1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.name = exports.description = void 0;
7 | exports.run = run;
8 | exports.setup = setup;
9 |
10 | var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
11 |
12 | var _table = require("table");
13 |
14 | var _flowProjectUtils = require("../lib/flowProjectUtils");
15 |
16 | var _npmLibDefs = require("../lib/npm/npmLibDefs");
17 |
18 | var _node = require("../lib/node");
19 |
20 | var _flowVersion = require("../lib/flowVersion");
21 |
22 | var _codeSign = require("../lib/codeSign");
23 |
24 | var _cacheRepoUtils = require("../lib/cacheRepoUtils");
25 |
26 | var _ftConfig = require("../lib/ftConfig");
27 |
28 | var _envDefs = require("../lib/envDefs");
29 |
30 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
31 |
32 | const pullSignature = v => v.split('\n').slice(0, 2);
33 |
34 | const name = 'outdated';
35 | exports.name = name;
36 | const description = 'Update the flow-typed cache and print any outdated libdefs in current project';
37 | exports.description = description;
38 |
39 | function setup(yargs) {
40 | return yargs.usage(`$0 ${name}`).options({
41 | flowVersion: {
42 | alias: 'f',
43 | describe: 'The Flow version that outdated libdefs must be compatible with',
44 | type: 'string'
45 | },
46 | useCacheUntil: {
47 | alias: 'u',
48 | describe: 'Use cache until specified time in milliseconds',
49 | type: 'number'
50 | },
51 | libdefDir: {
52 | alias: 'l',
53 | describe: 'Scan currently installed libdefs from a custom directory',
54 | type: 'string',
55 | demandOption: false
56 | },
57 | rootDir: {
58 | alias: 'r',
59 | describe: 'Directory of .flowconfig relative to node_modules',
60 | type: 'string'
61 | },
62 | packageDir: {
63 | alias: 'p',
64 | describe: 'The relative path of package.json where flow-bin is installed',
65 | type: 'string'
66 | }
67 | }).example('$0 outdated', '').help('h').alias('h', 'help');
68 | }
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 | async function run(args) {
76 | const cwd = typeof args.rootDir === 'string' ? _path.default.resolve(args.rootDir) : process.cwd();
77 | const flowProjectRoot = await (0, _flowProjectUtils.findFlowRoot)(cwd);
78 | const libdefDir = typeof args.libdefDir === 'string' ? args.libdefDir : 'flow-typed';
79 | const packageDir = typeof args.packageDir === 'string' ? _path.default.resolve(args.packageDir) : cwd;
80 | const flowVersion = await (0, _flowVersion.determineFlowSpecificVersion)(packageDir, args.flowVersion);
81 |
82 | const useCacheUntil = Number(args.useCacheUntil) || _cacheRepoUtils.CACHE_REPO_EXPIRY;
83 |
84 | if (flowProjectRoot === null) {
85 | console.error('Error: Unable to find a flow project in the current dir or any of ' + "it's parent dirs!\n" + 'Please run this command from within a Flow project.');
86 | return 1;
87 | }
88 |
89 | const cachedLibDefs = await (0, _npmLibDefs.getCacheNpmLibDefs)(useCacheUntil, true);
90 | const installedLibDefs = await (0, _npmLibDefs.getInstalledNpmLibDefs)(flowProjectRoot, libdefDir);
91 | let outdatedList = [];
92 | await Promise.all(cachedLibDefs.map(async cachedDef => {
93 | await Promise.all([...installedLibDefs.values()].map(async installedDef => {
94 |
95 |
96 | if (installedDef.kind === 'Stub' && installedDef.name.startsWith(`${cachedDef.name}_`)) {
97 | const stubName = installedDef.name.substring(0, installedDef.name.indexOf('_'));
98 | outdatedList.push({
99 | name: stubName,
100 | message: `A new libdef has been published to the registry replacing your stub install it with \`flow-typed install ${stubName}\``
101 | });
102 | }
103 |
104 | if (installedDef.kind === 'LibDef' && installedDef.libDef.name === cachedDef.name && installedDef.libDef.scope === cachedDef.scope) {
105 | const definitionFullName = installedDef.libDef.scope ? `${installedDef.libDef.scope}/${installedDef.libDef.name}` : installedDef.libDef.name;
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | const npmLibDef = await (0, _npmLibDefs.findNpmLibDef)(definitionFullName, installedDef.libDef.version, flowVersion, args.useCacheUntil ? Number(args.useCacheUntil) : undefined, undefined, cachedLibDefs);
110 |
111 | if (npmLibDef) {
112 | const file = await _node.fs.readFile(_path.default.join(cwd, installedDef.libDef.path), 'utf-8');
113 | const installedSignatureArray = pullSignature(file);
114 | const repoVersion = await (0, _npmLibDefs.getNpmLibDefVersionHash)((0, _cacheRepoUtils.getCacheRepoDir)(), npmLibDef);
115 | const codeSignPreprocessor = (0, _codeSign.signCodeStream)(repoVersion);
116 |
117 | const content = _node.fs.readFileSync(npmLibDef.path, 'utf-8');
118 |
119 | const cacheSignatureArray = pullSignature(codeSignPreprocessor(content));
120 |
121 | if (installedSignatureArray[0] !== cacheSignatureArray[0] || installedSignatureArray[1] !== cacheSignatureArray[1]) {
122 | outdatedList.push({
123 | name: definitionFullName,
124 | message: 'This libdef does not match what we found in the registry, update it with `flow-typed update`'
125 | });
126 | }
127 | }
128 | }
129 | }));
130 | }));
131 | const ftConfig = (0, _ftConfig.getFtConfig)(cwd);
132 | const {
133 | env
134 | } = ftConfig !== null && ftConfig !== void 0 ? ftConfig : {};
135 |
136 | if (Array.isArray(env)) {
137 | const envDefs = await (0, _envDefs.getEnvDefs)();
138 | await Promise.all(env.map(async en => {
139 | if (typeof en !== 'string') return;
140 | const def = await (0, _envDefs.findEnvDef)(en, flowVersion, useCacheUntil, envDefs);
141 |
142 | if (def) {
143 | const localDefPath = _path.default.join(flowProjectRoot, libdefDir, 'environments', `${en}.js`);
144 |
145 | if (!(await _node.fs.exists(localDefPath))) {
146 | outdatedList.push({
147 | name: en,
148 | message: 'This env def has not yet been installed try running `flow-typed install`'
149 | });
150 | return;
151 | } else {
152 | const installedDef = _node.fs.readFileSync(localDefPath, 'utf-8');
153 |
154 | const installedSignatureArray = pullSignature(installedDef);
155 | const repoVersion = await (0, _envDefs.getEnvDefVersionHash)((0, _cacheRepoUtils.getCacheRepoDir)(), def);
156 | const codeSignPreprocessor = (0, _codeSign.signCodeStream)(repoVersion);
157 |
158 | const content = _node.fs.readFileSync(def.path, 'utf-8');
159 |
160 | const cacheSignatureArray = pullSignature(codeSignPreprocessor(content));
161 |
162 | if (installedSignatureArray[0] !== cacheSignatureArray[0] || installedSignatureArray[1] !== cacheSignatureArray[1]) {
163 | outdatedList.push({
164 | name: en,
165 | message: 'This env definition does not match what we found in the registry, update it with `flow-typed update`'
166 | });
167 | }
168 | }
169 | } else {
170 | outdatedList.push({
171 | name: en,
172 | message: 'This env definition does not exist in the registry or there is no compatible definition for your version of flow'
173 | });
174 | }
175 | }));
176 | }
177 |
178 | if (outdatedList.length > 0) {
179 |
180 | outdatedList = outdatedList.reduce((acc, cur) => {
181 | if (acc.find(o => o.name === cur.name)) {
182 | return acc;
183 | }
184 |
185 | return [...acc, cur];
186 | }, []);
187 | console.log((0, _table.table)([['Name', 'Details'], ...outdatedList.map(o => [o.name, o.message])]));
188 | } else {
189 | console.log('All your lib defs are up to date!');
190 | }
191 |
192 | return 0;
193 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |