinel for use in a call to `set()` or `update()`.
9322 */
9323 static arrayRemove(...elements: any[]): FieldValue;
9325 /**
9326 * Returns a special value that can be used with `set()` or `update()` that tells
9327 * the server to increment the field's current value by the given value.
9328 *
9329 * If either the operand or the current field value uses floating point precision,
9330 * all arithmetic follows IEEE 754 semantics. If both values are integers,
9331 * values outside of JavaScript's safe number range (`Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER` to
9332 * `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`) are also subject to precision loss. Furthermore,
9333 * once processed by the Firestore backend, all integer operations are capped
9334 * between -2^63 and 2^63-1.
9335 *
9336 * If the current field value is not of type `number`, or if the field does not
9337 * yet exist, the transformation sets the field to the given value.
9338 *
9339 * @param n The value to increment by.
9340 * @return The FieldValue sentinel for use in a call to `set()` or `update()`.
9341 */
9342 static increment(n: number): FieldValue;
9344 /**
9345 * Returns true if this `FieldValue` is equal to the provided one.
9346 *
9347 * @param other The `FieldValue` to compare against.
9348 * @return true if this `FieldValue` is equal to the provided one.
9349 */
9350 isEqual(other: FieldValue): boolean;
9351 }
9353 /**
9354 * A FieldPath refers to a field in a document. The path may consist of a
9355 * single field name (referring to a top-level field in the document), or a
9356 * list of field names (referring to a nested field in the document).
9357 *
9358 * Create a FieldPath by providing field names. If more than one field
9359 * name is provided, the path will point to a nested field in a document.
9360 *
9361 */
9362 export class FieldPath {
9363 /**
9364 * Creates a FieldPath from the provided field names. If more than one field
9365 * name is provided, the path will point to a nested field in a document.
9366 *
9367 * @param fieldNames A list of field names.
9368 */
9369 constructor(...fieldNames: string[]);
9371 /**
9372 * Returns a special sentinel `FieldPath` to refer to the ID of a document.
9373 * It can be used in queries to sort or filter by the document ID.
9374 */
9375 static documentId(): FieldPath;
9377 /**
9378 * Returns true if this `FieldPath` is equal to the provided one.
9379 *
9380 * @param other The `FieldPath` to compare against.
9381 * @return true if this `FieldPath` is equal to the provided one.
9382 */
9383 isEqual(other: FieldPath): boolean;
9384 }
9386 /**
9387 * The set of Firestore status codes. The codes are the same at the ones
9388 * exposed by gRPC here:
9389 * https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/statuscodes.md
9390 *
9391 * Possible values:
9392 * - 'cancelled': The operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).
9393 * - 'unknown': Unknown error or an error from a different error domain.
9394 * - 'invalid-argument': Client specified an invalid argument. Note that this
9395 * differs from 'failed-precondition'. 'invalid-argument' indicates
9396 * arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system
9397 * (e.g. an invalid field name).
9398 * - 'deadline-exceeded': Deadline expired before operation could complete.
9399 * For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be
9400 * returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example,
9401 * a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough
9402 * for the deadline to expire.
9403 * - 'not-found': Some requested document was not found.
9404 * - 'already-exists': Some document that we attempted to create already
9405 * exists.
9406 * - 'permission-denied': The caller does not have permission to execute the
9407 * specified operation.
9408 * - 'resource-exhausted': Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a
9409 * per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.
9410 * - 'failed-precondition': Operation was rejected because the system is not
9411 * in a state required for the operation's execution.
9412 * - 'aborted': The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency
9413 * issue like transaction aborts, etc.
9414 * - 'out-of-range': Operation was attempted past the valid range.
9415 * - 'unimplemented': Operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled.
9416 * - 'internal': Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by
9417 * underlying system has been broken. If you see one of these errors,
9418 * something is very broken.
9419 * - 'unavailable': The service is currently unavailable. This is most likely
9420 * a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.
9421 * - 'data-loss': Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
9422 * - 'unauthenticated': The request does not have valid authentication
9423 * credentials for the operation.
9424 */
9425 export type FirestoreErrorCode =
9426 | 'cancelled'
9427 | 'unknown'
9428 | 'invalid-argument'
9429 | 'deadline-exceeded'
9430 | 'not-found'
9431 | 'already-exists'
9432 | 'permission-denied'
9433 | 'resource-exhausted'
9434 | 'failed-precondition'
9435 | 'aborted'
9436 | 'out-of-range'
9437 | 'unimplemented'
9438 | 'internal'
9439 | 'unavailable'
9440 | 'data-loss'
9441 | 'unauthenticated';
9443 /** An error returned by a Firestore operation. */
9444 // TODO(b/63008957): FirestoreError should extend firebase.FirebaseError
9445 export interface FirestoreError {
9446 code: FirestoreErrorCode;
9447 message: string;
9448 name: string;
9449 stack?: string;
9450 }
9453export = firebase;
9454export as namespace firebase;
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