1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports._cacheRepoAssure = exports._REMOTE_REPO_URL = exports._LAST_UPDATED_FILE = exports._CACHE_REPO_GIT_DIR = exports._CACHE_REPO_EXPIRY = exports._CACHE_REPO_DIR = exports.TEST_FILE_NAME_RE = void 0;
7 | exports._ensureCacheRepo = ensureCacheRepo;
8 | exports.filterLibDefs = filterLibDefs;
9 | exports.getCacheLibDefs = getCacheLibDefs;
10 | exports.getLibDefs = getLibDefs;
11 | exports.parseRepoDirItem = parseRepoDirItem;
12 | exports.updateCacheRepo = updateCacheRepo;
13 |
14 | var _semver = _interopRequireDefault(require("semver"));
15 |
16 | var _git = require("./git.js");
17 |
18 | var _fileUtils = require("./fileUtils.js");
19 |
20 | var _node = require("./node.js");
21 |
22 | var _semver2 = require("./semver.js");
23 |
24 | var _flowVersion = require("./flowVersion.js");
25 |
26 | var _ValidationError = require("./ValidationError");
27 |
28 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
29 |
30 | const P = Promise;
31 | const TEST_FILE_NAME_RE = /^test_.*\.js$/;
33 |
34 | const CACHE_DIR = _node.path.join(_node.os.homedir(), '.flow-typed');
35 |
36 | const CACHE_REPO_DIR = _node.path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'repo');
37 |
39 | const REMOTE_REPO_URL = 'https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed.git';
41 |
42 | const LAST_UPDATED_FILE = _node.path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'lastUpdated');
43 |
45 |
46 | async function cloneCacheRepo(verbose) {
47 | await (0, _fileUtils.mkdirp)(CACHE_REPO_DIR);
48 |
49 | try {
50 | await (0, _git.cloneInto)(REMOTE_REPO_URL, CACHE_REPO_DIR);
51 | } catch (e) {
52 | writeVerbose(verbose, 'ERROR: Unable to clone the local cache repo.');
53 | throw e;
54 | }
55 |
56 | await _node.fs.writeFile(LAST_UPDATED_FILE, String(Date.now()));
57 | }
58 |
59 | const CACHE_REPO_GIT_DIR = _node.path.join(CACHE_REPO_DIR, '.git');
60 |
62 |
63 | async function rebaseCacheRepo(verbose) {
64 | if ((await _node.fs.exists(CACHE_REPO_DIR)) && (await _node.fs.exists(CACHE_REPO_GIT_DIR))) {
65 | try {
66 | await (0, _git.rebaseRepoMainline)(CACHE_REPO_DIR);
67 | } catch (e) {
68 | writeVerbose(verbose, 'ERROR: Unable to rebase the local cache repo. ' + e.message);
69 | return false;
70 | }
71 |
72 | await _node.fs.writeFile(LAST_UPDATED_FILE, String(Date.now()));
73 | return true;
74 | } else {
75 | await cloneCacheRepo(verbose);
76 | return true;
77 | }
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 | async function updateCacheRepo(verbose) {
85 | return await ensureCacheRepo(verbose, 0);
86 | }
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 | const CACHE_REPO_EXPIRY = 1000 * 60;
94 |
96 | const _cacheRepoAssure = {
97 | lastAssured: 0,
98 | pendingAssure: Promise.resolve()
99 | };
100 | exports._cacheRepoAssure = _cacheRepoAssure;
101 |
102 | async function ensureCacheRepo(verbose, cacheRepoExpiry = CACHE_REPO_EXPIRY) {
103 |
104 | if (_cacheRepoAssure.lastAssured + 5 * 1000 * 60 >= Date.now()) {
105 | return _cacheRepoAssure.pendingAssure;
106 | }
107 |
108 | _cacheRepoAssure.lastAssured = Date.now();
109 | const prevAssure = _cacheRepoAssure.pendingAssure;
110 | return _cacheRepoAssure.pendingAssure = prevAssure.then(() => async function () {
111 | const repoDirExists = _node.fs.exists(CACHE_REPO_DIR);
112 |
113 | const repoGitDirExists = _node.fs.exists(CACHE_REPO_GIT_DIR);
114 |
115 | if (!(await repoDirExists) || !(await repoGitDirExists)) {
116 | writeVerbose(verbose, '• flow-typed cache not found, fetching from GitHub...', false);
117 | await cloneCacheRepo(verbose);
118 | writeVerbose(verbose, 'done.');
119 | } else {
120 | let lastUpdated = 0;
121 |
122 | if (await _node.fs.exists(LAST_UPDATED_FILE)) {
123 |
124 |
125 | const lastUpdatedRaw = await _node.fs.readFile(LAST_UPDATED_FILE);
126 | const lastUpdatedNum = parseInt(lastUpdatedRaw, 10);
127 |
128 | if (String(lastUpdatedNum) === String(lastUpdatedRaw)) {
129 | lastUpdated = lastUpdatedNum;
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 | if (lastUpdated + cacheRepoExpiry < Date.now()) {
134 | writeVerbose(verbose, '• rebasing flow-typed cache...', false);
135 | const rebaseSuccessful = await rebaseCacheRepo(verbose);
136 |
137 | if (rebaseSuccessful) {
138 | writeVerbose(verbose, 'done.');
139 | } else {
140 | writeVerbose(verbose, "\nNOTE: Unable to rebase local cache! If you don't currently " + "have internet connectivity, no worries -- we'll update the " + 'local cache the next time you do.\n');
141 | }
142 | }
143 | }
144 | }());
145 | }
146 |
147 |
148 | async function addLibDefs(pkgDirPath, libDefs) {
149 | const parsedDirItem = parseRepoDirItem(pkgDirPath);
150 | (await parseLibDefsFromPkgDir(parsedDirItem, pkgDirPath)).forEach(libDef => libDefs.push(libDef));
151 | }
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 | async function getLibDefs(defsDir) {
158 | const libDefs = [];
159 | const defsDirItems = await _node.fs.readdir(defsDir);
160 | await P.all(defsDirItems.map(async item => {
161 | if ((0, _fileUtils.isExcludedFile)(item)) return;
162 |
163 | const itemPath = _node.path.join(defsDir, item);
164 |
165 | const itemStat = await _node.fs.stat(itemPath);
166 |
167 | if (itemStat.isDirectory()) {
168 | if (item.charAt(0) === '@') {
169 |
170 | const scope = item;
171 | const defsDirItems = await _node.fs.readdir(itemPath);
172 | await P.all(defsDirItems.map(async item => {
173 | if ((0, _fileUtils.isExcludedFile)(item)) return;
174 |
175 | const itemPath = _node.path.join(defsDir, scope, item);
176 |
177 | const itemStat = await _node.fs.stat(itemPath);
178 |
179 | if (itemStat.isDirectory()) {
180 |
181 | await addLibDefs(itemPath, libDefs);
182 | } else {
183 | const error = `Expected only directories in the 'definitions/npm/@<scope>' directory! Please remove or change ${itemPath}`;
184 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(error);
185 | }
186 | }));
187 | } else {
188 |
189 | await addLibDefs(itemPath, libDefs);
190 | }
191 | } else {
192 | const error = `Expected only directories in the 'definitions/npm' directory! Please remove or change ${itemPath}`;
193 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(error);
194 | }
195 | }));
196 | return libDefs;
197 | }
198 |
199 | function parsePkgFlowDirVersion(pkgFlowDirPath) {
200 | const pkgFlowDirName = _node.path.basename(pkgFlowDirPath);
201 |
202 | return (0, _flowVersion.parseDirString)(pkgFlowDirName);
203 | }
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 | async function parseLibDefsFromPkgDir({
212 | pkgName,
213 | pkgVersion
214 | }, pkgDirPath) {
215 | const pkgVersionStr = (0, _semver2.versionToString)(pkgVersion);
216 | const pkgDirItems = await _node.fs.readdir(pkgDirPath);
217 | const commonTestFiles = [];
218 | const flowDirs = [];
219 | pkgDirItems.forEach(pkgDirItem => {
220 | const pkgDirItemPath = _node.path.join(pkgDirPath, pkgDirItem);
221 |
222 | const pkgDirItemStat = _node.fs.statSync(pkgDirItemPath);
223 |
224 | if (pkgDirItemStat.isFile()) {
225 | if (_node.path.extname(pkgDirItem) === '.swp') {
226 | return;
227 | }
228 |
229 | const isValidTestFile = validateTestFile(pkgDirItemPath);
230 |
231 | if (isValidTestFile) {
232 | commonTestFiles.push(pkgDirItemPath);
233 | }
234 | } else if (pkgDirItemStat.isDirectory()) {
