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1# Flagpole JS
3Flagpole is a QA testing framework that is easy to learn, flexible, portable, and fast.
5- [Flagpole Developer Documentation](https://flocasts.github.io/flagpole/)
6- [Examples](https://github.com/flocasts/flagpole/tree/master/tests)
8## Developer Style Guide
10- Class is ordered: public properties, private/protected properties, constructor, public methods, private/protected methods
11- Private/protected properties and methods are prefixed with \_
12- Camel-case all the things, except class names and enums
13- Interfaces are prefixed by i
14- Think about the developer experience of the person writing the tests first and foremost
15- Definitively type whenever possible
16- Favor readability over cleverness or brevity
17- Document and comment liberally
18- Don't try to do everything, but do the common QA functions really well
19- As much as possible, create a common experience across different classes of scenarios
20- Keep the framework as light as possible, which might mean auto-discovery and dynamically loading optional libraries
21- It should be obvious, it should mislead of confuse or cause additional cognitive load
22- Do what you say, say what you do. No side effects.
23- Try to start methods with verbs unless it's just really short, sweet, and obvious not to
24- Start properties or methods that return booleans with "is" or "has" or "can" or something similar that reads what it is
25- Start methods that convert an object to a different type with "to" like "toArray"
26- Some things are designed to be chained, such as setting up a Suite or Scenario, so allow this to be chained by returning themselves, but don't chain just for the sake of chaining. Chain of readability and convenience of DX only.