1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports._installNpmLibDef = installNpmLibDef;
7 | exports._installNpmLibDefs = installNpmLibDefs;
8 | exports.name = exports.description = void 0;
9 | exports.run = run;
10 | exports.setup = setup;
11 |
12 | var _safe = _interopRequireDefault(require("colors/safe"));
13 |
14 | var _semver = _interopRequireDefault(require("semver"));
15 |
16 | var _cacheRepoUtils = require("../lib/cacheRepoUtils");
17 |
18 | var _codeSign = require("../lib/codeSign");
19 |
20 | var _envDefs = require("../lib/envDefs");
21 |
22 | var _fileUtils = require("../lib/fileUtils");
23 |
24 | var _flowProjectUtils = require("../lib/flowProjectUtils");
25 |
26 | var _flowVersion = require("../lib/flowVersion");
27 |
28 | var _ftConfig = require("../lib/ftConfig");
29 |
30 | var _node = require("../lib/node");
31 |
32 | var _npmLibDefs = require("../lib/npm/npmLibDefs");
33 |
34 | var _npmProjectUtils = require("../lib/npm/npmProjectUtils");
35 |
36 | var _semver2 = require("../lib/semver");
37 |
38 | var _stubUtils = require("../lib/stubUtils");
39 |
40 | var _logger = require("../lib/logger");
41 |
42 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
43 |
44 | const name = 'install [explicitLibDefs...]';
45 | exports.name = name;
46 | const description = 'Installs libdefs into the ./flow-typed directory';
47 | exports.description = description;
48 |
49 | function setup(yargs) {
50 | return yargs.usage(`$0 ${name} - ${description}`).positional('explicitLibDefs', {
51 | describe: 'Explicitly specify packages to install',
52 | default: []
53 | }).options({
54 | flowVersion: {
55 | alias: 'f',
56 | describe: 'The Flow version that fetched libdefs must be compatible with',
57 | type: 'string'
58 | },
59 | verbose: {
60 | describe: 'Print additional, verbose info while installing libdefs',
61 | type: 'boolean',
62 | demandOption: false
63 | },
64 | skip: {
65 | alias: 's',
66 | describe: 'Do not generate stubs for missing libdefs',
67 | type: 'boolean',
68 | demandOption: false
69 | },
70 | skipCache: {
71 | describe: 'Do not update cache prior to installing libdefs',
72 | type: 'boolean',
73 | demandOption: false
74 | },
75 | skipFlowRestart: {
76 | describe: 'Do not restart flow after installing libdefs',
77 | type: 'boolean',
78 | demandOption: false
79 | },
80 | libdefDir: {
81 | alias: 'l',
82 | describe: 'Use a custom directory to install libdefs',
83 | type: 'string',
84 | demandOption: false
85 | },
86 | cacheDir: {
87 | alias: 'c',
88 | describe: 'Directory (absolute or relative path, ~ is not supported) to store cache of libdefs',
89 | type: 'string',
90 | demandOption: false
91 | },
92 | packageDir: {
93 | alias: 'p',
94 | describe: 'The relative path of package.json where flow-bin is installed',
95 | type: 'string'
96 | },
97 | overwrite: {
98 | alias: 'o',
99 | describe: 'Overwrite an existing libdef',
100 | type: 'boolean',
101 | demandOption: false
102 | },
103 | ignoreDeps: {
104 | alias: 'i',
105 | describe: 'Dependency categories to ignore when installing definitions',
106 | choices: ['dev', 'bundled', 'peer'],
107 | type: 'array'
108 | },
109 | rootDir: {
110 | alias: 'r',
111 | describe: 'Directory of .flowconfig relative to node_modules',
112 | type: 'string'
113 | },
114 | useCacheUntil: {
115 | alias: 'u',
116 | describe: 'Use cache until specified time in milliseconds',
117 | type: 'number'
118 | }
119 | });
120 | }
121 |
122 | async function run(args) {
123 | const cwd = typeof args.rootDir === 'string' ? _node.path.resolve(args.rootDir) : process.cwd();
124 | const packageDir = typeof args.packageDir === 'string' ? _node.path.resolve(args.packageDir) : cwd;
125 | const flowVersion = await (0, _flowVersion.determineFlowSpecificVersion)(packageDir, args.flowVersion);
126 | const libdefDir = typeof args.libdefDir === 'string' ? args.libdefDir : 'flow-typed';
127 |