235 | flowDirs.push([pkgDirItemPath, parsePkgFlowDirVersion(pkgDirItemPath)]);
236 | } else {
237 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError('Unexpected directory item: ' + pkgDirItemPath);
238 | }
239 | });
240 |
241 | if (!(0, _flowVersion.disjointVersionsAll)(flowDirs.map(([_, ver]) => ver))) {
242 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`Flow versions not disjoint on ${pkgName}`);
243 | }
244 |
245 | if (flowDirs.length === 0) {
246 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(`No libdef files found in ${pkgDirPath}!`);
247 | }
248 |
249 | const libDefs = [];
250 | await P.all(flowDirs.map(async ([flowDirPath, flowVersion]) => {
251 | var _configPath;
252 |
253 | const testFilePaths = [].concat(commonTestFiles);
254 | const basePkgName = pkgName.charAt(0) === '@' ? pkgName.split(_node.path.sep).pop() : pkgName;
255 | const libDefFileName = pkgVersionStr === 'vx.x.x' ? `${basePkgName}.js` : `${basePkgName}_${pkgVersionStr}.js`;
256 | let libDefFilePath;
257 | let configPath;
258 | (await _node.fs.readdir(flowDirPath)).forEach(flowDirItem => {
259 | const flowDirItemPath = _node.path.join(flowDirPath, flowDirItem);
260 |
261 | const flowDirItemStat = _node.fs.statSync(flowDirItemPath);
262 |
263 | if (flowDirItemStat.isFile()) {
264 |
265 |
266 | if (pkgName === 'ERROR') {
267 | return;
268 | }
269 |
270 | if (_node.path.extname(flowDirItem) === '.swp') {
271 | return;
272 | }
273 |
274 | if (flowDirItem === 'config.json') {
275 | configPath = _node.path.join(flowDirPath, flowDirItem);
276 | return;
277 | }
278 |
279 | if (flowDirItem === libDefFileName) {
280 | libDefFilePath = _node.path.join(flowDirPath, flowDirItem);
281 | return;
282 | }
283 |
284 | const isValidTestFile = validateTestFile(flowDirItemPath);
285 |
286 | if (isValidTestFile) {
287 | testFilePaths.push(flowDirItemPath);
288 | }
289 | } else {
290 | const error = 'Unexpected directory item: ' + flowDirItemPath;
291 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(error);
292 | }
293 | });
294 |
295 | if (libDefFilePath == null) {
296 | libDefFilePath = _node.path.join(flowDirPath, libDefFileName);
297 |
298 | if (pkgName !== 'ERROR') {
299 | const error = `No libdef file found in ${flowDirPath}`;
300 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(error);
301 | }
302 |
303 | return;
304 | }
305 |
306 | libDefs.push({
307 | pkgName,
308 | pkgVersionStr,
309 | configPath: (_configPath = configPath) !== null && _configPath !== void 0 ? _configPath : null,
310 | flowVersion: flowVersion,
311 | flowVersionStr: (0, _flowVersion.toDirString)(flowVersion),
312 | path: libDefFilePath,
313 | testFilePaths
314 | });
315 | }));
316 | return libDefs;
317 | }
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 | const REPO_DIR_ITEM_NAME_RE = /^(.*)_v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+|x)\.([0-9]+|x)(-.*)?$/;
325 |
326 | function parseRepoDirItem(dirItemPath) {
327 | const dirItem = _node.path.basename(dirItemPath);
328 |
329 |
330 | if (dirItemPath.includes('definitions/environments')) {
331 | return {
332 | pkgName: dirItem,
333 | pkgVersion: {
334 | major: 'x',
335 | minor: 'x',
336 | patch: 'x',
337 | prerel: null
338 | }
339 | };
340 | }
341 |
342 | const itemMatches = dirItem.match(REPO_DIR_ITEM_NAME_RE);
343 |
344 | if (itemMatches == null) {
345 | const error = `'${dirItem}' is a malformed definitions/npm/ directory name! ` + `Expected the name to be formatted as <PKGNAME>_v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>`;
346 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(error);
347 | }
348 |
349 | const [_, pkgName, majorStr, minorStr, patchStr, prerel] = itemMatches;
350 |
351 | const item = _node.path.dirname(dirItemPath).split(_node.path.sep).pop();
352 |
353 | const major = validateVersionNumPart(majorStr, 'major', dirItemPath);
354 | const minor = validateVersionPart(minorStr, 'minor', dirItemPath);
355 | const patch = validateVersionPart(patchStr, 'patch', dirItemPath);
356 | return {
357 | pkgName: item.charAt(0) === '@' ? `${item}${_node.path.sep}${pkgName}` : pkgName,
358 | pkgVersion: {
359 | major,
360 | minor,
361 | patch,
362 | prerel: prerel != null ? prerel.substr(1) : prerel
363 | }
364 | };
365 | }
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 | function validateTestFile(testFilePath) {
372 | const testFileName = _node.path.basename(testFilePath);
373 |
374 | return TEST_FILE_NAME_RE.test(testFileName);
375 | }
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 | function validateVersionNumPart(part, partName, context) {
383 | const num = parseInt(part, 10);
384 |
385 | if (String(num) !== part) {
386 | const error = `'${context}': Invalid ${partName} number: '${part}'. Expected a number.`;
387 | throw new _ValidationError.ValidationError(error);
388 | }
389 |
390 | return num;
391 | }
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 | function validateVersionPart(part, partName, context) {
399 | if (part === 'x') {
400 | return part;
401 | }
402 |
403 | return validateVersionNumPart(part, partName, context);
404 | }
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 | async function verifyCLIVersion(defsDirPath) {
412 | var _semver$coerce;
413 |
414 | const metadataFilePath = _node.path.join(defsDirPath, '.cli-metadata.json');
415 |
416 | const metadata = await _node.fs.readJson(metadataFilePath);
417 |
418 | if (!metadata.compatibleCLIRange) {
419 | throw new Error(`Unable to find the 'compatibleCLIRange' property in ` + `${metadataFilePath}. You might need to update to a newer version of ` + `the Flow CLI.`);
420 | }
421 |
422 | const minCLIVersion = metadata.compatibleCLIRange;
423 |
424 | const thisCLIVersion = require('../../package.json').version;
425 |
426 | if (!_semver.default.satisfies((_semver$coerce = _semver.default.coerce(thisCLIVersion)) !== null && _semver$coerce !== void 0 ? _semver$coerce : thisCLIVersion, minCLIVersion)) {
427 | throw new Error(`Please upgrade your CLI version! This CLI is version ` + `${thisCLIVersion}, but the latest flow-typed definitions are only ` + `compatible with flow-typed@${minCLIVersion}`);
428 | }
429 | }
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 | function writeVerbose(stream, msg, writeNewline = true) {
437 | if (stream != null) {
438 | stream.write(msg + (writeNewline ? '\n' : ''));
439 | }
440 | }
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 | const CACHE_REPO_DEFS_DIR = _node.path.join(CACHE_REPO_DIR, 'definitions', 'npm');
450 |
451 | async function getCacheLibDefs(verbose = process.stdout) {
452 | await ensureCacheRepo(verbose);
453 | await verifyCLIVersion(_node.path.join(CACHE_REPO_DIR, 'definitions'));
454 | return getLibDefs(CACHE_REPO_DEFS_DIR);
455 | }
456 |
457 | function packageNameMatch(a, b) {
458 | return a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();
459 | }
460 |
461 | function libdefMatchesPackageVersion(pkgSemver, defVersionRaw) {
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 | let defVersion = defVersionRaw;
466 |
467 | if (defVersionRaw[0] !== '=' && defVersionRaw[0] !== '^') {
468 | defVersion = '^' + defVersionRaw;
469 | }
470 |
471 | if (_semver.default.valid(pkgSemver)) {
472 |
473 | return _semver.default.satisfies(pkgSemver, defVersion);
474 | }
475 |
476 | if (_semver.default.valid(defVersion)) {
477 |
478 | return _semver.default.satisfies(defVersion, pkgSemver);
479 | }
480 |
481 | const pkgRange = new _semver.default.Range(pkgSemver);
482 | const defRange = new _semver.default.Range(defVersion);
483 |
484 | if (defRange.set[0].length !== 2) {
485 | throw Error('Invalid libDef version, It appears to be a non-contiguous range.');
486 | }
487 |
488 | const defLowerB = defRange.set[0][0].semver.version;
489 | const defUpperB = defRange.set[0][1].semver.version;
490 |
491 | if (_semver.default.gtr(defLowerB, pkgSemver) || _semver.default.ltr(defUpperB, pkgSemver)) {
492 | return false;
493 | }
494 |
495 | const pkgLowerB = pkgRange.set[0][0].semver.version;
496 | return defRange.test(pkgLowerB);
497 | }
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 | function filterLibDefs(defs, filter) {
504 | return defs.filter(def => {
505 | let filterMatch = false;
506 |
507 | switch (filter.type) {
508 | case 'exact':
509 | filterMatch = packageNameMatch(def.pkgName, filter.pkgName) && libdefMatchesPackageVersion(filter.pkgVersionStr, def.pkgVersionStr);
510 | break;
511 |
512 | case 'exact-name':
513 | filterMatch = packageNameMatch(def.pkgName, filter.term);
514 | break;
515 |
516 | case 'fuzzy':
517 | filterMatch = def.pkgName.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.term.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
518 | break;
519 |
520 | default:
521 | throw new Error(`'${filter.type}' is an unexpected filter type! This should never ` + `happen!`);
522 | }
523 |
524 | if (!filterMatch) {
525 | return false;
526 | }
527 |
528 | const filterFlowVerStr = filter.flowVersionStr;
529 |
530 | if (filterFlowVerStr) {
531 | const {
532 | flowVersion
533 | } = def;
534 |
535 | switch (flowVersion.kind) {
536 | case 'all':
537 | return _semver.default.satisfies(filterFlowVerStr, def.flowVersionStr);
538 |
539 | case 'specific':
540 | return _semver.default.satisfies(filterFlowVerStr, def.flowVersionStr);
541 |
542 | case 'ranged':
543 | const {
544 | upper
545 | } = flowVersion;
546 |
547 | if (upper) {
548 | const lowerSpecific = {
549 | kind: 'ranged',
550 | upper: null,
551 | lower: flowVersion.lower
552 | };
553 | const lowerSpecificSemver = (0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(lowerSpecific);
554 | const upperSpecificSemver = (0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)({
555 | kind: 'specific',
556 | ver: upper
557 | });
558 | return _semver.default.satisfies(filterFlowVerStr, lowerSpecificSemver) && _semver.default.satisfies(filterFlowVerStr, upperSpecificSemver);
559 | } else {
560 | return _semver.default.satisfies(filterFlowVerStr, (0, _flowVersion.toSemverString)(def.flowVersion));
561 | }
562 |
563 | default:
564 | flowVersion;
565 | throw new Error('Unexpected FlowVersion kind!');
566 | }
567 | }
568 |
569 | return true;
570 | }).sort((a, b) => {
571 | const aZeroed = a.pkgVersionStr.replace(/x/g, '0');
572 | const bZeroed = b.pkgVersionStr.replace(/x/g, '0');
573 |
574 | const pkgCompare = _semver.default.compare(aZeroed, bZeroed);
575 |
576 | if (pkgCompare !== 0) return -pkgCompare;
577 | const aFlowVersionStr = a.flowVersionStr;
578 | const bFlowVersionStr = b.flowVersionStr;
579 | if (aFlowVersionStr == null) return 1;
580 | if (bFlowVersionStr == null) return -1;
581 | const aFlowVersion = (0, _flowVersion.parseDirString)(aFlowVersionStr);
582 | const bFlowVersion = (0, _flowVersion.parseDirString)(bFlowVersionStr);
583 | return -1 * (0, _flowVersion.compareFlowVersionAsc)(aFlowVersion, bFlowVersion);
584 | });
585 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |