1 | <p align="center">
2 | <a href="https://flow-typed.github.io/flow-typed">
3 | <img alt="flow-typed" src="./docs/_media/flow.svg">
4 | </a>
5 | </p>
6 |
7 | <p align="center">
8 | A <a href="https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/tree/main/definitions">repository</a> of
9 | high-quality, third-party <a href="https://flow.org/en/docs/libdefs">library type definitions</a>
10 | for use with <a href="http://flow.org">Flow</a>.
11 | </p>
12 |
13 | <p align="center">
14 | <a href="https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/actions/workflows/main.yml">
15 | <img src="https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/workflows/CI/badge.svg" alt="ci status">
16 | </a>
17 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/flow-typed"><img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/flow-typed.svg" alt="npm package"></a>
18 | <a href="https://flow-typed.github.io/flow-typed/#/"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-latest-blueviolet" alt="docs"></a>
19 | <a href="https://discordapp.com/invite/8ezwRUK">
20 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/discord/539606376339734558.svg?label=&logo=discord&logoColor=ffffff&color=7389D8&labelColor=555555&cacheSeconds=60" alt="discord">
21 | </a>
22 | <a href="https://snyk.io/advisor/npm-package/flow-typed">
23 | <img src="https://snyk.io/advisor/npm-package/flow-typed/badge.svg?" alt="package health">
24 | </a>
25 | </p>
26 |
27 | > [!NOTE]
28 | > We want to keep the flow-typed community informed about the current state and future direction of the project. As you might have noticed, our activity has slowed down in recent months. However, we are committed to maintaining the functionality of flow-typed and will continue to fix any issues that arise with new releases of Flow.
29 | >
30 | > While we're not planning any major new features at the moment, we remain open to feature contributions from the community. Our focus remains on ensuring that the existing features work well and that type definitions are kept up to date. We appreciate the value that these contributions bring and encourage anyone interested in enhancing flow-typed to get involved.
31 |
32 | Check out the [quick start](https://flow-typed.github.io/flow-typed/#/quickstart) page
33 | in the docs to get started. It will walk you through installing typedefs, using them,
34 | as well as writing and including your own.
35 |
36 | ## Huh?
37 |
38 | When you start a project with Flow, **you likely want to use some third-party
39 | libraries that were *not* written with Flow**. By default, Flow will just ignore
40 | these libraries **leaving them untyped**. As a result, Flow can't give errors if
41 | you accidentally mis-use the library (nor will it be able to auto-complete the
42 | library).
43 |
44 | To address this, **Flow supports
45 | [library definitions](https://flow.org/en/docs/libdefs)** which allow
46 | you to describe the interface of a module or library separate from the
47 | implementation of that module/library.
48 |
49 | **The `flow-typed` repo is a collection of high-quality library definitions**,
50 | tests to ensure that definitions remain high quality, and tooling to make it
51 | as easy as possible to import them into your project.
52 |
53 | All you have to do when you add one or more new dependencies to your project
54 | is run `flow-typed install`. This will search the libdef repo and download all
55 | the libdefs that are relevant for your project and install them for you. After
56 | that, **simply check them in** and be on your way!
57 |
58 | ## The CLI
59 |
60 | The `flow-typed` npm package provides a CLI that includes several commands for
61 | working with this repository. The full list of commands is available
62 | [in the docs](https://flow-typed.github.io/flow-typed/#/install) .
63 |
64 | ## FAQs
65 |
66 | Before opening an issue, take a look at the [FAQs](https://flow-typed.github.io/flow-typed/#/faq).
67 | Chances are your question has already been answered! If not, don't hesitate to
68 | [open an issue](https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/issues/new).
69 |
70 | ## How Do I Contribute Library Definitions?
71 |
72 | Just send a pull request! The documentation highlighted in [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) should give a detailed overview of how to raise a pull request following our best practices.
73 |
74 | ### Contributing to the CLI
75 |
76 | Bugfixes and improvements to the core CLI are welcome. If you'd like to contribute
77 | a new feature, consider opening an issue first to discuss it.
78 |
79 | ## Active Maintenance Team
80 |
81 | [![Andrew Smith](https://github.com/andrewsouthpaw.png?size=100)](https://github.com/andrewsouthpaw) | [![Brian Chen](https://github.com/Brianzchen.png?size=100)](https://github.com/Brianzchen) | [![Georges-Antoine Assi](https://github.com/gantoine.png?size=100)](https://github.com/gantoine) | [![Pascal Duez](https://github.com/pascalduez.png?size=100)](https://github.com/pascalduez) | [![Ville Saukkonen](https://github.com/villesau.png?size=100)](https://github.com/villesau)
82 | :---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:
83 | [@AndrewSouthpaw](https://github.com/andrewsouthpaw) | [@Brianzchen](https://github.com/Brianzchen) | [@GAntoine](https://github.com/gantoine) | [@pascalduez](https://github.com/pascalduez) | [@villesau](https://github.com/villesau)