128 | if (args.ignoreDeps !== undefined && !Array.isArray(args.ignoreDeps)) {
129 | throw new Error('ignoreDeps is not array');
130 | }
131 |
132 | const ignoreDeps = (args.ignoreDeps || []).map(dep => {
133 | if (typeof dep !== 'string') {
134 | throw new Error('ignoreDeps should be array of strings');
135 | }
136 |
137 | return dep;
138 | });
139 |
140 | if (args.explicitLibDefs !== undefined && !Array.isArray(args.explicitLibDefs)) {
141 | throw new Error('explicitLibDefs is not array');
142 | }
143 |
144 | const explicitLibDefs = (args.explicitLibDefs || []).map(dep => {
145 | if (typeof dep !== 'string') {
146 | throw new Error('explicitLibDefs should be array of strings');
147 | }
148 |
149 | return dep;
150 | });
151 | const ftConfig = (0, _ftConfig.getFtConfig)(cwd);
152 |
153 | if (args.cacheDir) {
154 | const cacheDir = _node.path.resolve(String(args.cacheDir));
155 |
156 | console.log('• Setting cache dir', cacheDir);
157 | (0, _cacheRepoUtils._setCustomCacheDir)(cacheDir);
158 | }
159 |
160 | const useCacheUntil = Number(args.useCacheUntil) || _cacheRepoUtils.CACHE_REPO_EXPIRY;
161 |
162 | const {
163 | status: npmLibDefResult,
164 | dependencyEnvs
165 | } = await installNpmLibDefs({
166 | cwd,
167 | flowVersion,
168 | explicitLibDefs,
169 | libdefDir: libdefDir,
170 | verbose: Boolean(args.verbose),
171 | overwrite: Boolean(args.overwrite),
172 | skip: Boolean(args.skip),
173 | skipCache: Boolean(args.skipCache),
174 | ignoreDeps: ignoreDeps,
175 | useCacheUntil: Number(args.useCacheUntil) || _cacheRepoUtils.CACHE_REPO_EXPIRY,
176 | ftConfig
177 | });
178 |
179 | if (npmLibDefResult !== 0) {
180 | return npmLibDefResult;
181 | }
182 |
183 |
184 | if (ftConfig !== null && ftConfig !== void 0 && ftConfig.env || dependencyEnvs.length > 0) {
185 | var _ftConfig$env;
186 |
187 | const envLibDefResult = await installEnvLibDefs([...new Set([...((_ftConfig$env = ftConfig === null || ftConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : ftConfig.env) !== null && _ftConfig$env !== void 0 ? _ftConfig$env : []), ...dependencyEnvs])], flowVersion, cwd, libdefDir, useCacheUntil, Boolean(args.overwrite));
188 |
189 | if (envLibDefResult !== 0) {
190 | return envLibDefResult;
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 |
195 | if (!args.skipFlowRestart) {
196 | try {
197 | await _node.child_process.execP('npx flow stop');
198 | await _node.child_process.execP('npx flow');
199 | } catch (e) {
200 | console.log(_safe.default.red('!! Flow restarted with some errors'));
201 | }
202 | }
203 |
204 | return 0;
205 | }
206 |
207 | async function installEnvLibDefs(env, flowVersion, flowProjectRoot, libdefDir, useCacheUntil, overwrite) {
208 | if (env) {
209 | console.log(_safe.default.green('• `env` key found in `flow-typed.config.json`, attempting to install env definitions...\n'));
210 |
211 | if (!Array.isArray(env)) {
212 | console.log(_safe.default.yellow('Warning: `env` in `flow-typed.config.json` must be of type Array<string> - skipping'));
213 | return 0;
214 | }
215 |
216 |
217 | const envDefs = await (0, _envDefs.getEnvDefs)();
218 |
219 | const flowTypedDirPath = _node.path.join(flowProjectRoot, libdefDir, 'environments');
220 |
221 | await (0, _fileUtils.mkdirp)(flowTypedDirPath);
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 | await Promise.all(env.map(async en => {
226 | if (typeof en === 'string') {
227 | const def = await (0, _envDefs.findEnvDef)(en, flowVersion, useCacheUntil, envDefs);
228 |
229 | if (def) {
230 | const fileName = `${en}.js`;
231 |
232 | const defLocalPath = _node.path.join(flowTypedDirPath, fileName);
233 |
234 | const envAlreadyInstalled = await _node.fs.exists(defLocalPath);
235 |
236 | if (envAlreadyInstalled) {
237 | const localFile = _node.fs.readFileSync(defLocalPath, 'utf-8');
238 |
239 | if (!(0, _codeSign.verifySignedCode)(localFile) && !overwrite) {
240 | (0, _logger.listItem)(en, _safe.default.red(`${en} already exists and appears to have been manually written or changed!`), _safe.default.yellow(`Consider contributing your changes back to flow-typed repository :)`), _safe.default.yellow(`${en} already exists and appears to have been manually written or changed!`), _safe.default.yellow(`Read more at https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md`), _safe.default.yellow(`Use --overwrite to overwrite the existing env defs.`));
241 | return;
242 | }
243 |
244 | _node.fs.unlink(defLocalPath);
245 | }
246 |
247 | const repoVersion = await (0, _envDefs.getEnvDefVersionHash)((0, _cacheRepoUtils.getCacheRepoDir)(), def);
248 | const codeSignPreprocessor = (0, _codeSign.signCodeStream)(repoVersion);
249 | await (0, _fileUtils.copyFile)(def.path, defLocalPath, codeSignPreprocessor);
250 | (0, _logger.listItem)(en, _safe.default.green(`.${_node.path.sep}${_node.path.relative(flowProjectRoot, defLocalPath)}`));
251 | } else {
252 | (0, _logger.listItem)(en, _safe.default.yellow(`Was unable to install ${en}. The env might not exist or there is not a version compatible with your version of flow`));
253 | }
254 | }
255 | }));
256 | }
257 |
258 | return 0;
259 | }
260 |
261 | const FLOW_BUILT_IN_NPM_LIBS = ['react'];
262 |
263 | async function installNpmLibDefs({
264 | cwd,
265 | flowVersion,
266 | explicitLibDefs,
267 | libdefDir,
268 | verbose,
269 | overwrite,
270 | skip,
271 | skipCache,
272 | ignoreDeps,
273 | useCacheUntil,
274 | ftConfig = {}
275 | }) {
276 | const flowProjectRoot = await (0, _flowProjectUtils.findFlowRoot)(cwd);
277 |
278 | if (flowProjectRoot === null) {
279 | console.error('Error: Unable to find a flow project in the current dir or any of ' + "it's parent dirs!\n" + 'Please run this command from within a Flow project.');
280 | return {
281 | status: 1,
282 | dependencyEnvs: []
283 | };
284 | }
285 |
286 | const libdefsToSearchFor = new Map();
287 | let ignoreDefs;
288 |
289 | if (Array.isArray(ftConfig.ignore)) {
290 | ignoreDefs = ftConfig.ignore;
291 | } else {
292 | try {
293 | ignoreDefs = _node.fs.readFileSync(_node.path.join(cwd, libdefDir, '.ignore'), 'utf-8').replace(/"/g, '').split('\n');
294 | } catch (err) {
295 |
296 | if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
297 | throw err;
298 | }
299 |
300 | ignoreDefs = [];
301 | }
302 | }
303 |
304 | let workspacesPkgJsonData;
305 |
306 |
307 | if (explicitLibDefs.length > 0) {
308 | for (var i = 0; i < explicitLibDefs.length; i++) {
309 | const term = explicitLibDefs[i];
310 | const termMatches = term.match(/(@[^@\/]+\/)?([^@]+)@(.+)/);
311 |
312 | if (termMatches == null) {
313 | const pkgJsonData = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonData)(cwd);
314 | workspacesPkgJsonData = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.findWorkspacesPackages)(cwd, pkgJsonData, ftConfig);
315 | const pkgJsonDeps = workspacesPkgJsonData.reduce((acc, pckData) => {
316 | return (0, _npmProjectUtils.mergePackageJsonDependencies)(acc, (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonDependencies)(pckData, [], []));
317 | }, (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonDependencies)(pkgJsonData, [], []));
318 | const packageVersion = pkgJsonDeps[term];
319 |
320 | if (packageVersion) {
321 | libdefsToSearchFor.set(term, packageVersion);
322 | } else {
323 | console.error('ERROR: Package not found from package.json.\n' + 'Please specify version for the package in the format of `foo@1.2.3`');
324 | return {
325 | status: 1,
326 | dependencyEnvs: []
327 | };
328 | }
329 | } else {
330 | const [_, npmScope, pkgName, pkgVerStr] = termMatches;
331 | const scopedPkgName = npmScope != null ? npmScope + pkgName : pkgName;
332 | libdefsToSearchFor.set(scopedPkgName, pkgVerStr);
333 | }
334 | }
335 |
336 | console.log(`• Searching for ${libdefsToSearchFor.size} libdefs...`);
337 | } else {
338 | const pkgJsonData = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonData)(cwd);
