1 | # Flickity
2 |
3 | _Touch, responsive, flickable carousels_
4 |
5 | See [flickity.metafizzy.co](https://flickity.metafizzy.co) for complete docs and demos.
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7 | ## Install
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9 | ### Download
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11 | + CSS:
12 | - [flickity.min.css](https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.min.css) minified, or
13 | - [flickity.css](https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.css) un-minified
14 | + JavaScript:
15 | - [flickity.pkgd.min.js](https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.pkgd.min.js) minified, or
16 | - [flickity.pkgd.js](https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.pkgd.js) un-minified
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18 | ### CDN
19 |
20 | Link directly to Flickity files on [unpkg](https://unpkg.com).
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22 | ``` html
23 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.min.css">
24 | ```
25 |
26 | ``` html
27 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.pkgd.min.js"></script>
28 | ```
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30 | ### Package managers
31 |
32 | Bower: `bower install flickity --save`
33 |
34 | npm: `npm install flickity --save`
35 |
36 | ## License
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38 | ### Commercial license
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40 | If you want to use Flickity to develop commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, the Commercial license is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. Purchase a Flickity Commercial License at [flickity.metafizzy.co](https://flickity.metafizzy.co/#commercial-license)
41 |
42 | ### Open source license
43 |
44 | If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the [GNU GPL license v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html), you may use Flickity under the terms of the GPLv3.
45 |
46 | [Read more about Flickity's license](https://flickity.metafizzy.co/license.html).
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48 | ## Usage
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50 | Flickity works with a container element and a set of child cell elements
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52 | ``` html
53 | <div class="carousel">
54 | <div class="carousel-cell">...</div>
55 | <div class="carousel-cell">...</div>
56 | <div class="carousel-cell">...</div>
57 | ...
58 | </div>
59 | ```
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61 | ### Options
62 |
63 | ``` js
64 | var flky = new Flickity( '.gallery', {
65 | // options, defaults listed
66 |
67 | accessibility: true,
68 | // enable keyboard navigation, pressing left & right keys
69 |
70 | adaptiveHeight: false,
71 | // set carousel height to the selected slide
72 |
73 | autoPlay: false,
74 | // advances to the next cell
75 | // if true, default is 3 seconds
76 | // or set time between advances in milliseconds
77 | // i.e. `autoPlay: 1000` will advance every 1 second
78 |
79 | cellAlign: 'center',
80 | // alignment of cells, 'center', 'left', or 'right'
81 | // or a decimal 0-1, 0 is beginning (left) of container, 1 is end (right)
82 |
83 | cellSelector: undefined,
84 | // specify selector for cell elements
85 |
86 | contain: false,
87 | // will contain cells to container
88 | // so no excess scroll at beginning or end
89 | // has no effect if wrapAround is enabled
90 |
91 | draggable: '>1',
92 | // enables dragging & flicking
93 | // if at least 2 cells
94 |
95 | dragThreshold: 3,
96 | // number of pixels a user must scroll horizontally to start dragging
97 | // increase to allow more room for vertical scroll for touch devices
98 |
99 | freeScroll: false,
100 | // enables content to be freely scrolled and flicked
101 | // without aligning cells
102 |
103 | friction: 0.2,
104 | // smaller number = easier to flick farther
105 |
106 | groupCells: false,
107 | // group cells together in slides
108 |
109 | initialIndex: 0,
110 | // zero-based index of the initial selected cell
111 |
112 | lazyLoad: true,
113 | // enable lazy-loading images
114 | // set img data-flickity-lazyload="src.jpg"
115 | // set to number to load images adjacent cells
116 |
117 | percentPosition: true,
118 | // sets positioning in percent values, rather than pixels
119 | // Enable if items have percent widths
120 | // Disable if items have pixel widths, like images
121 |
122 | prevNextButtons: true,
123 | // creates and enables buttons to click to previous & next cells
124 |
125 | pageDots: true,
126 | // create and enable page dots
127 |
128 | resize: true,
129 | // listens to window resize events to adjust size & positions
130 |
131 | rightToLeft: false,
132 | // enables right-to-left layout
133 |
134 | setGallerySize: true,
135 | // sets the height of gallery
136 | // disable if gallery already has height set with CSS
137 |
138 | watchCSS: false,
139 | // watches the content of :after of the element
140 | // activates if #element:after { content: 'flickity' }
141 |
142 | wrapAround: false
143 | // at end of cells, wraps-around to first for infinite scrolling
144 |
145 | });
146 | ```
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148 | ---
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150 | By [Metafizzy 🌈🐻](https://metafizzy.co)