1 | ## jquery.flot.composeImages.js
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3 | This plugin is used to expose a function used to overlap several canvases and
4 | SVGs, for the purpose of creating a snaphot out of them.
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6 | ### When composeImages is used:
7 | When multiple canvases and SVGs have to be overlapped into a single image
8 | and their offset on the page, must be preserved.
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10 | ### Where can be used:
11 | In creating a downloadable snapshot of the plots, axes, cursors etc of a graph.
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13 | ### How it works:
14 | The entry point is composeImages function. It expects an array of objects,
15 | which should be either canvases or SVGs (or a mix). It does a prevalidation
16 | of them, by verifying if they will be usable or not, later in the flow.
17 | After selecting only usable sources, it passes them to getGenerateTempImg
18 | function, which generates temporary images out of them. This function
19 | expects that some of the passed sources (canvas or SVG) may still have
20 | problems being converted to an image and makes sure the promises system,
21 | used by composeImages function, moves forward. As an example, SVGs with
22 | missing information from header or with unsupported content, may lead to
23 | failure in generating the temporary image. Temporary images are required
24 | mostly on extracting content from SVGs, but this is also where the x/y
25 | offsets are extracted for each image which will be added. For SVGs in
26 | particular, their CSS rules have to be applied.
27 | After all temporary images are generated, they are overlapped using
28 | getExecuteImgComposition function. This is where the destination canvas
29 | is set to the proper dimensions. It is then output by composeImages.
30 | This function returns a promise, which can be used to wait for the whole
31 | composition process. It requires to be asynchronous, because this is how
32 | temporary images load their data.