339 | workspacesPkgJsonData = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.findWorkspacesPackages)(cwd, pkgJsonData, ftConfig);
340 | const pkgJsonDeps = workspacesPkgJsonData.reduce((acc, pckData) => {
341 | return (0, _npmProjectUtils.mergePackageJsonDependencies)(acc, (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonDependencies)(pckData, ignoreDeps, ignoreDefs));
342 | }, (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonDependencies)(pkgJsonData, ignoreDeps, ignoreDefs));
343 |
344 | for (const pkgName in pkgJsonDeps) {
345 | libdefsToSearchFor.set(pkgName, pkgJsonDeps[pkgName]);
346 | }
347 |
348 | if (libdefsToSearchFor.size === 0) {
349 | console.error("No dependencies were found in this project's package.json!");
350 | return {
351 | status: 0,
352 | dependencyEnvs: []
353 | };
354 | }
355 |
356 | if (verbose) {
357 | libdefsToSearchFor.forEach((ver, name) => {
358 | console.log(`• Found package.json dependency: ${name}@${ver}`);
359 | });
360 | } else {
361 | console.log(`• Found ${libdefsToSearchFor.size} dependencies in package.json to install libdefs for. Searching...`);
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | const libDefsToSearchForEntries = [...libdefsToSearchFor.entries()];
366 |
367 | const libDefsToInstall = new Map();
368 | const outdatedLibDefsToInstall = [];
369 | const unavailableLibDefs = [];
370 | const defDepsToInstall = {};
371 |
372 | const libDefs = await (0, _npmLibDefs.getCacheNpmLibDefs)(useCacheUntil, skipCache);
373 |
374 | const getLibDefsToInstall = async entries => {
375 | await Promise.all(entries.map(async ([name, ver]) => {
376 | delete defDepsToInstall[name];
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 | if (name === '//') {
381 | return;
382 | }
383 |
384 | if (FLOW_BUILT_IN_NPM_LIBS.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
385 | return;
386 | }
387 |
388 | const libDef = await (0, _npmLibDefs.findNpmLibDef)(name, ver, flowVersion, useCacheUntil, true, libDefs);
389 |
390 | if (libDef === null) {
391 | unavailableLibDefs.push({
392 | name,
393 | ver
394 | });
395 | } else {
396 | libDefsToInstall.set(name, libDef);
397 | const libDefLower = (0, _semver2.getRangeLowerBound)(libDef.version);
398 | const depLower = (0, _semver2.getRangeLowerBound)(ver);
399 |
400 | if (_semver.default.lt(libDefLower, depLower)) {
401 | outdatedLibDefsToInstall.push([libDef, {
402 | name,
403 | ver
404 | }]);
405 | }
406 |
407 |
408 | if (libDef.depVersions) {
409 | Object.keys(libDef.depVersions).forEach(dep => {
410 | if (libDef.depVersions) {
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 | defDepsToInstall[dep] = libDef.depVersions[dep];
415 | }
416 | });
417 | }
418 | }
419 | }));
420 | };
421 |
422 | await getLibDefsToInstall(libDefsToSearchForEntries);
423 | const pnpResolver = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.loadPnpResolver)(await (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonData)(cwd));
424 | const dependencyEnvs = [];
425 |
426 |
427 | const untypedMissingLibDefs = [];
428 | const typedMissingLibDefs = [];
429 | await Promise.all(unavailableLibDefs.map(async ({
430 | name: pkgName,
431 | ver: pkgVer
432 | }) => {
433 | const {
434 | isFlowTyped,
435 | pkgPath
436 | } = await (0, _stubUtils.pkgHasFlowFiles)(cwd, pkgName, pnpResolver, workspacesPkgJsonData);
437 |
438 | if (isFlowTyped && pkgPath) {
439 | typedMissingLibDefs.push([pkgName, pkgVer, pkgPath]);
440 |
441 | try {
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 | const pkgFlowTypedConfig = await _node.fs.readJson(_node.path.join(pkgPath, 'flow-typed.config.json'));
447 |
448 | if (pkgFlowTypedConfig.env) {
449 | dependencyEnvs.push(...pkgFlowTypedConfig.env);
450 | }
451 | } catch (e) {
452 | }
453 | } else {
454 | untypedMissingLibDefs.push([pkgName, pkgVer]);
455 | }
456 | }));
457 |
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 | if (typedMissingLibDefs.length > 0) {
462 | const typedDepsLibDefsToSearchFor = [];
463 | await Promise.all(typedMissingLibDefs.map(async typedLibDef => {
464 | const pkgJsonData = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonData)(`${typedLibDef[2]}/package.json`);
465 | const pkgJsonDeps = (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonDependencies)(pkgJsonData,
466 |
467 | ['dev', 'peer', ...ignoreDeps], ignoreDefs);
468 |
469 | for (const pkgName in pkgJsonDeps) {
470 | if (!libDefsToInstall.has(pkgName)) {
471 | typedDepsLibDefsToSearchFor.push([pkgName, pkgJsonDeps[pkgName]]);
472 | }
473 | }
474 | }));
475 | await getLibDefsToInstall(typedDepsLibDefsToSearchFor);
476 | }
477 |
478 |
479 |
480 |
481 | if (Object.keys(defDepsToInstall).length > 0) {
482 | (0, _logger.sectionHeader)('Running definition dependency check');
483 |
484 | while (Object.keys(defDepsToInstall).length > 0) {
485 | await getLibDefsToInstall(Object.keys(defDepsToInstall).map(dep => {
486 | const libDef = libDefsToInstall.get(dep);
487 | const defVersions = defDepsToInstall[dep];
488 |
489 | if (libDef) {
490 | if (!defVersions.includes(libDef.version)) {
491 |
492 | (0, _logger.listItem)(_safe.default.yellow(`One of your definitions has a dependency to ${dep} @ version(s) ${defVersions.join(', ')}`), `You have version ${_safe.default.yellow(libDef.version)} installed`, `We're overriding to a supported version to fix flow-typed ${_safe.default.red('but you may experience other type errors')}`);
493 | } else {
494 |
495 |
496 | delete defDepsToInstall[dep];
497 | return ['', ''];
498 | }
499 | }
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 | return [dep, defVersions[defVersions.length - 1]];
504 | }).filter(o => !!o[0]));
505 | }
506 |
507 | (0, _logger.sectionHeader)('Check complete');
508 | }
509 |
510 |
511 | const libDefsToUninstall = new Map();
512 | const alreadyInstalledLibDefs = await (0, _npmLibDefs.getInstalledNpmLibDefs)(_node.path.join(flowProjectRoot), libdefDir);
513 | [...alreadyInstalledLibDefs.entries()].forEach(([filePath, npmLibDef]) => {
514 | const fullFilePath = _node.path.join(flowProjectRoot, filePath);
515 |
516 | switch (npmLibDef.kind) {
517 | case 'LibDef':
518 |
519 |
520 | const libDef = npmLibDef.libDef;
521 | const scopedPkgName = (0, _npmLibDefs.getScopedPackageName)(libDef);
522 |
523 | if (libDefsToInstall.has(scopedPkgName)) {
524 | libDefsToUninstall.set(scopedPkgName, fullFilePath);
525 | }
526 |
527 | break;
528 |
529 | case 'Stub':
530 | break;
531 |
532 | default:
533 | npmLibDef;
534 | }
535 | });
536 |
537 | if (libDefsToInstall.size > 0) {
538 | (0, _logger.sectionHeader)(`Installing ${libDefsToInstall.size} libDefs...`);
539 |
540 | const flowTypedDirPath = _node.path.join(flowProjectRoot, libdefDir, 'npm');
541 |
542 | await (0, _fileUtils.mkdirp)(flowTypedDirPath);
543 | const results = await Promise.all([...libDefsToInstall.values()].map(async libDef => {
544 | const toUninstall = libDefsToUninstall.get((0, _npmLibDefs.getScopedPackageName)(libDef));
545 |
546 | if (toUninstall != null) {
547 | await _node.fs.unlink(toUninstall);
548 | }
549 |
550 | return installNpmLibDef(libDef, flowTypedDirPath, overwrite);
551 | }));
552 |
553 | if (results.some(res => !res)) {
554 | return {
555 | status: 1,
556 | dependencyEnvs: []
557 | };
558 | }
559 | }
560 |
561 | if ((verbose || unavailableLibDefs.length === 0) && outdatedLibDefsToInstall.length > 0) {
562 | console.log('• The following installed libdefs are compatible with your ' + 'dependencies, but may not include all minor and patch changes for ' + 'your specific dependency version:\n');
563 | outdatedLibDefsToInstall.forEach(([libDef, {
564 | name: pkgName,
565 | ver: pkgVersion
566 | }]) => {
567 | console.log(' • libdef: %s (satisfies %s)', _safe.default.yellow(`${libDef.name}_${libDef.version}`), _safe.default.bold(`${pkgName}@${pkgVersion}`));
568 | const libDefPlural = outdatedLibDefsToInstall.length > 1 ? ['versioned updates', 'these packages'] : ['a versioned update', 'this package'];
569 | console.log(`\n` + ` Consider submitting ${libDefPlural[0]} for ${libDefPlural[1]} to \n` + ` https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed/\n`);
570 | });
571 | }
572 |
573 | if (unavailableLibDefs.length > 0 && unavailableLibDefs.length === explicitLibDefs.length) {
574 |
575 |
576 | console.log(_safe.default.red(`!! No flow@${(0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(flowVersion)}-compatible libdefs ` + `found in flow-typed for the explicitly requested libdefs. !!`) + '\n' + '\n' + 'Consider using `%s` to generate an empty libdef that you can fill in.', _safe.default.bold(`flow-typed create-stub ${explicitLibDefs.join(' ')}`));
577 | return {
578 | status: 1,
579 | dependencyEnvs: []
580 | };
581 | } else {
582 | if (untypedMissingLibDefs.length > 0 && !skip) {
583 | console.log('• Generating stubs for untyped dependencies...');
584 | await Promise.all(untypedMissingLibDefs.map(async ([pkgName, pkgVerStr]) => {
585 | await (0, _stubUtils.createStub)(flowProjectRoot, pkgName, pkgVerStr, overwrite, pnpResolver,
586 |
587 | false, libdefDir);
588 | }));
589 | console.log(_safe.default.red(`\n!! No flow@${(0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(flowVersion)}-compatible libdefs ` + `found in flow-typed for the above untyped dependencies !!`));
590 | const plural = unavailableLibDefs.length > 1 ? ['libdefs', 'these packages', 'them'] : ['a libdef', 'this package', 'it'];
591 | console.log(`\n` + `We've generated ${'`'}any${'`'}-typed stubs for ${plural[1]}, but ` + `consider submitting \n` + `${plural[0]} for ${plural[2]} to ` + `${_safe.default.bold('https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed/')}\n`);
592 | }
593 | }
594 |
595 | return {
596 | status: 0,
597 | dependencyEnvs
598 | };
599 | }
600 |
601 | async function installNpmLibDef(npmLibDef, npmDir, overwrite) {
602 | const scopedDir = npmLibDef.scope === null ? npmDir : _node.path.join(npmDir, npmLibDef.scope);
603 | (0, _fileUtils.mkdirp)(scopedDir);
604 | const fileName = `${npmLibDef.name}_${npmLibDef.version}.js`;
605 |
606 | const filePath = _node.path.join(scopedDir, fileName);
607 |
608 |
609 | try {
610 | const terseFilePath = _node.path.relative(_node.path.resolve(npmDir, '..', '..'), filePath);
611 |
612 | if (!overwrite && (await _node.fs.exists(filePath))) {
613 | (0, _logger.listItem)(_safe.default.bold(_safe.default.red(`${terseFilePath} already exists and appears to have been manually ` + `written or changed!`)), _safe.default.green(`Consider contributing your changes back to flow-typed repository :)`), `Read more at https://github.com/flow-typed/flow-typed/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md`, 'Use --overwrite to overwrite the existing libdef.');
614 | return true;
615 | }
616 |
617 | const repoVersion = await (0, _npmLibDefs.getNpmLibDefVersionHash)((0, _cacheRepoUtils.getCacheRepoDir)(), npmLibDef);
618 | const codeSignPreprocessor = (0, _codeSign.signCodeStream)(repoVersion);
619 | await (0, _fileUtils.copyFile)(npmLibDef.path, filePath, codeSignPreprocessor);
620 | (0, _logger.listItem)(fileName, _safe.default.green(`.${_node.path.sep}${terseFilePath}`));
621 |
622 | console.log(npmLibDef.name);
623 | console.log(scopedDir);
624 | const stubName = `${npmLibDef.name}_vx.x.x.js`;
625 |
626 | const stubPath = _node.path.join(scopedDir, stubName);
627 |
628 | if (overwrite && (await _node.fs.exists(stubPath))) {
629 | await _node.fs.unlink(stubPath);
630 | }
631 |
632 | return true;
633 | } catch (e) {
634 | console.error(` !! Failed to install ${npmLibDef.name} at ${filePath}`);
635 | console.error(` ERROR: ${e.message}`);
636 | return false;
637 | }
638 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |