2.68 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import doctrine from "@teppeis/doctrine";
2import type { Comment, Program } from "estree-jsx";
3export interface ParserOptions {
4 provideRoots?: string[];
5 replaceMap?: Map<string, string>;
6 providedNamespace?: string[];
7 parserOptions?: any;
8 ignoreProvides?: boolean;
10export interface FixclosureInfo {
11 provided: string[];
12 required: string[];
13 requireTyped: string[];
14 forwardDeclared: string[];
15 toProvide: string[];
16 toRequire: string[];
17 toRequireType: string[];
18 toForwardDeclare: string[];
19 ignoredProvide: string[];
20 ignoredRequire: string[];
21 ignoredRequireType: string[];
22 ignoredForwardDeclare: string[];
23 provideStart: number;
24 provideEnd: number;
26export declare class Parser {
27 options: ParserOptions;
28 private provideRoots_;
29 private ignoreProvides_;
30 private replaceMap_;
31 private providedNamespaces_;
32 private ignorePackages_;
33 private minLine_;
34 private maxLine_;
35 constructor(opt_options?: ParserOptions);
36 parse(src: string): FixclosureInfo;
37 parseAst(program: Program, comments: Comment[]): FixclosureInfo;
38 private extractToProvide_;
39 /**
40 * @return true if the node has JSDoc that includes @typedef and not @private
41 * This method assume the JSDoc is at a line just before the node.
42 * Use ESLint context like `context.getJSDocComment(node)` if possible.
43 */
44 private hasTypedefAnnotation_;
45 private getSuppressProvideComments_;
46 private getSuppressRequireComments_;
47 private extractToRequire_;
48 private extractToRequireTypeFromJsDoc_;
49 extractType(type: doctrine.Type | null): string[];
50 /**
51 * Extract `goog.require('goog.foo') // fixclosure: ignore`.
52 */
53 private extractIgnored_;
54 private extractProvided_;
55 private extractRequired_;
56 private extractRequireTyped_;
57 private extractForwardDeclared_;
58 /**
59 * @param parsed
60 * @param method like 'goog.provide' or 'goog.require'
61 */
62 private extractGoogDeclaration_;
63 private traverseProgram_;
64 /**
65 * @return True if the item has a root namespace to extract.
66 */
67 private provideRootFilter_;
68 /**
69 * @return Provided namespace
70 */
71 private toProvideMapper_;
72 /**
73 * @return Required namespace
74 */
75 private toRequireMapper_;
76 private toRequireFilter_;
77 /**
78 * Filter toProvide and toRequire if it is suppressed.
79 */
80 private suppressFilter_;
81 private getRequiredPackageName_;
82 private getProvidedPackageName_;
83 private isIgnorePackage_;
84 private isPrivateProp_;
85 private replaceMethod_;
86 private isProvidedNamespace_;
87 private updateMinMaxLine_;