18.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2const _ = require('underscore');
3const path = require('path');
4const assert = require('assert');
5const parser = require('../lib/docparser');
6const builder = require('../lib/builder');
7const Firedoc = require('../lib/firedoc').Firedoc;
9describe('firedoc.parser', function () {
11 describe('basic', function () {
12 var src = path.join(__dirname, './targets/basic');
13 var doc = new Firedoc({'paths': [src], cwd: src, withSrc: true});
14 var ast, ctx;
15 before(function (next) {
16 doc.walk(next);
17 });
18 before(function () {
19 ast = parser.parse('js', doc.filemap, doc.dirmap);
20 });
21 it('should check project', function () {
22 assert.deepEqual(ast.project, {
23 'name': 'test',
24 'description': 'test',
25 'logo': 'https://github.com/fireball-x/firedoc'
26 });
27 assert.equal('js', ast.syntaxType);
28 });
29 it('should check files', function () {
30 _.each(ast.files, function (file, name) {
31 assert.equal('test/targets/basic/index.js', name);
32 assert.equal('test/targets/basic/index.js', file.name);
33 assert.ok(file.code);
34 });
35 });
36 it('should check modules', function () {
37 _.each(ast.modules, function (mod, name) {
38 assert.equal('exampleModule', name);
39 assert.equal('exampleModule', mod.name);
40 assert.equal('module', mod.tag);
41 assert.equal('test/targets/basic/index.js', mod.file);
42 assert.equal(2, mod.line);
43 assert.equal('modules', mod.type);
44 assert.equal('yorkiefixer@gmail.com', mod.author);
45 });
46 });
47 it('should check classes', function () {
48 _.each(ast.classes, function (clazz, name) {
49 assert.equal('ExampleClass', name);
50 assert.equal('ExampleClass', clazz.name);
51 assert.equal('test/targets/basic/index.js', clazz.file);
52 assert.equal(2, clazz.line);
53 assert.equal('classes', clazz.type);
54 });
55 });
56 it('should check members', function () {
57 _.each(ast.members, function (member) {
58 assert.equal('test/targets/basic/index.js', member.file);
59 assert.equal(12, member.line);
60 assert.equal('method', member.itemtype);
61 assert.equal('method1', member.name);
62 assert.equal('ExampleClass', member.clazz);
63 assert.equal('exampleModule', member.module);
64 assert.equal(false, member.isGlobal);
65 assert.deepEqual([
66 {
67 name: 'num',
68 description: 'The Number',
69 type: 'Number'
70 }
71 ], member.params);
72 });
73 });
74 it('should check inherited members', function () {
75 assert.deepEqual([], ast.inheritedMembers);
76 });
77 it('should compile the ast', function (next) {
78 ctx = builder.compile(ast, doc.options, next);
79 ctx.on('index', function (locals, html) {
80 assert.equal(locals.project, require('./targets/basic/package.json'));
81 assert.equal(locals.layout, 'main');
82 assert.ok(locals.i18n);
83 var class1 = locals.classes[0];
84 assert.ok(class1.globals);
85 assert.ok(class1.i18n);
86 assert.equal(class1.description, '<p>Module Description</p>\n');
87 assert.equal(class1.foundAt, '../files/test_targets_basic_index.js.html#l2');
88 assert.equal(class1.namespace, 'exampleModule.ExampleClass');
89 assert.deepEqual(class1.project, {
90 name: 'test',
91 description: 'test',
92 logo: 'https://github.com/fireball-x/firedoc',
93 root: path.join(__dirname, '../out'),
94 base: path.join(__dirname, '../out'),
95 assets: path.join(__dirname, '../out/assets'),
96 });
97 var mod1 = locals.modules[0];
98 assert.ok(mod1.globals);
99 assert.ok(mod1.i18n);
100 assert.equal(mod1.description, '<p>Module Description</p>\n');
101 assert.equal(mod1.foundAt, '../files/test_targets_basic_index.js.html#l2');
102 assert.equal(mod1.namespace, 'exampleModule');
103 assert.deepEqual(mod1.classes, [class1]);
104 assert.deepEqual(mod1.properties, []);
105 assert.deepEqual(mod1.attributes, []);
106 assert.deepEqual(mod1.methods, []);
107 assert.deepEqual(mod1.events, []);
108 });
109 ctx.on('apimeta', function (apimeta) {
110 assert.ok(apimeta.enums);
111 assert.ok(apimeta.classes);
112 assert.ok(apimeta.modules);
113 });
114 ctx.on('file', function (locals) {
115 assert.ok(locals.name);
116 assert.ok(locals.code);
117 assert.ok(locals.path);
118 assert.ok(locals.i18n);
119 assert.ok(locals.globals);
120 });
121 ctx.on('module', function (locals) {
122 assert.ok(locals.name);
123 assert.ok(locals.assets);
124 assert.ok(locals.classes);
125 assert.ok(locals.submodules);
126 assert.ok(locals.fors);
127 assert.ok(locals.file);
128 assert.ok(locals.line);
129 assert.ok(locals.description);
130 assert.ok(locals.foundAt);
131 assert.ok(locals.members);
132 assert.ok(locals.project);
133 assert.ok(locals.i18n);
134 assert.ok(locals.namespace);
135 assert.ok(locals.properties);
136 assert.ok(locals.attributes);
137 assert.ok(locals.methods);
138 assert.ok(locals.events);
139 assert.ok(locals.globals);
140 assert.equal(locals.type, 'modules');
141 });
142 ctx.on('class', function (locals) {
143 assert.ok(locals.assets);
144 assert.ok(locals.cwd);
145 assert.ok(locals.name);
146 assert.ok(locals.shortname);
147 assert.ok(locals.members);
148 assert.ok(locals.members.inherited);
149 assert.ok(locals.members.methods);
150 assert.ok(locals.plugins);
151 assert.ok(locals.pluginFor);
152 assert.ok(locals.module === 'exampleModule');
153 assert.ok(locals.submodule === null);
154 assert.ok(locals.namespace);
155 assert.ok(locals.isEnum === false);
156 assert.ok(locals.type === 'classes');
157 assert.ok(locals.file);
158 assert.ok(locals.line);
159 assert.ok(locals.description);
160 assert.ok(locals.foundAt);
161 assert.ok(locals.project);
162 assert.ok(locals.globals);
163 assert.ok(locals.i18n);
164 assert.ok(locals.inheritance);
165 });
166 });
167 });
169 describe('modules', function () {
170 var src = path.join(__dirname, './targets/module');
171 var doc = new Firedoc({'paths': [src]});
172 var ast;
173 before(function (next) {
174 doc.walk(next);
175 });
176 before(function () {
177 ast = parser.parse('js', doc.filemap, doc.dirmap);
178 });
179 var submodule1, submodule2;
180 it('should check files and codes', function () {
181 assert.equal(6, _.keys(ast.files).length);
182 assert.equal(6, _.keys(ast.codes).length);
183 });
184 it('should check mod1', function () {
185 var mod1 = ast.modules.mod1;
186 assert.equal('class1', mod1.classes.class1.name);
187 assert.equal('test/targets/module/mod1.js', mod1.file);
188 assert.equal(2, mod1.line);
189 assert.equal('mod1', mod1.name);
190 assert.equal('mod1', mod1.mainName);
191 assert.equal('main', mod1.tag);
192 assert.equal('main', mod1.itemtype);
193 assert.equal('Module Description 1', mod1.description);
194 assert.ok(mod1.submodules.submod1);
195 assert.ok(mod1.submodules.submod2);
196 submodule1 = mod1.submodules.submod1;
197 submodule2 = mod1.submodules.submod2;
198 });
199 it('should check mod2', function () {
200 var mod2 = ast.modules.mod2;
201 assert.equal('mod2', mod2.name);
202 assert.equal('mod2', mod2.mainName);
203 assert.equal('main', mod2.tag);
204 assert.equal('main', mod2.itemtype);
205 assert.equal('Module Description 2', mod2.description);
206 });
207 it('should check submodules', function () {
208 assert.deepEqual(submodule1, ast.modules.submod1);
209 assert.deepEqual(submodule2, ast.modules.submod2);
210 assert.equal('test/targets/module/submod1.js', ast.modules.submod1.file);
211 });
212 it('should check direct methods', function () {
213 assert.equal('Direct method', ast.members[0].description);
214 assert.equal('method', ast.members[0].itemtype);
215 assert.equal('directMethod', ast.members[0].name);
216 assert.equal('', ast.members[0].clazz);
217 assert.equal('mod1', ast.members[0].module);
218 assert.equal(true, ast.members[0].isGlobal);
219 assert.deepEqual(
220 {
221 description: '',
222 type: 'String'
223 },
224 ast.members[0].return
225 );
226 });
227 it('should compile the ast', function (next) {
228 builder.compile(ast, doc.options, next);
229 });
230 });
232 describe('classes', function () {
233 var src = path.join(__dirname, './targets/class');
234 var doc = new Firedoc({'paths': [src]});
235 var ast;
236 before(function (next) {
237 doc.walk(next);
238 });
239 before(function () {
240 ast = parser.parse('js', doc.filemap, doc.dirmap);
241 });
242 it('should check undefined module', function () {
243 assert.ok(ast.modules.undefinedmodule);
244 });
245 it('should check class1', function () {
246 var class1 = ast.classes.ClazzExample;
247 assert.equal('ClazzExample', class1.name);
248 assert.equal('undefinedmodule', class1.module);
249 assert.equal(false, class1.isEnum);
250 assert.equal('classes', class1.type);
251 assert.equal('Class description', class1.description);
252 });
253 it('should check class2', function () {
254 var class2 = ast.classes.SecondClazz;
255 assert.equal('SecondClazz', class2.name);
256 assert.equal('undefinedmodule', class2.module);
257 assert.equal(false, class2.isEnum);
258 assert.equal('classes', class2.type);
259 assert.equal('The second class', class2.description);
260 });
261 it('should check enum', function () {
262 var enumEx = ast.classes.EnumEx;
263 assert.equal('EnumEx', enumEx.name);
264 assert.equal(true, enumEx.isEnum);
265 assert.equal('enums', enumEx.type);
266 assert.equal('The enum description [example](undefinedmodule.ClazzExample.method1)', enumEx.description);
267 });
268 it('should check members', function () {
269 var members = ast.members;
270 assert.equal('property', members[0].itemtype);
271 assert.equal('ClazzExample', members[0].clazz);
272 assert.equal('undefinedmodule', members[0].module);
273 assert.equal('The prop 1', members[0].description);
274 assert.equal('property', members[1].itemtype);
275 assert.equal('ClazzExample', members[1].clazz);
276 assert.equal('undefinedmodule', members[1].module);
277 assert.equal('The name2', members[1].description);
278 assert.equal('method1 description', members[2].description);
279 assert.equal('method1', members[2].name);
280 assert.deepEqual(
281 [
282 {
283 name: 'name',
284 description: '',
285 type: 'String'
286 }
287 ],
288 members[2].params
289 );
290 assert.deepEqual(
291 {
292 description: '',
293 type: 'String|Number'
294 },
295 members[2].return
296 );
297 assert.equal('method2 description 2', members[4].description);
298 assert.equal('method2_with_description', members[4].name);
299 assert.deepEqual(
300 [
301 {
302 name: 'name',
303 description: 'The name description',
304 type: 'String'
305 }
306 ],
307 members[4].params
308 );
309 assert.deepEqual(
310 {
311 description: 'The return value',
312 type: 'String'
313 },
314 members[4].return
315 );
316 });
317 it('should check inheritedMembers', function () {
318 assert.deepEqual([
319 [
320 'ClazzExample',
321 'SecondClazz'
322 ],
323 [
324 'ClazzExample',
325 'ThirdClazz'
326 ]
327 ], ast.inheritedMembers);
328 });
329 it('should compile the ast', function (next) {
330 var ctx = builder.compile(ast, doc.options, next);
331 ctx.on('class', function (locals) {
332 if (locals.name === 'SecondClazz') {
333 var method1 = _.findWhere(locals.members, {'name': 'method1'});
334 assert.ok(method1.overwrittenFrom);
335 var method2 = _.findWhere(locals.members, {'name': 'method2'});
336 assert.ok(method2.extendedFrom);
337 }
338 });
339 ctx.on('enum', function (locals) {
340 assert.equal(locals.name, 'EnumEx');
341 assert.equal(locals.namespace, 'undefinedmodule.EnumEx');
342 assert.equal(locals.description, '<p>The enum description <a href="classes/ClazzExample.html#method_method1">example</a></p>\n');
343 });
344 });
345 });
347 describe('members', function () {
348 var src = path.join(__dirname, './targets/members');
349 var doc = new Firedoc({'paths': [src]});
350 var ast;
351 before(function (next) {
352 doc.walk(next);
353 });
354 before(function () {
355 ast = parser.parse('js', doc.filemap, doc.dirmap);
356 });
357 it('should check members', function () {
358 var example1 = ast.members[0];
359 assert.equal(15, example1.line);
360 assert.equal('example_optional', example1.name);
361 assert.equal(true, example1.isConstructor);
362 assert.deepEqual([
363 '```js\nexample\n\n```'
364 ], example1.example);
365 assert.deepEqual([
366 {
367 name: 'x',
368 description: 'The default value is 10(test)',
369 type: 'Number',
370 optional: true,
371 optdefault: '10'
372 },
373 {
374 name: 'y',
375 description: '',
376 type: 'Object',
377 optional: true,
378 optdefault: '{}'
379 },
380 {
381 name: 'z',
382 description: '',
383 type: 'Array',
384 optional: true,
385 optdefault: '[]'
386 },
387 {
388 name: 'callback',
389 description: 'common callback',
390 type: 'commoncall',
391 props: [
392 {
393 'description': 'The error as first argument',
394 'type': 'Error',
395 'name': 'err'
396 },
397 {
398 'description': 'The returned object',
399 'type': 'Object',
400 'name': 'obj'
401 }
402 ]
403 }
404 ], example1.params);
406 var example2 = ast.members[1];
407 assert.equal(example2.access, 'public');
408 assert.deepEqual([
409 '```Not found for the example path: test/examples/ex0.js',
410 '```js\n// this is an example js for test\nvar foo = bar;\n```'
411 ], example2.example);
412 assert.deepEqual([
413 {
414 name: 'o',
415 description: '',
416 type: 'Object',
417 props: [
418 {
419 name: 'x',
420 description: '',
421 type: 'Number'
422 },
423 {
424 name: 'y',
425 description: '',
426 type: 'Object',
427 optional: true,
428 optdefault: '{}',
429 props: [
430 {
431 name: 'a',
432 description: '',
433 type: 'Boolean'
434 }
435 ]
436 }
437 ]
438 }
439 ], example2.params);
441 var example3 = ast.members[2];
442 assert.equal(example3.final, '');
443 assert.equal(example3.deprecated, true);
444 assert.equal(example3.deprecationMessage, 'this is just deprecated');
446 var example4 = ast.members[3];
447 assert.equal(example4.name, 'md_link_in_method_params_desc');
448 assert.equal(example4.params[0].type, 'Object');
449 assert.equal(example4.params[0].optional, true);
450 assert.equal(example4.params[0].name, 'webContents');
451 assert.equal(example4.params[0].description, 'A [WebContents](https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/browser-window.md#class-webcontents) object');
453 var example5 = ast.members[4];
454 assert.ok(example5.example);
455 });
456 it('should compile the ast', function (next) {
457 var ctx = builder.compile(ast, doc.options, next);
458 ctx.on('module', function (locals) {
459 var example4 = locals.members[3];
460 assert.equal(example4.methodDisplay, 'md_link_in_method_params_desc(webContents)');
461 assert.equal(example4.name, 'md_link_in_method_params_desc');
462 assert.equal(example4.params[0].description, '<p>A <a href="https://github.com/atom/electron/blob/master/docs/api/browser-window.md#class-webcontents">WebContents</a> object</p>\n');
463 var example5 = locals.members[4];
464 assert.ok(/(&#39|&amp|&quot);/.test(example5.example) === false);
465 });
466 });
467 });
469 describe('process', function () {
470 var src = path.join(__dirname, './targets/process');
471 var doc = new Firedoc({'paths': [src]});
472 var ast;
473 before(function (next) {
474 doc.walk(next);
475 });
476 before(function () {
477 ast = parser.parse('js', doc.filemap, doc.dirmap);
478 });
479 it('should check module', function () {
480 var mod1 = ast.modules.mod1;
481 assert.deepEqual(mod1.process, ['core']);
482 });
483 it('should check class', function () {
484 var cls1 = ast.classes.cls1;
485 assert.deepEqual(cls1.process, ['page']);
486 var cls2 = ast.classes.cls2;
487 assert.deepEqual(cls2.process, ['core']);
488 });
489 it('should check members', function () {
490 var dm1 = _.findWhere(ast.members, {'name': 'dm1'});
491 assert.deepEqual(dm1.process, ['core']);
492 var dm2 = _.findWhere(ast.members, {'name': 'dm2'});
493 assert.deepEqual(dm2.process, ['page']);
494 var md1InCls1 = _.findWhere(ast.members, {'name': 'md1', 'clazz': 'cls1'});
495 assert.deepEqual(md1InCls1.process, ['page']);
496 var md2InCls1 = _.findWhere(ast.members, {'name': 'md2', 'clazz': 'cls1'});
497 assert.deepEqual(md2InCls1.process, ['core']);
498 var md1InCls2 = _.findWhere(ast.members, {'name': 'md1', 'clazz': 'cls2'});
499 assert.deepEqual(md1InCls2.process, ['core']);
500 });
501 });