1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.findEnvDef = void 0;
7 | exports.getEnvDefVersionHash = getEnvDefVersionHash;
8 | exports.getEnvDefs = void 0;
9 |
10 | var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
11 |
12 | var _semver = _interopRequireDefault(require("semver"));
13 |
14 | var _cacheRepoUtils = require("./cacheRepoUtils");
15 |
16 | var _node = require("./node");
17 |
18 | var _ValidationError = require("./ValidationError");
19 |
20 | var _flowVersion = require("./flowVersion");
21 |
22 | var _fileUtils = require("./fileUtils");
23 |
24 | var _libDefs = require("./libDefs");
25 |
26 | var _git = require("./git");
27 |
28 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
29 |
30 | const getEnvDefs = async () => {
31 | const definitionsDir = _path.default.join((0, _cacheRepoUtils.getCacheRepoDir)(), 'definitions');
32 |
33 | const envDefsDirPath = _path.default.join(definitionsDir, 'environments');
34 |
35 | const dirItems = await _node.fs.readdir(envDefsDirPath);
36 | const errors = [];
37 | const proms = dirItems.map(async itemName => {
38 | if ((0, _fileUtils.isExcludedFile)(itemName)) return;
39 |
40 | try {
41 | return await getSingleEnvDef(itemName, envDefsDirPath);
42 | } catch (e) {
43 | errors.push(e);
44 | }
45 | });
46 | const settled = await Promise.all(proms);
47 |
48 | if (errors.length) {
49 | throw errors;
50 | }
51 |
52 | return [...settled].filter(Boolean).flat();
53 | };
54 |
55 | exports.getEnvDefs = getEnvDefs;
56 |
57 | const getSingleEnvDef = async (defName, envDefPath) => {
58 | const itemPath = _path.default.join(envDefPath, defName);
59 |
60 | const itemStat = await _node.fs.stat(itemPath);
61 |
62 | if (itemStat.isDirectory()) {
63 |
64 | return await extractEnvDefs(itemPath, defName);
65 | } else {
66 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`Expected only directories to be present in this directory.`);
67 | }
68 | };
69 |
70 | async function extractEnvDefs(envDirPath, defName) {
71 | const envDefFileName = `${defName}.js`;
72 | const envDirItems = await _node.fs.readdir(envDirPath);
73 | const commonTestFiles = [];
74 | const parsedFlowDirs = [];
75 | envDirItems.forEach(envDirItem => {
76 | const envDirItemPath = _path.default.join(envDirPath, envDirItem);
77 |
78 | const envDirItemStat = _node.fs.statSync(envDirItemPath);
79 |
80 | if (envDirItemStat.isFile()) {
81 | const isValidTestFile = _libDefs.TEST_FILE_NAME_RE.test(envDirItem);
82 |
83 | if (isValidTestFile) commonTestFiles.push(envDirItemPath);
84 | } else if (envDirItemStat.isDirectory()) {
85 | const parsedFlowDir = (0, _flowVersion.parseDirString)(envDirItem);
86 | parsedFlowDirs.push([envDirItemPath, parsedFlowDir]);
87 | } else {
88 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError('Unexpected directory item');
89 | }
90 | });
91 |
92 | if (!(0, _flowVersion.disjointVersionsAll)(parsedFlowDirs.map(([_, ver]) => ver))) {
93 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`Flow versions not disjoint on ${defName}!`);
94 | }
95 |
96 | if (parsedFlowDirs.length === 0) {
97 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError('No libdef files found!');
98 | }
99 |
100 | const envDefs = [];
101 | await Promise.all(parsedFlowDirs.map(async ([flowDirPath, flowVersion]) => {
102 | const testFilePaths = [...commonTestFiles];
103 | let libDefFilePath = null;
104 | (await _node.fs.readdir(flowDirPath)).forEach(flowDirItem => {
105 | const flowDirItemPath = _path.default.join(flowDirPath, flowDirItem);
106 |
107 | const flowDirItemStat = _node.fs.statSync(flowDirItemPath);
108 |
109 | if (flowDirItemStat.isFile()) {
110 | if (_path.default.extname(flowDirItem) === '.swp') {
111 | return;
112 | }
113 |
114 |
115 | if (flowDirItem === envDefFileName) {
116 | libDefFilePath = _path.default.join(flowDirPath, flowDirItem);
117 | return;
118 | }
119 |
120 |
121 | const isValidTestFile = _libDefs.TEST_FILE_NAME_RE.test(flowDirItem);
122 |
123 | if (isValidTestFile) {
124 | testFilePaths.push(flowDirItemPath);
125 | return;
126 | }
127 |
128 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`Unexpected file: ${envDefFileName}. This directory can only contain test files ` + `or a env def file named \`${envDefFileName}\`.`);
129 | } else {
130 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`Unexpected sub-directory. This directory can only contain test ` + `files or a env def file named \`${envDefFileName}\`.`);
131 | }
132 | });
133 |
134 | if (libDefFilePath === null) {
135 | libDefFilePath = _path.default.join(flowDirPath, envDefFileName);
136 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`No env def file found. Looking for a file named ${envDefFileName}`);
137 | }
138 |
139 | envDefs.push({
140 | name: defName,
141 | flowVersion,
142 | path: libDefFilePath,
143 | testFilePaths
144 | });
145 | }));
146 | return envDefs;
147 | }
148 |
149 | const findEnvDef = (defName, flowVersion, useCacheUntil, envDefs) => {
150 | return envDefs.filter(def => {
151 | let filterMatch = def.name === defName;
152 |
153 | if (!filterMatch) {
154 | return false;
155 | }
156 |
157 | switch (def.flowVersion.kind) {
158 | case 'all':
159 | return true;
160 |
161 | case 'ranged':
162 | case 'specific':
163 | return _semver.default.satisfies((0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(flowVersion), (0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(def.flowVersion));
164 |
165 | default:
166 | return true;
167 | }
168 | })[0];
169 | };
170 |
171 | exports.findEnvDef = findEnvDef;
172 |
173 | async function getEnvDefVersionHash(repoDirPath, libDef) {
174 | const latestCommitHash = await (0, _git.findLatestFileCommitHash)(repoDirPath, _path.default.relative(repoDirPath, libDef.path));
175 | return `${latestCommitHash.substr(0, 10)}/${libDef.name}/flow_${(0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(libDef.flowVersion)}`;
176 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |